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_��t �: <br /> .... „ <br /> 7• - <br /> ,, <br /> .... • • r. - <br /> . . - . _ :=�..iy�„y,�[_F , . <br /> ��•�•MRP'F <br /> . .' " ' __ __'_— . . —__"....—_'__ "___""___ . . . . . "'_—__'��'._—'�'_'_'---__--__" "'__'_'_"'_ ____" —_ '_ <br /> . .�I.M�MI�MY►�•� .' � . . . . .. ' ' . t'l.'1L."6� . <br /> - . ..[.: . ...._ .."_.... . •. . . <br /> I . .7_ r,. °��i::.Z`6e51'.._ <br /> � 7. Proteotion of I�ender's Riqhb In ti�o P�aperty. u sarrower raiis ►o ps�iorm tlie co�enan�a and aflreemencs <br /> • contahad In thls Spcurity Instrumenl, or thore b s lepe�proce�dhp thtl may slpnNfcantty att�at LenG�a �qh1� fn Ihe Proparty(suoh a� , <br /> o proc2ed{ny In bankruptay,probato, (or condomnatlon or foAetture or to enlorGe lawe or repubtbne),Ihen Lender may do and pay foI _. <br /> whetever Ie neceseary to protaot ths value of th� PtopoRy u�d Londere rqhtb h tho PropeRy. LYnder's aDttone mvy Includa pnyfnp _c. <br /> any eums s�cursd by a Ilen whbh Nse prbrky ovar thK S�cu�ky InstNm�nL 4pPea►hG fn court, pYyinp reasonabl�ottomey'e feea and , <br /> onterhy on th�Proparty to m�ko npalre. AMhouph L�nd�m�y uks eclbn ue�der►hb partQ,nph 7,Lender doea not heve to do ao. �_. <br /> �- <br /> My amounta dbbursed by Undu under thl� ptrepr�ph 7 ahan b�coms tddkbnal debt of Borrower eecurod by thb &�cur �. <br /> Initrummt. UnMat Bortow�r and l.�►da �QrM to othsr !ams of paym�nt, thss� amount� ah�ll bNr hten�t kom th• dato . <br /> dlsburneisient at tho Not�rate ond ehail bo pay�ble,wRh Mtxest upon not�ce hom Lenda to BortowK raquestfnp payment• <br /> 8. Morty�Qe Inaur�IlCm. II L�ndK nqulnd monaap� hauronco ac a condltion of mJclnp tns lc�an ecoured by th� <br /> " " Se�curky Instrument, Bortower shaN p�y ths pnmiums requYs�to rtuintaln ths martytpe inaunnce In eMeat. II, (or any reseon, ths <br /> mortpape insunnce covenqe roqufred by Lendar tapsea or caaaes to be In eHeot, Bonower shali poy tha premlums requked to obtah � <br /> � '� coveroye substantwly equlvalent to th� mortp�go Insuranco prevbuey h aHeot, at a cost subatmt�xly equNafent to ths coat to � <br /> �' � dorto�uer of the mortp�Qe haur4nco prwbuoy In Wlect,Mom tn aNaintte mortpape Inaurer approvad by l.onder. If eubit�ntially <br /> aquNafent mortpase Inaurrnce cavenpe Is not avaikbb, Barower sh��piy to Lender eaoh month e sum equal to one�tv�elfth of th� <br /> yearry mortpsfle Insumnco premium behp pald by Bortower when the Baur�nce covenpe tapsed or ceased to be In oHeot. Lendar wtll <br /> accept, usa and retah these payments a4 a bss reserve h IMu of mortp�c,y� hsur�nce. Lose reswve p�yments rnay no bnpar bo� <br /> required,at tho optbn ot Londer,M mortpape hsuranCe ooverape (Mi �ha unount and for tlie paiod that Lendsr requPas)providsd by , <br /> an InaurK �pprowd by L�nd�r �0aln b�aorrNS eveA�bb�nd Is obtQhod. BorroNer ahnll pny the premluma rsqulrsd to maht�h ,;1.���� <br /> � mortpaps Insurance in effeat, or to provlda a bss ress�vn�unto the rpulrwnent for mortpape hsur�nce ends h accordance wNh any ,t,�� <br /> ,xrittan ppraort�ont batween Borrower and Lender or applica6k kw. • . "=- <br /> � 9. IDatECt10Q. Lendar or ks apent may mlka rKaombie entrki upon and hspactbns of the Prop�rty. Lend�r sh�N qiw �,a•,�;��- � <br /> � Boerower not�e st the tYne ot or prbr to an Inepeatbn sp�cNyinp re�sonahk causs tor th�hsRwotbn. ;�'�—1 <br /> -�•'• 10. Condemnatlon. The proCeedB Of Yny tw�rd Or olafm foI dafitaaes, dltGOt Or ConsequentlSl, in oonn9otbn wHh anq ��_� <br /> � oondemnation or other takhp of tny part of the Property,or for oonveyance In ibu of oondemnatbn,are hereby easqnod�nd ahaN bs �` h _ <br /> , pafd to Lender. ��:f:F.;� <br /> : i In tha arent ot a total taklnQ of the Propeny, lhe proceeda sh41 be applWd to the sums secured by thl9 Security InaWmant, '�_ <br /> �' � whether or not than due, wRh any oxCese peld to Borrowr. In the event of R p4Ria1 ttkhy of the Propxty In vihbh the hM market ��.F• <br /> .