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c <br /> •� „ ' „ <br /> .� ' <br /> ' , <br /> ` ,. � <br /> ..,. • <br /> - _._.._._---_- `~ -�-- - — <br /> . . ----.,.... . _. . . .... - - ._.__.._..-- --� --- - - --- -.�— -- _ — <br /> �_ <br /> .. , ��",' .� :.4::••r-.�'�,..�`.s_, _ . <br /> . �.�..•_'e,C►{S'! �_.�,' .. , . . -__.. <br /> �, �� ' . .. ��.?,ti�.`-- <br /> . �?- 10�.563 � <br /> D7►G14S-�-97-60�4 . <br /> ,.� <br /> •ny oth�r u�� of thd lands an may be neceenary in connection with qovernmant <br /> ..�'�`', purpose�, and khe grantQe ohall have no claim for damagee on account thereof <br /> •. ..•� � agsin�t tha U�ited States or any officer, ageat, or employee thereof. <br /> 11. Zk71?18PEA8 AND A88i(iNl�tiTi3 <br /> �i .. . <br /> '•;, Without priox written approval by said Dietrict Engineer, the grenteo ehnll ,.,_� <br /> :� n�ith�r kransfer nor aseign this easement or any part thereof nor grant any �a:�,L_ <br /> �y, in�ar�at, pri.vilege or license whataoever in connection with thia eaeement. The ;, r,..,_ <br /> �� yrovi�ions and aonditione o! thie eaaement �ha11 extond to and be binding upon ' ,�_,;_ <br /> '�'.,,.,," tnd Rhall inure to the benefit of the repraeentativee, succeesore and aseigas of _^��. <br /> �; th� qranteQ. .�� - <br /> �;,•. �:=� <br /> 11. iNDL�Wi2TY . . :. <br /> �" ,'�,:`..� <br /> Tho Un+lted statee ehall not be reeponeible Eor damages to property or <br /> �_ in�uri�s to por�oa� whioh may ariee from or be incident to the exesaise oE the __ <br /> privilaqee hesein granted, or for damagea to the property or injuriee to the __ <br /> , perwn of tha grantee'e officere, agente, or employeoe or othere who may be on <br /> . �''�. tha pr�misee at their invitation or the iavitation oE any one of them, and tha <br /> .. •• granEae ehall hnld the United Statea harmleee from any and all such claime not <br /> inaludinq demaqes due to the fault or negliqenco of the United Stetea or its �.,�,,. <br /> • contractore. <br /> " " • .�, 13. B�DJECT TO EI18E11EHT8 �ti- <br /> �-'���"�' �"��� � This �asement is eubject to all other exietinq eaeementa, or tnos� _f <br /> f' .�. . �ub��quently qranted as well ae eatablished acce$e routes for roadwaye and =- <br /> utiliti�e loaated, or to be located, on the premiees, provided that the proposed == <br /> - � qrant of any new eaaement or route will be coordinated with the grantee, and __ <br /> --`::;,'ti.'��;_. �aeea�nts will not be qranted which will, in the opinion of eaid offioer, <br /> --.x4�.�k�; interfere with the uee of the gremisee by tho grantee. <br /> __.;,��41:^.f: - <br /> '.`. ,�:`{r 1�. RSQUIRLD BERVICEB <br /> ..._ .ti.. <br /> -•,�y::.:- . �� -• <br /> `�-•._-_:--- The grantee ehall furnieh through eaid facilitioe euch eervicee ae cnay bs _ <br /> ''�-*��r��*�' required Prom Cime to time for qovernmental purpoees, provided that pnyment !Qr _ <br /> _''"�`""°' �ueh oervice will be made by the United Statee or ite Contractor at ratee which <br /> -'L�`��`,.• � �hall be mutually aqreeable but which ehall never exceed the moet lavorable ratee __ <br /> - °-T=="�' qranted by tha qrnntee Por eimilar service. <br /> -:^?�st;£.�, <br /> �- �'-�� 15. Rl.ZOCATZON Ol� rACILITIEB <br /> i�""-�' In the ovent ali or any portion of the premiees occupied by the� said <br /> — faciliti.e�s ehall ba needed by the Uniked Statee, or in the event the exietQnas � <br /> -�",����'� of axid lacili.tiee is determined to be dotrimental to qovernmentnl activi.tie�, <br /> �'� the qrantoe ahell from time to time, upon notice to do eo, and as ofton ae eo ---- <br /> _�_�'r'` notitied, remove seid facilitiee to euch other location on the premisas ae may <br /> ;-_:;,'��;;'�, be daeignated by enid offieer. In the event said facilitiee ehnli not be removed <br /> _T��„f�� or relocated within ninety (90) days after such notico, the United States may __ <br /> �---�_� cause such reloaation at th� sol� �xpeaa� of the graut�e. _ <br /> _'�+_-�?�c.;.: _.. <br /> ,_.�����'- 16. 'IERIfIH7►TION -_ <br /> - -_-_e: -- <br /> --'�;�.,�,. _. <br /> -�°�=�'"'x••' This eaeement may be terminated by the Secretary upon 180 dnye written <br /> �` : - notiae to the grantee if the Secretary shall determine �hat tha riqht-ol-way -_ <br /> - hereby grnnted i�nterferea with the use or dispo�ai of eaid land by bhe United _ <br /> _ � etatee, or it may be revoked by the Secretary for failure of the qrnntee to ��__ <br /> comply with nny or all of the conditione of this eaeoment, or for non-use for n <br /> � peri.od of two (2) yeara, or for abandonment. � • �ti-�-_____ <br /> ��- <br /> �-__..-_- <br /> . 3 �•- -'-- <br /> :'.� = <br /> ..�7��-- <br /> . <br /> ` �y, � . .. <br /> - --�. ___� <br /> �►�''.�.-.-. . - <br /> •- - > - . <br /> _ � �--------- -.�_._.......�— .. �+v <br /> . ' ,. � Y ,. ,. • <br /> .. -�, <br /> ' r <br /> , ., c � <br /> � Y.'- „ . ' ' ' -� .b�� � ... .. ., . � <br />—. e. T . . U " .• � ' .. ' , ,`�.. + <br /> ' - . .. 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