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<br /> ! interest in the Trust Pro e to tine full extem that the
<br /> as security for the Debt, a security ' P rtY . _
<br /> j Trust Property may be subject to tlae Nebraska Unifornn Commercial Code (saud portion of .. . :�.�:
<br /> ' the Trust Property so subject W the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code being called in this
<br /> paragraph the "Collateral'i). Trustor hereby agrees with Beneficiary to execute and deliver � . , ` , < . ,_,
<br />�; to Beneficiary, in form and substance satisfacWry W Beneficiary, such fivancing statements ; . . Y .
<br /> and such further assurances as Benefcciary may from time to time, reasonably consider �
<br /> 5 necessary w create, perfect, and preserve Beneficiary's security interest herein granted. This �� • . ��
<br /> � Dced of Trust shall also constitute a "fixture filing" and a financing statement for the .. .'. .��,
<br /> � . . : --
<br /> ; purposes of the Nebraska iTmaform Commercial Code. As such, this Deed of Trust covers �. _��:
<br /> 1 all items of the Collateral tbat are or are to become fixwres. Information con�erning the ,_ , ,.: _�
<br /> I security interes3 herein granted may hr obtained from the parties at the addresses of the �
<br /> p�� set forth in the first paragraph of this Deed of Trnst. This Deed of Tmst is to be • �; �` _
<br /> . ... , ,�;
<br /> filed for record with the Register of Dee�s of Hall Cc�unty, Nebraska, where the Tmst :
<br /> record owner of the Tn�st Property. If an Event of . __ '�;
<br /> Property is located. Tn�sWr is the . �'��:.�°
<br /> ���
<br /> Default shall accur, Beneficiary, in addition to any other rights and remedies which it may . ���^;�—
<br /> have, shall have and may exercise immediately and without demand, any and all riShts and . ; .,�•� _
<br /> �' remedies granted to a sec�Party upon default under the Nebraska Unifmrm Commercial . f'� � ,.'<.7,
<br /> Code, includiag,without�it+ng the generality of the foregoing,the right to take possession ,�-�?�-#�r:��t; �..
<br /> ral or an �rt thereof, and to take such other me�sures as Beneficiary may . . �'{'�!'`'.'�; . ��
<br /> of the Collate Y p ' �;
<br /> deem necessary for the care, protection and preservation of t��Collateral. Upon request or �.�-�Y°;: : ,�
<br /> de�rand of Heneficiary, T�stor shall at its expense assemble the Collateral and make ii � :�,;. � ,_ �
<br /> a�a�lable to Beneficiary ai a convenieni place acceutable w Beneficiary. Trustor sb.�i pay to ��,,,:;.u��,._.:; � _
<br /> ' `:'��`�t`�'�... .'.
<br /> Benefcciary on demand a�and all e�enses, i�cr��in8 reasonable attomeys fees an�i . , ---
<br /> disbursemenis, incnrred or paid by�z�sficiary in protecting the interest in the Colla2eral and . ' .. ..��`�;:;�i =-
<br /> .,�.-: �" � �:ti ....
<br /> in enforcing the rights hereunder wit��spe,�t w the Collateral. Any notice of sale, ; .�_ �; ..
<br /> , ,�.,,,: .,.�;j� . --_
<br /> d"asposition or other inte�i action by Beneficiary with respect w ihe Collateral sent w ..,�,,;_ ��: ,�.`
<br /> Tr�swr in accordan.ce wit�the provisions hereof at least ten(10)days prior w such action, , . ..;; ��, . :.__—_
<br /> shall constitute commercially reas�nable notice to Tnistor. The proceecls of any disposirion ..�'�;��;::� r,. �`*;:,
<br /> thereof, may be applied by Beneficiary to the paymen�t of the ' � ���•� � �
<br /> of the Collateral, or any part yme� . t � ���,,._-
<br /> Debt in such rioriry and roportions as Beneficnary in its sole discretion sl�all deem proper.
<br /> p F I. `�-�f��'�;;;�—
<br /> In the event of any change in name, i denrity or s�uc t u re o f an y T i u s w r, s u c h T m s w r s l u a ll �.,;�.•..� - ..y�
<br /> norify Beneficiary thereof and prompdy after request shall execute, file and record such -. ^.::�': °,.. �,.:
<br /> . ,�� �,�.,.
<br /> Nebraska Unifomn Commercial Code forms as are necessaey W maintain the prioaaty of ..,..,,- � w;
<br /> . B e n e fici a ry's lien u p on and security interest in the Collateral, and shall pay all e�nses and •.:�.,:�\F'�'`'�--
<br /> fees in connection with the filing and recording thereof. If Beneficiary s�all rec�uire ehe . �y�,�.~.�- —,
<br /> ��;�'�T'�7Y...._ _"s.
<br /> " filing or recording of additional Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code�c�s or continuation .�_.�_—
<br /> statements, Trustor shall, Prompdy after mquest, execute, file and record such Nebraska , :.'..�'"��:,-
<br /> Uniform Cd�nercial Code fornns or contimiation stateffie�z:.as Benefieiary sha11�eem ...... . . g�^�,::
<br /> �essary, aad shall a all exgense5 and fees in connection with the filimg and r�ecording ' ' .. _.,.,
<br /> �reof, it being understoad and agreed,howev¢r,that no such additional dacuments s�ll _ • �� � �r
<br /> increase Trustor's obligations under the Note,this Deed of Tn�st and the other Loan � ," .' . .
<br /> � Dacuments. In the event that Trust�or fails to execute, deliver and file same wit�►ten(10) , . �
<br /> days of Beneficiary's request therefore,Trustor hereby urevoca'oly appoints Beneficiary as its . '. --
<br /> zttorney-in fact,coupled with an interest, to file with the appropriate public of�tce on its �
<br /> y�ehalf any financing or other statements signed only by Beneficiary, as secured party, in . . --
<br />. connection with the Cflllateral covered by this Deed of Tnast. . # �
<br /> �
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