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<br /> �eqe 2 � .�-.
<br /> DE�D OF TRUS7 ••_
<br /> 9�A ��)��09 (Continued) _ �_
<br /> C::.G ot Tru�. Tha wo�ds"Dead of Trost"mean fhis Oaod o1 Trust emong GreNOr,Len00r end?rustee• _
<br /> (imtor. The wo�d'Grantor means any and BII persons end entitle5 executing Ih�s Dead ol Trust. Any�ronlor who spns th�s D�^wr^�andr�0 pnnl
<br /> cloes not sign the Credit Agreement,is S�gmng this Deed ol Trust only to flrant and convey I�at tirnntor's interest in the Real Pr
<br /> a S�CUnty�nterest�n Grantor's�nterest in Ihe Pe�son81 Prope�ty to Lender antl�s not personQity IIabN undM tIM C�WIt AyrNrMnt Orppt 1.4
<br /> � pth�rwrse proHCed by Contract w�ew• '
<br /> improvementa. Thg word 'Improvemems' means end �nciudes wdhoul nmdahon au ex�stiny nnd luturo improvemenb, ffxtures, b�ildln9S,
<br /> gtnktures.mob��e homes affixed on Ihe Real Property tacihhos,ndditions entl other canstrucuon on Ihe Real Property. �
<br /> It�deDtctlneu. Tne word"Indedlednoss'means al1 pnnc�Ral and interest payable under Ihe Credit Aqrgement and�ny amounb axp�ndutl a
<br /> �dvar�ced by Lender to discharpe obGgatlons of Grenlor or expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender to�nfaca obli9otions ot C3rantor untler thb
<br /> Deed of Trust,together with�nterest on such amounts as prohded�n th�s Doed of Trust. SpaciflCalN�wlthout Iimlt�tbn,thli De�01 Truq _
<br /> sscures a revolviny Iine ot credil,whieh oblipateb LOnder t0 meke edVanCei to�tOntOr�0 IOnO e1 a�M�tO►COrt1D�IQ��r�����f .
<br /> q�e Crcdll Aprcement. Such advencea may be maqa, repaltl, and remede hom tims to drt�,MibNet to tM Ilmilttion Mat tlie totN '---_��
<br /> outst�ndinp Dalence owlnp at ony one time.not inclutlinp flnance eherpes on autA bNanee d�flx�d a Yar1a�M Ma�wm�p�ovldW . ���s y_
<br /> In the Credit Ayreement,any temporary overepea,other chupes,end any emounta expended a�dvanced+s p�ovidcd In thls��c,��
<br /> �MN not ax�eed the Credil Umlt a provided In the CreElt ApreemeM. Notwithstandlnp the�mount out�U�W�°0��y� -- -
<br /> thts ped of Trutt secures the tot�l Credlt Apreement emount ahown abov�. Tns a�Pab Dalana of tM nvotvinp Iln�of credil may�t c.-=� °
<br /> o I�Ip�tlon to advance�tunda tohG en or�tTheretorer the uen ot th e Deed ot�n wl I oemMn�in tmut�l force and�fPeclrnoiwlt�t`�dtn Q snY ' , `
<br /> F' —
<br /> mf0 bi1M1CQ. ' ?�_� r,_��,�.�
<br /> ' �ease, Tho word 10ase"means any lease between Grantor end the Lessor of the PrppeAy a _�;�--
<br /> l.ender. The word'Lende�'means NAFCO NE F@deral Credd Union,its Succt~sso►s flnd essipns. :�+:j;�,_
<br /> PEfeOnY PrOpeftyl• The words"Personal ProperlY mean all eqwpment,Ifxtures,end other ertlCles of personel properly now a M+eatter Cw�ed i�
<br /> �nd�N s bsHtuhons tor,anyg015uCh p Operty;8ft0 tOqether ew th 81Ippr0008dSt(Ir1C udlnp�w�th�oul�l itauon�all�lr�su adlnca prtoceeds i d�emfuends of ,��'.��T
<br /> � promtums)hom any sale or ol her disp o s i��o n o t t h e P ro p e r t y. •,�
<br /> ptpp�rty. Th�word'PropeAy'metns cdlectt�ely the Real Property and the Person�l PropertY•
<br /> . �al prpptrty The words'Real F'roPe�tf�'mean the proparty,interesls and rtyhts delcribed abovs In the"Convsyana and 4rtnC boctton. , l.
<br /> - ' RNHed Oocuments. The words'Rel�tod Documenb" mean an0 inCluOa wi'hoht umi Vumenits e dOCwnenf.9,whe�her no�w or nhere�ae� ` �
<br /> - =1 �yre�rt»np.9uanntles�&eCUnty e9reertronis,rriin�yoy�. �w» ..t s....4.sn�e 4 wr _ '
<br /> �+dstlnp,�xxuted In ConneCt�on wilh GrBntor's Indebtedness to LendM• ""'� � �+� ', .
<br /> r`,cS.i'.-
<br /> TNStee. The word?rustee'means the entity shOwn at the top of pe9e one of lhis Deed ot Trust. ;k�•�,. " .
<br /> �4�� �.
