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?�ti;� • ---z <br /> ..,- _ <br /> . ..�.; �; . <br /> , � _„ ,tW <br /> . , ' .. .. `�.r,..'�,, .. . . � -- <br /> n <br /> _ . . ._.. . '�.:____.`.�____ . .. . � - .. . . . <br /> "____'" ... __' .""_... _" "_ ..._...,"_" '..__. . . . . ... . _ L___.— � . <br /> �_�.>:..�`A.nMYa�ua.�:.._._.. . - .._ ..ynyYa. <br /> Bonowsre escrow sacount und�r tho teder�l Rval Bst4ta &ettlernent Proeeduroa Act of t97A ns amendad from tkne to tims, 12 U.B.C. � • � <br /> • 2fi01 et neq. ('RESPA"),unWse anothe I�w that QpplMf to th�Funds ssts e I�aaor amount. H eo,Londer may,at any tkne, eoi�ect and <br /> hold Funds (n an amount nof to exCeed the lesssr amount. Lender may est7mate the amount o1(unda duo on tho basls of currenl dato <br /> and reneonabb estknates ot expendRurea of future�eorow Items or otherwlse In eeeordanca wlth epplfCabie bw. <br /> The Punda shall b� h�b h tn InetRutbn whoae d�po�Re tre hsund by a federal eyenoy, hetrumentolRy, or sntky (Includtnp ? <br /> Lendw, H Londar Is sueh an InetRutbn)or In �ny F�d�nl Home Lean Bank. Under shs11 appy tho Funda to pay the Eecrow Item�J(� � <br /> L�nder rn�y not aharpe Bortower for holdinp and apptyiny lho Funds,nnnualy ena�/zhfl the e3crow acCOUnI, or verWyhp the Enorqwy • "' <br /> ItNns,unMss Undw pays Bortowu hteriat on th�Funds and applMsabl�hw plrm:ts L�r►dsr to mtk�tuah a oharp�. HowwM,L�ndN' • <br /> m�y re�u�n Burtowa+ to pay e onstMn�oh�rgo Inr an hd�p�ndent real asWts tuc roportlny eervbe used by Lsndor h Conneotbn wkh � <br /> ihls ban,unMae�pplir�bl� I�w provkNa oth�rwla�. Unl�t�an �prssrt�r►t is mado or�pplbabie kw requkes htsrest to bs pald,Lendsr� <br /> • chtl not 6e requlred to pay Borroww any hterest or�amhpe on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may apnw h wrkhp,howwx,thtt Q <br /> -"•` htereat ehnll be paid on the Funds. Lend�r shall plve to Dortower, wkhout aharpe, en annual acCOUnthy of the Funds, ehowhp r <br /> � crodRs end debRa to th�Funds and th�pwpose for whbh enah debk to the Funda wns mad�. The Funds are pled0ed ae addkbntl� <br /> aecurity lor eli sums eecured by th�Geourfty Instrument. <br /> If the Funds heW by Lendev exc�d ths amounts permktod to be held by �ppibabb kw, Lender shall nccount to Bortoww for tha� <br /> • excess Funds n accordtnce wBh the rsquir�t� ol tppNcabk law. If the amount of the Funds held by I.ender at any time Is not <br /> suffialent to pey the Escrow Items when due,L�nder mny eo notNy Borrower In wNtinq, end, in nuah cneo Bortower BhaH pay to Lendu � . <br /> th�amount necsssary to meke up th�d�tbUnoy. Borcower shau make u�the dsfbbnoy ln no moro than tweM,e monthy payments,at :'�u�f.,,l��` <br /> Lenders sole discretlon, � <br /> Upon paymiw►t h (uU o1 aB sums secured by thl�Securky Instrument,Lender shtu prompty retund to Bortower any Funds he{d by .�"��•v'�'f'�' <br /> �' L.andK. It, undx puapnph 21, Lend�r shaN acquirs or 5eN the Propwty, L�nd�►. pdor to the acqufsRbn or eafe o}the Propary,shell •�?