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<br /> �D7-1997 DEED OF TRlIST 97,���o�r PII�3 4 ; • - _: �•
<br /> l.va;.`::."�te9 �G�n�inueA) �`} .- - � r -
<br /> 1 F� . ' Y'-�_•
<br /> LMns sacttcn and dcawiSs w(th lsred:r cash or u 5uf3dsM Corparata suroty Dond or atR2r seeunty satisfactwy to Lendar. f " �� '�,�-
<br /> SECt�tlTlf AGREEaiENT;�ItiAMCING BTdTE7AEtiT$.The following provtsions relating to this Deed of Trust as a�.,`curiry apreement are a part of � • : • '-�.
<br /> ' WS D9Bd of TnuG . . —
<br /> ' Seetuliy A�eamtnt Th1s htshumenl staU consHtute a s¢curity egreement to the extent any of the Proaerty coretitutes fuctures or other � �
<br /> peeson�l property,end Lender sha{�have atl of the rigMs ot a secured parry under tne Untform Commerdal Cod9 es amended�rom brrte ro f �_�
<br /> tlqiB. I , ,
<br /> � SeCUAty tntetls�. Upon tequesl by Lender,Trustor shsll exeCUte finanpng statements and teke whstsvar other adion is requesied Dy Lender � ; -
<br /> to petteCt and continue Lendefs SeCUdty irterest in the Rents and Personal PropeRy. In addiUon to rscordlr�q ths Deed of Trust in the rea� j
<br /> proparty roeorda,Undar may,a!arsy Ume and wiUiout luRher 8uthori�UOn from Twtnr,fite executed counterpaAs,copies or reproductions af , • .w
<br /> thb Dped of Tntst as a Rr�nanp sttttement Tnutor shafl reimbutse Lender fcr ell expen58s incurred in perfecting or continuirtg thls security _-
<br /> !nl�,i, t,tRost d�itdl,Tn�44t shsif e�3mble the Personal PregflAy In a manrrer and at a Ptace reasonabh conven;ent to Trustor and lender : . ---
<br /> and mike it av=t4bfa to LenCer v+ithtn three(3)days after receipi ot�vritten dsmand from Lender. ` `"
<br /> AddrWq, Ttw�mIDrt�add[esse3 01 Tnutar(dsbtor)and Lender (sacured parly),from which informatlon conCemi�g the seCUdty interest r � � -
<br /> Sgantad by fhls Qoed a?Tn�i m8y be obffiIned(each es requtred by the UnHOrm Commsrdal Code),are as sffited on tha first page of this Deed •
<br /> Of Tnut. ' � , , °
<br /> F1iRYF�R ASSIlAA!'lCES;ATTORNE1f-1{tl-FACT. TAB fo�owing provlslons relating to further assurances and attomey-in--fact are a parf of tAfs • � _
<br /> Dsed af Tn�sf. �
<br /> . � FWrthet Assu�a�1C�J. /U any tlme.and from Ume:o Hme,upon requesl of Lender,Trustor vri11 make,execute and daGver,or wili cause to be : .
<br /> mada,exgcuted or deGvered.to Lender a to Lender's designee,ared when requested by Lendar,cause to be flted,recorded,reBlsd,a �:
<br /> �arecotdad.as th9 case may be,at six;h dmes and in s�tch oifices and places es Londer may deem appmprste,any end e115uch mortgages, f ,.• , , ;•
<br /> dgs�g p�b�t�t�Sxutlty Qe6dg,securify a�eemerAS,fi�aneing statements,continuation statemerds,instruments ot further assurance,cerUficates, i�
<br /> and other documenb aS may,in the sote opiNon af Lender,be nec�y or desirabte in order to e`fechiate,comp►ete,perted,ccr.9nue.or� °=�" �,
<br /> �, preserve (e)The Ob6ga8ons ot Ttustor under tAe Note,thls Deed of Trusl,and Me Reiated Documen�,end {b)the fiens and seCUr�y�:'.eresTS R , `
<br /> xettW b,thta Deed ot rust 8S flrSt ead pdor tions on the Properly,whelher now owrted w hereafter ecquired by TruSta. Untess prohiDited by . . �
<br /> � Iaw or aQreed to the convary by Lender ia wrfting.Trustor shali reimburse lsnder tor aU casts and expenses incurred in conneCtion with the ,
<br /> �; rtutters refsrrsd to In Ws puegrapR ,. � • , ', " �
<br /> Iltt�ed. If Trustor te(is ta Co any of the things rete�red to in ths preceding paragraph,L2n�er may do so far and in the aame of t , �,
