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<br /> i �8.PAr�caticnoous Provisions � . . `- -
<br /> � - (a}BflRawrt Not Rdusad.Extenaion of the time far payment or modification of tha suma sewro �this Qoed of rust qrcnted _ . ,
<br /> , �
<br /> y by L,ender to ony seeacessor in interest of Bo»ower ahall not oyerate to release,in any manner,tho tiabitiiy of the ariginat 8orrower • s , , ,�,�
<br /> ;� end 8onor�e►'e suceeaeo�e in sntsrere.LmQar shetl not 6e roquired to commenca proceedinOs eyeinat such suceesaor o►re}use to , • . . ��#:.�
<br /> j eoctend tBne tor payment or othera+iso modify amort¢�tion oi tho eums secured by thi9 Deed of Trust by reason of eny damande , ;`�-��
<br /> ,� made by the oriyinal Bortower nnd Boaowers auceessore in interest. . , . �
<br /> ` I (b)Lsnd�►'s Powus.Vif'rthout effectiny ihe liabil'rty of tmy other person liable fot the payment of anY o�Gpetion herein mentionod. `.,,
<br /> mid withoui aft�p the lien o►charqe of thia Deed of Trust upon any portion of tho Proparty not then or theretoforo►eteased as �' �-:_-
<br /> � ! eecvrity fot the fuH�mount of elI ur�paid oblipationa,Lendet may,from time to timo nnd without notice(i1 ratease eny psrson so _ , _—
<br /> ' I'mble,tu7 extmd the maturity or aker any of the tesma of eny sueh oblipetiona,liiil prant other indulgences,(iv)release or�aconvey. . < . _
<br /> - .`.� ar exuse to bo relaaaad or roconveyed at enY time at Landai e option rsy parceL portion or all of the Praperty,lv)take or release eny ''� : a��
<br /> "" other additional occuritY for any o6tigation hetein msntiancd. ot tvi)me'.ce�QmVositiono o� other ercangamenta with debtova in _ ' ` _ V _ L
<br /> . relation thareto.
<br /> ..:a4+��r
<br /> (o)Fo�rbaaranca by La►d�►Not a Watvar. My forbearance by Londer in exereiainp any ripht or r�nedy he►eunder,or otharwiso
<br /> afforded by eppGcabte law,shall not be a waiver of or predude the exercise of any such riyht or remedy. The procurament of _;-
<br /> inaurance or the paymant of taxes or otfier liens or charpe9 by Lender shell not be a waiver of Lendei s agfit to accelerste the . . '#
<br /> maiurity af the mdebtednese secured by tl�is Dead of Tnist. .. � -�.:.:`�: _'•;�^
<br /> (d)��uor�and Assiyr►�Boand-Joint and S�v�ra1 UabiTityt Captions.The covensnts and ayreements here'v�contau�ed shall . ,�
<br /> b'v�d, and the riahte herounder shell eiure to,tha respective auecessors and assipns of Lender and Trustor. All covenants end , ti,___'r_=
<br /> eyreemante of Trustor sfiall be joint ond s�verel. Tha ceptions end headinpa of the parapraphs of this Dead of Trust ere for • s�=��<.,�-.��.�_'
<br /> convanienc�only and are noi to Ee used to mterprat or dafine the provisions hereof. .- ��
<br /> ie)Rsqu�st 4ar Notie�.The�ties hereby roquest that a copy of eny notice of defauft hereunder end a copy ot eny notice of � :•=��
<br /> sele heraunder be ma0ed to ear.t�party to this Deed of Trust at the address set fortfi ebova in the manner presuibed by appllcebto
<br /> ���,.,;. . '
<br /> law.Except for a�y othor notice required under appGcable lew to be givan m snother mannsr,eny notice providad tor in•his need of ,r : '.,` _
<br /> '4 Trust shaU be Qivan by mail'mp such notice by certified meil addressed to the other perties, at the address set forth abo�s. Any �; �
<br /> notice provided for in this Oeed of Trust sfiaU be effeativa upon mailinp in ths mannar desi0nated heroin.If Trustor is more then ona .•� � `���=..
<br /> ' peroon,notice sant to the addres�set forth above ahell be notice to all euch pareona. � '''��
<br /> ' .:J.i!, a.:�a
<br /> Y rovided that �-_"�` ..
<br /> �,�� (fl Inap�ction. Landsr ma make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspodions of the P►operiy,P , >"t�°:.r� �;r„,
<br /> L�3er shatl give Trustor notice prior to eny such insDection speciFyring reasonable cause therefor releted to Lsnder's interesi in tha � ,,�.::•,���� •
<br /> . _ .._' _ .��`. .