�„�:i•��-, <br /> appiy any Fundc ha�d by Lcnc�r at the t6m ot euqubNlon or enle�g e credk a�uhst the sums secured by thfs Sscurky Inatrument. ___ <br /> 3.APplicatlon of Payments. Unpsa appNcabb f�w providas otherwise,�N payments recelved by Lsnd�r undsr paraprapha ::�_— <br /> " 1 end 2 ehaN be �ppNM: flrat, to any propayment oherpes due under the Note;ascond,to nmounta payebte undtr ptnpnph 2; third ., ;�;�,,,�;,� <br /> ' to hterest due;fouRh,to prholpai due;and last,to any I�te ohsryes due under the Note. ^ � `c�-- <br /> '� 4.ChaPqe�; LI011�. Boe�ow�r sh�N pay aN wus, aas�asm�nts, oharpsa, fhea and Mposkbns atUbutabb to the Property . =����ti <br /> ,� wh�h may atuh prbrky over thb SecurRy InaWment, �nd feeaehotd payments or pmund rents, M any. Bortower e ha U p ay t h e s s �:'' ;��,��_--- <br /> �1 obllpatbns in the manner provided In panpnph 2,or M not patd h thtt manner,Bortower shaq pay them on time dteaty to the person ��, A� <br /> owed p�yma�t. Borrawer eheN prompty tumish to La�dx aM notic�s of�mounta to be pald undar this peraflraph. it Bonower makea <br /> . �� theae payments dkectry,Borcower shaY prompty lumbh to Lenda receipts evidenchy the payments. . ` <br /> Bortower shall prompiy dfsoharpe any Ilen whbh has prbrky over thl�Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)ayroes N writinp to `'� ."�'= <br /> ;� the paymant of the obYpatbn secured by th� Ikn h �menner ecceptable to Lender,(b)contests h pood itRh the Iien by,or defends 'j"�,:�� _ <br />- ��Irlc!uR�nM.1lfMft} 01►It0 YYI tli baal nrocaedh4s whlch in th�l.ender'e opinbn operota to prevent the entorcertbr►t of ths Y�n;or(o) k� • <br /> R 9 <br /> �: secures hom tha hotdar of tha Ipn an �Qnert�ent satbMotory to Lander autrordNOthp the Ikn to this S�curky Instrum�nt. If Lsnwr �����. <br /> '� ' detaminos thit any put of tha Property Ia subJect to a Nen wh�h may attaln prbrRy over tht3 Securky InsWma�t, Lender maY 9� <br /> 8orrower a notica fdentYytny the Ibn. Borrower shaN satisly the Iien or take ono or moro ot the actbns set forth above wRhin t0 days ,� <br /> � ot ths pivhp of notico. <br /> s: <br /> 5.H�d or Property Inwrence. Bortower BhaM keep the krprovertwnts now existh� or hereafter ereCted on the �; <br />� Prop�rty hsund apalntt bss by firo,ha�uda holuded wRhh the tertn "extend�d covenpe' and any other hou►ds,Includfrtp floods or _ <br /> ibodhy, tor whiah L.aidar roquires Insurance. This hsurnnce ehall be matntained fn the amounts and for tha pKioda that Lsnder _!_ <br /> r� raqukas. TM hsurnnc� curier provi�hp the hsurance shaH be ahosen by BoROwe� subJect to Lenders epproval whbh sheq not be � <br /> unreasonably wkhheW. If Borrower talis to mahtaln coveraye descrhed abowe,Lender rtwy,at Lendera optbn, obtain coveraae to <br /> _ . ' proteat Lenders riphts h the Property h eccordance wkh parayreph 7. _ _ <br />�;;,;;, �a*� AN hsuruics polbNs and renawab shaN bs acceptabN to Under and shal holuds a etdnderd mortpape clauae. Lender ehtN haw <br /> =-.,+ the ripht to hold tha policMs and ronewafs. If Lender requkes, Bortower sh�N prompty yhro to Lender eN receipta of patd promiuma <br /> -.4;f�,•• �� � and ron�wal notic�s. In th�awnt ot bss, Bortower shall pt�e prompt not{ce to the Insuranca carrler and Lendar. Lender rrwy mtice <br /> `� � ' proof o}bss M not mtd� prompty by Borrowar. <br /> ��'- UnMas Under�nd BorrowK othwwlae ayroe In writhq, haurance proceeds sh�N be�pplted to rostoratbn or ropaM of the Propaiy <br />��',,_�, d�mey�d, N th� nstontbn or rpatr b eoor►ombaNy hasble �nd l.