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<br /> i,pC7►T�D ON
<br />" COR21lY08RiR 11R1YY ]110�UNZTI02i PidINT '--
<br /> HI1LL COIINTY� NR8R7181�7► �.;
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<br /> M1 Z'1KS giCR�Tl►AY 01► TH� 1►A1[Y� under and by virtu� of th having found that the =
<br /> 1� '
<br /> � • the Searetary by Title 7.0 LTnited 3Latea Code, Section Z669,
<br /> granting of Chie eaenment ie nor, incompatible with the public i.nteraet, hereby F_:
<br /> .;;;`; grante toi 9010THSRN NiA1Li�81U► RQR1�L pIIBLIC nOMiR DiBTRYCT� a corporation duly �
<br /> �;,: organized and exieting us�der aad by virtue of the lawa oE tha State oE Nebraeka,
<br /> wiek► ita principel o�E�ae l.oaa�nd in Ora�rtd ieland, Nebrci�eka. hereinafter referred
<br /> ,';,��. ��� to as the grantea, an eaeemant for an elnctrical diatribution byeCen located a�
<br /> • the Cornhuaker Arn►Y lunmunition Plant (CAAB) , ar�d Ieland, Nobraeka, and more
<br /> '� particularly described on the eill of Sale which ie attached here�o and made a
<br /> =,:.,�:�.y�.�:. pazt heraof ae Fxhibit "A", a h ic 2i da e a r i p r i o n of auch electrical dietribution _
<br /> eyetem ie incorporatad by refarence, herinafter refarred to as the facilitiee,
<br />. ,,4 . � ovar, acrose, in and upon laade of the United Sta�ee ae idantiFied in Exhibite �
<br />"•°�'�!jK� °A-1" and ��B-2", hareinaftes raferred to as the premisea, and whicski are attached
<br /> h�sreto and made a part hernoft eaid eaeement baing 30.00 feet in width, ly:tng
<br />=y,";'�`��� 15.00 fee� on each eide of the lines idnntifind horain, and includee the Eenced
<br /> :r;��:1� area surrowiding the substation. The elac�imarydunderJround i i g,ReBUpPort
<br />_,�ji�.,, primary and eecondary overhead wiring, P _
<br /> ='-�.�c�• etructurae, subatationa, tranefor►nere, switchgoar and all other elactric
<br /> -m=-����� �,arri hution at the CAAP up to each individual b�xilding'e aervice connection
<br />— _�_� .. � ._,yarhPad BBCOIid3r1►
<br /> -===v:� point. Unlees otherwise agreed by amendmeia:, ha�a�ss, --x
<br /> --""=-"--��� service aonnection point ie at the maet head on the building, and an un3erground
<br /> ;.,h,,�_ ., tarminala of the pad-mount
<br />