<br /> . , � -
<br /> ,
<br /> .l_ ., _
<br /> __ . .
<br /> � ' f� � �---- --� _
<br /> ' � 18. Borrower'a Rlpht to Reln�Ute. i� eorrowK me.�s c.na�n aondRbne, eorrower ohall htve me rqn� co nave I '
<br /> � • enforcement oi thl9 Security Instrumx►t dtsaonthuad at any tkn� prbr to the etrifer oh (a) 6 dnys (or such other perlod es ap�l�abfe �
<br /> Inw may spocHy for rehstatem9nt) bofare aale o1 the PropeRy pursuant to any power of sflle Qontahed B thle SecurRy Instrumanh or I -r.
<br /> � (b) on4ry o} a Judpmont onforcin� thFa Seourky Inatrument. Thoso aondklone are that Borrower: (a)pnys Lendor nll eum8 whbh then �-
<br /> i �voutd be �ue under this Security Inntrument and the Note ee N no ecceleretbn had occurred; (b) cures any delauR of any other �`
<br /> ' covenant or apreumente; (o) paya oll expenaes hcuned h entorohp thia Security Inauument, hak,dhp. but not IknRed to, reasonable � •
<br /> attomeys'tees;and(d)takes suoh notbn as Lendw may reasonably requks to osaure that the Ifen of this Security Instrument,Lend�s� �'i
<br /> ; rfphts In the Proporty and Bonower's obllQatwn to pay the suma secured by thls Securky Inetrument ehau oonthue unohanped. Upon.� '
<br /> rehstatement by Bonower, thls Securtty Instrumsnt and the obilyatbns seCUred hweby shall remaln luly eHectNe as!f no accsbrttbn ' _
<br /> : had oCCUrred. However, thls rlpht to relnstate ehell not appy In the aase of flCCeleretbn under parapraph 17.
<br /> 99. Sale o4 PIa4e; �Fien{�e oP Loan �ervioeP. Tho Note or a partWl Interost In IFte NotO(topether wlih Ihle Eecurity � _-
<br /> ' Inetrument)may be sold one or mon times wNhout prbr notic�to Bortowsr. A sAM may resuh In a chanpe En the entky (known ae the Q -
<br /> 'Lotn Servba") th�t aolleote monthy payments due under the Note and thle Securky Inatrument. There also may tre one or more �
<br /> ohtnpes af the Loan Serv�er unrei�ted to a eale of the Note. I}thsre Is o ahanpe of the Loan Servker,Borrower wlll be pHen wrkten ;
<br /> notfce of the ohanpe In acaordance wfth pt�praph 14 above and applicabte Iflw. The notbe�vlll atete the nems and address of the
<br /> naw Loan Serv�er and the address to whtah payments should be mflde. The notke wlll atso Contafn any other hfortnetbn requked by
<br /> ePPlicable taw.
<br /> 20. Hezardoua Subatenoea. Bonower Shali not cause or permk tho presenCe,use, disposn4 stompe, or retaase ot eny 5
<br /> Haaardous Substances on or(n the P�operty. Bortower ahall not do, nor albw anyone else to do,enythinp aHeatinp the Property that ,.
<br /> Is In vloletbn of any Environmental Law. The precedhp two sentences shali not appy to the presenCe, uso, or storflpe on the •_
<br /> . Property of small quantkles of Herardous Substanceo thnt are peneraliy reoopnlzed to be appropriate to normal residenttel usos snd to �+Y*,�=�-`•' �
<br /> mahtenance ot the Property. �� 1..•
<br /> 8orrower shall promptly phre Lender written not�e of any hvestfpatbn,olalm, demand, Iaweuk or other actbn by any qovemmental •°-�
<br /> j or repuletory ayenoy or prNate perty hvolvhy the Propertyr and any Heurdaus Substance or Bnvkonmental Law of whbh Borrowor has � „ -� �
<br /> actual knowied�e. If Bortower leame, or Is notHled by any povemmentat or regulatory authorky, thet any removat or other remedlatbn F - -�_ ===
<br /> �c.
<br /> of eny Hazardous Substance afteathg the Property Is neCes9ary, Borrower shau prompty take ell neCessary remedlsl aatbns h , a-�--
<br /> accordance wkh Environmental Law. ;�-�e+�
<br /> As used in thls parayreph 20, �Ha�ardous Subst�nces" are those substances dethed as tox� or hazardous substances by ' " , °
<br /> EnvYOnmental Law end the folbwinp substances: pasolhe, kerosene,other(lammable or toxb petroleum products, toxb past(atdas and ,'s'�;+�:
<br /> �. herbk;ldas, volatlle soNonts, materleb contelnhp ea6�stos or (ortnaldehydo, and radbactNe materials. As used h this parepraph 20, ,'�'�'"'�
<br /> j 'Environmental Law' meana fedmel lawa and tawa ot the jarisdbtbn where the Property Is bcated that relate to heakh, safety or � ,
<br /> envtonmental proteotbn. ' �
<br /> �, NON•UNI�OflM COVENANTS. Borrowet and Lender turther covenant and apree as folbwa: �
<br /> 21. AcceleraUon; Remediea. Lender ahnll give n4tice to Borrower prtor to accaleration tollowin�
<br /> � Borrower'a breach of eny covenent or e�reement In thia Security Inatrument (but not prlor to
<br /> ecceleretton under parapraph 17 unleas epplicsble Isw providea otherwise). Tee notice shall apectty:
<br /> - /� AL� J � �� i�♦ �s� �..a� ��J �� .....� sM� d.. .U. ♦ . .I �� • bw �n O ��•. hw.w �6� .._.. , . : � ..
