: : _, - -- - ----- : ...- - -_- - - . -- �----- ; -. - - -- -;_--� - .: -- - �
<br /> . i . . � . �. . -
<br /> _ _ . . . _ ' _ . � . � �, , , � . . - . -- - , ' =� -- - '_--.-
<br /> . , . , . � . ,-
<br /> � . • � . , . ' , : . . � , ' , t . 4 �' ' . . . ..,. _. ..---- .. .._ , . z . . �-
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<br /> ' � � . -��
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<br /> 23. Actions and Pra�i��s. Yf Tnaswr fails to act within a reasonable . . �
<br /> tv do so B�nefici has the right to apPear in.and defend �: < . ���;
<br />-_ time after nouce from Beneficiary � azY �d to bfing an�r actit�n - - - -
<br /> any actiom or proc�eding braught arith respect w the'�rust Property �- << _
<br /> or proceeding, in ihe name and on'behalf of Trustor, which Beneficiary, in ats sole :,_
<br /> � discrerion, decides sh�ould be bro u g ht to protect their in�erest in the Tmst Property. , . •F:� :
<br /> Beneficiary shall, at its option,be subrogated to the lien of any mortgage or other s�curity , .="
<br /> � instrument dischargefl in whole or in part by the Debt, and any such subrogation rights shall :`..� . ,
<br /> = constitute additional security for the payment of ths Debi. � ������-�- _
<br /> ,
<br /> Z4. yaiver of Setoff and Conntercla�im�. All amounts due ur.�er this . . • . . .�::.�.��
<br /> : .��__,-
<br /> Deed of Tn�st,the Note and the other I,flan Dacumenis shall be payable wit�aout setoff, . ;•'..;�-_....�.,_�;;.
<br /> counterclaim or any deduction whaisoever. Trustor hereby waives tb.�right to assert a , '� r: �,�. :T�
<br /> � sewff, counterclaim(other than a mandawry or compnlsory caunterclaimn)���ucxion in < t.•�._.•--�.
<br /> any action or proce�ding in wluch Beneficiaty is a participant, or arisi�g o�ef or in any , �: ..- --
<br /> . : . . `•.:�-.-
<br /> -- way connected with this Deed of'�rust, the Note, any of the other�an DocuII�nts, or the . .,:�,t. .-.:�; -.
<br /> ' _< < . - . 1
<br /> �: Debt. �:�.:
<br /> ��� ..�.,,�.��--
<br /> ` �, 25. Recover�of Swms Required to be Pa�d. Beneficiary shall have the , - �;�`� —
<br /> . . right from time to time w take actian to recover any sum or sums wluch constitute a part of _. �. . .; � :. .,
<br /> � '� the Debt as the same betome due, without regard to whether or not the balance of the Debt s 1 , � ,.
<br />� shall be due, and without prejudice to the rigbi of Beneficiary thereafc:°r w bring an actian of : .� . � �-. �'
<br /> foreclosure, or any other action, for a default or defaults by Trustor existi���the time such �� :: .
<br /> ''� earlier action was commenced. ,�- �s� . .�
<br /> ';s.. and Ottaer Ma is. (a) Tr�;hereby waives, to the ,���'. �'
<br /> � ?,Q�. MaY'shariizs�, � ' < ;.,
<br /> eatent peanatted by law, the benefit of all appraisement,valuati�n, stay,extension, '��*=, i``
<br /> . reinstatement an d r e demp t ion la w s n o w o r h e r e a ft e r i n f o r c e a n d a ll r i g h t s o f ma,�h�ttin� in ���- �1, � �`
<br /> -�r_�+S°r:�' .�E�..4. �rF-.
<br /> � the event of any sale hereunder of the Tnist Property or any part t�ereof or any interest ��,. _;u,��::.
<br /> • therein. Fiarther, Truswr hereby expr�ssly waives any and a11 rig�1�of redemption from sale ,.._ �__
<br /> � under any order or de.cree of foreclosure of tbis Deed of Tn�st on behalf og Tn�stor, and on ��•
<br /> . �y _ i�.,_....
<br /> ,,.:�j� behaif of each and every gers�n acqniriag any interest in or tifle to th� Tn�t�opertY : - - _�._ ,. .--
<br /> subs e q uent to the date of this Deed of Trust and on behalf of all pe�ons to t�e extent � ..-c-�:��
<br /> � permitted by applicable law. � ��_
<br /> ..� . � . _-=:
<br /> �.r,�a,�,�,,,.....�..
<br /> :� (b) Trustor acknowledges that this Deed of Tn�st secures the Deb� ,.
<br /> Tiustor agrees that the lien of thas Deed of Tn�st shal�be absolute and unconditional and '�:'���� ..�-�`�
<br /> � shall not in any�anner be affeceed or impaired by any acts or om�ons whatscever of "' ="'��
<br /> ttee lien hereof shall not be " � "�`���
<br /> � Beneficiary aad, �.hout limiting the generality of the foregoing, . _ . .
<br /> -:=:�;zt' . �--v .. .�-_-
<br /> impaired by any zcceptance by Beneficiary of any oth�r security�or any portifln of the Debt, � ,,;..�;;,-;.����; ' �
<br /> � or by a�y failure, neglect or omission on the part of Beneficiary to realize upon or protect �,+���*:;.. -~��
<br /> . any portion of the Debt or any collateral security therefor. The lien of this De�d of Tnist �. ��, .�.:,�. � .
<br /> shall not in any a�nner be impaired or affected by any release (except as w the property , '� ; �:� .
<br /> released), sale, �^.�ge, sutrender, compromise, setilement, re�ea,-�l, extension, indulgence, : - _ -
<br /> � alter��o�, changing, modification or disposition of a�y partion of the Debt or of any of the • • . —
<br /> collater�security therefor. � ,
<br /> � � r hereb r res�nts and warrants to � � . �="
<br /> � �7. Hazardous Substances. Trusto Y �P .
<br /> too�srr�.s� 21 . �
<br /> � � ��.
<br /> . I ..... � ------._�. �..�.�.-,_..____.___--_,__.. .. .. ,_.. _.�:_ . �� �_....
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