� .f� <br /> value of the Property Immedlatey before the takhp Is equal to or yealer than the amount of tho sums secured by thla 3ecurity . , r;�� <br /> 3. InsWmYnt M.nsdlatety before the takhp, unles8 BOrtower end Lender otherw�sa eprea In wtithp,the sums secured by thls SAOUrIty <br /> Inatrum�nt ahaA be roduc�d by the amount of tha procMd3 muktpSad by tho tolbwhp Naotbn: (a) the total nmount of th� eums ,`�a��: <br /> ��, secu�vd irtwn¢di�tary betore tho tekinfl� divld�d by (b)thY Itir muket vaiw of the Property hWnl►dittoN before th� Wchp.AnY bakncs — <br /> ahaN be pafd to Bortowsr. In the event ot a partt�l fakiny o4 Ihe Property fn whioh the hY merlcet value ot the PropeRy Im►rwdV�tsy �< • �`�. �' <br /> Y betore tha t�khp fa kae thm tho amount of the sums wcwred Imm�dtatoly b�fore th�takh0,unkse Oortower�nd Lander othorwise <br /> .�.,�,,.= <br /> _� apree In wrkinp or unless applicabb kw oth�rwise provid�a,lhs procoeds shaN be �pplled to the sums securod by thb Securicy � <br /> `� Inewmmt whMher or not ths sums�n tn�n due. ---= — <br /> � If the Property Is abandoned by Bortower,or M,nfter notic�by Lend�+r to BoROwar that the condemnor ofte►e to mak�an award or ����_ <br /> i� settfe a olalm for demeyes, Borrower f4ils to respond to lender wkhh 30 daye aRK tf�s date the notfae Is phren, Lender is authortned �!- <br /> �tt, to colleat nnd apply the proceeds, at Ra optbn, ekher to restontlon a rep4M of th�Property or to the sums socurod by this S�curky _ <br />� • 1�, , Inatrument,whsthsr or not then due. � <br /> " � U n N s s L e n d�r an d Bortower otherwlse apree h writhp, eny apONaatbn ot procesds to pnc�lp�l shtN not extend or postpon� the ���. <br /> due dat�ot the monthly payma�ts referced to h par�praphe 1 md 2 or ohenps t hs amoun t o t s u a h p n y m e n t s. — <br /> � 11. Barrower Mot Relessed: Forbearance By Le�der Not a Wafver. Exlancbn o� cne tMe (or ptym�nt or — <br /> modificatbn of artwrtisatbn of the suma eecund by this S�curky InsWma�t pranted by l.andor tv any successor h hterest of Bortow�r _ <br /> shell not operate to roieasa ths NablNty of the orqint� Bortovwr or Borrowws succ�aaore fn hterest. I.�nder shail not be requ�nd to ��- <br />- cort�nenCe proceed'npa epainat u►y successor In hlerast or pe(use to extend tYns (or ptyment or otherwlss madity unoRlution o1 th� _ <br />.. ,,,_, *, eums aCUnd by thb Sacurky Instrument by ro4son �`0 Y�Qh�not b�e w hrK of uBr�Pnclud�tho Ra�aK� ot�ny=rlpht or �_= <br />"•��•u•, • NtMt's4 My torbMnnC�by LMtdfl In�x�roi�hp �nY rip <br /> -r-. <br /> -- ... :.;.,.:. �y. <br />-,`����r ;.'�%. 12. Succeswr��nd Itssipns Bound;Jolnt and Severel LIabUlty; Ca-sipners. rne aov.n■nts and <br />-�ti� '" " ";,:_# �pre�n�nts o( thb S�curky InsWment shaA bad md Mno(k tho tucGesoro �nd neaqns of LenclK md Borrow�r. subJact to th� <br /> 1,� .... ,._.e- <br />_ provistons of panpr�ph t7. Borrowers eown�nts end apr�r�nto eh�H W Joht nnd swsral.My BoRawor who oaalpna thia urky <br /> " Instrument but dooa not sxecute ths Nots: (a) b aaslpnhp thb Security InsUUment ony to moAy�gs. Onnt, and Conwy that <br /> � � Bortow�r's ht�rest in the Property under tho terms of thb Securily IneWmant; (b)Ia not paroonaly obliptted to pay ths wms aorrod = __ <br /> 1'��� �„;•� '� by thb Security Inawm�nt; and (c) a9roes that Lendc�u►d eny olher Borrower may spree to extend,modMy, fa�bear or mdce any <br /> _ - accommodatbns wRh rap4rd to terms of thb SeCUr�ty {newmont or tha Note wkhout that 8orrowers consent. <br /> �, .. rop r <br /> `'���� � 13. Loan Char�es. If tha bYn s�CUred by thb Securky Inattument Is BubJeCt to a law whbh sete mexhwm ben Chirpss, <br />-'`�Ll•..