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�+� <br /> � � <br /> � , �_ <br /> � • <br /> � <br /> � � ,. DEED OF 'fRU�T Pege a � "- <br /> �f� �,4�509 (Continued) _ i <br /> i <br /> Compllanee with E�I�tlny Indebtednet�. Dunnp Ih�penos m wh�Ch any Ewsttnp InWbt�tlness descnbsd bWow is in�hbcL Compliarx�e v�ilh fhe <br /> Irtsunnce provnans conteined in tne instrument e�0enc�n9 such Ex�slinp Intlebtetlness sh�h consrituts CoMplitnc�w�ln tt+e�rtsurtnc�prov�sions <br /> under Ih►s Oeed d Trust,to Ihe extent compl�ence with the torms of���g Dsed of Trust would conslituto a dupliCatton of Insurance requ!rement. If <br /> any proceetls ►rom the insurance become peyabla on ioss, ihe prohs�an�in this D9ed ot Trust fa div�aion of procee0s shiil apply onty to ihat - <br /> port�on o!Ihe proc9eds not pByAble�o Ihe holfler ol ihe Exist�np IndebleGneSS. <br /> 11. D(PENOITURES BY LENDER. ��Grantpr iads lo Comply wiln any prov�slon ol ihis Deed of Trust, inCludiny�ny obliyttion to ma�niafn Ex�stlrp <br /> Indebt�tlness m good etanding 8s�equired below, or�f e�y flchon Or prxeadmy 1s commeneeG thal woultl matenelly oBect Lendors Inte��s in th� <br /> Propeily,Lend!►on Granta's behalt mYy, upon notice lo l3rantor,Dut 9hatl not be required to,ttke iny aCllon thal Lender deems appropriato. Any <br /> amount that Lender ezpends in so domg wdl bear mterest al Ihe rele cherpetl untler Ihe Credlt Aqreement hom the date��currod Or plid by L�nder lo " <br /> ° th�dat�ot reptyment by Grantor. All such expenses,at Lentle►'s op�ion,w�ll (�)be p�yebb on demantl,a (b)be added to tM bnlance of ths credit <br /> i Ilr�. Thn O�etl of Trusl aisa wiil secure peyment of these amounts.The nynts prov�detl fa in thp parnqnph shall be fn additlon to any o1Mr iiphb or . <br /> �ny ram�dbs to whiCA Lender may be Ontitled on aCCOUnt o�ihs tle�QUlt. Any suCh aCtlon by Lender shtll not be Construed u Curtnp lhs dehull 5o es � <br /> to bu L.�nWr hom any remedy that R otherwise would nave had. <br /> 12. WAARANTY;DEFENSE OF TITLE. The�o��owing provislons re4ting lo ownership oi the Property tr�a ptrt of Ihis Deed ot Trust. � - <br /> Tit{e. Grenta wart�nb Ihah (a)Grantor hol0s pood and marketable iul�ol recard to IM Propsrty(fndudinp a kasehdd interest,If any),hee end w�c:f�-•._� <br /> � c�r pf�11 liens tnd enCUmbrances except those of reCOrd,end (b)Grnnlor has tM lull tlpht,pOwer,and authonty lo exeCUte tnd deliver tNS '� -�.—ti_ <br /> OMtI of Trust tolender. ���,,�, <br /> Detenae of Title.SuDJect to the exceplion in the parayreph aDOVe,Grantor wartanq�nd wlli foreve►defend the title to the Propsrty agclnst the "" � "�`�t <br /> kw1u1 da�ms of ee persons. In the evenl cny act�on or procsednp�s comrtwnced Ihat qusstions Orantor'S 6tle or the iNerest of Trustse ar Lentlar ; � _ <br /> under this Deed d Trust,Grantor shail Cetend the uct�on at Grentor'S expense. Ciranta mey be the nommal party in suCh proCBAdinp,bul Lender � .,� <br /> shaA he entitled Io pBAIC�pate in the proCeeding und to be r6presented in the proC9edlnp by COUnsel ot its own cho�e,and(3ranta will deliver,or x � <br /> � Cause fo bo delivered,to Lender such instruments as Lender mGy request fram time to Iime to permit SuCh pBrtlCipation. z� <br /> ' COmpllence Wlih LAws. Grantor warrants that tne Properly and Grantor's use ot t1►� PrppMty complies with all ewstin� flppilCBble laws. ° ���'; <br /> ordinances,and rg0u4nons of qovernmentel authori8e5. ' <br /> �� 1�. D(ISTING INDEBTEDNESS. The tollowinp prov�sions concerNny exislfnp indebtedness (the'Fxlstlnp Indebtednass'�are a paA of this Deed of � <br /> Trtnt. .