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<br /> ,, r DEED OF TRUST Page s � � .
<br /> 0„r� 7�n4 (Continued) _ _
<br /> h0td_tp!pneth�r Ii3n,Or Ih,9 u�a of lunds 6►�he dwelllnp fo►prOh�bdOd purposes.
<br /> tf. ORwNTOA'8 RtOHT TO CURE. Upon Ih� occurrence of eny twnl ot Oefault(Othi�than haud Or mataul miSreDrg�pntiqOn)�nd pnor to
<br /> exe�CWnp tny ol Itt�rphis ond remed�ss proNtlYd m Ihis Oeatl of Trust or by 4w.Lentlec shai!qrve nouce as prov�tled in the D�d d Trust and as
<br /> roquvW by�ppibabieiaw. •
<br /> 20. PIf3M8 AND IiEMED1E8 ON OEPAI�.T. Upon the occurtonce of any Event of Defaun and et 8ny hme thereaner,Truste� u Lenaa,at�b opt�On,
<br /> � m�y W►cIH any ons a mare of 1he followinQ nphts end remedies,m adtlillon to ony other npnts or remetlFSS prov�tleG by law:
<br /> , Accekraticn upon D�tauil;AddltlonN R�m�di�s. If any avsnt of dYliuit oc�urs wh�ch is not cuntl within fiflepn(15)days after notico,Lender
<br /> m�y d�clan ati Ind�bl�drwss securad by thts O�d of Trua!to be dus end payabFS end the seme shall thereugon Dscome da antl payabb
<br /> withoul any prss�nlrMnt,dunand,protest Or notiCS ot any kind. Thereartw,Landar may:
<br /> (Y) Eithar In persan or by ayent,with a without bnnpin�any actlon or procoedinfl,or by a recaiver eppolnt6d by�court and withnut repartl
<br /> to the�dequacy of 11s secur�ty,enter upon and taks possesslon ot Ihe PropeAy,or any part thereof, in ib own namo or in the name of
<br /> Trustee,and do tny acts which It deems necessary o► dos�rable b pre�„erve Ihe value,marketnblliry w rentability of ttw Proplrty,a part ot ,,�i=-
<br /> � the Property or interesl In the Property:increaso tIN incortw kom the Property or protecl the securiry Of ihe Prop�ty;and,with or without . �==_
<br /> 4klnq possesslon of the Property,sue fa ot otharwise cdlsct IM nnts.issues�nd profits of fhe Prop�rry, ineludi�p thos�ps�st dua�nd , -'"-�
<br /> , unpald,and tpply the same,leSS costs and expenses of operaUon�nd cdbclion,inctudinp attarr�ys'fsss,to any indobtednlss s�cured by
<br /> INS Desd of Trusl,H��in SuCh ordei As Lender mny dntarmms. The enteriny upon�nd takinp possession of fM Propury,Ih�cellection of _ A
<br /> � such rent5,issues and profits,and the appliCation thereot shail not cun or wtiw�ny default or notice ol def4uR undar tnis Ooad ot Trust or , �
<br /> Invalidats any act dona In response lo suCh defauit a pursuant to euch noUce of defauth,and,nolwithstandiny tho Co�tinuana in poss�s�on ,.��"f"°�'
<br /> ol the Property a the cdlecUOn,recaipt and applicatlon ol rents,issues a profits,Trustee or Lender shail be entitled to axeras��very ripht ' ' n4�rx�_-�_,
<br /> prov�datl tw in the Credit Agroement or the Related Dxumenb or by iew upon the occurronce of any event of default,includinp the nyht to r '' .`:�+"_-
<br /> exercise the power ot sale; j
<br /> � .0�.._-
<br /> (b) CommenCe an action to foreclose tnis Deed ol Trost tts e mortpage,appofnt a receiver or speciNcally onforce any ol ihe covenants �'i,�`,.,��:_�
<br /> � hxeoh,and
<br /> f (C) Deliver to Trustee n writlen deC�arBtion of deleult and demand for sal9 and a wriften notice af defautt and elaction to cause Grantw's
<br /> intaresl in lhe Property to be soltl,wh�N notiCe Truslee shau cause to be duiy fi►ed lor roc�rd in the appropriate offices ot the County in wh�ch -
<br /> '��• tl»Ptoperry is locqted. , `�_
<br /> � FOr�CiOatln by POWO►Ot SYO. If Lend@r 616Ct5 to�oreClOSe by exerci58 of the Power of 5818 h6roin cont8in8d,Lend9r shall noE�}r Tru5t69 and
<br /> � �htfl doposft wfth Trustee thb Oeed ot Trust and the Credit Agreement and such receipts and eNdence o}expendituras m8de and secured by this ,= --
<br /> Oeed ot TruSt as Trustee mey require. ��
<br /> �
<br /> (�) Upon reCelpt of suCh not�e hom Lentler,Truslee shall Cause to be reCOrded,publfshed flnd delivered to Grantor such Notid of Dehult .
