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� .. , , ` _ <br /> ` Page 5 . ` .��: <br /> o3-C�9999 DEED O�TRU�j� ��1.��� � -� <br /> " Loan No 400t68 (Ca�t's�u�stj �� _ -_ <br /> i-:�. <br /> . �pM to ezardse tt�Oawer ot sa7e; ' , <br /> (b) Commenoe an acUOn to toredose�h1s Deed cf Trust as a mortgage,appo�N a rece�ver or speatuxtty entorce any of the covenants . -� <br /> hara0f;6nd . �•' <br /> lC) QeBver to Tnistes a written whleh�notlCe�n�stee shell c8use to eeduly fi18tl fo�recortid in!he aAP A�te offi�cas ot�t eBCou�1y�n ; ; <br /> ' Intarest In the PcoPertY W Ca Sold. j' _ <br /> • � vthlCh the Prop��tty is loCated�8nd � <br /> ' (d) With respect to F1ll or ar►�►Qsrt o!ti�e Rersonaf Proparly.Lender shall have a�1 the rigPAS and remedes of e securad party undef the � . <br /> Nehra5k8 Unlform Commerda!Code. �. . . . <br /> ����ppy�p}g�. If Lender e:zcts to tor¢dose by eXercise ot the Power ot Sals Asrein contained.Lender shall not�fy Trosteo and � . � <br /> ��y�it wf?�►Tr�3 t�s�a}TN,►Hnd the Note and such receipts and evidence ot axpenditures mads and secured by ltus Deed af _ <br /> Tntst aS Trtist9e msy tequ�re- M <br /> ��: <br /> (a) Upon reoetpt of such noUC.e trom L.endsr,TrwteeA�s D►eed�f Tn�sir Tn�stee shafl�thaul de S d�ontT�t�ener such�e as maY � <br /> ; and No�ce of Sele as thsn raqtdred by law and by <br /> ��pg tpqulrgd py Ia�y ena gfl6r�rdati0n of such Notice ot 08fault and after kotiee ot Sa!e having bsen piven as requued by taw,sell . <br /> < �p��y�q�8r�and Place ot seis fu�d by H in such Notice ot Sata.either es a whole.or i�separate lots or parcels or items as . , ` " <br /> � � T�g gh�p de6m e�adler�t,and In such order as it may Publk auCtlan tn the htghest bfdder tor cash in tawful money of � <br /> ' th9 United Stgtgs ygyablg at the tlme of safe.frustee shail dafirer to such purc �o�?m I�ede The rec+tals 1n such deed��ol�any ma ers ; '' <br /> ' deeds eomrey�np the property so sWd,bul without a�sy covenant or warranty.exA O' ' <br /> ��S�p��p�US�yg prppt pi thg trulhfidness thereaf. My person,induding without IimAaHOn Trustot.Tnistee.Or Lender.maY �" i <br /> � pluChesa 8t Such 58�e- <br /> , ,, . . . <br /> �p� {�may bg permiq8d by law,after deducting ell costs,fees and e�erues of Trustes and of this 7rust,including costs of evidenoe of <br /> u <br /> UUe(n Connedion wiih Sele.'Truslse sha�1 eP01y the praceeds of sale to payment of (i)aU sums e�ended unGer the terms of tTus Deed of _ <br /> ��� Trusl ar undsr the tem�s of the Note not then repaid,induding bul not fimiteC to acaued interest and Iate charyas. (b)at�utRsr surt�s then . � <br /> � ,���opY.�nd (67){►�temamdar,it tt'�:a Pe�on or persons tega�ly entiNed thereto. ` . 1. <br /> . � (c) Tnt.,Mee may In the ma�ner provided by Iaw postpone sals of el!or any podion of the Property. � . <br /> R�tipt pcCtustve, Trustes and tsnder,and each of them,shal►be enUtled to entorce paymsnt and performanoe ot any i�debt6dness � , <br /> `� pr pbfpa5ons SeCtAed by this Dead OtTnist an�to exe8ncise�^now or hereaftetr in orceh otwflhstanding,�someror alI af sucAandeb dntess .. . , .:,:., �� <br /> Retateil Documents,or under ar►Y olt�er a4ree <br /> '�S:`�3 <br /> ` �� and obUpaflons S�cured by tt�Oaed ot Trust may now or hereafter ba otherwise secured,whether by mortgage,dsed ot trust,pledge,fien, . <br /> ���r�t�r p}herwk,,e. Neither the aoceDtance ot thls Deed of Tnut nar its enforcemsnt,whether by court adion or pursuant to the power ot , �. <br /> �� � sefe ot othar pawers Conta9ned��fteed`o�d b�y Tn�stee orBjLend�it�beirng a9reed that�Tnut etand Lendet,8nd�9each of them.shall be , . -� ;{ ..,.' �. <br /> er�fo�a+ry othet securit�l <br /> a�titled b wrforca tt�ts Deed oi Tnrst and any other securih��ow or hereaRer held by Lendsr or TruStee in such order enC manner as the or _•,t�� <br /> r ,.,:,;�:�. : � <br /> either of them may in ttealr absotute dsareUO T�b�law provlded w P�tted,but each��e cumutahve and shaU be i�n dditionbo - ; �, �� ' <br /> exdusive of eny othet remedy in this Daed of Y • y <br /> every other remedY 41vsn in ttds Dsed of Trust or now w�-�rea8er e�stin9 at�ew or in oquitY or by statute. Every pawer u remedy piven by ihe u �. _.