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<br /> � DEED OF TRUST Pay°3 I
<br /> ' (Contlnucd) �"''��(��c�D��
<br /> I ,y��ry�}»�����p�h�leas�h�d prOmicYS,lhe IaasYhWd estato,or any subNasehold estat�,wdl merpe v�dhout Lendars oxpnss wntton conwnt;nttier
<br /> + th�at�Ws wul nmain soparat�ond disunct,even if ttwre is o union ot ttwse estata in Ihe IandlorC, (iranta,w t thuC party who purcriasas or
<br /> � � olMrwfa�acqu�ra th�atata. f3ranta fuAher apress that irCiranta acqu�ras all or a•patlon ot the fee s+mpl� ti1ls, a any ottNr N�sahdd a __
<br /> I �ubNwhdd titb to IM Prop�rly�thtt Iltb will,�1 Lenders oplton,immedialNy becort�sub�et to the terms ol Ihis Deod of Trust,tnd Qranta wili
<br /> sx�cut�,d�Nvar Qnd recad eIi dxuments nocessary or appropdate to�ssure that such Htle Is secured by Ihis Deed of Trust.
<br /> 6. REliA81LITATIQN LOAM AOREEMHMT. Grantor sholl lulfill all of Grantor's oblipaUOns undor any home rehabilitfltion,�mprovemsnt,repur, a olher
<br /> loan��rtwnt whbh t3rantor mYy enter into w�th Lander. Lender,a�L.ender's optlon,rtwy requfre Grentor to execute end dNiver to LsndK�i�4 tam I
<br /> �pc�ptabN to Lenda,an assiflnment of any rights,ciaims or detenses which Grantor rtwy have r.yainst ParUes who suppty I�bor,matenab or swv�s ,
<br /> in conn�cHOn wilh improwrn�nts made to the Propaty. �n':��;';
<br /> . �;_;��„r,_
<br /> 7, DUE 0!1 SALE-CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may,at ils opuon,have the ripM to axelerate,ihat is,decl4re immetlktery dua nntl pay�ble alI __,�_----
<br /> sumf NCUr�d by thls D�ed of Tru�t upon th9 sal�or Irnnster,without tt»Lgnders pdOr wdtten aonsen6 of tl1 or ony ptH o11M���tY.a a^Y ' �;�,�y::_:.-
<br /> Int�r�st In It1�Re�l PNperty. If(ir�MOr seils Or trllnslBB tha Rea�Property with0ut thY wnflen COnsent 01 Lender,ihBn,pn0�l0�CONMatlOn UndK 5hal� _±a,�•.;:�_.
<br /> piw noUc�to Grantor. The noliCS shall provide o pertod of not less Ihan ten(t0)days hom lha date of the notiCe within whfch Gnntor rtuty pty the
<br /> gun�s ckclared due. It Grantor lolls to pay ihos9 sums phor to the expvahon of such perfod,Lendar mey,wuhout lurther notics or d�marW on Ortntor, � • _
<br /> � invoko�ny ramedies permitted in ttus Deed of Trusl. A'sale a translor"means the conveynnce of Real Property or any npht,nlN a interest Ihere�n; �:_
<br /> whetMr fq�l or equitabb;whether votuntary W Involuntery;wheiher by outripht Saie,doed,�nstaliment sale canVact,Iand ContreCt,contract for dbed, � •�
<br /> leasahdd Interest with p term yreYter Ihan three(3)years��ease-oPtion conuect,a by 9ale,ass�flnment,or trenster of any beneficNi�nterest in or to any ��
<br /> land Irust holdinp title to the Real Properry,or bY any other melhod ot conveyBnCe o1 Real Property mter¢st. However,tlus opNOn shell not be exaresed �_..