<br /> �nd NoNCa ot Sale as Ihen required by law and by In�s Deetl of Trust. Trustae shell,without demand on Grantor,�rter such tlme as may then •f _
<br /> be requlred by law and�fter reCOrdatlon of suCh NotiGe o�Default end after NotiCe of Sele hev��p been piven u required by law,SeN the
<br /> Property at tha Nme and placa ot saie fixed by it in such Notice o�Sa�e,either as e whde,or in sepnrate lols a parcels or f4ms as Trustoe -
<br /> shall deem expedlent,and In SuCh order es it may Oeterrtune,at publiC auchon to Ihe highest bitlder tor Cash in Itwful money of tlf�Urntetl
<br /> Stptes payabte at the time of Sale. Trustee shall dellver to such purcheser or purchasers thereot Its qood antl suMcbnt deed or deeds =
<br /> conveyfnp lhe property so sold,but w�ihout any covenant or warranty,express or�mplied. The reCitals in such de9d of any mttters a tacts _
<br /> tihatl be conCluslve proof of ihe fruthfulness thereol. Any person,mClud�np withoul limitetion Grantor,Trustee.u Lend�r, mly purchasY at � _
<br /> SUCh 3819. ' ,i•`.
<br /> Y
<br /> (b) As may be permftted by law,ntter deduCflny Bp Costs.�ees and expenses of Trustee nnd of Ihis Trust,Including costs o!wid�na of dll�
<br /> in connecHOn wilh Sale,Trustee shall appty the proceeds of sale to payment ol (i)aA sums expended under the ixms of thts Dwd of Trust or
<br /> under the terms of the Cretlii Ayreement not then repald,InCluding but nol limited tu aCCrued interest and late Clur�pe3, (iq tll other sums -
<br /> ' Uwn securW hereby,and (III)the remalnder,If any,lo the person or porsons lepauy entitled the�eto. �:�;.
<br /> (C) Trustee mtly In the menner provfded by law poslpone sale o�all or eny portfon of the Property. ;�.�ee
<br /> Remldlts Not F.1tCluaiVe. Trustee and Lender,and eaCh of them,shall be enlitled to enforCe payment and performancs of any Inde4lsQness or ���
<br /> oblipttlons secured by this Deed of Trust and to exercise all npnts and powers under this Deed of Trust,undur the Gedit AgnemsN,undsr any of •_;�;x,--;
<br /> Ihe Related Documenis,or under 8ny other 8preem8nt a any Inws now or heroatter in lorce;nolwithStandinp,sOme a all of Such indabtednoss ---
<br /> tnd obUpNion9 6eCUred by fhis Deed ol Trust may now or herea8er be otherw�se secured,whether by mortpepe,dead of trusl,pledpe.I�en, .s"='�'_`—°--—
<br /> nment a olherwise. Nerther the acceptence of tn�s Deed of Trost na it:eMOrcement,whether by court aelion a pursuant lo tM powor of -`
<br /> S�ai�6 a otf�er powers Contatned in tfiis Deed o1 Trust,shflll prejudiee o+in eny mAnr�er pftect Trustee's or Lenders tiphf to rMlia�upon or�nforce '•�`r•=�
<br /> tny Olh±r Seeudty now or hereaNer he�d by Trustee or Lencler,rt bemo aqreea mat �ruc�caa ann i o�eer,sne�a.:n oi tt:�m,ais�irs enu�,ud fir '','-�----_-----��--
<br /> � �ntaa this Dsed of Trust�nd any other secunty now a herentter held by Lender w Trusloe tn such ader and mannlr as tMy a Nthw of them � "'���' q„"
<br /> may in the�r absdute d�sCretlon detormine. No remedy tonferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender,is intended to be�xelusna of any other �:�,I.i��.,�„_--.
