k . . . �: � , ___
<br /> —._ ._ __ . . - - - --
<br /> _ -- _ . . .w .�-= - -- -- — -- --- -- - -
<br /> __ _ ____... . . . � . . . - -.-. . -.. .. k, : �_—
<br /> ' � . �� -
<br /> � E . �
<br /> � � , .
<br /> � i , :Y,—:�
<br /> ? ente or raCrof(►+eretnaRer'ProceaQa') . __ _._ _ _
<br /> , , 7.Em'nm�t Dcmdn.Lereder is heroby assigned aIf compenae4im�.srrsrds,dWesagas�rsd othar paym . ___
<br /> m `. �
<br /> ` ! m eonnution with candemnotion or othar taking of tfie Property or pert theroof,or for conveyence in Gnu of eonQermnatiw+•I.rndsr c�d1 f ,
<br /> � tekm or dtmeped,Lende►shall have tho apfion in ite aote and ebsotuto di�crotion,to opDty a11 such Procaedo,nfter da{ueia�p theretroen i ' ° � ' . ` ` " -�-
<br /> t �•=
<br /> , i all coets end exponaea v�curred by it in connection with suefi Proceeds,upon any indeb tedne�sacu ro d h ereb y�d in such order e� , , ,=�
<br /> j l,a�dar m�dotermine,or to appSy all eueh Proeeeds,after auch deduatione,to the reatorotion of the Property upon sucfi eonditiono ea �
<br /> � i �Lendor may determ"v+e.Any applicatien of P►ocoods to indebtedna�ss efiall not extend or postpone the due dste of any paymen�under : , 1..'_'_—
<br /> ' ` Cr.the Note.or cure eny Qefeuli 4Piereunder or heroundor.My uneppliad funda nfisll be peid to Tnrstor. � • , !'_ --
<br /> � �8. Petfortr+r�tco by Lon6¢r. Upon the oecurcence of an Event of Default hereunder, or if nnV act is taktn or lapal procetdtnp . �
<br /> I �nQ�wt�ici�mKer�al;y aHeets Le�dei e interast in ths Property,Lende�mny rt�ite aarn discretion,bu!without obUQatien to do ea, , �••
<br /> �end without no4iae to or demand upon Trustor and whhou4 releasinp Trustor from any oblipation,do eny act�hich Truatot has apreed i
<br /> � � !�but fails to do snd may also do eny other act it deems necessary to protoct ihe searity hereof.Trustor shell,immediately upan danend
<br /> ; �herafot by Lender, pay to Lende�all costa and expenses inaned and suma expended by Lender in conneotion with the exetaes by - `
<br /> ; ender of the foreaoinp righta.togathar wrth interest theraon at tho defeult rete provided in the Note, whieh shap be added to th�
<br /> � �indebtedneas secured hereby.Lander sfiall not incur eny iiab4tity becausa o(anythinp it may da ot omit to do horeundor. _. . _ _._-.
<br /> 9.Haz�dau9 N�+teri�ts.Tnutor afiall keeD�e Property m compiianee with etl epplieabte la�vs,ordm�ees�d reyulatione relatln9 to
<br /> � �induatrial hyyieno or environmental protection leol(ectivaly refened to herein es 'Environmenta!Lewa').Trustor shall keap the Proparty � � . �
<br /> free ftom alt su6stances desmed to bo hazardou9 or toxic under eny Environmcntel Lawa(colleativeJy referred to hera�ea'Hemrdoue
<br /> .! Matarial�').Trustor hereby warrants and representa to Lander that there ere no Hezerdoua Material an ar undm the Properh/.TNSiOi ' ' ��
<br /> � hereby egreee to mdemnify and hold hannlesa L�dar, its directors,officers,amployeee and ay�te, and eny suce�som to Lendefa . , �_
<br /> ; interest,from tnd eyninat any and etI daime,damapea, losses and Iiab7tties arism0 in eonnaation with the presence,uss,diapoQal or ,
<br /> � trenaport of any HFUerdous Rllateriels on,undor,from or ebout the Property.THE FOREGOINfi WARRAMIE5 AND REPRESENYATIONS, `=
<br /> .. � TRUST. '-� . -•
<br /> 10.Assignm�nt oi Rents.T►ustor hereby essigns to Lender,and grants Lender e security intetest in,efl p�esent,futuro und eftar `��,,._
<br /> rising r�te,issues and profits of the Property;providad that Trustor sfiell,until the occurrence of en Event of Defeult heteunder,4�ave : ',�_.-.., -_•-� .�_
<br /> ' i the riqht to coltect end retam such rents, issues end p+oYits ea they 6ecoma due end payable. Upon the acarrtanee of en Evant of . '`";�:,:. .,.�%•
<br /> ' Defeult,Lender mey,either in parsoo or by agent, wah oT without br"viging eny action or procoading,or by e reeeiver aypointed by a ' , yy,� , ��.-�,
<br /> .j' '_t+
<br /> ' court and without regard ta the adequacy of its security. er+ter upo�and take possossion of the Propetty,or eny part 4hereof,a�ite own � -,; f. .. ,;'.
