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<br /> paycnents may no longer be required.at the oprion of Lendcr.if mortgage ins�arance coverage(in the amount aind���ie�pe�od h , � � ,,�•
<br /> . that Lender requires)psovid�d by an insvrer approved by Lender again becomes available and is obtaiued.Borrower shall pay the
<br /> premiums required to maintain mortgage ins�uance in effect, or to provide a loss �esenrc,until t�e requirement for mortgage �
<br /> insuzancc ends in ac�ordance with any wriuen agreement becween Borrower and I.ender or applicable law. �
<br /> �.:
<br /> 9.InspYCfion. I.ender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspecaans of the Property.i.ender shall give . _
<br />` Borrower notice az the time of ar prior to an inspection speti:uying m�sonable c�use for the inspection. �' �k
<br /> 10.ConderanatIan. The proceeds of any award or clairn for damages, direct or consequential, in connecaon with any � .
<br /> condemnation or other�aking of any pan of the Property,or for conveyance in lieu of cnndemnarion,are he�reby assigned and t •. � �
<br /> shall be paid to L.ender. ` � ..
<br /> ' In the event of a total�g of the Praperty,the proceeds shall be applied w die sums secured by this�ecurity Insuument, � , ..
<br /> ahether or aot Weu due,wiW any excess paid to Sorrower.In tde eveni of a partial taking of the Property in which the fas markei ; , .
<br /> value of the Pcoperty irnmediaiely bef�re the taicing is equal m or grearer than the amount of the snms secured by this Security i ' �', . '�
<br /> Iastrument immediately before the raking, anless Borrovrea and Leader othexwise agrce in writing, the sums secvred by this • � . . ,
<br /> �' Security Iasuument shall be reduced by the amount of tbe proceeds multipfied by ths folloa+ing fraction:(a)the wtal amonnt of � "_.:
<br /> � the sums s�red immediately before the taking,divided bY (b) the faff maricet value of the Propeaty immediately before the � ' � , - �.
<br /> ralcing.Any balance shall be paid ro Boirower.In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair market value of ttee . �:
<br /> � Pmpraty immediately before the taking is less than the amaunt of die sums secured immediately befoie the taldng, unless � . . . ,
<br /> j Boirower arcd Lender otherwise agree in writir►g or unless applicabte law otheawise provides,the proceeds shall be app}ied to�e ; �. , ::�
<br /> 1 sums sec�red by this Se�urity Insorume�t whether or not the sums are then due. ,, ''
<br /> jff t h e F r o p e r t y i s a b a a d o n e d b y B o i m w e r.o r i t;a ft e r n o t i c e b y L e a d e r w B o r ro w e r t h a t t h e c o n d e m n o r o ff e r s t o m a I t e� f .. , �, `.'��
<br /> I award or saile a claim for damages,Borrower faiLs w respond w Lendca within 30 days aftes the date the notice is given,Lender s.
<br /> , is authorized w wllact and apply tha proce�ds,at its oprion,either to restnration or repair of the Property or w the sums secvred � „;�} :"='�
<br /> by this Sec�rity Instruutent,whethe.r or not then due. � _:., �� '
<br /> " Untess Leadea and Boaower od►ea�n+ise agree in writurg,any application of proceeds to principal shall not eatend or postpone . � ;:.�r��''i.,
<br /> ' the due date of the monthly paymenrs refeired to in paragtaphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. .`'�'`":`
<br /> a ap �
<br /> 11.Bormwer Not Released;�Forbearance By l.euder Noi a Waiver. Fa�tension of the lime for payment�r anodificaaon , `' _
<br /> of amorti�ation of the swns secured by tbis Secauiry Instrument granted by Lender w any successor in interest of�rrowea s6all � " �� -.
<br /> cce 4 . •.
<br /> not ape�ate ao release the liability of the origiaal Borrower or Borrower's successors in int�t.Lendea shall not be required� �
<br /> �'. .