<br /> � �. PAYMEN7 AND PERFORMANCE. ExeeP�as otNerwlse proWtled in thb Deed of Trust,Granta shsll pay to Lender ali amounb s�ctxld by Ihis �� }`. •
<br /> ps�d ot Trust as they become due,and shaY sMCdy and In n timely manner pertam all nf Orantors oblip�tions under the LOANLINEFi�Nort�EQ►�tY �� : ,
<br /> . �•• plan Cradlt Aqresmsnt and thls Deed of Trust. '. � �
<br /> � 4, ppgSE$SION AND MAIN7ENAHCE OF TME PROPERTY. Grentor aqreos that Grantor's possessian and use of the Properly shdl bs qovKned bY F, ,
<br /> ttN(ollowlnp Provislons: � ` `
<br /> � ppNaelpp�nd Use. Untll the oocunence of an Event of Detault.Cirantor may (a) remain in possession and control o�Ihe PropsRy� (b1�� * . �
<br /> ' op�rds or mantye�he Property,and (c)collect any Ronts hom tha Property. `" `. , �',,
<br /> � �.I In lenantabie conditlon end promptly pertorm all repni.�s and m�lntentncs n�Ce'.suY to . -
<br /> � � Duty to Matnteln. Granta shall malntain the Prope�ty �,-,,���<<.
<br /> �.� pressrve�ts value. ��:'-�Y.--
<br /> ` ! Fi�s�rdous Substan6ea. Grentor represenls and wartants that the Property never has been,and nevar wfll bs so lonp a9 lhK DMd ot Tnut �`� _
<br /> � nrtuins a Ik�on the PropertY,used tor 1he penerenon,menufacture,storays.treatment,dtsposa6�ebase a thrastaned rebass ot any haa►rdous J�.--�_
<br /> wast�or substnnce,as those terms nre doBned In the Comprehensive Enhronmental Response.Compens�HOn and Llabllly ACt a 1980,as
<br /> _ __ _ � Zm.���y,eg i,�c r. c,�,;tb�?�?�.pt sea.("CERCLA").tha Supcetund Amsndments and Reauthort=aCon Act('SNaA�,appllcabl�atat�or F�d�n1 -y_
<br /> $ � laws,or requkBOns adopted punuent to any o}I�e forepoing. GreNOr wthonrss lenom erd ir aG�nt�ta ent�'�a"�th"'W°°erty to make�uch „�„�z-� �
<br /> 1 InsRecNons�nd tesfs as Lender mey de0m opproprfate to determine complinnce ot the Property wllh thfs seCtlon Of►he Deed of Trust. Onntor "
<br /> �_; h�roby (a)rels�ses nnd walves eny fulure claims ayalnst Lender la incfemn�ty or conlrihuHOn In the evsnl0nntor becomes II�bW for d�anup or , ,�^
<br /> other cosb under any suCh Iaws,end (b) ayrees lo Indemnify antl hold harmless Lender apafnsl any and all clalms and lossn r�sultlnp hom a �"
<br /> � � brMett Ot thn parnqrnph Ot the DMd o�Trust This obllqitlon to Intlemnify shall Survlw ths paymsnt ot tM IndWt�dr�st aod tM satlsfactlon of .�'_^� _ t���
<br /> -.� thb D�ed of Trust. '�
<br /> �:' ,'� ��
<br /> I Hub�n:�,Mf�ate. Grantor shall not ceuse,eonduct a permlt eny nwsanca nor commil,permit,or sufter any sMppinp of or wast�on or to tM : _
<br /> . Ptop�rty or any portlon of the PropertY• Speclflca�ry W��hout limitatlon,Granta wlll not remo�e.or grtnt to tny otMt party Ihe ripht to r�mow,afry ..=-T,...F�,�,.:...
<br />- " I nmber,mfnerals(InCludlnp dI and ga5),sofl,flrave�or rxk products wlthout ihe pdor wntlen Con50nt of Lender. . . .,�.
<br /> Lertder's Rlpht to Enter. Lender and Its eqenb and repre5entetives maY entx upon the Real Properry a1 al�rMSOntbN tlmes lo aNend lo ;'�•-�.�t'�:�'.
<br /> Lender's iMeresb and to Inspect the Propertf�fo►PurPOSes of Grantors compllance v�ltn the tvms and condlrions of thb Desd of Tnn1.
<br /> � , Cqnplt�nce wllh(iovemmentd Requlremante. Granta shall promptly compty wNh all laws,ordnar�s.�nd npulatlons of all povemm�nw - .
<br /> authpritys applicabla to the use a ��Pe�Y of tAe Propsrty Gnntor mey contest In pood fafth tny suCh law,ordlnanCa,a rsputatlon and
<br />_ so iong�s Le�nders�i tx�Ls�n tn°f'e�Prd��us�otn�opardlaedppL�enda�me�requ�ro�Orant�or o po�st adeqwt Wsecurtt�y a a e��ty bond, '
<br /> � ra�sonabry sat�stactory to Lender,to protect Lender's fnteresl.
<br /> Duty to Protect. Grnnta eflrees nefther to abandon nor leavo unattendetl Ihe Property. Cirentor shnll do all other acb,In addltlon to those Acb ,
<br /> set forth above fn th15 sec►lon,whiCh hom the Character and use of Ihe Prope�ty are reasonebly rteeessary to proteCt�nd pre*.,erve the Prope�tY•
<br /> otner IermSIA oCe ent5H8�C0 dNionsr of I�e Lease.n G antOpfurthe rflgr�,ill(e)not to srrenderll t m�e% o+cance����se.and bb not�o .
<br />_. mOd�fy.Chenge.SVpp�e�+B�t.8�ter o�amena the Lease. e��he�o�aiW o���wnting, wdhOUl LC�tl2�5 p�i0r wnfl@n COnSBnt. NO C5�8I@ in�he P�operty�
<br /> :-.._..�: '.' '_.�� . ..... .. . . .._. . ._ ' �t{a•y . . _._______-- .. . yti�LYiY'�_ _ .. _ .._..___.._ . -
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