<br /> by Lander tf auCh exercise is prohibiled by(eaerel law or by NeD�aska law. ;
<br /> �, pqµSFEp pF pqppEqY1L The fdlowlnp proNSions reiatinp to th�htnsfer ot the Real PropoAy are a pert ol this Deed of Trusr '�''�.�.��
<br /> ,� tiodc�of Transter. Granta shall qive nolice to Lender,�s proNdad in this Daed of Trust,pnor to any sete a transter of all a part of the Prope+tY �
<br /> or�ny ripht5 In ihe ReBI Property. Any persan to whom all or paA of the Real Property�s so1d or Iransfer►ed also shall bB oblpatW to prve nol�e , ^" ;��:�
<br /> to Lsnder,as proNdnd in this Deed of Trust,promptly arier such Vanster. `1�:;�
<br /> � `"-"� '�'r_=:-
<br /> Advanc�a Afler Tnnsfer. Atl amounts advRnced under the LOANLINHRO Home Equiry Plan Credit Ayreement,up to th�Cnd�! Umit, are 1, ��
<br /> secured by thb DNd of Trust, whetner ndvanced balore a nHer sale or transter of the Real Property,oxcept any amounb wNCh rtay ba
<br /> 1 advar�csd by Lendsr more than flve(b)days atter notice to Lender,as provided in tNS Deed of Trusl, that such haMter or saN hu aocurred. ':�� "• ,��
<br /> J Fw+n it Grantor U�ns(ers ihe Re81 FroDerty,Grantor will continue lo be obligated under Ihe Crsdit Agreement end ihis Oeed of 7nnf unless Lender '��. _
<br /> � reMasss Oranta in wri8nq. Ps a Condltlon to Lentler'S Consent to any proposed iransie�v�iu 6 L'viiu:OZ�"v:li::r"...:...'°01�l=nS^�,�!��!$!r�!Y --
<br /> rpuk�that the pasan to wham the Real Property is translerted spn en assumptlon aqreement salistadory to Lender tnd UnWr rtuy imposs en fh _
<br /> assump8on(ss. 'R1�assumpdon apreement will not antitle the person signinp it to recelve advances under Ihe CrYdlt Aqr�ertNnt.
<br /> 9. TAXES AHD LIENS. The fdiowlnp prodslons releting to the taxes end iiens on the Praperty are a pert ot Ihis Ooed of Tnist. �
<br /> p�yrMt►t. GnntOr 9hltll pay when due(Ynd In all events prior to tlelinquenCy)an tazes,Sp&C�al texes,essessmen�s,cnupe�pndudinp watM and ;�
<br /> �w�r),Anes and Imposfdons kvlid Ypalnst a�n accoun!of Ihe Property,antl shall pay when due all clalms fa work done on p for 56�vices f
<br /> � raed�ed pr rttaiKlal fumbhsd to IM PropeN• QrantOr Shell mfliMBin the Properly free ot ell liens haviny prtOrity over or�qual t0 the intirest af ,�
<br /> Lend�r under thb ONd of Trust,except for the Ilen of ta�ces and essessments not cfue,exCept for the e�usting indebtedness reisrt�d lo bWow,and
<br /> excpt as otherwESe provided in this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Rlqht To Cont�q. (�r4ntor miy withhold payment of any tax,essetssment,or claim m connection with a qood faith dispute ova tM oblipatlon to
<br /> r
<br /> pay,so lony as Londar's Intarest In ttw Property is not Jeopardired. If e lien anses or is filed as a resull of nonpayment,Gnntor ahall wftriin filkeen _
<br /> (16)dtys attar the li�n arises or�fi a lbn is filed,wRhln fitteen(15)diys eRer G.antor h9s nOtiCe of the filinp,SeClue thi disChatq�Of th�Nen,or H ;
<br /> rsquestad by LrndYr,deposit with Lender cash or a sutflcient corpo+ate surety bond or other Securlty sat�stactory to Lender in an am0unt su�lC�ent :;
<br /> ' to dischupe Ihe�ien P�us��Y�os1s 4"d attorneys'fees or other charyes Ihat could accrue Bs a resull ot a foreClosur�or atle unGr tt►o Ibn. In � ���
<br /> . �ny cont�st,Grantor shail detend�tseM and Lender and shnll safisfy any advers9 Judgmont before enforCement afltinst th�PropMly Cxanta ahaa �_
<br /> n�me Lender as an adtlltlonel oblpa under�ny aurety bond tumished in the contest prxeetlinas. _ __
<br /> �uthori�the appmopdat Gqo emmenlalpoHicfel mo de iver to Lentlsrdat enys�ma�a wnti n�s atement ot che taxes a d assQSSman�a�nst the _ X-�--