�ndws s�curky b not Msaened. If ths rostontbn or repaY fa not <br />-_ � economlcaMy Nssfbl�or Lendws socurity would be lessonod,the hsuranca procMds sha8 be �pplbd to th� sums socurod by this ___ <br />�i-�'�"'=���- ' Secu►Ry InsWment, whathe� or not then due, with �ny excese patd to Bortower. If Bonow�r ebandona the Property, or das not _._. <br />-' -r`x.. `, answsr wkhN 30 daye a notice from Lender that the hauranCO carrter hae offerod to settb • ol�im, then Landsr maY aolNct the � <br />-",°�"'�'M`�� hsurance prxoeds. La�d�r maY ues the praceeda to repalr or roston lho Propartyr or to pay suma securad by thb S�curily _ <br /> y�. - - --- <br />- " Instrument. whether or not then due. The 3ad�y perbd wHl beph when the not�ce b qNon. _ <br />}j.1•"^,��, Uniess Lender and Borrower otherwlse ayree In writhp, any appllcatbn of proceeds to prhoipel shail not extend or postpone the _ <br />' � due dat� ot the monthy peyments refExred to h paraqraphs t and 2 or ahanpe the amount of the paymonte. If under paraqnph 21 R-� <br /> ' � the Prope+ty Is acquYed by Lend�r. Borrowers rqht to any Insurance polfcies md proceads resuRfnp(rom damepe ro tho Property prbr ,.�;�#_„e,�y,,,,�� <br />- to tho acqukkbn shall ptas to Lander to tho extent of the sums seound by thls Securky Inswment fmmedietoty prior to tha �•6-��� <br /> ._,,:.��� <br /> �• acquisRbn. :;T�._.. ,;� <br /> � 8, Occupancy. Preservatlon� Malntenence snd ProtecUon of the Property; �orrower's Loen "'�' <br /> "= Appticstion; L�A�Oh01d�. Borrower shaq occupy, eatabNsh, end use tho Property as Bcrrower'a prhalp�l residence wkhh sbctyr �'��;���,;. _��-.=_ <br /> � days�Rer the sxeoutbn of this Sacurity Instrume�►t nnd ehaR conthua to occupy the Property as Bortow�s prhaipal realdence for at 'T°�:,���� <br /> least one yeer after lhe date of ocCUpancy, unless l.ender otherwise ayrees in wrkhp, whbh consent ahall not ba unre4sonaby , � `���" <br /> =� :..,� <br /> wkhheb, or unless extanunthp chcumstancos exfst which are beyond BorroKara control. Barrower ahall not desVoy,dama0e or knpatr ' '�'�'•'."'' <br /> _ . ; ' ?y;:r:i' . <br />- . tho Property,Qllow tho Proparty to deterbrate,or commk waste on ths Propedy. Bortower chaB be h detauk M any forfeNurs�atbn or <br /> �" � . prxeedhp,wheth�CkN or CrMnhal,Is bepun that H Lendere qood f8kh Jucfflment Could resuR In torfc�Rure o}the Property or otherwise <br /> �, <br /> .._.._ ._-__ . . _ . . . ..._ ..__ .... .__'-._--• �' ��...��� �.....w, i..�..e.� o....n�..n. .nnu nuro aur.h u dGlluk Ylld ' --_-_-`-=-_----- --- <br /> :-_�- __ _.-.___� (MtBfb� �6� S�IO Afl G16HiB0 Oy It1IO 001:utn7 utoPw��n v. <br /> �a�vv�o wvvn� .......w.. ��..�..�. ...�� "" '_' ` _.- <br /> ..__'._.__ ..-_.____ .. --. . <br /> rehstate, as provlded fn parapraph t8, by cauahp tho actbn or proceoding to be dfsmissed wkh a rulhg that, fn Lend�s pood takh , •. <br /> determhatbn, preCludes fortekure of the Dortowars interest h the Proporty or other materlal Ynpahnent ot tha Ilen Created by thls <br /> Securiry InstNment or Lender's 6eCUrity hterest. Bortower ehall also 6e in defauk M Borrower, durinq the ban applicatbn process, <br /> - qeve materinAy talse or Inaccurate hformat{on or atatements to Lender (or latfed to provido Lender wkh any materlal Infortnetion) In <br /> conneCticn wkh the ban evklenced by the Note, fnciudhp, but nnt IknRed to,representattons concemhg Borrower's occupancy of the <br /> - Proputy as e prhapU residenca. If thls Securky InsWment b on a le4sehold, BoROwer ahall compy wkh all the provfsbna of the . <br /> � baae. If BoROwx �cqukes fee titte to the Property, the IeasehoW and the 1ee tNb ehaN not merpe unless tho Lendsr egrees to the <br /> =- merper h wtithg. Form�o2e o/00 " <br /> , � Ft02G.LM0(P/Y6) P�p�?ol 6 '� - <br /> '1 I 4�7 <br /> - � .. .. ... . . -_ .. . . ._... . . .. _ . . .... . :�.s_..—�'_"'_....._..._......._._.,�._.. ... . _ __ _ _._. _. <br /> r <br />