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<br /> �� ' � DEED OF TRUST WITH FllTUAE AOVANCES � � � - � , �; �:` .1
<br /> # r ,4� —
<br /> 6th t�is�ch , 18 97 ,by and emon� • �.....�e.���_ ��
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST,ia me3e ee of the day of
<br />. - C7� � `�"�,`.`.`..�.,
<br /> , �,sTr„��. EVEFtBTT C. WILBY JR and DIANB WILEY� HUSHAtiD AND WIFB �� ".
<br /> ..i, �
<br /> � 711 W 15TH GRAND ISLAND NE 6880 ' !��
<br />. . whose mail'mg eddrees is �f'ie��eTrustor,'whether one or moral, -
<br /> . ''��.'•
<br /> - the Ttustea, ��� ��
<br /> ,-�
<br /> � whose meTittq ad3►e�ia 104 N WHEBLER GRAND ISLAND NE 68801 (herein"Truatae 1.and '" T>;. �
<br /> .. . _ '�-��
<br /> the 8enefioiary. T� OVBRLAND NATIONAL HANR OF GRAND I3LAND , . ��".'i -
<br /> v,hose mailing addrass is p O SOX 1688 GRAND ISLAND NE 68802 (herein'Lender'1. �. ����
<br />�;�'�; FOR VALUABiE CONSIDERATfON,mcludinp Lender's axtension of credit ident'rfied herein to EVEI2ETT C. WYLEY JR �.
<br /> DIANS WILBY � � ' -
<br /> :_ .
<br /> (herein'Borrower",whether o�e or more) and the trust herein created,the , �'�.;,. = �
<br /> r2ca:pt of wfiich is hereby acknowladpad,Trustor hereby ircevocably grante,t�ansfers,conveys and assigns to Trusteo,IN TRUST,WITH , ,�,,i. '': �"
<br /> POVIER OF SALE,for the benefit and security of Lender,u:�dei and subject to the terms 2nd conditions hereinafter sei forth,tha reai , � ' ' :
<br /> proporty,described as followa: �
<br /> . `' -
<br /> '`"�r,�' `�t -
<br /> -- ���c.s;c. -
<br /> s`�K�•! � - �.' t�� : _
<br /> PROPBATY ADDRES3s 711 W 15T8 aRAND ISLAND, NE 68801-36fi9 � . . ��� ,
<br />, �: .
<br /> ' � Toysther witfi�II 6uildinpa,improvementa,fixtures,streets,eileys,pessagewaye, easemente,rights,privilepes end appurtanances � __-�'�'
<br /> located thereon or in enywisa peRaininp thereto,and the rents,issues end pro}ita, reversiona end rnmaindere theroof,and suc!►personal _ �.'��,,,�.,�.
<br /> � proyarty that b attached to the improvomente so a9 to constitute a fixtura,�ncludiny,but not limited to,heating and cooling equipmant; y�:'.:
<br /> and topether with th�homesteed or matitel interests,'rf any,which intorosts ara hereby released end weived; all of whid►, includ'my �.,..:�6. - -
<br /> • taplaccmcnte onJ edd'Riono thoroto,is horahy daclared to he a part of tho reai esteto aecured by the liers of this Deed ot Truet and all of •
<br /> the torspoinp bainy refened to herein as the'Property'. `x���������
<br /> -r,,,-�;
<br /> Thi�Qaed o!Trust s}�e!1 securo(a)the payment of tho principal eum and 'mterest evidenced by a promissary note or credit ���'��_
<br /> � .F�s`-_i�^� '
<br /> �yre�ment deted MasCh 06, 1997 ,hev�y a maturity date ot t4arch 06, 1999 , '"'' z
<br /> ' 44.976.73 •��'" *'�
<br /> • in ths oriQinal p�Inctpa!amount of S ,and eny end eIt modifications,extensione end renswal3 ;-�,y.,oasu :.•.
<br /> thereof or thmeto and eny end ell tuture edvances onC readvancea to Barcower(or eny of than'rf more than one)hereunder pursuant to ��'�,:`}'�' .. ..
<br /> � one or mors promiesory notes or credit epreomente(herain called'Note"1;(b)tho payment of other sums advanced by Landor to protoat .w;�'� �
<br /> �f.�-°'
<br /> Y1:�sscurity ot tho Note;(c1 iJ':e pedormance of elt covenente end epreaments of Ttistor set totth herein;and(d)all prasmt and tuture ,��,y�:
<br /> �dobtednoas and oblisation�mf Borrovver tor any of thom 'rf mora than one)to Londer whother direct, indire�ct,absafute o►contingsnt �' ,- �'
<br /> end wh�the►srisinp by note,fluatenty,overdraft ot otherwise.7he Nota,t0��s Daed of Trust and eny end ell other documenta that sz.�.:re � ' `�'�� �
<br /> �:,,�,� .,��,'-.
