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AIITI30RI7L'D RSL�It8�J8N7�'2STIVSB ��o ����� <br /> '" ��"'3 Except as or.herwioe epecifically prov�.ded, any referenc'e hereia to <br /> ,-�~",.�, "Secretary�', "Diatzict Enginoer", "Inotallation Commander'o Repree�ntAtive", oz <br /> �a�"'"�""� ��said offi.cer" ehall include their duly authorized representativee. 1�Y <br /> '��""° refexnnce to "grantee" shall include asaigneee, traaePexaea and their duly <br /> " ' auChorized representativea. <br /> LJ r <br /> , . 5. 80PERVIBION SY TAS INBT)1LL1►TIaN' COI�[IINDSR'B RsPRIl98N�A�Y'iiY - <br /> The construcCion, operation, maintenance, repair or rep�.acement of said <br />, including culvezta and other dz�sinage facilitiee, shall be performed <br /> � at no coat or expeneA to the United Statee and subject to the approval of the ,_ <br /> ., InetallaCion Commander's Representative, Cornhueker Army Ammunition Plant, <br /> = hexeinafter referred to ae said offiaer. t3pon the completion of any o£ the above <br /> - activities, the grantee ehall immediately reeture the prem�eee to the <br /> -- eaCief.action of eaid �£ficer. The use and occupation of the premieee for �he _- <br /> -` . purposes horein granted ahall be eub�ect to such rulee and regulatione ae eaid '_: <br /> �.` officer prescri.bes in writing from time to time. *_- <br /> -';;'?:�:�•w- 6. 71�pLIC718LE L11W8 I1HD REOIIL11TI4N8 ��� <br /> ',...` <br /> - •� ! Tha grantee shall comply with all applicable Federal, atate, county and <br /> � •'' municipal lawe, ordinancea and regulatione wherein the premiaea ara locatad, ° <br /> ��•--R��� inc].uding, but not limited to, the proviaione �f the latest edition of the <br /> •_ ���.y�, National Electrical Sa�ety Code (NESC) and the Environmental Protection Agency �>. <br /> ,� .,, . regulationa on Polychlorinated Biphenyla (PCB�e) . - <br /> ..- <br /> -�;;y�:ii-"�1' G._ <br /> .�;i�. �..:j <br /> =°:�'�•= -�' �. coxn=xxox o� 8x�sssas _ <br /> _ .:���.;•. . --- <br /> ti�,.�_z..� — : <br />=rw-�id`,.,� The grantee acknowledges that it hae inapected tha premisee, knowe the <br /> ;:;-._�`y'�`�; condition, and underetande that tho sama is grantad without any repreeenta�ion <br /> _°��;_�^°�;'.: � or warranties whatsoover and without any obligution on the part of the UnitQd <br />---- 9tate6. <br /> --:�`r���• 8. INBPECTION ]12iD A3P71IR8 <br /> -��'"S� <br /> -,�.r� �he yrantee shall iaspact the facilities at reaeonable intervala and <br />�-=-�,,;� immedistely repair any defecte found by auch inepection or when required by eaid <br />------.,�._;� officer t� repaix Any euch defecte. <br /> __ — 9. PROTBCTZON 01 ti0V1lR2�l�i'P aROPERTY <br /> - __ The grantee ehall be reeponeible for any damage that may be caueed to the <br /> ------ property of the United Statea by the activitiea of the grantee under this <br /> eaeement and shall exerciae dun diligence in the protection of all proper�y <br /> �� located on the premises againat fire or damage from any and all othor causee. <br /> Any property of the United Statae damaged or daetroy�d by the grantee iacident <br /> to the exercise of the privileges harsia granted ehall be promptly repaired or <br /> - - -, repinced by the grantee to a cond±tion eatiefactnry to eaid officer, o.r at th� _ <br /> elnction of sai.d officer, reimburaemerit mada therefor by the grantae in an amount <br /> aeceesnry to restore or replace �he praperty tn a condition oatiefactory to eaid <br /> --- of.ficer. <br /> """""�-�.� io. RIOHT TO srrrsR <br /> �-=;�;� The right ia reearved to the United SCates, its officere, ayente, and <br />—��===�%� employees to enter upon thc premieee at any tims and for any purgcee neceaeary _ <br /> -_=s`����� , ar convenient in connection with governrt:ent purpoees r to make inspactione t to <br /> -•=='�„�� . remove timber or other material, except property of the grantee� and/or,tq;ma3ce <br /> � , <br /> __��w= ---- <br /> ��';,.�¢; . 2 . �.,- <br />_=.�;�F:�.•„ � _ - <br /> -"w�• �_:- <br /> . - :.1'�.. ! �°.. <br /> — _ �� _ <br /> :.0..r n <br /> _'-~.i,r..�:.�. . � `' ' <br /> t- <br /> - _- _---- - - -.. — ----- --- --- — -- � <br /> . �,,. . .... - --- �--.-_-. - --- ------- � --_-- --...--- --� � �� ------ -- <br /> - `---------��---,- <br /> - .. �-'�'�'` � _t� .�.. . . � <br /> .. <br /> t.. $ ' <br /> . <br /> :., • . ( �� �. . , .,.�: . . <br /> �- ... . 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