��. r _'_ <br />_ .�.„ _ �na �lut faw b flnaMy htxpreted so that the htK�st or other ban chary�s coibctsd or to he colfeaUd h conneotbn wRh th� b�n � ----�-_ <br /> — "'*'� . eoo��ad t1�pKmkted IMRe, then; (e)any sueh ban ehar9es ehaN 6� roduced by the amount neeessary to roduee the ohvne to the ___ _ . <br /> ; f, '��" ' parmlttsd tlmN;�nd(b)any sums akesdy coNected hom 8arowor whbh exceeded permkted ifmits w�A be refunded to Borrowar. Lendo► _^��� <br />— � may ehooaa to make thie refund by rodueinp tha prtncq�l owod wder ths Nots or by m�kinp� direot paymsnt to BortowK. U e � ��_ <br /> ��•.,,.,�.,.- <br /> � rofund roducos pnc�lpal,the roduotbn w►q W treated�s�partkl pnpayment wKhout ony p:epaYmen t c hupa un d a r ths Nots. .� s n e����.- <br />_" , � ..�cr;�tit's` s <br /> 14. NOUCEi. My not�e to Borrower provided tor in Ihis &curlly InaWment shaN be�Nen by dell+rorhy k or by maiHny k by �, � <br /> � :�.�:. <br /> " ikst cl�as rtKU unMsa appHoabk law roquiros uae of amthar rt►ethod. The notice ehalt ba directed to the Property Addnsa or any . ,,,,�n:, �� '���� <br /> � �.`�"i�"' ,."�; <br /> other addroas Bortower dasl�n�tes by notbe to Under.My notb�to Lender aheH be pNen by first oltsa m�ll to Lender'e addreas . ,F .�: <br /> } ..',..'I.'::•:�<, <br /> steted hereh or any other address Lender deslQnates by notice to Borrowsr. My notfce provlded tor h this Securky Inehument shaN ,Ef� : ���r <br /> . , �. � be deort�ed to have b�en qhren to Borrower or Lender when pNen as Provided h thfs Parapraph. .� .�:•="�` <br /> �, � .�' <br /> ` 16. QOVEI'11111� I-a�Ni Severebtiity. Thb Sicurity InSWmont eh811 b9 qOVemed by feder9� IAw end the lew ot the t ,^+�,..:�: <br /> �f Jurisdbtbn h whbh ths Property !s bcated. In the evenl thet any provhbn or clause ot this Securky Instrumu+t or tha Note coniiicta " <br /> ; � wRh appibabte iaw, suoh con}Hct shaN not aHeot other provbbns of thl8 Security Instrument or the Note whbh can ba pAra� effect . <br /> . . „ , <br /> _____ _ _ wkhout tha conffictinp provisbn. To lhis end the provfsbns of this SacurNy InsWment and the Note are decterod to be severeble. <br /> -- - -. - 18. eorrower�a Copy. ..._.��. .. �,���,,... — _ <br /> � BOrtOwAf 6ha11 W pfven one ao�iairwu'aC,E+j�..�.o.....o.::.. -._.—----•tw Inetruman. . °_- <br /> 97. Trensier of the Property or a Ben�flclal Intereat In Borrower. i� ait or any paR of the Property or any <br /> interest fn k Is 8oid or transterred (or H � benefbkl interost h Bortower fs eo{d or tranaterr�d nnd 6orrowar Is not a natural pe►son) <br /> wkhout Londer'a prior written consent,Lender may,at Re oplbn, nquire Immedlate payment h tuY of all cums secured by thls Security <br /> Instrument. Howevor,thls optbn ahall not be exerc�ed b�Lender M oxercfse Is prahibked by federal lew ns of the date of this Securlty �� <br /> Instrument. <br /> �� If Lender exerolses thfs optbn,Lender shnll pke Bortower notke of acceleratbn.The notfce ahall provide�perbd of not ksc thtn , <br /> � � 30 days from the date the notice �s dellvered or maad wRhk� whlch the Bortower must pay all eums seoured by thls Security <br /> In6trument.It Borrower talis to pay these sums prbr to Ih0 e�lratlon of thls perWd,Lender may Invoke enY remedbs permitted by thb <br /> SecurUy inswment wkhout(urthor notfce or demand on Borrower. <br /> Form 90IIE C/o0 � . <br /> � Ft049.LMa(2/96I Ptp� 9 ot 6 - . - <br /> 4�2 <br /> - I . .. _ . _ .. .. <br />