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<br /> � nefici ma resort to any reme�9 and the s��� ' � , ' . ' .
<br /> � (h} Be �Y Y ! . -�.
<br /> by tb.e Note, this De�d of Trust or in any of the other Loan Documents in whole or in paat, , ,
<br /> = ax�d ffi y�ch partions a� in s�ach order as determined by Beneficiary's sole discretion. No � ' _ .�_
<br /> such action sball in any way be cansidered a waiver of any rights,bsnefits or remedies � �
<br /> evidenced or provided by the Note, this Deed of Trust or in an, of the other Loan ..�; �-
<br /> Dacu�aents. The failure of Beneficiary to exercise any right, remedy or option provided in •
<br /> : .-a_.
<br /> the Note, this Deed of Trust or any of the other Loan Documents shall not be deemed a . � • _: :,-`-
<br /> � waiver of such right,remedY or QPtion or of any covenant or obligation secured by the Note, . , .• ., •.T�:y
<br /> this Dee�i of Tn�st or any of the other Loan Documents. No acceptance by Heneficiary of • : � ;;::::- __
<br /> , any payment after the accusence of any Event of Default and na payment by Beneficiary of ,.. '""�_
<br /> � ., ��;
<br /> aary obligadon for wtrich Trnswr is liable hereunder shall be deemed to waive or cure any , : -
<br /> ..t!_ _�_ ��
<br /> Event of Default with respect to Tn�swr• or Trustor's liability to pay such obligation. No �, �� . ��
<br /> sale of all or any partion of the Trust Proper�.Y, no forbearance orndo eof the D t or�any� � ,,, . � '�'.�"�,�`•,�
<br /> and no extension of time for the payment of the whole or any p , . _,_
<br /> - other indulgence given by Beneficiary to Tr�stor,shall operate w release or in any manner _ _,�;_���:
<br /> affect the iaterest of Beneficiaty in the remainin8 Trust Property or the liability of Tn�swa to : . . '�.�.._:&�'�`..�=
<br /> P'.i"'"�.
<br /> pay the Debt. No waiver by Beneficiary shall be effective unless it is in writing and then ;. ,�--�;F_�
<br /> • only w the extent specificaUy stated. All costs and expenses of Beneficiary ia�xercising its :� �'.,{�.-
<br /> �;�,.,
<br /> ��(c rights and remedies u n der t h i s P a r a a r ap h 2 0(includin g reasonable attomeys' fees and . . �.u,r.,';�'
<br /> disb�ausements to the extent permiaed by law), shall be paid by TnLSwr innmediately upon �. � ,: �: .
<br /> notice from Beneficiary,with interess at the Default Rate for the periad after notice from V':�� �.•,, . ' _
<br /> and such costs and expenses shall constitute a partion of the Debt and shall be b�.Y ;,.',.`: ' :.. _
<br /> Beneficiary • -
<br /> senured by this Deed of Trust. `�.. �' .
<br /> ?�.,;, �.�.�•_���:°r . .
<br /> fi r:�:,:�;`:-._ ,
<br /> ` (i) 'The interests and rights of Beneficiary under the Note, this Deed . �- �` _.
<br /> ence .2 t ��
<br /> of Trust or any of the other Loan Doruments s�all not be impaired by any indulg , �:. ...�:��.: .
<br /> ` including(i)any renewal, extension or modification which Beaeficiary may grant w�th :. ��., � . ,� F
<br /> �� ' surrender, wmpromise, retc�se, renewal, extension, - .-• ,-�'':_P�: .
<br /> resgect w any of the Debt, (ii)any t witb.resPzct to the Tmst Property►ot :���_�.;_ r .-Q:-
<br /> exchange or substitution which Beneficiary may Sr�n -`�'��° _
<br /> �'<�'., � ,%�-
<br /> � �Y Portion tliereof; or(rii) any release or indulgence granted to any maker,endaiser, , -. . ....y;;,.__ .
<br /> of an of the Debt. ��`� ` '
<br /> guazantor or surety Y "-�" `. " .
<br /> 5.1__�..
<br /> .�_•.. . .�.-�.:r✓i'_-.__ .__ -_ .
<br /> _ . '. - aa��n.�
<br /> -�. fw?cti.`y+,•.
<br /> � 21. Ri�ht of Entr_�. yn addition to any oiher rights or remedies granted ,�.,,,,._,�,;:�
<br /> ' under�fiis Deed of Trust, Beneficiary and its agents shaU have the right w enier anil inspect �: . :-; --��;•-
<br /> '� � the '�uaxst Property at any reasfl�a b le time during the teim of tbis Deed of Tn�st. The ,T�.,j :'-- . - _
<br /> : , _--�,=- -
<br /> reasonable cost og such inspections or audits shali be borne by Tnistor s:hould BensficiarY :,. S=- �
<br /> .� determine that an Event of D�fault e�, including the reasoaable cost of all follow er�mr . . . .,
<br /> s b Beneficiary. 'I9he '�Y=:�'� ' .
<br /> es deemed reasonably neces arY Y = � � ,'
<br /> additional investigations or inquiri � �-��=�N
<br />� reasonable cost of such inspections, if noi paid for by Truswr following demand,may be. ,_.�.,.,,y: .,�
<br />�..,�.
<br />.. . added w the principal balance of the s�ms due uuder the Note and this�of Trust and ,-.:.,:ts: ..,,��
<br /> - shall bear inierest thereafter until paid at the Default Rate. . s=.�:� r
<br /> .. .,�,.. _.,_ .
<br /> 22. Sec ' A eemeut. This Deed i the Nebraska Uniform Cammercial .� � .. � .
<br /> of triast and a "security agre�ment" within the meaning o . ; � � .
<br />; Code. Ttie Tn�st Property includes both real and 1�ersonal Property and all oiher rights and :
<br /> , interesis, whether tangible or intangi'ble in nature, of Trustor ia the Trust Property. Tnastor
<br /> by executing and delivering this Deed of Trust has granted and hereby grants to Beneficiary, ��
<br /> . �� , . . �
<br /> �ooian9.os 19 . . •
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