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<br /> DACA4S-7-97-G044
<br /> `� Z1. NON-AIBCRII+�It7ATZON `��_ ����� .•
<br /> :,:.�i`Q' The grantee aha11 not diecri.minate againet any pereon or pe'reone because
<br /> ��• "� of race, color, age, oax, handicap, national origin, or religion in the conduct
<br /> of operatione on the premieea.
<br /> �� 11. R�BTORATION _
<br /> , On or be£ore trie expiration or eermination of thie easement, the granCee ..�,�T,SL
<br /> •'- ehall, without expenee to the United States, ancl within such time ae eaid officer �...
<br /> �' may indicate, remove said facilities and restore the premisee to the eatiefaction •��_�
<br /> �: of eaid officer. In the event the grantee ehall fail to remove said facilities ?_
<br /> • _� and reatore the premiaes, the United States ehall have the option +�o take over :•,z-W:-
<br /> m eaid faciliti.es ��ithout compensation, or to remove eaid facilieies and perform -:-
<br /> � the resL•oration at the expenae of the grantee, and the grantae ahal� have no �:��i,-
<br /> � claim for damages againat the United Statea or ite officere or agante for euch �,,___
<br /> action. -
<br /> J � � .
<br /> � 93. DIBCLI1It�ER _
<br /> "'� Th�a inatrument ie effective only insoPar ae the righte of the United ,y:�_`=
<br /> Statas in the property are concerned, an�i the grantee ehall obtain such
<br /> permiaeion ae may be requi�ed on account of any other �xieting rigk►te. Yt is ,_.'
<br /> undoratood that the granting o£ thio easement does not eliminate the neceeeity '.:
<br /> � o£ obtaining any Denartment of t.he Army permit which may be requirad pureuant to �,,.
<br /> • the proviAions of 8ection 10 of the Rivere and Harbore Act of 3 March 1899 (30 �,
<br /> 9tat. 1151; 33 U.S.C. 5 403) , 3ection 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 5 ,
<br />---• ' 1344) or any other permit or lieense wiaiah may be rn�ui�a3 b'r Y'cdczsl, st�te ^?^ _
<br /> � �- local. etatute in conrxeotion with uee oE the premises. °
<br /> 14. NON-TW►NBr8RR118LE RIfiHTB
<br />�.±•'•�•_''�" Conditione 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15 and 22 are non-transferrable rights of
<br /> ��:°t��;:y the grantor. In the e�rent of diapoeal of the United Statea' undezlying fee,
<br /> -=='•---M= theae righte and conditiona will not transfer. Prior to the execution of thie
<br /> •.:r;,.�^:.
<br /> -- �N=�� instrumant, the following site Specific Conditione 25 through 28 were adde to
<br /> �''%r�r.`�-�� the eaeamant.
<br /> - �s-_�:ti�
<br /> -.:.ri�Ct 8IT= 8P8CIaSG CONDITIOl�(3
<br /> _�f;a..�
<br /> - -• -�.�:::;� 15. The grantee muat comply with the provieione of the �ederal Facility
<br /> -•_���� Agraemnnt (FFA), which the Army enterad into with the United Statee Environmental
<br />=�"'°A�'��'� Protection Agency and the Nebraska Department of Eavironmental puality, in
<br /> ._...__._�__—= regarde to the Cornhueker Army Ammunition Plant inetallation Reetoration Program _
<br /> - of�198oheae amended by the Superfund Amendmente and Reauthorization�aAbctlofY19e6
<br /> - -�_;�;�� (42 V.S.C. 9601, et seq.) (CERCLA/SARA)• A copy of the FFA ia availetble for the -.
<br /> -�,°h�a graatee'a review in the Office of the Inetallation Commander'a Repreeentative or
<br />---�=�y� hfe authorized representative.
<br />-.__:_���_�� -
<br /> - - -`_' 16. The parCiae specifi.cally contemplste the potential conot•ruction by granCee
<br /> -�`"�: of additional Faeilities, coneietent with the reguiremente of Coadition 5, to _
<br /> "-"`""'�T�'� extend aew utility service to graat�r or third parties who may loante on
<br />.� 3E?fYJF�
<br /> --Na�� grtsntor'� property. 6ubject to applicable lawe an8 regulations the part ee
<br /> .. _�,�,_�-�.� intend to prepare from time to time amendmente to this easement ae may be =
<br /> -..fy,�i� neceeeary to allow i.nstallation of euch additional Facilitiea.
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