. . . . _ -r . ,y
<br /> � ' ( � - C. . -.. ' . .. _ " , . v '. -( . . ` . .. yC- �
<br /> �" ' . . � . � ' , . ��.(f.
<br /> � ♦ � . � . � f � � it—
<br /> . ' . . - � � . - ' . . .f��.
<br /> . .. .. .. . �� ....�...�._. . . . _. . _ ..__.. —: . . . . -.. . . .n s .� -�.—.rv+r�aa�..._.__vavti�1 -. . —. —.-.- . — . -_
<br /> ... .. . .... � . _.. . _ ..
<br /> � • . . ._�.___.�.._�_�.�� .�...�. �,- � t - ' ' ,��t�J
<br /> '�,� .. .":_;—_ , �_ ��
<br /> � . ,� • . ����::
<br /> i �., ..
<br /> �..� 97� ���68� . . �,�; s� �
<br /> said Fractional Section Nineteea (19); theace running S � �
<br /> ..� �.� 02°7 2'7 9" E along the east line of said FractionaZ ��ction __ -:- -- ' _ ��.-"':`
<br /> . ; Idiaeteen (19), a distanae of T�en�y-five and Two 8undredths .
<br /> (25.02) fee�, to the east quarter corner of sa.id Fractiona� . , • � , �
<br /> Sectien Nine�eea (19), thence running S 89°40'44" �� along the � `� • �
<br /> s�utta line of sakid North Half (N�D o€ Fractional Section E: -.. . ���, ,;.�
<br /> Nineteen t19), a distaace of �nc Funalsced and Forty-s3x . ' ; �
<br /> �undreslt2as (10�.46 D feet. � � p�int of beginniag aaarl - , . ��
<br /> � : �:
<br /> co�taining 0.057 acres mo�e or Yess; aad � `` . • . .
<br /> y . ,.� . ..
<br /> A tract of land located ia the Northwest Quaater (I�dUf�) of . _�.��;�
<br /> Section �renty (20), TownSbip Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) ' ,�� ����fJY�
<br /> •,.
<br /> �es� of the Sixth P.M. ia Hall Couaty, Nebxaska, more particularly +�`:`�`���=�-
<br /> . ��—-
<br /> � w.r..• `'�=
<br /> describe� as folloNS: .-�--.-:f'�_i; -.
<br /> � Haginn�ttg at the southsaest cornor of auid 1�orthMost Qaias�er � � `�" �
<br /> � ' hen�e ru�aia nar4.h alo�a �ho s�ea� line of sai� �, '��
<br /> . ��. .
<br /> (N9Q�) t � 9 �
<br /> Northwoat Quartier (t�P ), on an assumed beariug of N 02°1 Z'�9" . ...:�j,=': �'"
<br /> : . W, � distance of �eaty-five and �ro Huarlredths (Z5 a 02) feste - . - - �-�`�
<br /> theace ruaaiag N 89°40'4g" E, a distaace of One Hundred 'Three ;� � ;. �
<br /> �� aad Sixty-�our Hu$dredths (103.69) feet; thence running S , " .<� :�., �
<br /> � 00°00'02" E, a distsnce of �wenty-six aad Twenty-three �.�,�;:�,,_ �'- � �.-
<br /> � ` Hundredtbs (26.23) feet, to a point on the soutln line of said � ��
<br /> �! Northr�est Quarter (NW�); thenae running N 89°37'20" W along , '.^�-��. ;' .
<br /> the south line of sa3d Northwes� Quarter (I�YW�), a clistaace of ..,,E..,,;.? �` '�
<br /> Osie Hundred Twa and Sixty-nine Hunc3rec�ths (102.69) fQet, to � ,��� ;_� _
<br /> _:-�`-�. ` � ,
<br />� - the poiat of beginniag and containing 0.061 acres more or _ ._.. ��� •
<br /> less. .�,,..- ._.���'
<br /> ti��;' ' r"_
<br /> That the Plaintiffs and the Defendants shall exec�at� Quit � �';'�" Y�Y "
<br /> ���-
<br /> �-=- ,-
<br /> Claim Deeds and necessary documeats to conforan to this portion of ;',`��� T� �`
<br /> .
<br /> ; � . ._._...
<br /> �. ..�:�:-_- - _--- ..
<br /> the Order. �����
<br /> 4�--r
<br /> �T' �
<br /> �� 2. Hereaf�er in this docuu�ent, t1�e term "real estate" rrill � -- �
<br /> -�,:=,��,�,.—.�-_
<br />� be used and thatc term refers taa the following descsibed real esta�e ' �;...��_:k'�-
<br /> _�:- ��::--*p�r-s�
<br /> which legal descriptioa shall not be repeated hereafter but shall �'`�""�" � � ���
<br /> .�:;.�:�; -,.�
<br /> :.t�s�a�sa�Ma'••
<br /> only be referred to as "real estate'°: --- �. � , ��
<br /> ' •.J'��nit�. ^ ' L�:'4
<br /> A tract of land comprisizag a part of the Northwest Qua�es . ��i��� ,.�,. �
<br />. (NW�) of Section �aenty (20), Township Ztoelve (12) North, Raage . .�� � . „�
<br /> 3 � . � ��
<br /> .
<br /> . _...�. _ _._-.----�-�----.___..._._. .__ . � �
<br /> .. . . . . --- . . ... '...... .�__.,..-�-... .. _'_'.`-." ...,-.. .r:�a--. F?_ . .�.�.�_. __ �..__. . � ' . . .
<br /> - , . - .. � : _ _ . . . i_•
<br /> . ' . • . ' � _ ' �"-''
<br /> . . ' '�,�,r-_.�- -: — , �-, � . '"' . . .`'���,,
<br /> -__ . . . ._. � . . ., . . . , . . � . . . . .. � . .� _. � . . • � • _
<br /> . .. � ` . �: , . . ' . . ' �� . .... . . ... � . _ • � ,_ ' . � ' , .' � � .c
<br /> _... .. . �. . _ • . . � . �. •� . ._. . _ ' � . � ' '_ __ • . � .�•• . .. � , � .. . '� _ �. ' . . �. ., . , _
<br />