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<br /> ' DE�O OF TRUST �T���509 PAqe 6 �
<br /> (Contlriued) ��
<br /> �� � ��
<br /> �------
<br /> otN nports UncluCinp foreclosure reportsl,surveyors'reports.apprk�sai iees,ntte insunr�,nnd lers la the Truste�,to tha extent p�rmitt�d by ,
<br /> tpplkabN law. Orama also wdl puy eny couA costs.�n atltl�non to ou other sums prov�aed by law.
<br /> . plaltf Of TrUttee. Trustee shall h8v8 ell 0�fhe riqhLS antl aufie3 of Lenda Bs set Iprth m In�s secti0rr.
<br /> 21. fiRANTOR'S RI(iHT TO REIHSTATE. If Grantor meets certam conditton5, Orenta She1 heve fhe npht b►►ave enforCement of thq 09etl Of 7rust
<br /> dtsconnnwG at any time pnor to the oarl�er ot (�)Five(5)tlays lor such other perta0 as appliubt�iaw m1y sp�ry fo�relnstalerrwnt)b�tue sab ot tM
<br /> Proporry pursuant to nny pouer of saio eontained fn this Doad of Trust a (u)entry of e Judflment entacfnfl ihfs D�ed of Trust. Thos�cond�nons an °
<br /> that Oranta: (a)p�ys Lender all sums wh�ch wou►d then be due undx ihis Dee6 0l Trust and the Gedd Ayreerrwnt had no�CCalentlon oOCUrcsd; (b)
<br /> Curos aM other tlefeultg under Ih�S Deed of Tru518nd the Cretld Agteement; (C)pay5 CD rBispnabb expert50!inCUrted fn enl0rdfp thb Dlod 01 TrWt, _
<br /> inciudinp,Dut not hmiteC to,reasonaCie attorneys'tees:end (dllakes such athon�s LBMfer may�easan�btyrequiro to assur�that tM Ikn o}thq Oead
<br /> ot Trust, Lentler's rrphts in the Property and Grgntors oblfgelion lo pay the sums seCUred by th�s Oeed o�Trust shnll contlnue unchanQed. Upon
<br /> roinstatement by Grenta,th�s Deed ot Trust an0 the obligacians secured hereby shall remain lully eheedve as d no aoceieration hnd occured bul Lendsr
<br /> � �haN not W otip�tetl to make eny more credit adve�Ces. This nght to remstele shtll epply itf3rantor hu no�preHOUSIy exerC�sed the ripht to r8�n5tate �.���,
<br /> undu Mb stms Dsed of Trust.
<br /> � 1Z. POWERS AND 08LIGATIOHS OF TRUSTEE. The lollownnp proasions relaGnp to tha powers an0 oblpaHons of Truslee are part of this Oeed of '' �;���
<br /> Trust. —�.-
<br /> ,..�.-___�,
<br /> Powers o}Tntstee. In addition to al1 powers of 7rustee arising as a matler ot law,Truste9 SRGII hivp thB power lo take the follow�np ac6ons with "�!�?
<br /> respeCt to the Property upon!he request of Lander entl Grantor. (a)jan in prepann�end filirp �map a pkt of the Real Property,including the ,,�,"`-� �-
<br /> dsdiCttlon of StreAfs or other rights to the publ�; (b)�oin in grantinq any easemenl or creaHnp eny restaHO�on the Real Property;and (C)�oin fn � �
<br /> any subadinadon or other aqreement attectlng t�fs Deetl of Trust a the mterest of le�der under thb Deed of Trust. �,''=°''�`'
<br /> �-
<br /> � Tmstle. Trustee shell meet all qualifications required fa Trustee under nppliCe0li lew. In tdd�tlon t01he rlphls and remedbs bet(Orth Qbov+9. tti a
<br /> with rKpect to!II or any paA of the Property,the Trustea shali have the npht to laeclose by notk� an�sab,nnd Lender shall have the npht to �-�� �M
<br /> faedosa by judidal(oreclosure,in either Case in acCOrdance witn and to Ihe full exlent provided bytppticnbk law. - �' �` �
<br /> ' $uaesaor T►uatee. Lender,at Lentler's option,mey trom time to Hme appdnt�successa Truslee lo any Trustes eppofnted hsnunder by an
<br /> � Instrum�nt eucecuted and acknowlad�ed by Lender antl recorded ns required by tppllubb 4w. The instrum�M sfull contain,In addldon to aH
<br /> OthW m�Qers roquired by state lew,fha nemes of the original Lender,Trustee, an0 Gnntor,Ihe booic�nd p�Qe(or compubr systsm r�brena)