<br /> Proparty. . - - �
<br /> � lp)R�convsy�ca.Upon peymont of all s�:ms sawred by thia Deed of Tru�t, Lender shell raquest Trustee to roconvey the ;���
<br /> '• Propevty and afi�:Y surrendet thia Ooed of Trust end all notes evidencing indebtednesa secured by this Oaed of Trust to Trustee. ' ,r . :
<br /> sur
<br /> ' Trustea afiall reconvoy tha Proparty without wananty end without charge to tfie person or pereone lepally entitlad thereto.TN9tOf ,��
<br /> sfidl psy all costs of recordation.'rf any. ' ... ��`� }"
<br /> . Q�1 pwsonr Prop�rty;S�eurity AQnrn�nt.As add'Rionat security for the paYment of tha Note,Trustor hereby prante Lender under _ : ;�r 'P
<br /> • the Ne6raske Unffortn Commercial Cade a securit7 interest in ell fixture9,eq¢;,ment,and other personal property uaed in connection • _
<br /> ' witfi tha real estata or onprovemanta located thereon,and not othenvise dec:sred or doemed to be e pert of the real estate secured ''_`a `� r =
<br /> heroby.This inst�ument ehall be construad as a Sacurity Agreament under�id Coda,end the Lender shaU have ell the righte and ;�;;;; `
<br /> ranedies of e sacured party unJor zaid Code in addition to the�phts end remedias created unde►end accordsd tho Lendar purnuant �-. _
<br /> � to this Deed ot Truat;provided�h�t Lendere riphts mid remedies undar this paragreph shalf be cumulative with, end in no way o „„�� :',i; '- .
<br /> �s.:itetlon on,Lender'e riphte and ramed:as under eny other security epreement signad by Borrower or Trustor. � .
<br /> (� LF�ns�nd Encumbnr►c�s. Truston c�rehy wenants end represents thet there is no defauk under the provisions of any ' '��;.;. Y � ••�
<br /> � .
<br /> � moRpape, deed of tru9t, lease o►pucchase cantract duscribing ell or any part of the Property, or other contraot, instrument or ��.-'-
<br /> . •• ' �_�.
<br /> ' eyroement conatitutinp a lien or enwmbranca epainst ell or eny pert of the Property(collective,'Liena'l,axiatinp as of tha dete of ,, �" =y�;,
<br /> thie Qaad af Tni�t, and the4 eny and atl exisiinp Lia+a ramaui unmodified except os disclosed to Lender in Truator's �vritten .;„�•'�-� � "�
<br /> discloaura of liene and cncumbrances provided for hare�. Trustor shall timely porform all of Trustor's obfipotiona, covenents. -
<br /> _ >',.', ..� �.,f.�
<br /> ` represantetiorte and vrertanties undar any and ell existing end future Liena,ahall promptly forward to landor copies of all notieea of --�
<br /> defsult am4 m connection with eny and all existinq or future Liens, end shell not without Lenders prior written consent in any �w
<br /> � ._.; manne►modify the provisions of or ellow eny future advances undar any existfng or futwe Liane. -�T�.�--—
<br /> 1� App6c�tion ot Paym�nta. Untos9 otherwise requirod by law, sums peid to Lender hereunder, including with^ut limitetion � r_` `•���
<br /> paymwtte ot pr'o�ciyal and interest,u�surance procaeds,condemnation proceeds and�ente and profits,shall be appliad by Lende►to �f�-� r
<br /> •,;-�a;fsz�xe
<br /> • tD�s anounte due and owa�p fro.r..Trustor end bonowor m such ordar a9 Lender in its sole discretion deems desirabte. ' f���. �--�a
<br /> (K) S�vK�biGty. If any Drcvision ot tfiis Deed o! Trust confiicts with applicabte law or is declared invalid o� otharwise ' ,
<br /> umntorcrbi�,wch eonflict or invalidity eho41�ot aHect ths other provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Note whi�can bo piven _ ';�-.,-.�_y3+
<br /> "' eff�ot withoat U:e confliotetp proviaion, and to thi9 end the provisions of this Deed o} Trust and the Noto are dacloted to bo =''
<br /> sev�nbts. :
<br /> (D T�.The terma'Truator'end'Botrower'ahull e�clude both einpular and plural,and whon tho Trustcr end Borrowor aro the ''""�"s=
<br />• emne parton(s),tAose terms as uaed in thia Doed of Truat ehall ba intorchanpeable. � - ° '__�� �
<br /> ..;� (m)�ov�rninp I.�w.Thi�doad of Trust sfis11 be qovemed by the lews of the State ot Nebreake. -
<br /> '•�t.��_
<br /> . .5 i r.�i'��:.— _
<br /> � Tru9tor ha�executdJ thie Doed of Trust aa o}tho date writtan ebove. r. � !
<br /> � ����,.,
<br /> .:�.':i•"k.i�::.:',:�..
<br /> �. �,cEG 1J � .�,,.;;t'�,:,=�w�
<br /> " E1IERETY C. WILE , Trustor Trustor .��.:.+�_'.�-'.
<br /> _ :,;.,;, . .
<br /> ', � DIANB WILEY Trustor 'fruator ' , `•�._ : ..
<br /> . •:,�.r:-.r=
<br /> " Trustor "��
<br /> - �; Trustor
<br /> '. • � -
<br /> � �,.-
<br /> .. ' . �
<br /> , - ;_
<br /> , � L1Yli"'
<br /> � . -
<br /> ` ; .
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<br /> = - �------_---•V
<br /> � . •
<br /> • NDC 345TC lHunprkuhwd Daedl Rev.8�95 ` r'
<br /> 19E8 Natioruf O�nk of Commerce Trust and�avinos Asmelation.Uncotn.Nob�eoko I
<br /> �..- . ,-, • .. �.
<br /> �. ���� . . . . . Ji � � ' � ��_ . . . • , '. } .. ! t . � . . . ' ! � .V .
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