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<br /> in one or mone paroets and fn uny order Tr�3ee �t�r�-��ea. Tr�tee ma9 ��one�ile o�sill oa anY parcel oY ttie �; ,_--__:.—----_:__
<br /> � �'oPer¢Y bY PabLc anisouncement at the ttffie and ptase a!any prsvlousty scheduted sale.Leudee or tts designee tnay �' - ,��
<br /> . purc6ase 4he Property at any sata � • � � _ -
<br /> Upoa reeetpt of payraent of t6e prtce bfd, Trustee s6st! deliver to the purclnase* Trosts�'s deed oonvey�ng the k ,.' . •
<br /> p r operiy.'f he r e d t a l s i n t h e T n+s t e e's d t e d s h a t i be priffis� taste eviden�2 ot the dvth of the statements made thereIn. � , . ' �__
<br /> _ 'd'ruste2 sbaU apply We�roceeds oP the sate in t��following order.(a)to all costs and eapenses of eaerdsing ihe power of � �
<br /> t.-' sale,aad We sWe,includ'mg the paymeat of the'd'rnsiee's te�a�fly iaca�rresd.ooi to exce�i 3.o 0 0 �k I , . - - _,� -
<br /> of the prindpal amount of the note at t6e tFme of thY dedaratinn of defauEt,aad reasonabtc attoraeys'fces as permitte�by � •• .
<br /> law;@)to aD sunn.s se�awi by tbis Secarity Instrumeat.and(c)any excesg to!he person os persons tegalty entttted to Is. • . •..—�
<br /> . 2Z.Recoaveyanee. Upon paymeai of all sums secaued b this SeGUity Instnunent, I.ender shaIl request Tiustee w i : �
<br /> ceconrey the Property and shari suaemda this Security Insaumeait and all notes evideacing debt secured by this Security �. . . . �
<br /> Instrnmc�t ro'lYustee.Tn�stee shall reconvey the Progetty without wananty and a+ithaut c�uge to the person or persons legatly , . _
<br /> . entitled to it Suca pe�son or p�soas shall pay any recozdanoa costs. . --- —
<br /> 23.Snbstitnte Tn�ster. Lea�dea,at iLg option,may frorn dme w time remove Tn�stee and appoint a susce.ssor�a�stee w any �. . . _ ----
<br /> � Tenstee appoiatEd h2reunder by an insuumeat re�ord�d in the caanry in which this Seauity Insuutaeat is recorded.Without f. , �. •
<br /> � conveyance of the Pruperty,the s�sor uustee s6all sacceed w all the arle,Pawer and duties confearred upon Tnutee herein and ` • _
<br /> ' bY aPPlicable law. � _
<br /> Z4.Reqnest for Noticss. Bonower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent ta Boirowea's address � :, '��=;�'�=-
<br /> .- . °'��
<br /> wivch is dte Pro�AddIe3.9. .. �',:�',',._1:� �•.•,_
<br /> ?.�.Rtderg o Secarity In.4tramea� If one or moxe rideas are eacecuted by Bormwer and recorded rogether with tbis 4�f. �
<br /> �� . Se�utity Inswment,the coveaants and agrezmer�ts of each such rider shall be incorporated'mtfl and shall amend and supplement , ;,�.;�---
<br /> . the covenants and agree�nxe�ts of this Securiry Ins�ument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Seca�rity InstNmen� ,
<br /> agre
<br />'. , [ [Check�a plicableboa(es)] . : _. ,:_ J�� ."�`
<br /> U Adjust2ble Rate Rider [�Condominium Rided 0 1�Fam�7y Ridea ' � :• . �`-��;_---
<br /> 0 Grasivated Payment Iiider 0 Planned Unit Development Rider []�iweekly Payment Ridea . ;. s j,,�. ,z,
<br /> .:' �Baltoon Rider [�Rate Impmvement Ridea []Second Home Rider t . ��"':.�- --
<br /> • �i •
<br /> � � 0 VA Rider 0 Other(s)[specifY]asssgnmeacs of itent �_':r_•�^, _ _
<br /> - (, .� :� �
<br /> � . � ! ..
<br /> , � .�•a :?�,':.
<br /> � ..•
<br /> .. `� �� ..
<br /> SY SIGNING BEiAW,Bomowra accepts and agrees to the teams co enants oon ' ed' ' Security ent and in . � ._ ,.._.
<br /> ' any ridra(s)executed by Bunower and recorded with it ' `J�1 �:'� �:•, ,
<br /> . i l�j'`r;•
<br />, • RTimesses: (Seal) ...� "•: �;
<br /> Ci. DOUGLA3 LIN -Borromer �E � �
<br /> :�� ����� �
<br /> / p tS�) �• .:s ��' r,___-.
<br /> � � ZTH A CAMPLIN -BanaII'a �:� -'JR"
<br /> 's
<br /> i �„�'__
<br /> .:�i r�
<br /> ''f -
<br /> (Ssal) �� - - - �':�`-
<br /> (Seal) „ .�,.. r. .
<br /> • -Sorrower •Horvwer "1� , _ •r,`a.:`,.'�`.
<br /> �.f. � •
<br /> "__.r���-
<br /> j• SWte ot Nebrasl�a, �L CO���' `���`'-��--
<br /> �!4 . ��..�� _
<br /> 'Ihe foregoing instraiment was aclmowle�ged before me Wis 28Ta day of FEHRUARY , 199� •:�.-�-- �_
<br /> Wimess my hand and notarial seal at ax�rtn IsLA1�D, _ in said Counry,the date af '� _ . �.:: .:
<br /> .. ':'�,� � : � ;
<br /> • My CommissiOA E . r- ..
<br /> -„+�r.:,}•.,,:•-:. :�;:•.
<br /> xP '
<br /> �� GENEiG1i�0T�lY.StY�rMiti� otary Pablic ,i'4-��'-•.a,."��.
<br /> � L'IEYFQ.IQlIOiAN -. =--=�?+ .
<br /> ������ µ •
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<br /> f.,' _ . —
<br /> ` � .
<br /> �-8A(H oryt�+z�.o, aap.e o�e Form 8028 91�0 : , • --
<br /> ..' � , . :
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