<br /> • � name or in the neme of the Truatee,m�d do any acts �ro�-�ch it daems necess�ary ar desirabie to Dreserve the vat�ce.marketability a �,:.r '��'`,}` .-„�`
<br /> ' rentebility of the Propariy,or any part thereof or interest t�►9rem,or to increase the income thetefrom or protect the sacurity►heteof and, r�"'' `'"=?
<br /> - with w without tekinp possasaion of the PraAertY.eue for ar otherwise collect the renta,issuea and profite thareof,indud'e�y thoao pnst � �, .,S_: .y:�
<br /> • due end unpsid,by notifya�p tanante to ma7ca paymants to Lender. Lander msy appiy rents,isaues ertd Drofi4o,laam coata cnd m�"..nses �� ,' ,�?,;` �
<br /> ._.,i9�.,��,
<br /> '' of opention end colleetion indudinp ettomeys'fee9,to any mdabtednms sacured hereby,eil ir►auch order a9 Lendar may detem��a'ue'r� {' ,�M; ,� '
<br /> . enterine upon end tekinp possesaion of the Property, the wlteation of such rents,iaaua�end yrofite,end the spplication thmer+Y es � _ ,. '+'=°�
<br /> � � atoreaaid,efiall not cure ot waive any defeuh or notic0 o!f dsfauk hereundm or mvelidate eny eat done m responae to eurb Eefa�n:i or �;�'`'. �_`'°
<br /> .�-�-� ; ,
<br /> ' pursuent to such notice of default end,notwithstand'm� Rhe continuanca in passosaian of tho Properiy or the cotlaction,recoip! �d �, �� :
<br /> • � � a p plieatinn of renta, issues or profita.Trustee and Lender shalt be entitted to e�cerd.�e every ri9ht provided for ��y of th� Lo9n ,� i,�'
<br /> � ' Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of flefeult,incfud'me without limitation tha rigfit to exsrciss t he powes o f ea le. � . '�!€-•,�
<br /> � �� F u rt h e r,L a n d o r'8 ri 0 h t s e n d r e m e d i a s under this p ara pra p4 shall be cumuletive with.end in no way a IQnitation an,Lender'e�iphte end •� �� �� �
<br /> • . •i remedias under any nssignment of leases and rents recorded egainst the Property. Londor,Trustee and the receiver eha11 be liebfe to �•+
<br /> - ..� accaunt onty fo►those rents actually received. ' " *���� � �
<br /> 11.Evont�of D�twR.The following shall constitute an Event of Defauk undar thia Oeeal of T►ust: �,` '��
<br /> I (a)feilure to pay any inste��ment of principal or interest of eny othor sum secured horaby when due; t... .�r '}
<br /> �. i (b)A breach of or detautt under any provision contemed in the Note,this Dead of Trust,any of the Loan lasrttumente,or eny f•' �i ,._�;� j
<br /> ��: .
<br /> , other lien o►enaimbrance upon the Property: `�
<br /> (0)A w►it of e�cecution ar attachment or eny aenilar process shall be entered against Truator vrhieh sh�N b�com��I'ie�on th� �
<br /> � Property or any portion thereof or intarast tharem; .��;r -
<br /> � re sfioll be filad b or e ainstt Truator or 8orrov�er en action undm any pra�ent ot futura federol,6tste or other statu�,law ;- ��� °
<br /> (d)The Y 9
<br /> or reQulation relatinp to bankruptcy, insolvency or other relief for dobtore;or thoro afioll bo appointed any ttustee, recelver or • ! -
<br /> liquidator of Truator or Borrower or of all or eny part of the Piroyarty,or the ronta,isauea or profits thereof,or Ttustor or Bortower _ '�;�
<br /> • afiall make any qeneral esaignment fo►the Oenefit of creditor9; �>-:• 's�-�"--
<br /> (e)The aale,trensfer,lease,essinnment,conveyence or further encumbrance af aIl or eny port of o►eny e�terest i+ths Propetty, ,�; ,, =
<br /> eitha�volunterity or invotuntarity,without tho expresa writton consent of Lender;provlded thet Trustor shall bs permitted to ozacute . �.a_��
<br /> a leese of the Property that does oat contain en option to purchase and tha tems ot which dae3 not excbed one year; ��-
<br /> ��.;--�..
<br /> . <.�,�r.-•-*-�
<br /> ' (f) Abandonment of the Proporty:or ,
<br /> � !p! tt Truator is not an individual, the issuence, sale, trensfer, assipnment, conveyance ot encumbrance of mots th�n (if a -
<br /> ^ _.. . �..,— .:
<br /> � corpontion)o total of percent cf ita issued and outstanding atoek, or(if e peRnerahip)a totel of���peas►t of , ;;•, �:�M_��
<br /> � �� p�rtnerohip ir+tareate,or a united liab::ty oompeny)a totel of p/� percant ot the limited liabil'ity compan�esti or votinp 'Y, .;;.. --•-
<br /> rlphta Eurinp the period this Oeed of Trust�emeins e lien on the Proparty. . �,'•:;,;r.:,:;,�;"-�
<br /> 12.Rwn�din;Acc�lwation Upon Dsfsule.In tho event of eny Evont of Oefeuk Lendar may,without notice except aa requi�ed by law, r:�...