<br /> � the IJote ot oiherv�ise exocuted in connactlon therewith,incNdinq without Iimitation puarnnteea,secur�ty apreements and esaipnmer.:s
<br /> � o!keaea end rante,ehall be retonod to herain as tho'Loan lostrumonta'. � y���`�� '
<br /> � Truator covanents end agraes with Lender e9 fotlowe: . , _
<br /> . 1.Paym�nt o!(nd�bl�8^�u.All indebtedness secured hereby ehall bo paid when due. - �
<br /> . 2.TiW.Trustor is ths owner ot the Property,has ihe riqht and authority to convay the Property,and werrents t9:ui the tim creatad , ' .,�r r�
<br /> hereby ia s tirst and prior lien on the Piroporty,axcapt}or tiena and encumbrances aet forth by Trustor ir�writiny and delivered to Lmder .
<br /> belors�x�cution of th9s Deed of Truat, and the executlon and delivery o! this Oeed of truat does not viotete any contraot or othar : � • , _
<br /> oblipation to which Ttuator is subject. � • .
<br /> 3.TauN,A�nMta.To pay before delinquenoy eIl texee,spxial easosemente end all othe►charyee apeinst tho Pcoperty now or , ' . .
<br /> �. hereafte►levied. �;f�
<br /> � � 4.fnw�ranc�.To keep tTe Property insurod egainat demage by tire,hazarda,mcludod within tho term "extanded covetepe', and : .
<br /> euch other hezardo a�Lender mey�equire,in emounta and with compenies accoptablo to Londot,naminp Londor as an additional namad ' .
<br /> intured,with losa peyeble to the Lender.In caee of losa under such policies.the Lender is authorized to odjust,collaat and eompromise, ' ,
<br /> ell cla'ans tharaunder and sha11 havo tho option o}applyirtq all o�part of tho insurance proceeds lil to any indobiedness sncurod horeby : � . =
<br /> end tn euch arder es Londer may determino,lii)to the Trustor to be usctd for tho repoir or rostoration of tho Proporty or liii)tor any othot . -
<br /> � purpoae or objeat eatisfactory to Lander without aHoctmp the lian ot this Ooed of Trust tor the full amount secured hereby betore such ' . _
<br /> payment ever took place.My epplication of procaeda to indobtodnosa shall not oxtend or postpono tho due dete oi any poymonte undor • ��'
<br /> , the Moto,or curo eny defeult thereundor or horaundor.
<br /> 8.E�crow.Upon writt�damand by Landar.Trustor shall pay to L�ndor,in such mannor as Londor mny dos�pnoto,sufficient sume � � •
<br /> to enable LenAer to pay a� they become due one or more of the followinp:Ii) all toxos,o9sassmonts end othor chorgoa apeinst tho • . --
<br />` Property,(i1 the premiums an the property insurence requirad hereunder,and(iii) the premiums on eny mortpepo insutance reQuired by • �
<br /> Lende�. �
<br /> 8.Maint�nrrc�,R�pdn�nd Complianc�with Lrw�. Trustor shall keep tho Propeny in good condition and repair;ahe1l promptly -
<br /> ! repair,or replace eny imp�ovement which may be dnmsged or�ostroyod;shull not comm�t or permit eny wnste or deterioretion of tfio � .
<br /> . . .. �
<br /> j Property;shell not removo,demolish or substantially altar any oi the improvemonts on tho Property:shall not commit,suffor or permit � . � _ _
<br /> _ _ J 'ony Acf M bo�on9'v� or�1�on the Propert� �n r.oletion o!rn7 larr.ord�snce. or re�u!elion: sRd sha!!pay ene!prorr.pt!J Q�chergs st �-.__------.._-_:•
<br /> � Truator'e coet and expcnae oll lions,oncumbrancoa and chargo9 tov�od,�mposod o►essessod ogttinst tho Proparty or any pnrt tharnoi. I ' •
<br /> N6C]487A Won�y�Nhs�OWI Rev E/86 �� � � •
<br /> - f08�HR1M118Yt ol COmrMre�T.yt u�AS�vrtpf Aeon�ban.Lntan.NahaM• `{ � j-.-
<br /> 1,. •° ._'___'- �
<br /> - _- — t.;.' . v. ,, . . �.. .�`,:�•... � ' ` � . •�R. • .r . ' r�- . , , i ., ;
<br /> [i ' � , � f . , . . . ;_ �
<br /> . . . ' d .. � ' • - ` . . .. . .. . . ... . � ,.� . - � . . . . . . .. . ' .. . . ... , r . . `
<br />