�` ' <br /> � E�d�tinp Llen. Tha Ilen ot thfs Deed of Trust seCUnnp the Indebtedness may be secondary and InMrior to an exisflny Ilen,II t��ere is suCh�Ilen. � <br /> �..rr�. �ryn,�edv r.ny�nnn}t end narees to psy. or see to me peY�nent ot, ihe Exlsrinp IndeDtedness and ta provent tny defauit on such � __ � „ <br /> Indebtednes.s. �ny default under the Instruments e�dencirp such Indebtedness. Or �ny clelautt un0et �ny sscunty CoCUmsnts ior BuCh },, , <br /> indebtedness. <br /> No MotlMCatbn, Grtntor shall not enter into any Yqrsemenl with IhY holCer of any mortp�ps,tlMd of Irust,a Othsr SeCUrity apr�ement whlCh .'���� <br /> tws pnoriry over Ihts Oeed ot Trust by which that agreemenl a mod�fwd.amend�d,extended,or ronewsd without the prior writl�n conssnt o} •,• �� ��� <br /> Lentler. Granta shau nefther requ95t npr accept any future tCvanCes under any such securlty apreement wilhoul the pdor wriflen Consent of , " � <br /> Lantler. ,j�` <br /> 14. COdDEMNATION. The followinp pro�s�ons relating to proceedngs m contlemnation are a paR of Ihls Deed of Trust. 'L`''��� j� <br /> �. <br /> ' Applisatlon ot Mef Proceeda. If nn a�ny paR of the Properly Is condemoed.Lentler may tt its eleclton requue fhat�tl or any portton o�the net : _ <br /> procesds of tM�ward be applbd to the Indebtodn�ss untler Ihe LOANLINERm Home Equlty Ptan,subject to Ihs terms of any moApape a dtied of ;�,;;r.,. <br /> hust wtth t Ifen whlcn has prlority over this Desd of Tnul The net proceeds of the award shall moan the aw�rd atler pnyment of a0 reuonabb ��„�„ � <br /> cosb,sxpens�s,lnd�ttorneys'lees necesstr�ly Pdd a Incurtad by Oranta,Trustee or Lsndar In connectton with the condemnatlon. ,s,..,.,,.��.: <br /> �.,.. <br /> Prxeedlnps. n�ny proceedlnp In eondemnatlon is fibd, Gnntar shall promptiy noHry Lander In wdHnp,and Gnnta shtll prompdy uke such ;'�'�_. �. <br /> dteps as m�y�n�qssary to dafend IM acHon and obhln tM�ward. Grtntor may be tM nomirul party in such proCe�dirq,bul L�nde�ehall bo � �r- �_� <br /> snWIW to parricqat�In ttw proceedinp and to be represented in the prxeedinp by counsN of ib own CnWce,and Cinntor will d�uver or cnuse to ,;�'��,.;�s-• <br /> ` � b�d�NwrW to ltnder suah Instrumenb as may be requestad Oy it hom time to time to permit Such pa�ticipatlon. <br /> ..,,�.�_.- <br /> ' 16. IMPOSITtOM OFf/1XES,F�ES AND CHARGHS BY GOYERNMENTAL AUTMORIYIES. The followi provislons rell�tl to ovKnmenW taxes. ��.•- �"'�°"-- <br /> °9 �W 9 �!s'.�}�°__=_. <br /> � lees and charpes are�RArt ot th�s Oeed of Trust: '' '"��_------° <br /> 't�����-' - <br /> CuRent taaces,Fees and Chapea. upon request by lender,C3rentor shail execute such Cocuments in adtlidon to this Deed W Trust tnd 4ks :'��;;,•;: <br /> wtwt�wr other�cHon n roouested bv Lenaer to Dsrfect�nd continud Lenver's Il�n on lhe ReBi Prppcirty. Grantor shWl relmbur5�Lender�a ali ___ ,.�•.• _ _ <br /> ;,� � j tax�s,as desCdbw: bNow,topetnar wun an sxa�nsas�ncurreo m recanmy,p�rletttnp Or ConNnuirp this Dssd of Trust,inClutllnp wlth0ut lim�t�tlon -- -°^���;':, `"_�,- <br /> I an taxas,lees,documenffiry stemps.and other charqes la recordinp a rey�sterinq thy Deed of Trust. ,�� , •.