�. <br /> �, <br /> Note or any o!fha Re�3ted�acumertts to Trostee :r S-ender or fo whieh eitlrer of them may bs otherwise entiUed, may bs exercised. ,e: � �_ <br /> ' eonqnrentiy or independerdly,from tlrt�to tlme an�as often as may be deomsd expedient by Trustee or Lender,and either of them may ` �,� } _ <br /> " .`: p��i��gnt cemedieg, I�tothing in this Deed ct Tnut sha�l 6a constru2d as prohibi5ng Lender hom seeking e defN�erwy 1�d9^'��i . `..�'`• � <br /> a,pair�L*.a Yrustor to the extenl such actlon is pertntt►ed by taw. <br /> • Requesl For Hotice.Trustar,on behalt of Trustor and Lender,hereny raquests that a copy of any NoLCe of Oefault and a coDY of ac+�;Rorice � -::�.;.:_ •,� � <br /> W Saie under tNs Deed of Trusl be mailed to them at Me addresses set fonh in the fi+st paragraph of this Deed ot Trust• ; ; _ <br /> . Walvar Eleeaon pf Rsmedfes. A waiver by anyr PaAY ot a breaeh of a Provis�on ot this Deed of Trust shell not eonshtute a waiver o!or ff;s,:• � '..�•:e <br /> t;. <br /> �� praju�Ca tfle pach/S dqhffi othwwlse to demand strld�R eated Documeat,po�p ov�ded by�aw shal/ot exdutle�P�u of 8ny other remedy. " _P.�;.. �,. <br /> �� � remedy provlded In thLs DeeO ot Trusl.4he Note,In arry - � �. <br /> .,,' and nn elecdon to mako ezpenditures w to iNce acdon to peAorm an obligation of Tnlstor under this Deed ot T►ust after fa��tue of Tnutor to z F , <br /> �g�{p�s��a�qfiect Lender's right to C3dare a defaWt and to exereisse eny of iis remedies. � ��,.�.;� Y <br /> ' �ttorneya•Fee�E��s, �}�+e��r ins6tutes any s�it or actlon to entorce any of the terms ot thls Deed of Trust,Lender shsll be entiiled to ��.��:; <br /> recover such Sum as the court may adludge reasonabte as attomeys'leas at fial and on enY ap0eal. W1�ether or not eny eourt aGion is �;_- :�" ,__ <br /> r�yoNea gU�p���enS�S Incurred by Lertder�vhich in Lenders opinion are neceSSarY et anY hme for the proteellon ot its inlerest or the . <br /> • e <br /> gnfOCOament a}Ib rtpht3 shefl beeome e D�of the Indebted hess cpaYab��hout UmRaUon,dhowever�subject to anY�mits unde aPAtllcBblettawf , .�--�� <br /> . htre unt�r Expenses covered by this paragrap •� �i et•�.� <br /> ; �n��p�yr��{�yy�ther a not there is a IawsuA,tnduding a:.ameys'fees tar bankruPlcy Prooeedinps Qnc1uding eftorts to modity or , . ,,�^.y.. � <br /> va�L atnyl autorttaUC sfay a injunction),appeals enC any antirv��-�posWud6merd co�I�UOn SeMCes,the cost of searchlnp records, �� <br /> obtalNnp dfle rePats(Ir�duNny forado�ure reports).surveYcrs'repor�.aPPralsal(ees�Glle i�urance.and fees tor the Trustee�to the extent ':��:.,_ <br /> �bY�pygCebte Izw. TntStpr a�so w(A pay any eourt addiUon to ell other sums P�oK�by Isw. .. _-��=_ <br /> . W�b o!TruBtEe. Trustee shaU hava all ot the dgMs and duties of Lender as set tcrt."•sn thb section. ��„, ." . _. <br /> .�' �, ppyyEpg A!m 08LltiATlONS OF TRtDST�E. 7he to�uwl�0 Provfsfons ra:2ting To tRe FawerS and obliyBUons of 7nutee ete petrt o}this Oeed ot �' . ��,r��, <br /> Tntst ��:;:`��.. <br /> . : : :��.