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. "�' <br /> _-�� , . <br /> `�. . ; <br /> .,,�,■...,�t. , <br /> _ � .--- ...._......_ --------.,.- -- - --_-.. ..----- --- �.,,...�.w�,. -.. <br /> , � . ���,�, . .... —- --- �---�-------- -- -- -��� _, <br /> , - -~:�.:_ <br /> ° .. .... _. . ;';:,., .: <br /> � _ � . .. . . . . . <br /> DAC714'3�2a97-60Z6 <br /> ; 17. aQII. 11lID H11'PER COH8ERV7►TION ��„�1d��� . <br /> .;,:..+�*'�. Th� qrantas shall maintain, in a mer�ner eatiefactory to eaid officer, al'1 <br /> y..,w. eoil and wat�r aonearvation etruot-uroe thnt m8y be in exietena� upon �aid <br /> pr��i��� st th� beginning oi or thnt mey be conetruated by the granteee during th� <br /> • torm o! thie eneemen�, end the grantee ehnl i take appropriate mensuras to prev�nt <br /> or aontrol soil erooian within the right-of-way herein granted. Any aoil oroo�on , <br /> ocaurrinq out�ide the pramieee reeultin3 from the activities of the grants� ehall „-,�. <br /> b� corrected by �he grantee ae diroctQd by eaid officer. ^�°'� <br /> ;��` <br /> ;, =-,'� <br /> � j,' 1�. ENVIROli1�HT71L BROTECT=OH �r��,; <br /> � a. Within the limi�e of their respective legal poware, the partiee hereto _- <br /> � ahall protect the Qsem�ge$ against pollution of ite air, ground, and water. The -_ - <br /> gran�ee shall promptly comply with any laws, regulatione, oondi�ione or `�_ <br /> �• in�truations sftecting the aativity hereby authorized ii and when ieeued by the �;:�;��' <br /> Environmentnl Protectian Agency, or any Federal, etate, interetate or local j ,�._, <br /> � qovernmen�al aqency having juri.sdictlon to abate or prevent pallution. The .,�`_:, <br /> diepoeal of any toxic or hazardoue materialn within the premi.eee ie etrictly _ <br /> prohibited. such regulatfone,, or instructiona in effect or __ <br /> pre�cribed by the ee�id Envi.ronmental Proreation Agency or any Federal, etat�, __ <br /> � � interxt�te or loaal governmental agency are hereby made a condition of thie <br /> • � easomont. Ths grantee ehali not di�acharge waete or effluent irom the premisae __ <br /> in �uah a manner that the discharge wiil c�ntaminate streams or other bodiee of <br /> .; <br /> ' ,. ,� wator or otherwiee became e public nuieance. <br /> _� b. The uee of any peaticides or horbicidee within the pxemieoc ehall be •� <br /> _��,�;;;-.. •---Z ZoiJ� .:2TL2 Y�l3+11 at�A»o[. <br /> in aontormance with all applicabie Federal, etaca aciu .��o �. <br /> � . The grantee muet obtain approval in writing from snid offioer before arsy c:_ <br /> peeticidee or herbicidee are applied to t he premisea. _ <br /> � o. The grantoe will use all reaeonable me�no available to protect tho - <br /> environment and naturnl resourcee, and where damage nonetheleee occure etrieing = <br /> . fran tho qrantao'a aativities, the grantee shall be liable to reetorv the dan!aged <br /> � rseourese. <br />-„-:�,,. <br /> ����'1�� 19. BRELINYli)1RY 118BE86lfGHT BCRLL�IJINO <br /> —.:xR. <br />-,::„ev�ja�y. <br /> --.;;E. ,,.,? 1� Preliminary Aeeeesment Screening (PAS) dacumentinq the known hietory oi <br /> ';=_� th� prop4rty with regard to the etorago, releaee or dieponal o! hazardoue <br /> rr �-•--� substanae� theraon, ie attached hereto end made a part hereof as ExhibiL "C" <br /> "=•���� Upon oxpirntion, revocntion or termination of thie easement, another P7�8 shall <br /> '-,.�'=�`^-'=t� be prepared which will documont the environmental condition of th� prop�rty �t <br /> l-'"='=_� thAt timo. A comparison of the two aeeeeemente will assist the •sid offic�r in <br /> �-� will be aomplst d by the gr ntee in uccarda ceqwith the cnndition on REBTOiR1TYOtTa <br /> �,k��c <br />�`«a.':%��,Cl� °°-_- <br />--—__:-� 10. HISJlOAIC PREBERVIITIOH =_-- <br /> �=�T�==_::� The gruntee ahall not remove or disturb, or cauee or permit to be remov�d <br /> -_-�'`$''� er di�turb�d, any hiatoriaal, ercheological, architectural or othet cultural _ <br /> _�°.,�.,,�-^� artiifaot�, r�lica, remnine or objects of antiquity. In the event euch items ar� _ <br /> - .;_:�_.__�� disaowr�d on the premises, tha grantae ehall immodiately notify tho 3tst� <br />----=_� Hi�tosical Pr�eorvation oFficer (SHPO) and protace the ei�e and material from ��?!'-� <br /> _-��;-;=� furtihar diatusbnnce until eaid officer gives clearanae to proceud. ,i__ <br /> - :.r�:�� �:=_ <br /> --.�x..::;; �,;- <br /> �IVLI��"L'�^'�t <br /> .. �:i_. <br /> • .i � .I ����_- <br />.�' --- <br /> "; . . 4 __ <br /> _ _ .., �i 1� .'iY+r', _ <br /> - -��. � • . . � • , '. <br /> .,..,.- ^� .�.,, r,_._____._.._..-^...� :.�;��,,�:_-.. ......-.•-- . -----..-.---,�y�� . . <br /> . . . �� � � . <br />_ „ .. , ., . ., <br /> . ., .. - . .. � .. �: Y:,y�+ <br /> � �� f � ''� � ,. �` . ., . �' - <br /> .. . <br />`.. . . .. ' � , .. <br /> . � , <br /> . .. _ . . � . . . . <br />