�•� <br /> ��..,,... <br /> T�xq. The folbwinp Shall Constilute taxes to whiCh thls SeCfion app��es: (a1 a specftiC tex upon this type of Deed of Trust or upon RII or�ny pM r�;,•.�;�'�� <br /> i of th�InOebtetlr�ss seeured by thls Deed of Trust; (b)o spedAC fax on Qrpntor which Grantor is wthoriaBd a requlro0 to deduCt kom ptyrt►ents r;ti ,';. ` <br /> on the IntlebteGnesa seeured by Ihis ryps of Oeatl of Trust; (e)�tax on tms type of Deed of Trust charpeabb e�atnst ths Lender a tM holder of -'r•�.�.y:� �'y���� <br /> tM Crodit 1►flreemont;and (d)a spociAc tax on all a any porton of tne Indebtedness a on paymenb of princiD��and Interest made by Gnntw. � .',•�•:;•-� ' � <br /> 1 16. FURT1iER ASSUAI►NCES. The fdlowinp provhiom rslannp to luRher assurancss aro�part of this D�ed of Trust. ' � � ' � <br /> � FurtMr Assuqnce�. Upon request of Lender,Gnrtta wfll rtuke,oxecute and deBVer,or vviN causs to bs matle,executed or delivered,to Lond�r <br /> � or to Lenders O�sfflnes,and when requestetl by LenWr,caus�to!x Rled,recorde0.refibd,or Ihe case may bs,at euch tlmes�nd � <br /> � in sueh o�tne!pl�ces as lend�r may dasm appropriab,any�nd ali Suvh mortptQes,deods of tnnt,s�curity dwds,ssetMty aprs�m�nts, <br /> MnnCmp statern�nts,contlnuation statements,mshuments of lurther essuranCe,CerttfiCetes,and olh�r dOCUrrNnb as m�y,in ttN!OF!Opinion of <br /> Lentlx,b�neassary w destrabb in atler to�tfsetuat�,compbte,pMtact,continu�,a pns�rw (�)tM oDHpations of Grantor und�r tM CrsClt <br /> Ayreement,thb Daed of Trust,�nd tM Retated (b)tM Ibrts and seCUniy mteresb CreatW by thts QsW ot Trua1 on tM Properry. <br /> UnNss prohibued by law a apreed to the conhuyr py LenWr in wdNnp,Grantor slud reimburse L�nd�r for UI cosb and expen�es Incurred In <br /> Connwtion witA me mitters referted to In thls panpraph. <br /> 17. FLLL PERFORMANCE. If GrintOr p�ys aB 1M InWbtsdrnss when due, tarminates tM credit Iin�account, and othsrwfs�pxtams a8 ttfa <br /> oblpatloro fmposed upon Orentor under thfs Deed of Trust,UnWrshall uc�CUla�ntl dellver to Trustee l request fOr tuN roCOnveytnq. <br /> u. DEFAt�T. E�cn of tM iollowtnp,�t the oprion of L�nd�r, sNn consfltut�an�vent of dei�utt(�wnt ot Deliult")und9r th�s�of Trush (a) <br /> Rnntor commns Mu0 or makes a materfal misreprssentatlon at�ny dme In eonneetlon wNh tM Crod�t Ilns aCCOUnt. This c�n mdu0�,fa uumpN,• <br /> fnls� statament nboul Grtntor's Incoms, assets, Ii�bdihes, a any othM aSp6Cta of Gr�ntor'S��ancia� contlitlon. (b) Grtntor COes not m9ef the ' <br /> rapayrr�nl terms of Ihe CredR line axount. (c)Gnnto�'s aChon or mect�on adver�,ely CNeCts thg COIlat6ral fa the CruEM Ilne�CCOUnt Or Lsndgrs right5 in <br /> . rw.�.. ..w...�� �...� ��.....�� .....a.... .��.�..a�.b�...h... M�hn n...dLrv� fo�l�.rn M nn�fnrm rlanth <br /> _" _.. . •r���u�a�.�. .. "�..�� .....�........��... .wn ' —___'—_ <br /> _. . . . l .�.v..v..�.wu.. ......w.. ......w�.... v.w...y�v�.o..��v.v...�....... ...........�'�..M,,,�.,."'.:..v..w.-.........���. . , <br /> ..vv. ...��..�...._e.-�..__� .���� .. . .. . <br /> � p�ell pgr50^S��8blp�n tne accaum.uyr.s�er pt��ue or sa�e c'tne dwowng c�eanon Of a IiBn on ih0 Cwelling w�!'+oul our pe��^�ss�on. for�ip5u�e C�Ih@ r. -^----- - <br /> . <br /> �1 --- <br />