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•'. '.. .. '� <br /> , —T= -= =� =- -- - - - --. � - .. �--.- - _ - = _ <br /> � � Q3-.p:��9�7 DEED OF TRUS� � � �.�i�� Pag�3 - ;� " . _ <br /> ' Loan No 4�1�8 (Contlnued) �7 � . - - <br /> Ri�T1t To ContesL Trttstor rt+aY wnhhold paymaM of any tax,essessment,or daim in conneetion wdh e goo0 1a�th d�spute over the obLgahon . . � ,Q` <br /> to pay,90 tong as Lendefs interest in the Praperty is�ot jeopardized. If p Gen ansss or�s 6led as a resutt ot no�payrt+sn�Tnistor ahafl mthin k , ,.� <br /> SRaen��5�dgyg afte��e p,6n sriggg pr,if a Ean is fiied,within fittaen(15)days aftor Trustor has not�ee of the filirp,saCUrO the discharpe of tne ' <br /> Itett,ar H reqtt�tod�y Lendsr,depo5���th Lendat CeSh or a SufifC�ent corporete Surety bond or other seCUrity SelLsfac�ory to Lender m an L <br /> amouM SttfPdent to dtSCharge fhe Ilen p�us enY caSts flnd attomeys'fees or ether Charges that could aaxllo es a�esult ot a forsclosure or 5ale , <br /> undpl tha Qea In any eontsst.Trustor ShaU detentl itsetf and Lender and shaU sfl55ty any adver5e�udg�nenl betore enforcement aga�nst the <br /> .. � property,Trusta sha0 nama Lender es an add'sttonsi o4iigoe under any surety bortd tumisned in me contest prxeemn8s• • -- <br /> Eyid�+�te p}pay�pe�� Tnistor shaU upon dernand fumtsh to Lender sa�sfactory e�dence ot payment of the t�ces ot assessments and sha11 _ • -� <br /> authpri�g thg appro9�g}g Spvemmenta!oYfldB�to d8liver to Lender at eny 6me a wriiten statement of the texes 8nd es5essment5 apa�nst the , <br /> �tics O!Cota�UUCtian-Tnistor sha[i notiSy tsnder dt least fiftc3n(15)days before eny wark is commenced.any s�,wlces are furnished.Or any , �. . �� <br /> • �g�fg grg gupp(�tp tfig p�ppetty,H arty msChanlc'S tien,materiaim9n's�ien,or other tien Cuuld b9 a556Re0 on flCCOUn!ot the work, . , <br /> �ery{Ces,pr mate�las, Trugtor vrill upon request ot Lendsr fumish to Lender advsncs assurant�s satisteclory to Lender that Trustor can and vn0 � _ <br /> i pay the cost of sw:A improvements. � <br /> pR�pg=Ty pAN1p�CaE IrigliiAl�ICE.Tho foUOwing provis:ons relating to insuring the Properry are a part ot this Qeed of Tnut. <br /> �' IAila�'ttJ c4 If1.�.�LVtrtCe. Tn�star ShaD proatte and maintain polid�of fire irssuraace with StBndard extended coveraye endorsements an a � . <br /> replacertwrd Easb for the fu:l insurabfe vaG:e cove�in9 fl0�avPro'remerAs on the Resl ProAerty in an amount SufRtaent tn avdd apA�aon of any � <br /> ��q����g,s�y�g S�ndgrcl mortga9gg dause in tavor of LenQer. Trustor shall also procure and maintasrt comprehsr�sive general . . <br /> < Ugbi6ty instaance in such coveras9 emaunts es Lender may request with trust0e and Lendet bemg named as additional insureds in such liab�lity . , <br /> : ���n�pWiqa,, AddNona(ly,Trus►or shaQ mainlsln suCh olher insuranCe,induding but not Iimite0 to ham►d,buSlness interruption,and _ <br /> � boBar insurar�.es Lender may reasona.bry requtre. PoGcies sha�l be written in tortn.amounts,coverages and basis reasonabty axeptable to . A- .. � <br /> ' Lender and isstwd by a company or compaNes reasanabty aoceptab►e to Lendar. Trustor,upon requesi ot l.ender,vrtll deGver to Lender hom .