<br /> wmmence ga�x�ings against any suocessor in intemst or refuse to exteud ume for payment or o�erwise modify amo�i�rion of ` �. -�
<br /> . ,Y�. . ''`
<br /> the sums sec::.�by this Security lnstrument by reason of any demand made by the original Bonowa or Borrower's successors � ; ����..f; .
<br /> in interest Any forbearance by Lender in exeacising any s�ght or remedy shall not be a waiver of or prectude the c�.�ise of any . � •-�� '.'�� �
<br /> ' right ar�nedy. .-.
<br /> 1 2.S a c c e s s o r s�n d A s s i g o s B o u n d;l o i n t a a d S e v e r a l L i a b' ;C o-s l g n e r s.T h e c o v e n a n u a n d ��� �
<br /> ilii�+ ugre�entc of this �`��!;
<br /> Security Insuuweat shall bind and benefit the suc�sors and assigns of Lendea and Bonower,subject to t6e provisions of � �; `
<br /> pacageaph 1T. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and seveaaL Any Boaower aho co-signs this Security :` ,:•-
<br /> Instrument bnt dces not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Insfiunent only w mortgage.g�ant�� wnvey that � " . � • ,. -�'
<br /> � Sormw�'s int�rest a�the Pro und�the tecros of this Sec�ui Inswment;(b)is not � � " �
<br /> P�Y LY P�nally obligated to pay the sums .'(,,:,;. :`-�
<br /> secumd by this Seauity Insaumen�and(c)agrees that Lendea and any other Borrower may agree to eatend,modifY,forbe�or '._�fe.
<br /> matce any aocf�nmodations with regard to the terms of this Security Inswment or the Note without that Bormwer's consen� � • '
<br /> 13.Loao C6arges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum toan charges, �� '���^ �
<br /> . :� }''+'� _
<br /> and that law iv finally inteapreted so thai the int�est ar other loan charges wllected or tn 6e wllected in connection with the toan .. . � �'.'';
<br /> exceed the permiued limits.then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the •
<br /> pamitted limi�and(b)any sums atready coltected fror�Borrower which exceeded permiued limits will be refunded to Borrower. • ��. �-�..—..-
<br /> L�ded may choose to make this refund�;y reducing the principal owed under the Note or by�.aking a daect payment tn , .." : .i;.;Y..._
<br /> ,�t._
<br /> Borrowea. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be urdted as a partial prepayment witfioat an r a � ' S`�
<br /> �' Y P eP Yment charge . '.,;::�";
<br /> � under the Note. . .
<br /> 14.Notices. Any notice w Boaower provided�er i�this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering u or by mailing it , `'
<br /> by first class mail nnless a�iicable law requires ase af:�other method.'Ihe notice shall be directecl to the Propeaty Address ar " � � "� �•
<br /> any other ac+�ress Borrowea designates by nouce to I.ender.Any notice to Lendea shall be given by fust cla�s mail to Lender's , ' � : �
<br /> addr�s sKa:�d heaein or any other address Lender drsignates by ne��e to Borrower. My notise provided for in this Security � � �_
<br /> Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lendea when given as provided in this paragiapb, k . � �� .
<br /> a
<br />� 15.Goveming LAw;Severab�7ity. This Sec�ty Instrumens shall be govemed by fedeial !aw a:�d d:w taw of the C .
<br /> ,�urisdiction in which the Propeaty is located.In the��:t that any provision or clause of this Security Inssr.:.�:�t or the No� , �
<br /> conflicts arith appllcable law.such conflicc '+ not a.�fect other provisions of this Security lnsu¢s�t or the Note which can be • ,
<br /> 've�effect without the conflictin ovi�e�.To this end the rovisions of this Securi Instrumer.t and the N � � . .
<br /> 8� B Pr p ty ote are declared to � .
<br /> be seveaable. • �
<br /> Form 8028 9180 .
<br /> r
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