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<br /> . .�,-
<br /> � : ' � . . '�--_
<br /> . , ,,�
<br /> . � 97—iceis3� , . ' � � �,5�
<br /> 7
<br /> � • �16.9orrower'�Copy. Borrower shall be giver�one confonned sopy of the Note and of this Scxurity Insuua►ent � " � . ..
<br /> � 17.Trans�er ot t�e f°roperty or a Ben�cial Interest in Ba�rower. IC a3i or any part of thc Property or any intere.ct in it is �°°-
<br /> sold or uansf�ed(or if a be�►efiaal intcrest in B°n°wer is sotd or uansferred and Bonowet is not a nattual person) without � _
<br /> . Leader's prior written conseat,Lender may,az its option,require unmediate payment in full of a!1 sums secured by th�s Secunty _ . . ,
<br /> Instrument Hawever,this op6on shall not be eaerc�sed by i.ender if eaercise�s prohibited by federal law as of the date of Wis
<br /> Security Instrument . . . ....
<br /> If Lender eace�ises this oprion.Lender shall give Bonower aotice of acceleration.Ttse aodce shall provide a period of not less �
<br /> tdan 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Bonower must pay all sums securecl by this Sec.uriry .
<br /> Ins�ment If Borrowea fails to-pay these sums Pnor W t�►��Dvauon af this p°.riod,Leader may invoke any remedies permiued . . ,�-•
<br /> ` by this Secauity Instnunea►t wid►oui finlher nouce or demand on Borrower. ' ' . �
<br /> 18.Borrowcr's R3ght to[teiashi4e. 1f Ba�wu meets c�a'° �°nditions. Borrower shall have the right [n have
<br /> enforcament of ttus Security Insuumeut discontinued at aay time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other peaiod as �Y
<br /> applicable taw may specify for�instatement)before sate of the Pro�t}+pursuant to any powea of sale contained in this Security , , . . .r�-
<br /> Instrumen4 or(b)eutry of a judgment enforcu►g this Secnrity tnsuument'11iose conditions are that Borrower:(a)pays Leadea all ` . _
<br /> sums which then would be due under this Security Insuument and the Note as if no acceleration t�ad occ�rred; (b) cures anY � .
<br /> . default of any other coveaants ar agreernent�;(c)PaYs all expen�incurmd ia enforcing this Security Ioswment,including,but � . , . �.,.-
<br /> not limited w,reasonable attomeys'fces;and(d)takes such acdon as I.endea may reasonably require to ass�re that the lien of this , �
<br /> - g�my Instrument, I.ender's rights in the Propeaty tuid Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Secanty " . ; ``E..
<br /> � Ins�ument shall continue unchanged. Upon reins�tement by Borrowca,this Security Instrument aud the obligarions secured _ Q
<br /> hereby shall remain fully effecm+e as if no acceleaatian had oavrred.Fiowever,td�is right to reinstate sshall not apply in the case of , .. �� `.-�
<br /> acceleaation under paragtaph 17. , . • ��
<br /> 19.Sale o�Note;Change of Loan Sesvicer. 'Itie Note or a partial interesc in the Note (wgether wita this Security 4 . , . :� ..
<br /> Instnunent}may be sold one or more dmes without prior aouce to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in ths entity(known : . _ .� ,
<br /> . as We^i,aan getvicer")that collects monthly paymeats due un der t he No t e an d t h i s S e c u r i ty Insuument-'1�►ere aLso roaY be one or � , �
<br /> more changes af the Loan Servicer unrelaued to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be ; � •. �..
<br /> , giveu wrir�en nodce of the cLange in accordance with P�B�Ph 14 above and applicable law.The notice w71 state the name and _
<br /> . address of the new Loan Savicrs and the address w wi�ich payments shnuld be made.The notice cvill also contain any oth� . •�� �
<br /> information required by applicable law. ..�`���
<br /> Z0.Hazardoas Substances. Borrower shall not cause or pamit the presence, use. disposal, siorage, or retazse of any , ,,. ��--
<br /> � Hazardous Substances on or in the Propeuy.Borrower shall not do,nor alloa anyone else to do,anything affecbmg the Propecty • .: ;
<br />�. that is in violation o��y Enwonmeatal Law.'Ibe preceding two senteuces shall not appiy to the presence.nse,or stnrage on the ��,-,._tie�%'� � � -.
<br /> propeny of srnall qe:�.d.�es of Hazardoas Subshances that are generally recognized to be appropnate w normal residential�ses �' ._,;,,�,:'�
<br /> gni �.