� <br /> . •� Urt��p gr�(he po�ar eetUficates o}insurance in tortn satistactory to Lendsr.indudng stiputations that covarages wID not be cance�led or <br /> '1 Bmlydshed wlthoul at teast ten(tOJ days'Pdor wtitten noUce to Lender. Each i�urance Po1iaY atso shall irtctude an endorsement pravlding that _ <br /> `..� cpy�ape(n favor of LsnQer wiD noi be tmpa`nd in an}r way by any ad,omtssion or default of trustor or any other person. Shoufd the Real , . � <br /> `� Property at eny tlme become�ocatad in an srea destgnatad by the Director of the Federal Emergencyr Managemo�AgerscY as a sAeclal flood � I __ <br /> f�td erea,T�ustor apr6es ta obtain end maintain Federal F,cod Insurance for the fu11 unpaid princ�at bafance oi ths loan,up to the mvdum <br /> . pppcy lim[b set und�r the Na�enal Rood lnsurance ProBrem.or as othenvise required by Len�.and lo maintein such insurance tor the tertn of . <br /> tt�9 toAt1. .•. .• t <br /> ApptN�'ilon O?Procsede. Tnxt�r shall P�oJ►iPt�'notifyr Lender of any loss or damage to the Praperty. Lender mny make proof of loss if Tnistor : ,r-� ;�„�;`�; <br /> � fels to do so a«:�in fl868n(15)days oT the casuetly �Nhether or not Lende�'s s2curiiy is�mpa�red.Lender may,at its elrctian,receive and retIIin T •��.�— <br /> � th0 pro0eeds o�anY msurarcce end aDD�Y�D*��to the reduction of G'r�Indebtedness,payment ot any lien affecUag the Property.m�o � ,�,..�- -- <br /> . i restotailon and repait of the Properiyr. It Lsnder eiects to apPly the prcrzeCS to restora6on and repair,Trustor shall repair or repia�41w , . r ", <br /> � d�m��ed pr QgSVpyed Improvemenb in a manner satisiadory to Lender. Lender shall,upon satisfadary proof of such expenditure,pay or , �;?�.���,f <br /> reimbiuse Trusta from the aroceeds tor the ceasonable cost of repaU or r�toration it Trustor is not in dsfaWt under tNS Deed oi Trust. AnY <br /> prpeegdg whiCh have not been disbwss��wtthin 180 daYs ener their receipt and wfi:ch Le�der has nol committed to ths reps�r ot restoratian ot T':�.� � <br /> ..� W � • ,: _ - <br /> the prppg�ly shsp he tised first to pay any atrrount 6wtng to Lender t Lender holds anf roceeds aftePpayme�nt in fuU fo ttrealnQebtodrtoss.ndsu�'h . " •' � � :•�_ <br /> any.ship be appfied to the pdndpsl belanca ot the lndebtedness. 1 Y P � •n'j " . ;gy <br /> `-` proceeds SheA bo paid to Tnrstor as Trustars inlerests maY eGV�• . ,. <br /> � ��(��g�, pny�n0�cpited insuranCe s�a11 inure to the Denefit of,and pass to,the purchaser ot the PropBAY covered by tJ;s ., � . , �r, <br /> ; Ceed of Tnut Bt arty trustee's sae or other saie held under the provisior�of this Deed of Trus�or at any foreGosure sa�e ot suth Property. �". � <br /> � Trustor's RepoA on Inwrarise• Upon request o1 Lender,however not more lhan once a Year.Trustor shall furntsti to Lender a report on each ' �v.���' <br /> 9�9np ppQcy pf►nstxanCe s ho w inp: (a)t ha n a m e o 1 t h e i n s u r er, (b)tne risks insured; (c)the amount of the poCCy; (dj the proQerty insured, 1; <br /> . �fie(hen�tm��t tgplapgmerd vaiu9 ot such propeAy,flnd the manner ot datsrmining that vatu9;and (e)lhe sxpiratlon date of the Oo��S'• � <br /> T n�s t o r s h a'J,upon req u e s t o f L e n d e 4��+8��n d e p e n d ent a p prasser satisfadory to Lender determioe ihe CasA veWe replacement cost ot tha • .