<br /> , Pt�� ':
<br /> , `-
<br /> ' - tiOitC:8t C.^.^°tt'__tl4!t. rrnnter she�l not�N�ender et 1e85t fifleen(15)tlays before eny wods is CommenCed,Yny seMGa3 8te furnishsd,or any :'-�'-'.o"
<br /> _ _=_—= -
<br /> mat�riab are supp�bd to the Property,It any mechnniC's�bn,matertalmen's Ilen,Or other I�en c0uttl D8 SSSe�ied On�ia�ui�t ui iP�wG�.�r'.,�. - �'�r--
<br /> or matKteb and the cost�xcoeds l�10.000.00. Granta wul upon request of Lender fumish to Lender advence ossunnces satfslactaY to UnGr �rg�.:
<br /> � tiwt(itiMor can end wlll pay tha cost of such Improvements. ••�.!�!�-
<br /> 10. PROPERTY INSURANCE The followinp provisions relaNnfl to Insunng the Propedy ere a part ot ihiS Deed of Trust. ;_-°' ---
<br /> IiWnt�nane�of Inwrante. Granta shall prxure snd maintein pol�cies ot fire insurence with standard oxlendQd covsrepi Yndors�rrwnb on o «�'� ����
<br /> rspiaCSrtfsnt bas�s tor the full fnsurabie velue Cove�ny�II Improvemenis on the Real PropBrty in an 6mount SutHCfent to avold application ot any ��� �� �'*��•
<br /> ' cNnsuranc�ciause,lnd with a stendard mortqa9ee clauso fn iavor of Lender,together wilh such oth9r haxard�nd Ikbiary ImunnC�as Lender •';. �:'�'
<br /> -._'�,�;�I.,''.'�
<br /> may raasonably require. If the Reai Property is locuted�n an are4 Ces�gnated by the Directar ot Ihe Federal Emerpency ManipYm�nt Ap�ncy as t ,�_:N, _; _ ,
<br /> specWi Aood hezard area,Grantor eprees to oblein Federal Flood Ir�surance lo the exte�t sucn Insurance is requlred and is tvailtbl�. Pdicws - .
<br /> ghaN b�written in form,amounts,covereyes and Dasis reasonably acceptable to Lender and issued by a company or compani�s rotsonably
<br /> lxsp4bie to Lender. Granta,upon requast of Landor,will de!fver to Lender from tlme lo time the polic�es or Ce�tifK:ata of insunnd m torm
<br /> saHSfactory to LYnder,Includinp sUpulntlons That Covorepes wfll not be Caneelletl or tlimimshed wi�houl at least ten(10)drys'pria wAttan notice to
<br /> LAndar.
<br /> Appikatl9n o}ProCeeds. GrBntOr shall promptly naNty Londer of any loss or demaqe to Ihe Property if the esrimtted Cosl Of repev or �
<br /> replceoment Oxcoeds 310,0OO.OU. Lender may make proof of loss if Grantor Ieiis to do so within fltteen (tb) days of Ilw c�sWlty. If,in LmOe�s
<br /> �udpment, the restpratlon or repalr IS economlcalty fgasfble nnd Lender's seCU�ty is not 1e55ened, fnsur�nCe proos�ds s1uM h� app�d 10
<br /> restor�Uon Or repair ot the damapetl Property. II Ihe rostorarion or repair is nol eeonomicelly teesib�e or Lenclers SeCU�iy would be Mxt�ned. ihe
<br /> Irounnco prOCeeds shali be applled to lhe sum5 secured by thfs Deed ot Trust whelher or not then due,with any sxau p�ld t0 GnntOr. II -
<br /> Oranta abando�s tM Properfy,u does not answer wlth�n tlurty(30)days a notiee hom Lender that Ihe i�urnnce artiK has otNrW to sett3o� ..
<br /> dtlm,IMn Lender may CdfeCt the Insurance proceeds. Lenda mey use lhe proceeds to repa�r or re5lore IBe Properry or to pay sums Secured by
<br /> Ihfs Wotl of Trust,whelhar or nOt than due. If Lender hdds eny proceeds afler peyme�t in full of the�ntlebletlness.SUCt proaeds5ha11 bY pYb
<br /> -, __..—.._
<br /> i,,rs..,,��,oe a..m�,r��n�orosts mav nnnaar.
<br /> _ l .__._..._ __._._ _ . .. ____
<br /> _ _ __ _
<br /> Unexplred Insurance et Sale. Any unex�?irttd m5uro�Ce she��nure to Ihe be�efit 0�.and Dflss�0,t�e purthRSfN O�II�B PrOp9�1y COVB/80 by 1��5
<br /> Deetl ol Trust nt nny trusteo's sa�e a other 501e neid unae�the p�ors�ons o�����s Deetl o�T�ust.a a�a�v}aedosure sa�e o�sucn PropBrty.
<br /> . �
<br /> �
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