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<br /> - 1 . Thaic title to the following described reai es�a�e s E ; -- - �- _ -
<br /> { , f � ; . .
<br /> hereby quieted and coaf irmed in Defendaats Dav�.d !�J• Bflckmana and . . , `-.
<br /> . Kim A. Bockmana, Husband and Wife, as joint tenant�: � ' .. , ; .
<br /> t �
<br /> A tract of lan�l comprising a past of the Ivas�tnw�st Quarter (N6�1 i_�;. �,. . ' . �-
<br /> if ��f � :..(�
<br /> �) of Sec�ion 'itiremty {20) , Tavmship Tw�ve €12) Nor�h. Raaae�e Nine . : �,w, f;�,.:
<br /> i � • .
<br /> �. ' (�� West c� Sixth P.Bi., in Ha�l Couaty, Nebraska, more particularlp r ^ �.�,��
<br /> described as follows: � �.���_.`
<br /> . . �:.
<br /> �. Begiaaing at the southwost corner of the said Liorthwest ; ._:�l ;:����-',�:�'�"`
<br /> Quarter (NW�) theace running easterly a�long th� southerly line 4 -- _
<br /> of said Northvrest Quarter (I�}) a dista�nce of One Hundreci Two . r
<br /> to the actual poiat ���
<br /> aad Sixty-nine Hundredths �102.69) feet, , �� �, �.-
<br /> of b2ginaiing; theace runaing northerly on aa asswaed beaucinq ��. , ��
<br /> � .. � of N 00°00'00" E, a distance og Four ldund�ced Ninety-six and . . _ :. •� �'r.=�
<br /> , , Forty-six Huadr�dttia (496.46) feet, theace runaing N 89°53'40" � :s•
<br /> - E, a distaace of (1ue Hnadred Seveaty-six aad Thirty-�bree _,,,� � . . ����, _
<br /> Hundredths (176.33) feet; theace running S 00 02 13 W, a � ����� �
<br /> distance of Four Hundzed Niaety-seven and Three �uadredtms �;:�o:...:.: : . w. .:. ..: t-:.:
<br /> � ..
<br /> (497.03) feet; �hence runn�tng N 89°53'7" W, a distaace of One ..F���• � .
<br /> � Hua�ed Seveaty-six and Seventeen Hundsedths (176.17) feet, to � '� .:,•
<br /> '� inaia aud contaiaing 2.009 acres more . �'��•.. , t����'�,.� . iti`
<br /> � the aatual point of beg g
<br /> _ or less. �, 'aa r.. �'.�.
<br /> ��:^- �� F.
<br /> � That the Defendaats David Bvckmann and Kim B�ckm�nn, Husband ` �� _
<br /> • '��� � -` -
<br /> ' � ��;.
<br /> aaad Wife, as joiat tenants, aze hereby graated prescriptive , a.:.
<br /> , `�-�'
<br /> ��
<br /> easeiaerefr� to the following d�scribed real estate: �;�_�
<br /> -<�,;��,�
<br /> ..� i ���
<br /> A tsaat of land loca.ted in the North Half of Fsa�ctioaal ��r�'�`��__
<br /> . :..� �--
<br /> Section Nfneteen (19), Tmwnship Tvrelve (12) North, Rarige Nine (9) :�.^���x.
<br /> , } West of �.rne Sixth P.M. i�a Hall County, I��bsaska, more particularly '����--,-�--- -�
<br /> . .a�n��s
<br /> described as follows: - -� �� • —
<br /> Begi�ing at the west quarter coa-mer of said Fractioaal '�'°''`.r''����'. �"���—
<br /> � Section Nineteen (19); theace run.�m�g north along the west �'''�`
<br />� line of said Fscactioaal SecLion Nineteen (19), an an assumed ����°�°'^'`� �_-
<br /> • beariag of N 00°00'00" E, a distance of Tweaty-five (25.0) � � °
<br /> feet; thence runaing N 89°40'44" E, a distance of Ninety-nine -
<br /> and Five Tenths (99.50) feet to a point on tbe east liae of . � „ - --
<br /> 2 .. • . !
<br /> � � �>_
<br /> .: ` . �
<br /> . . , . . . ,• � � . �
<br /> � . �� � .
<br /> . ' . . . ' ' • �_,.�
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<br /> . , . .. - . ---__�_,_.,_ �..-.:
<br /> . . . , . . . . . , � . . , . ._ : .
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