<br /> whon thfs Deed of Trust is recorded, end the name Rnd atldress of the suCCessO► trustoe,and the Instrument stutl W �ocsCUtW and
<br /> � scknowMdped by aU the beneficwnes under the Deod of Trust or their suc:rwuon in iNe�st. TM sucoessa husta�,without conwyana of tl�s " �.'- ;
<br /> Froper'q�snaG 8uii.roiu tu iii tiw Yi�S�G�':.oP•arC��:'.a,�,.".:t!„:C�spo^!.�Ttt�'�fst!h..b_D�C!Ts�w!_t!Q h:'-r^�w,ahW Is�y, TMia nrcr_.wA�va _ —
<br /> fOr sUbsHtudon of truStAA Sh811 gov�Nn to 1119 exclusion ot 8II oth@r prov�51on5 la suD56tution. •
<br /> r
<br /> � xf. NOTICES TO GRANTOR AND OThIER PARTIES. Any notice untler tnis Deed of Trust slull be N wridnp ond shaY bs effsctlw when actwlly !::�;c,�, '~:�`.,
<br /> detivrr�d a,if mallsd,sha11 bs dsemed oftecNve wMn depos�Nd in Ihe United State�t mail Wst ai�ss.rep�stered mtil,Postaye prop�id.dlreCted to the y `'. .
<br /> atltlnsses shown near tM bep�nnirp o�!his Deed o�Trust. Any party mtly cAanpe ib address la notices unWr Ihb Q�d of Trust by pfvinp formal � • ,
<br /> ' wriftM noda to thA other pattbS,SplCityinp thtt thE putpoSE of thg not{Ce b lo chanpe the ptftys add�ASa.All cOpbS ot nOt1aS of fofsClosuro hom "� x:^ ;ti ;
<br /> th�Ndd�r of any Iign whiCh has priority over thfS Oe6d of Trust shall he Sent to Lend6�'s addres9,us ShOwn near the beginNny Ot thi4 Deed of TruSt. �r ,,• � �
<br /> For notla purpases,(inntor apress to keep Lender antl Trusteo Intormed at al times of Granior's curreN address. �¢
<br /> 2i. ASSOCIATION OF lMi1T OWNERS. The lollowinp pro+rtsions appry if tM Rstl Property has been submitted to unit ownersh�p law or�Imilar law �� � .
<br /> for th�esttbibhment ot candominlums or coope�ativs ownersNp of the Real Property: ;,t,
<br /> �� . Powa Of Attomey. Grantor qrants an irrevocab�e power ot ettorney ta Lender lo vote m its discrltion on tny mntter that may corr�be}ors ttw
<br /> tssoclatlon of unit owners. Lender sha0 have the rSpht to exercise thn power W attaney onty tAer Oefaull by Granlor; however,Lender rt�y ,
<br /> d�dir�to exercl5�thls power as it sees 6t. �
<br /> - Ins�x�nee, Ths Irtsunncs as rpuksd abow may be c�rried by Ihs usocfation ot uM ownsrs on Gnntor�b�haH,�rtd tM praceeds of such i. �
<br /> Insunne�may b� pald to the associarion of unit owners for Ihe purpose of repa�nrq or reCOns7uCinp the Prop�rty. If not so us�d by th� �.�•:.,
<br /> • assaciatlon,such p�roce�ds shall be paid lo t.ender. .,
<br /> �:�i:'�
<br /> Complianc�wtM REpulaUons of Ilssoci�tion. Grantor shall pcMorm�A o}the ob:ipatlons imposed on 6ranlor by tM deCk►adon submil�rq the �
<br />- Fle�l Prop�rry to unil ownership,by the byiaws of the associahon ol unit owners,a by�ny rubs a repu4tlom theroundsr. it Gru►tors Int�rest in ,��=
<br /> �"u-��
<br /> � tA�Real Property is a leasehdd Intsrost tnd such property has boen submAtod to un1 ownarsNp. �nnta shall perform al1 0�ttw obiipaflorts s a:
<br /> Impo•,ed on Qnntor by the fease ot the Fisel Properry lrom its own6r. :'�`:--�
<br /> - .,' _
<br /> 2b. MiSCE1LAt�EOUS PROVISIONS.Ttw fWlowfnq miscetlaneous provfslons ars n paA ot t�us Daod ofTrust -''
<br /> 1LA '' -'
<br /> .'�4
<br /> Am��dmKfb. Thts Desd of Trust,topether with any Rellted DoCUmenb,con,titNes the ennro unders�ndirq and ayreertwnt of tM parWs as to '�=��#�'�1�'
<br />' ' ttN m�tfers sef fOrth in thb DeeG of Trust. No�Iteretlo��of or amentlment to Inis Deed dTrust sh�e be edsCtive untesl qlwn In writinp and sfpneC �-�'����-I±��=v
<br /> by ttN puty a ptrties soupht to be charqW or bound by the Alteratton a am�mdment. :''�r"!