•���:,�� <br /> ; ;; Property . _ _ �'� <br /> `�.�'�' . <br /> - �D�ip140�iES 8Y LEPIDEA. If Trusta faiLs to compty wtth any provlsion of lhis Deed of Tnut,or if any action or proceeding is commenced that . � <br /> BP <br /> woWd matert4Uy aftect�endefs interests in the PropeM.�-ender on Tnistofs behaif iney,but shaii not bs required to,t8ke any action fhat Lender •,,;;��.� <br /> ., ';+ degms approprtata Arry amount that Lender e�ends in 5o dolny wiil bear interest at the rate provided for in the Note from tho data Incur�ad or pald ���:• <br /> by Lender to the date of repayrrwr�Dy Tnstor. A�such e� Leaders option,will (a)be payable on demand, (b)be added to the balance . • �,_.,, <br /> of tha NaTo nnd be apDalloned amon9 and be payabt�with any instatiment payments to become due durinp efther p)the term of arry apPllcabie �r.�� <br /> ��,�ppp�,y pr (�ttw romaln(np term ot the NotO,or (c)be treated as e ba�aon payment which will be due and payable nt 1he Notes maturtly. . <br /> This p�ad of Tntst aiso wID s�CUro GaYr���o}�ryg�8mpur►1s. The tiyhts provided fot in this araprl�ph shall be in BddiUOn to any other riyhts a any , _ <br /> rearwdfai t0 wNch I.�nd�mtY�e onUtWO on aceouni of tho defau;L My such acUan by LenCar shai�!be construed as curtng the detault so as to _ ,,.�;�= <br /> x pu LenOer kom erry nmedy that 8 otherwise wo�Bd have had. � <br /> s. WAR4iA�i9Y;OFFE?�iSE OF TtiLE.The(oUowfng provislons relating to ownershiy of the Property ere a paA of lhis Oeed of Trust- .�;,,��'�� <br /> • Tff1�, Trustor warr4rsb thak (a)Trustw hotds qood and marketab;e Glle o1 r3cwd to tAa Property in fee simAte.iree and ctear of afl tiens e:ed �.-�.r:-� <br /> ' �nCUmbrar�othar tttan those G61 torth In the Real Properly descrlDUon or in any tiUe insurance policy,t[iie repart,a 8tW1 tiUe op�Non iss�.�in . . _:._.�_ � <br /> '� {aypr p},and acapLd 6y.LenQer In connecUon wtih ihis Deed o!Trust,and (b)Trustor has Ihe fuil riqM,power,nnd autho�ty to execute and . • , ���� <br /> d�vw 1Ns Dwd of Trust to Lender. ' • +�_�: <br /> ..s1..,�,'�,�A— <br /> O�iNtM Of TltM. Subjocl to the axcepUon In the parapraph above,Trustw wartanb and will forevar dat�nd the tiUO to the PropertY ayainst the �•� <br /> 4wtt/qaimy p��y pbspt�, In the event 8ny eCttOn or proCeDding b commenCed thet quesUOns Trustors UUe or lhe interest o1 Trust90 a <br /> Y <br /> l.�nde�r undK Ihb Dead a!Tntst,Trusla shall detend the ectlon ot Trustors e�enss- Tntstor may be ifre nomfnal parry in sucQ proceeding,bul <br /> � LenQw BhaA bv entltled to paRfGp4te In the proceeding and to be rapresented In the proceeding by counsef oi Lenders own chdce,and =_ <br /> . ; Tr�stpr yvllf doitugr,pr CfluSe to ba ddivered,to Lender such instrumenls as Lender mey request trom tlme to tmo to perm�l such pSttlCipaUon. , <br /> � r• Cpmpp�nCe VyBh l,�w�. Tntsta warranb ihat the Property and Trustors use o!the Property comDiles