<br /> -� TttC,�r Gnd et Trustors�ense. For suCh Ptuposes,Trustor hereby irrevocabiy apPoinis Le�der as T�stors attamey-itrfact for the purpose ,, .�". _
<br /> , � af m�ldnp.execudrp.dalivar(ng.hliny,recordmg.and doing aIi other things as may be necessary ar das"uabie.in Lender's Sole opinion,to t a;.r - '•'� �
<br /> �..__ .��
<br /> 8lxomp6sh the matt�s refetred fo in the preoeding C�S�Ph. ;. <�
<br /> i F1i1„pERFppl11J1![CE If Tnistar pays Nl lhe indebtedr,zss wAen due,and othsrwisa pertorms all the obligations lmpasad upon Trustor under this , � • �'"``� °
<br /> PR
<br /> � � Deed of Trust, lender shaD execute and deUver to TrusteB a request for fu0 reconveyance and shatl ezacute artd deliver to Trustor suitable ,��, �;�
<br /> ; sffitemer�ts of tenNnatlon o!any ftnandng sfatemeM on fite avidendng Londefs security irtterast in the Ranls and the Personal Prop�rryl. My ; •��'yF;��i __
<br /> -1 reconveyanDe tee reql�ed bY�w sF�a9 be paid bY Tnata,it permitted bY apPiicable law. , '
<br /> O�AtLT.Each oi ihe foUOwing,at tha cyYon of Lender,sha11 constitute an event of de(sult("EverA of De1au1P)u�der this Deed of Tnist • �:.; j ' `
<br /> � r t Trustor to make an a ent when due on the Indebtedness. , `s :� -`��
<br /> ' D e f s i d t o n I n d a D t e d n e s a. F a n u e o y P y m e,. . �, .
<br /> � '! Qehuit oa1 OthOr PL71meAt0. Failure of Tntstor within ths tlms required by this Deed of Trust to make any payment for texes or iasurance,or � � ' •; t! �
<br /> �j arry othe►payment nroesssry to prsvent fiiing of or to eNect Eischarge of any Gen. . •� "� �
<br /> �o
<br /> � De1�l kt F�1rot of 7t1kd Pirties. ..�u1d Borrower or anyTnutor detault under any toan,extensron ot aedA,security agreemertt,�.ttchase or �}�'� �'
<br /> ,J sates apreement,or arry other aQreerant,In favor of any other aeddor or person that may meterialry etier.t any ot Bortowe�s praperty or :;��;,�� ��
<br /> � 8orrowers a any Trustors ability to repay the Loans or pedorm their respective obligaUOns under this Dasd of Tnst or any ot the Related � �i --
<br /> - OOCUm9rtls. �. � �J(
<br /> �° Compp�WtMtt� Failure of Ttustor to compty with any other term,obiigation,covanant ar condition con►nlned i�thLs Oeed of Trust,the � � r
<br /> Nofsaln otthaRel�EedDoeuments. __ r- �-`���
<br /> � , t;
<br /> � � F�fe$tatem�nti. My w8rtaniy,represenffitlon or StAtement made ot fumtshed to Lender by or on behelf Of Trustor under this Oeed of Trust, , p,-
<br /> the NOte or the Retated Oacuments is fatse or mis7eading in eny mater�al respe0.either now or et the time made or tumished. � �`;�,{`, -^�°�
<br /> ,l 4�';�•v�.-:,.
<br /> p�teCyyA Cplyteritti�tlotl. This�sed of Tnist or any of the Reiated Dxuments ceases to be in tutl force and e:fect MGuding feilure of any ! � •� ••:�� � �=;
<br /> caAataral daeuments to create a vaQd and pertecteC securlry interest or I:en)at eny Ume and tor any reason. `� - • �:l
<br /> II190iVHICy. Th0�SSOfU�lon Ot teitnlnBUon o}7rU8tors 07dStenCe 8S a going busine55.the in5otvenCy ot TruStor,ihe 8ppotntment ot a rBC81v8f ���`
<br /> fa ury part ot Trusto�s propeRyr, eny asslpnmeat tor the benefit ot creditors, any type ot cretlitor woAcout,ot th9 commencement of any � -. '�•�F+�_'.
<br /> prpceedtnp undot ony benkruptCy or I�oNency taws by or apatrfst Tnistot. . "!"`'�
<br /> �•�.,�::
<br /> Fo�Spaurp�Fpthltun,�tc. Comawncamont of fweCtosure o�fortelture praceedings,whethor by judkdel praCSeWny,sett-help,repo5session .
<br /> a any ather method,by atry aedi4or of Tnistor o►by any yovemmenfai 8gency against any of the PrOpertyr. However,thls subsecUOn sha0 not � �
<br />