<br /> � remody In Ihls Deed of Trust or by law provided or permined,but each shatl bo cumulahve and shell be in additlon to every other nRwdy Qivon m __ _r
<br /> Ihis Deed of Ttust or now or her68}ler e�sdnp et law a�n equiry or by statute. Every power or remedy piven by the Credit Apr�lment w any of - -- _
<br /> U►e Retated DoCUrtwnts to Trustea or Lentler or to whlch either of them may be othenNise entitied, may be �xe�cbad, Concurrently or �: �+�-
<br /> � Indepbndently,hom tfine to time nnd as often as may be deemed expedient by Trustoe or Lender,entl either of tham may pursu� inconsistont :'.°�;# '„
<br /> rAmedles. Nothfnp in this Deed of Trust shell be Consirued as prohib�tinp Lender from seeking s defir.ienCy judpment npainst the Grnntor to the -�_',•��;.'.,;;,F"'�,�
<br /> extent Sucn ttcllon Is permittetl by iaw. :°�� r•�,:.rr•,rr,
<br /> Requlst For Notice. Grantu,on Dehalf of Grantor antl Lender,hereby requests that a copy of any Not�e of Default ond a copy d nny Notice ot ' -'��'-�h,
<br /> Stale urtder this Doed of Trust be malleC lo t�em at the eadresses set lorth m the first paragrapn of this Deed of Trost. . _ •_-����
<br /> Wd�er;Etectlon of Remediee. A wnrver by eny party af a breach of a prohsion of this Daed of Trust shall not constilule a waiv�ar of a prejud�ce � ,
<br /> Ihe pQrty/S�iQhts othenvise to d9mend strict Compliance with Ihat prohsion a any other prov�sion. ElecUon by Lentler to pursu� any remeCy ' •
<br /> proWded In this Deed of Trust,the Credit Apreement,m flny RB�eted Document,or prohdetl by Iaw shali not exdude pur5uit of arry other remedy, �� .. „
<br /> end tn elecflon to make expend0ure5 a to take acrion to per�am an oblpation of Grentor under this Deed of Trust nfter taflurl of Grantor to
<br /> parfam shall not EHeCt Lenders�yhf to decWro a defauA and to exercise any of its remotl�es. : •
<br /> Attaneys'Fee�;F.�en�es. H Lender InsHtutes any su�t or aCt�on to enlace any of the terms ol th�s Deed of Trust,Lentler shN bo entiUed to
<br /> recover such sum as the court mey ad)udpe roesanable as attaneys'lees el Mal and on eny appeal. Whether a not eny court action is invdved,
<br /> 111 r�tsornbb expen',,es Incurred by Lender wh�ch in Lend6+'S op�mon ere necessary et eny fime for the protectlon o} ftg Int�erest or the
<br /> eniacemem ot Its riphts shall become n part ot�he IndeEledness payable on demend end sh811 bear interest flt the Credit Aqrserrwnt rate hom Ihe '
<br /> dato of expendilure untii repBid. Expense5 covered by Ihis parflgreph in�lude,w�thOUt limitetion,hOW9ver SubjBCt t0 eny limits under gpO��CaDle '
<br />_ i �aw,Lentle�s atlornpys'IBes whelher or not ihere�s a�ewsutl,mclutling atlorneys'fees tor bankruplcy proceedmgs Untiudu+g eNals to moddy or
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