<br /> a u�o u8�aii�a` u wo ou���r ic"'�f��au w vu�v u.v vv�ad.. �� w ..o..+ ii:.. ..,w �2..., $., il.. -- ,.� 7,
<br /> � j � � , N' � . , s- ....... .....
<br /> date the noUce lo qiven to Borrower� by whlch the deta�lt mun be cured; end (d) that talluro to cure,
<br /> the deteult on or before the date apeci�ed In the notice m�y roault tn eccelz�atlon of the wma �•�y �•� � -
<br /> secured by thla Seeurtty Instrument �nd tale ot the Praperty. The noUce shall turther Intorm �� ;�' • � .�
<br /> Borrower of the rlpht to relnatate etter acceleratton and the riyht to bring e court acUon to ss�ert the �f=.• ,;; .�
<br /> non-exlatence of a detault or any other defense oi BorrQwer to ecceleretlon ond eafe. If the detault (a :.:�r`,!�`�: =
<br /> not oured on or betore the date apecifled In tha noUce� Lender et ite opiton mey require immediete - ��� :
<br /> psyment In futl of ell aums aecured by thla Security Instrument without turther demand and msy �,: ,
<br /> Invoke the poweP of eale end any other remedtes permltted by appllcable lew. Lender shall be :l .�
<br /> entitled W collect elt expenaea Incurred In pursuinq tl�e remedlea provided In thls perayraph 21, '�
<br /> Inoludtn�� but not Iimlted to, reesonebla ettorneys' fees end coits of tt4te evidence. ,;� -
<br /> If the power of sate la Invoked� Truatee ahall record a noUce ot def'auit In each county In which �: r ��
<br /> any part of the Property ta located and shall r�all coptes of such noUce in the msnner presoribad by �_�'=��'-�
<br /> . eppliceble law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by eppliceble law. Ait�r the time ":_�-��`
<br /> roqulrod by applicebie law, Truateo ahatl qtve pubtic notice ot selA to the persons and In 4h� menner �T��-.
<br /> preacribed by appliceble lew. Truatee, without demend on Borrower. ahall eell the Property e4 public �' J_
<br /> '+�,,ey-
<br /> auctlon to the hiphest �Idder at the time and place end under the terms desiyneted In the notice ot :�=;�,�_,
<br /> aale in one or more pa�eel� end in any order Truatee determinea. Trustee may postpone sale oi aii '"�1.tY�=-:
<br /> ; �„_«�.
<br /> _ or any parcel of the Property by public announcement et the Ume end plece of any prevlously ' .,����,�,,
<br /> acheduled aale. Lender or Its deslynee mey purchase the Pro�erty st eny aale. ��,-:
<br /> Upon reeelpt of payment ot the priee btd� Truatee sFoatl deilver to the purchaser Trustee's deed , •-.:�`�='_.
<br /> - conveyln� the Property. The recttals in the Truatoe's deed shalt be prima facfe evidenee uf the truth =�'����--_ __
<br /> of ttie atatements made tt�erotn. Truatee shell epply the proceeda of the aate In the fotlowfn� order: `±I� ^���
<br /> (e) to ell costs end expensea of exerclalnp the power of aale. end the sele,includin� the payment of ,�a ;�`�:"���,
<br /> the Truatee's feea ectually Incurred, not to exc�ed 3 °,6 of the principal amount of the rtote ' ���
<br /> at the time of the declae�etlon oi detault, end reasoneble sttorney'�fee�es perrnitted by lew; (b) to all � --
<br /> aums secu�ed by this Security Inatrument; end (c) eny exeew to the peraon or pers�ons Ieg�lly � ,
<br /> entitled to it. �-
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of eli sums secured by thls Seourky Instrument,Lender ahe�request Trustee to reoonvey �
<br /> tha Propertyr and shail surtendor thb Security InsWment and all notes ovidencinp debt seCUred by this SeCU►ky Instrument to Trustee.
<br /> Trustee shall reconvey the Property wlthout warronty and wkhout aharpe to the porson or pereons lepaly entkfed to k. Such peraon or
<br /> pereons shnu pay any recordatbn costs.
<br /> 23. SubBUtvte TruBtee. Lender, at fts optbn, may trom time to time remova Trust6e and sppotnt e Successor trustee to
<br /> nny Trust6e appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded In the county h whbh thls Securky Instromant Is recorded. Wkhout
<br /> conveyance oi the Property, successor trustee shau cucceed to ail the tRle, power and dutles conferced upon Trustee hereh and by � "
<br /> .. -- �....n,.��.��....
<br /> . . -—_ -._ - .-- ..
<br /> _ _ - - - �rr^... • -.... __—._. .
<br /> 24.Requeat tor No4icea Borrowor requests that coplec of the notfcos of detault and snle be sont to Borcower's addross
<br /> ' . whlCh Is the Proporty Address.
<br /> Z6. Ridera to thte Se�urity Inatrurnent. if one ar more riders are oxecutod by Bortower and recorded topethor wkh
<br /> thls Securky instrument,the Covenants end epreements of eaCh suCh rlder shall be rcorporated Into and shall amend and supplement
<br />_ the oovanants and apreernenta of thl8 Securky InsWment es N the rider(s)wero a pert oi thls Seaurity InsWment.
<br /> �
<br /> . I
<br /> �- I Form 002D 9/BO I .
<br /> FtOJ0.LM0(2/06) Pap�t ol 6 I
<br /> � I '
<br /> I 432 I
<br /> I .
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