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<br /> Beneficiary Uo Tn�stor's laaawledge, thai, except as disclosed in any environmental report s �
<br /> � delivered to Beneficiary: (a)the Trust Property is not in direct or indirect violation of any � , � .
<br /> local, state, federal or other governmental authority, scatute, ordinance, code, order, decree, : � •. , �_
<br /> law, rule or regulation pertaining W or imposing liability or standards of conduct concerning ° � - - '`
<br /> environmental regulation, contamination or clean up including, without limitation, the '
<br /> � . Comprehensive Environmenial Response, Compensation and Liability Act, as amended ' � : '
<br /> ! ("CER+CLA"), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended (��RCRA°),the . ' ,°:
<br /> ` F�ergency Plannnng and Community Right-to-Knaw Act of 1986, as amended, the ' , �
<br /> �� Hazardous Substances Transportation Act, as amended, the Solid Waste Disposal Act,as . � ' .
<br /> amen�ed, the Clean Water Act, as amended, tlie Clean Air Act, as amended, the Toxic � `: .� , -
<br /> Substance Cuntrol Act,as amended, the Safe Drinldng Water Act, as amen,ded, the �" � � •� ���
<br /> Occupational Safety and Health Act, as amended, any state super-lien and environmental . . ':'��-�
<br /> cle�up stamtes ansi all regulations, orders and guidelines adopted in respect of the '_ . � �
<br /> `� foregoing la�vs whether gresently in force or coming into being and/or effectiveness hereafter . •- �... � ;� .:�
<br /> (collectively, "Environmental Laws"); (b)the Tnist Prope3ty is not subject to any private or , � , . , ��
<br /> - governmental lien or judicial or administrative notice or action or inquiry, investigation or � � r��•�.����-�-
<br /> c�aIIm relating to any hazardous and/or toacic and/or dangerous substa�ces, wastes, materials, � ;.`'� •' =_'"
<br /> raw materials which include ha7ardous constituents,pallutants or co�2��;n�n�regulated by ! . ;::.'�.-_.�����-
<br /> aay Environmental Law, including, without limitation, petroleum, uemolite, anthlophylie, � `"�' '
<br /> actinolite or polychlorinated biphenyIls and any other substances or materials which are '� �' ����j` :
<br /> . r_...:,_.::
<br /> "sQCluded un.der or regulated by Environmental Laws but not including office supplies or } ;
<br /> f c��nin materials customaril used at ro rties similar to the Trust Property(collecdvelY, ..���' � :.'
<br /> g Y P Pe � , . � ..
<br /> "Hazardo��ubs�tances"); (c)no�fiazardous S�bstances a��or have been(including the . ` �•� �� � ��� �'
<br /> , :;��.'��:: ;• '
<br /> peaiod prior to Trustor s acquisition of the Trust Property), discharged, generated, treated, -
<br /> d*.sposed of or stored on, incorporated in, or removed or transported from the Trust Property � � �
<br /> o +°r than in compliance with all applicable Environmenial Iaws; (d��v FIazardous ,��_�� ',• `.�
<br /> ' Sr�stances are pr+esent in, on or uader any real property adjoining the �Tmst Property wluch � -� �" �
<br /> -: coutd migra2�to or oiherwise affe:,a 8�e Trust Properiy; a�(e)no underground s��zage tan�ss '��,'. _ ��-�, .:..
<br /> exist on any of the Tn�st Property. �o l�ng as Trustor owms or is in possessiom of the t;.,r -�' �.•�.
<br /> &�perty, Tn�stor: (i)shall not,and Tnistor s�a�l malse reasonable gaod faith efforts not to � �'-*r�'�-
<br /> , :-��.-.. �.:—
<br /> p�rnrii anyr third parties to,discharge, treat, stQr�,dispose of or otherwise use any Hazardo�s .. �:':= �� ; .
<br /> Snbstanr.es on the Tnist Properiy or any property adjoinin,the Tn�st Property in violation of "�Y@�r` ���`-
<br /> �,_�:_-�
<br /> .,, any Environnaental Law; (ri)s�all keep or cause w be kepi the Trust Property in compliance _-:�:�=� �'.�-��--.
<br /> ' with all applicable F�vironnaental Laws; (iu) shall promptly norify Beneficiary if Trustor ��"?'�"
<br /> s1�a11 become aware of a�y Hazardons SubstancQS on the Trust Prope��sy� or any properry ��,'� -�.��
<br /> ,_{ adjoining the Tnist Property in violation of any Environmental Laws aad/or if TrusWr shall �*�r^� Y
<br /> , become awaa�that the Trust Property or any property adjoining the Tnist Property is - =�:-
<br /> � osherwise in violation of any E�vironmental Laws and/or if Tmstor shaU become aware of ^ �'���
<br /> - _.5-:�,�a�:..
<br /> , amy condition on the Trust Property or any properry adjoining the Trust Property wluch it ° � '�`=��` ' _
<br /> ' __�•�.:�=.,�;,..:.... _
<br /> ' ; rEasonably believes shall pose a threai to the health,safery, or welfare of humans; and . . � ''?�.._.•
<br /> ' (iv)shall re�nove or oiherwise remediate in accordance wi�applicable laws such�Ia7ardous � .�����
<br /> .i Substances and/or aue sach violations andlox remove suc� threats,as applicable, as required ,_ -- .
<br /> by law (or as shall be required by Beneficiary in ihe case of remova��vhich is not required �� .�
<br /> by law, but in response w the opinion of a licensed hyairogeologist,lrrensed enviro�ental
<br /> engine�r or oiher qualified consultant engaged by Beneficiary ("Beneficiary's Co�sultant"), . .
<br /> prompily after Trustor becomes aware of same, at Trustor's sole expense. After i�acurring � . . �
<br /> any such expense,nothing herein shall prevent Trustor from recovering such expense from i �� •
<br /> I � � .
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