<br /> . aAd W mellltet12t1Ce o�ST�PrOperty. . ��. �. � �'"
<br /> 0
<br /> Bosrower shall prcmpdy g�ve Lend� wriueai notice of any invesdgation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any =-�
<br /> gov�amental or regi:latory agency or private party u►vo lving t h e P r o p�y a n d a n y��S u b s t an c e or Environmental Law 4 ; :'� ��.r . '_
<br /> of wtiiich Bonower has actual knowledge.If Sa-.�wa leams,or is notified by any goveanmental or reaen�Ary authority,that any
<br /> ch
<br /> removal or othea remediation of any Hazarduns S�3bstance affec6ng the Property�s necessary,Borrow�shall promptly take all � • ,, ��'.....'. : __...
<br /> ne�ess�ry remedial aqions in accordance with�tiiroamental Law. � . :�� ,. ' ,� ,
<br /> ps used �n�his paragraph 2(!, "Hazardons Snbstances" �:.�.those substances defined as tn�cic or ha7ardovs substances by . : -
<br /> Envirt��nental Law and the folloa�ing substances: gasofi�:.. krrosene, other flammable or tflxic peuoleum pro�^.sts, touc , :�t�.
<br /> � pesticides and heahiades,volati2e sofvents.matea�als contaming asbesws ar formaldehyde,and radioactive materiat�. �1.s used in , . . .' ,;�:. '_�:
<br /> 1}�P��ph 20•"�vironmental Law"means fede�al laws and]aws cf�as jwrisdicdon when the Prope�ty is located that relate ; :S,;;. ,;
<br /> to health,safety or pvironmental protection. ��,- ..�` '
<br /> •: I
<br /> . ..' °i '�
<br /> NON-IJPIIFORNI COVEIVAN'Z5.Borrower and l,e�tder fuNiea caveaazst and agree as follows: ;i:�{���' ,
<br /> P g . ;,��:::. -��... ::
<br /> 21.Accetera4Ion;Remedies.➢.ender shall give notice to Borrower rior to acce�ra�on followin Borrower s 6reach of �`, � •::
<br /> ., .., �,_; .., ,_�
<br /> �. • any covenant or agreement in t6is Secarity Instrument (bnt not prlor to ac�9era8on under paragr�pb 17 unlers . _._
<br /> applicabfe law provides otherwise).The notice shaD spedf9. (a)the default;(b)the actIoa requ3�8 to cure the defantt;(c) , y �
<br /> a date,not�ess than 30 days trom the d�te the notice is given to Borrower,by whic6 the defani3 must be cured;and(d) , _,._�:;L
<br /> . :•� t6a4 ffailmre to care tbe def'auC3 on or before the date�ed in tlze notice may resalt in acceteratton ot the sams secared • � • �--' y.
<br /> , py this Secarity InsUvment�sak of We Property.7'he notice shall fnriher inform Bosrowes o!t�e rtght�n eeinstate ;.
<br /> after ucoeferatioa a�d the rigbt to 6ring a wurt actinn to assert tbe non-ex�stence o!a detault or any other defense of .��:-�• , _, -
<br /> �`, Borrawer to accet�ation and sale.If the d�anit ts nni caretl on or before the date specttied in the notice,I.ender,at its •��,� •:-���_-.:�'=:n
<br /> option�may reqaire immediute payment ifl fuD ot all sums secared by this Security Instrument without Qurther demartd : '� �_.
<br /> ic
<br /> � aad may invake We po�ver o?�z and any other remedies permitted by appl�cable law.Lcnder s6all be entitled to collect �.'�•...
<br /> ��pens� {ncurred in pursr.�g the remedies pmvided in t6is paragrapb 21,including,bat not Iimited to,reasonabte . •. •.� : . ��
<br />� attorneys'tees and costs of title evidenre. r. ;, '���� �• �-
<br /> �:;,..
<br /> V the power ot sale t� invoked.Tras�$x shaU reoord a aoYke of default in each county ia w6icla any part of the �.� '.':�•� : ; _
<br /> praperty ts tocated and s6nU mai!copies of suc6 noiFce in the manner prescribed by applicable lap to Borrowes and to the �. . .
<br /> n •
<br /> other persons prpscrlbed by applkable law.After the tIme required by applkable Iaw,Tsustee shall give public notke of ,{. _ . .
<br /> sale to the pensons and in the manner prescribed by applicable iaw.Truslee,without demand om Borrower,Ghall 6e0 the , • • •�
<br /> Property at pabiic aucdon to the highest bidder at the Ume and p�ace and under tb�terms designated�n thz�.hce of sale • � �_-��_^
<br /> . � . t,
<br /> s
<br /> Form3028 9190 ` � ' • • �:;..
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