. .... _ --�:=- ; -_ --.- :.. . -� - -- _ . - -_.__=-_ - -, _ . .- - - ,---_ ;-_��-� - -_��� --
<br /> , ` < '� � � . , � ' , - . � «-
<br /> - ' ` � ` ' � " . ` - . . : . . . . .F•=
<br /> � • . ' � . � � � � , � , . � .. <. � -Q=
<br />. � . � _ � . , _ � . � . __._ ...___ .. .. � __------_� ---- - - �._. . __.. __..__..,_.__.�i. , �. .` � �-=
<br /> .-� r , _ -, ,- �- -
<br /> 1 �7� . � �
<br /> ,� N3.ne (9) West of the S3xt�n P.1�i. in Ha.].1 Co�nnty, Nebraska���e � "
<br /> `',�
<br /> particularly described as follows: � � � . . .
<br /> �eqinning at the northwest corner of said Secti�n THrenty (20 D; : . ��-�<`� '
<br />� thence easterly aloag aad upon the aorth liae of said . , . - _
<br /> Northwest �uarter (td�), a distance o€ Ztao Hundred Five � �t.:.t;�
<br /> .; (205.0) feet; thence southe9cZy, distance �f Twa Thousand Six '.�,..,_.-�
<br /> Huadred Sevea and S�veaty-three HuadredtHs (2,607.73) feet to . � ..:�3�-� _--
<br /> a poiat on the soutb line o� said Northv�est gauarter (Nf9}); . ''`�� '� , :�
<br /> �hhence v�estorly� alo and �apon the south liae of said � _ .
<br /> Nor�hwest Quartor (Ni�f�). a distance of �ro Iiundresl Three _' -___
<br /> �a03.0) feet �o the southvPest cortae� o�r sai8l�Yoscthrres� Quarte� � '. t. �� :~'f.
<br /> (N��); thence aortherly, along aad upan the yvest line of said � �� 'z�"=��'.
<br /> Nos�hwest '��'"' "��
<br /> Quarter 4Nt�}), a distaace of �o Thousaad Six �.;�_,__�
<br /> ' Huadred Eight and Fifty-tvio Hua�acedtbs (2.60�.52) feat �o �h� . ��`�-�
<br /> � poiat of beqinaing and contaiaisg 12.214 acres more or less. - --..��*�_"�:�::-'
<br />. : --.--=.-� ,;
<br /> '� 3. R'he evidence is uncontroverted that the true corner of �,,� .
<br /> ;�.�. ,��.:
<br /> the aorth ead af Fsactional Sectfon Nineteea (7 9) aud the ra�rthcuest - -
<br /> s -;..ti,,.,::, '
<br /> � corner of Section Tweaty (20➢, Townshig Z�velve (12� Nor�, Raag� : .f.�!��;:.�.
<br /> Niae {g) plest of the Sixth P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, as as set �:.� � ;,:; :,,:`i
<br /> 'r'.,. .;r:
<br /> - forth on Exhibit A, s surv�y conducted April 6, 1992, such extiibit � � �
<br /> .�., ��r . .
<br /> ��_which is attached hereto and made a part hereof aad which is hereby . s �����:�
<br /> found aad ordere8 to be set as the true corner and the C�� aotes . .' , ?,�•'��`� '-=-
<br /> `�is coraer is Twa �uarlr� Five �205) feeti eas� of ir.he coa��s cma� -. `��;�;:�
<br /> has previously beea ref�rred to wh3ch was evfdeatly es�+eraeously ... —.�.
<br /> placed in a county survey in 1895. . '� "��,�`
<br /> �'�, -
<br /> - '_<,���--:'___` .
<br /> 4. From the evidence presented the adjoining property to the �
<br /> rea]. estate had been owacc� at least siace 1954 by the Met�enbrink ' ��:���•�
<br /> � -.w..�.y,:�..,.r-�. �'j '-
<br /> family, specifically Robert and May and their successors ia title, =�'��1��
<br /> � W��:ti;,:'=;%;_;..
<br /> and aaother ac3joining pi�ce by Charles Mettenbrink, father of . �. " �
<br /> . �;=e�.u,.::.:.W.
<br /> Robert Mettenbrink. Wnen the land was purchased by Robest •
<br /> .� k) . _
<br /> Mettenbrink i� 1959 wbich adjoins the disputed real �s�ate a survey
<br /> . . �
<br /> 1 4 . . '
<br /> � � -
<br />� � ��, �
<br /> 1
<br />' ' � , . , . ' :;
<br /> . . � r
<br /> . , . . � � � .
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<br /> . ..._ . ' ...• � . .Y� - . . . . • • • . `1 .. . .. .
<br /> ' • . . . . . , '' t' ;,�- � �1 .. ` •
<br /> • . .. . .., , , . � , . . . 'i . • • .. . • . .. . . . .. �• . • . � . . •
<br />