w i t h a l l e�d s tln9 eP A l i c a bt e I sws. . _ _ <br /> 4 adnanoas.4nd raputations o1 Qov�rnmental aulhorlUes. <br /> � �ONpEINNAT(ON.Tha io0owtn�proVlslons refating to condemne9on proceedmgs are a parf o11h�s Deed of Trust. . <br /> '�_ <br /> App(fCatlOa of Met ProceEds. If 811 ot 8ny peA of the PrODeNY�eondemned by eminent domeln proteedings or by any proceed�ng rn � . <br /> ptttChaSe In p�u of CondemnatlOn,lender may et lts elec6on requve thaf al1 or any porGon of the net proceeds ot the award be epp!iod to the <br /> � IndYDledrNS�a tAs rpalr Or r�staltlon of ttls Property The net praoBeds of tAe�werd shell mean Ihe award atter payment o1 ail reasonabte <br /> opsls,�f�,and attorn6ys'teas Incturad by Trustee or Lender in connecUon with tho condemnaUOn. - <br /> � prp�iy�, �t¢r,y proCaodlnp In condemnatlon b fi'ed,Trustor sha11 prompity noUfy Lender in wdling,snd Trustw shWl prompUy talce such . . . � <br /> Sfapg�g tryy pa n�Cessary t0 detend the aCtion and obtaln ttie award. Trustor may be the nominai partyr in suCh proceeding,but Lender Sheii <br /> pe�n6tlYd to paftlGipate in the proo0odinp and to be represented in the proceedinp by counsel ot its own cholCe,and Tnutor wi11 d9iiver or <br /> ca�ae t0 be QeAvered t0 Lender Such InsUuments es maY be requested by H hom Ume to Ume to perm�t such parUclpaUon. <br /> iNfP'aSRiON OF TAXES,FEE9 AMD CMAR�ES BY QOYFANMEPJTAL AUTHORITIE9. The foilowing provlslons relatinp b govemmental taxes. _ <br /> fees and charpos ar��paA of this Oeed of Tnuk � <br /> Curren�Ta�cgy�ie2a Ctt�Chixq2tJ. Upon rsquest by Lender,Trustor shall eneCUte suCh documents in eddition ta thfs Oeed oi Trust and tefce � � <br /> whatever other ttctlon b tequested by Lender to peAect and conUnue Lenders lien on Ihe Renl PropeM• Trustor sh�i!relmbursa Lender tor ali ` . <br /> ffixe�,ag QeSdfbed belOw,fogether with 811 exper�ses Incurted in retording,peAectlnp ot tontinuing Ihis Daed of Trust, inGuding wrthoN �_v <br /> � Umita�fln ail taxes.te9s,dacumentery stamps,an0 other Chergss tor reeording or ragtster!ng this Deed of Trust. . <br /> r�_-- <br /> � "'-.�� <br /> Taxe�. The fWlowiny eh811 Canstltute taxes t0 whkh Ihis secdon Appues: (a)e spBGflC tax upon tnis type ot Oeed of Trust or upon ail or any • <br /> paA o1 ihe Inde4tedness secured by thls Dsed of Trust; (b)e spec�Ac tax on Trusta which Trusta is authoriied or required to deduct hom = <br /> paymeab on tha Indebte4nsss setured by tAis tyrpe ot Deed of Trust; (c)e tax on this rype of Oeed of Trust chrugeable flgainst lhe lender or � . <br /> the holder of the fVote;nnd (d)&speciflc tax on nll or eny portio�of the Indebtedness or on payments ot pnnqpal end�nterest made by _ _ <br /> Tntstot. <br /> Sub9�queni Tmces. II 8ny lox to wNch this SeCtion apphes�s enacted subsequent to tha date ol Ih�s Deed ot Trust,lhis event shall have the <br /> : prov�IQad beflow unEess Trus oe}either�(a)pays tne'tnx oefo e d becomss de�e�yue�4 or�ibi coria s t�t�blac a^>pra•�rsbo E�n��ef Taf esle� . --- <br /> � . � rT <br /> , . �=:--. <br /> • ; <br /> . . .,. ' •: � � � • � .. ._ ,. � . '. . . • .. .,' • � . .�� • <br />