<br />_- ApptIC�1.+Fp L,�w. This Deed of Trust shall be poverneC by and construed in eCCOrd�nc:e w�th Ihe laws ol tha Sl�te of IV1Draska. .�t� •.-�±`
<br /> � Captlon Meadlnps. Captlon hendinps in Ihts Deed of Trust are�ar conveniance purpases only and aro not t�bt used to IntBrpr�t Or dlfine the ;. �'r����`.:,
<br /> provbloro of thb DsoO of Trust. `,';;}�.;'.�i."�"
<br /> �n� 1
<br /> Granlo►'s Copy of Dotuments. Lentler aQrees to proNCe Grantor wuA a confamea copy of bolh tM LOANLINER�HorrN Equlry Plan Credit '�r'_�"•'' �
<br /> AQrMrrMnt and thls Daad of Trust at the Hme they aro exetuted or withm�retsomble hme atlu th�Deld o!Trust is roCOrdOd. .
<br /> Mwper. There shaN be no merper of the Interrt or es4ts croated by Nts Ooed of Trust v�nlh any otMr fnt�rsst o►o�ttts In ths Property at any •
<br />— tlme neltl by or for tt�e benefit o1 Lender m any ceptcfty,without the wririen consem ot Lentler.
<br /> — Muttiple Partles. AN oblpations o1 Granta undsr thts Deed of Trust shtl be Iant end s�vernl,sn0 a!1 r�enc�s to Cinntu shall mean each end
<br /> wrry(inntar. Thfs means ttut each of tM persorts sipninp below fs rYSpons�bb la atl oblipitfoM in th8 DeW of Tntst .
<br /> S�v�rablilty. U�eourt of CompoNnt Junsdfctbn Mt}s any provis�on d thls Dwd o1 Trust to W Inwia a un�ntorqabN u fo any persOn or
<br /> Graumstancs,such B�d1rp shell not render that provtsfon fnvalid w u�eNOroNbN 15 to�ny other p�r�ons ar dreurt�st�nCes. ff f�esibl�,any sueh
<br /> offsnCirp provfsion shall be d0emed to be mo0il'ied to be within tM limits of entorCeabflay or velfdit�;however,N the Offendinp prOVi�lon Cannot be
<br /> so rtrodlflsd,H shall be strk�c�n and aN othar provESlons W tAts Deed of Trust In all oU�er respecb sh�Y remnfn vnlid and�ntorCeabM.
<br /> Aefa�owledpment. Prtor to tha exacutfon hewof Granta executW�n�cknowbdpment staurp mat f3ranta unOwstanQs that (y this DeeO Of
<br /> Trusl Is a trust deed and not�mortpaps�nd (D)tAe power of sab prmnOeG ta in ttus DeeC of Trusl proHOm s�bs4nthlry dtffonnt riphts and
<br /> -- ••.�..a•�a�s 1w f:.�w1w 1A�w��r..��a��a��..�J�v...Y�.�..W�.1�a���.�.
<br /> ww�.w•ti.v�w�...v�..�..��.M.y�Ye tr����s��or��v�w..v�v�v�w�rr��n v�nry��M.. _"_ _._ __ . ..
<br /> ..;- ..._.._ -,__.
<br /> ISuecesaoro anG AssJpna. Sub�ect ro the ��mdebons stated m tnis Dcetl 0�T�us� o�Iren5�9� o�Gre��Or'S�me�e5t.Inis Deed ol Trust shau be
<br /> _.,-. ...... . . . . . , --�--- -- -- . . .. . . . „
<br /> „ ' .. _ . .... .. -.�:r.G:��.ii>�-;�: .... .
<br /> - �,
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