�• — <br /> ' powers ct Ttu�tee. In adQlBan to aJ powers of Trust9e arlslnp as a maHer at Iaw.Trustee stietl have the power to take the tdlowfnp actions ,•�,. <br /> yylth rpspect to the PropeRY Wan ih9 wrftten reQUest ot Lender and Trustor (a�jah��preDedny and filing a map a Dlat o}the Rea1 Property, . <br /> ���p��6Y�uon ot streets or other r�prib to ma puDtic; (d)joln In gr8nUn8 ea;y oasement or ueaUng any restrl�an on the Rea1 PropArfy; . . . ' _ <br /> and (o)joln In any subordlnatlon or otlwr ayreenseM aNecNng this Deed of Tnut w the interest of Lender under thb Deed ot Trust. � . <br /> Try�}�.Tru,te�s►�Y magt all quaTiftcations requUeA(o►Trustee ur.�sr apPticable law. In additlon to the�tphLs nnd remedies set faRh above. • . <br /> }�p�p�py judirJal foreclosuro.ineeilher ce59`i accordance w th and o the tuo texl��vided b�y apptic�ab e law�nder shall Aave St�e dght to <br /> � g�Trttstee. Lender,Bt Lender's OpUOn,may hom time to time appomt a successor Trustee to any Trustee apDointed hereuntler Dy an • •• _ <br /> 1n5Wmprrl�caCUtgd and edcnowledqed by Lender end recorded in the offloe ol Irte recorder of HALL County.Nebraska. The�nstrument sha�l � <br /> COMetn.��eddiUon to eD 01her mtstler5 requlred by state Iaw,the�am05 ot Ihe ong�nal Lender,Truste9,antl 7rustor,th9 book and page(or , � <br /> eortgwW sysWn roference)where this Deed ot Trust Is recorded,end the name and address of tno suocessor trustee,and the imlrumeM shall � <br /> rtg <br /> pp e�ctAed and acknowkdyed by ell the beaeflGades under the Ozed of Trust or thelr successas�n interest. The suCCessor trustee,weho <br /> flGa <br /> conysy�nc�p�tho Proparty,sAatl succeefl to ell tfie title,power,and duues conferted upon lhe Trustee in this Deed o1 Tnut and by app►icabt� . . <br /> taw, TN�procedure for subStlhAion of trustea Shau povem to the exctusion of atl other provlsions tor substitWon. <br /> �T������p qi,�p p��i pAAT�ES, My notice undsr thls Deed o1 Trust shali be in writiny,may be De SeM by teteft�CSirttilia.and Shell • <br /> pe sNecUvr when�ctu�lly daihrerod.or wh�n dsposited wlth a nationalry recopnized overNght couder.or,If malled,shaU be deemed eHecUve when <br /> dappsHod In the Uroted States meU f�st c�ass�oeRified or repistered mail.postaye prepald,diroctsd to the addresses shown near tha bep�nninp of � <br /> �p�p}Try��, Any petty may chanpe Its address fo►no�s under thls Deed of T�ust by givmg tormal writtan notice to the otAer parties. <br /> �Mnp that trie purypgs of ihe noUce is to change 1he partyrs address- All coples ot notices ot foredosure hom the hulder o�enY Gen which has <br /> pAotSly ovar thts OeYd o1 Trus15ha0 be senf to l.ender's address,as shown near the beg�nNng of thfs Deed o}Trust. For notice purposes.Trustor <br /> .� gyraas t0 keep LenQer 8nd Trustee intormed et ali times of Trustors currenl8ddress. � _ <br /> M1SCF11.APfEG1DS PROYISiOtJS. The foROw�ng miseonaneous pro�sions are a part ot th�s Deed o�Trust: � - <br /> Atntndmentp, Thls Daed of Trust,together vnlh any Re�ated Oxumsnis,constitutes the enUre understantling and agroement of the psrties as = --_- <br /> to the mStteB s91�oRA in�hls Oesd ot Trust. No BltetHtion of or amendment to th�s Oeed o1 Trosl shfljl be eftectrvo unl�s grven in vrnhng end , <br /> slpnid by the party or ptuUSS sought to be e�EUged or bound by the alteration or amendment. ' <br /> Mntdo)R�ppAs. I1 Iho Property�S usad for purpo5as oth9r than Treutor's res�tlenCe,Trustor shali lurmsh�o LenOer,upon reQues�.e cerhhed . __—. <br /> StatAmint Of nef operetinp InCOme reGehred�+om the PropeRy during Trustors previous fiscal yea� ��such torm 8nd detad 85 Lender shall ,' <br /> � ��dre. 'Ttqt onereUnq ine0me'shatl meln pll cesh reCetpts hom the PropeA}r�ess atl c8sh expend�hues made m ConneChon witA the Operahon <br /> Ot lhe PrOAertY. e ' . ' � <br /> � �,,. <br /> _+� `. <br /> . . . } � : . ..-..-..,.---�_-. -^--tw .-�---�-- .. . . <br /> . . . .. _ r . • .. r �� :+ .i . , , . . • , � � <br /> ,!+ ._ . " . �.: . . .. . � � . .. , . _ . . . . . . .. �'. ,:� . , . •L, <br />