<br /> dectara ell indebtedneas secs:rad hereby to be due end payable end the same shalt thereupon become due end payebte without eny ''°��"�'�-=
<br /> • ' presentment,demand,protest or notico of eny kmd.Th�after Londar mny: „ . �"
<br /> (a)Demand tfiet Trustee exerciee the POWER OF SALE yranted horein, and Truatee shetl therenfter cauae Truator� intereet . _ ��
<br /> in the ProDerty to 6e eold end the proceede to be dist�ibuted,sll in the manna ptovided in ths Nebrasks Ttust Osed�Aot: _ , ;,- __
<br /> � (b)Exeraise any en4 oIl �Ipfite providod for in any of tho loen Inatrumente or by faw upon oaaurtance of wry Event of � �� y+;�. .
<br /> � Dofault;and `
<br /> ' (o)Commence en action to foreetose this Doad of Trust as e moRyeee, appoint e receiver,or epecifically ento►ce s�y o!tfie t
<br /> covanante hereof. . ' �'
<br /> No remeQy Nmain conterred upon o�reservod to Truatee or Lender is intendad to be exclusive of eny other remedy hxein,in the Loen
<br /> Instrumee+ts or by law provideC or permrtted,but eech ahall be cumuletive,shell be in sddition to every othar ranedy piven heranda,in '
<br /> the Loan Ir.�eumente or now or heroaltor oxisting at law or a�equRy or by ate4uto,snd may bo exorcised concurcentty,indepandm�tty or _
<br /> succesaivety. '
<br /> 13.Tru�tM.The Tncs:ee mey resipn et any time.v��out cauae,end Lender may et eny time end without cause appoint�accersor • • �
<br /> or eubstitute Truetee.Tn:s::�e ehell not be Iieble to eny�sRy,includiny without I'imitetion Lender,Bonower,Tivator o►eny purcfiaser ot
<br /> . the Property, to► eny loss or damape unlerr Que to recWeea or willfut miaconduct, and sfiall not be required to tske any action n . .��
<br /> conneation with the enlorcement of thie Deed of Trust untea�indemnified,e�writiny,tor etl coste,covr.ps►aetion or expanees whieh may ,
<br /> be eseocteted therowfth.In �dd'Rion,Trustee mey beoome e purchasv st any aio of the Property(yu4icial or unEer Ms poww of uis -�--
<br /> grented heroinl;poatpone the eale o7 r;f or eny portion of the Proparty,a�providnd by taw;oi aeA the Property as o whofe,or in soparato . °�'�
<br /> parcels or lota et Truatea's discrotion. . 1�1'
<br /> . 14.F��nd 6ap�n���.In tho evmt Yructeo solte tho Property Gy oxorciso o}powor of aale,T�uetee ehdl be entitled to epply�y sab
<br /> � proceeds(iret to pnVment o!etl coste end expenses of exercisiny Dower of en1e,includinp eIl Truetea'e fees,end Landm's w�d Truatee's . . -
<br /> ! ettomey'e feea,aotuatty incurrod to extent permitted by eppliceble taw.In the ovont Borrowor o�Truator oxarci�a�cny�ISht proiidad by i
<br /> Iew to cure en Event of Defauk,Landm ahell be entitted to roeover from Truator e0 eoate and expa�aee aatuelly'sieunsd as e resuft ot 1 �' �_
<br /> � Tti�ars ee+�,�c,inctudv�p without limitation aIl Trustee's ond attomey's feee,to the extant peanitted by epplicable lew. . � �
<br /> � 15.Futur�Advinc�s. Upon roquost of 8orrower,Londor msy,et ite option,mako edditional end futu�a edvanaes end roadvance�to
<br /> • Bortower.Sueh edvance� end reedvences, with interest thereon,ehail be secured by tfii9 Deed of Trust.At no t'vns efi�tl th�principal '
<br /> ' � emount o}the indebtedness secured by this Deed of TrtiaL not inctudinp sums edvenced to protect the aacu►ity ot this Osed of Trurt, . �
<br /> � oxceed the oripimel principo!emount steted hereg�,o►4 545.000.00 .whichev�r is preater. � _�
<br /> ' G. . , �---�
<br /> i '
<br /> i °
<br /> -� . . . _ _
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<br /> HBC3<67B Mo��,netf[v11 Dee71 Rw 8188 _ �
<br /> � ' 1SE9 NNaul Gar�of Cd+vnwcb TR�t�Sswq�Nlaa�Gri Lme�HWs�u " � �
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