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�.r.t .!. . .. . . .:J�'^`T;-, <br /> 6 <br /> i ,ti{ � <br /> —---- -----eS7Mlt'- - --•--- <br /> � ' . 97.� �,O�i4l9'7 .� . � _ <br /> � Londor moy, at nny tlme, CotbCt and hotd flmounta tor Escrow Itemd In an eppreflate amount not to exaeed the mexknum <br /> � nmount that may bo roqulrod for Bortowrcra o�crow account under lho Rcal Eotuto SottbmQnt Proct�duro� Act of 197b, 12 U.S.C. <br /> � � 2G01 et geg, and Implemanthp repulations, 21 CFli Pert 3500, e8 they mey be amanded trorn tlme to tYne ("RESPA"), except . <br /> � thet the cushlon or reserve pertnHted by AE6PA for unant�iptted dbburaements or dlsbureement6 ba(ore the Bortowers <br /> Ipayment8 are Aveilsble h the acoount:nay not bY bised on unounte dw for ths mortpiqa hsurance prsmbm. „ - <br /> I If the emounta held by LMder for Eacrow Ilwm�xCNd th�Imountt p�rmftted to b� hefd by RESPA,Lw�der ah�ll acaount <br /> jto Borrower for the exceas tunda ae requYed by RESPA.I} the amounts of funda held by Lender at any time are not aulfblent to <br /> � puy the Escrow Items whon due, Lender may noll7y lhe Oorrowsr und requlro Bortoe�cr to mnlco up tAo �horinp0 a9 pertnitted by <br /> RESPA. •�'!�+�+��� <br /> 7ho Escrow Funds ere piedps�d es addRbnnl security (or all eums seoured by thle Securky Instrument.If 6onower tendere X�,.�� <br /> to Lender tho fuil payment of all such suma, Borrqwore account shall be credRed wkh the baiflnce remalnhp for all hstalknent ,�'�• <br /> ftems (a), (b), and (o) and any moApaye hsunrtce premium k►atolknent that Lender has not beaome oblpated to �ay to the .;;u;.�� <br /> Secretary,and Londer shall prampty retund any exCess Wnds to 8orrower. Immedtatery prbr ro a forecbsure sale ot the Property -__ <br /> or ks acquisklon by Lender, Borrowers eccount shall ba cradftad�vkh ony balsnce remalnlnp for all Inetslknents for Rems(a).(b), ----__ <br /> anA(c). ---..- <br /> 3. AppIIC81I0�f 01 PEy1T1CD�.Ail p8yments under PBre.qrBphs 1 and 2 shall be epplfed by Lendet ee folb�v8: _ <br /> FlfBt,to tho mortqepe haurance premium lo be pald by Lender to the Secretary or to the monthy oharge by tho Secretary <br /> instead of the monthly moRyape�nsurance premlum; <br /> Second, to any taxes, spechi a6sassments, feasehold peyments or pround rents, and fre, ibad and other haurd - <br /> insurnnce pramiums,as requked; - ----- <br /> Third,to interest due under the Note; <br /> Fourth,to emortlzalian of the pnc�pat ol the Note;and -- <br /> Flith,to late cherpes due under the Noto. <br /> 4. Fire, Flood and Other Hezard Inaurance. Borrowar shBN hsure all knprovaitients on the Property, whether <br /> now h existence or subsequently erectid, ap�hst tny harards,casuaklas, �nd contlnpenaies, holudinp ne, tor whlCh Lender <br /> � requkes Insurence.Thls hsurance nhaH be mahtahed In the amounta cu�d for the perbds that Lender roqukes. Borrower shall <br /> also Insuro all Improvements on the P�opxty,whether now In exbtsnca or aubsequenty eraated, apainst loas by fbods to ths __ <br /> extent requked by the Seeretary. AM haunnce ehaN be carrbd wRh aompaniea approvxd by Lender.The Insurance poNoMs �nd - <br /> � any renewals shall be held by Lsnder and ehal hcbde baa payable oleuses h favor ot,and In�form acceptable to,Lenda�. � <br /> � In the event of loas, Borcower shaY plve Lender Ynmedlate notbe by mail. Lender mey make proof of bRS N not made , <br /> �- '- -�— promptty dy esoROwer. tacn inaursnce company concurnea w i�wouy sui�ar�d arC d w^i�d !o :ra..�� C:;sts�t �ni e�n� hRw - <br /> dlrectly to Lender, Instead of to Borrower end to I.ender Jointy.All or nny paR of the hsurance proceeds may be applied by �� <br /> . Lender, at Its option, efther (a) to the reduCtbn of the hdebtedneso under the Note and thls Securky instrument,flrst to any _ <br /> delinquent amounts applled In the order In Panpraph 3,and lhen to prepayment of prMioipal, or(b)to the restoratbn ar repaY of <br /> • the dameged Property. Any eppi�ntb� of the proceeda to the pnc�lpal shall not extend or postpone the due dtte o} ths <br /> �, monthly paymente whlch are retertid to fn PlraqrnPh 2, or chMpe the �mount ot such paymants. My exCess hsunncY _ <br /> . r proceeds over an amount requfred to pay all outstandhy hdebtedness under the Nota and this SeCUrky Inetrument ahtN be pttd ; <br /> � to the entity Iepally entkled thereto. E_ <br /> � In the event of lorecbaure of thb Secur�y InsWm�nt or other tranafor of tki� to tha Property that axtin0u�ah�s the j; <br /> , indebtetlness,aU ripht,tkle and interost of Bortower in and to Insunnce po1bN6 in forC�shaN pass to th�purohas�r. �— - <br />_ b. Occupency� Preservatien, Melntenance nnd ProteeUon of the Property; Borrovrer'� Loan �P <br />_ HpNi:CBtfon; L@esEhOlds. Baroww shal occupy,�stabiish,and uso tha Nroparty as Bortowert prinoipal ns{d�nco wkhh �� <br /> - -�" s6Ay days arier the executton o}thb Securky instrument(or wkh„sbcty days ot �MtK srb or U�nehr ot lh� Prop�rty)and �haM E�`�..� <br /> � conthue to occupy the Property es Borrowef� princpal restdence ta at leaat on� yar aft�r the dat�of ocCUpmoy, unbss �-..i <br /> Lender determines that requlrement wlll ctuso undw hardship for Borrower, or unkss uctenuathp circumstu►c�s�xlst whinh�n <br /> :M <br /> _ „ beyond Bortowers controi. Boaow�r shU not�r L�nder of tny �atenulthp olroumsW�css. Borrowu shal not Commk wist�or '.�- <br /> 'i de�troy, darts��a er sub�L:nt�; ch�r:�th� Pro� et elbw the Property to det�rbMte, ronsonWb weu and tou nrceot�d. �--_==-- <br /> Lender may hspeat the Prope�ty k the Prop�rly b vaaant or abmdornd or the ban b In defauk.Lendx may tako roason�bis c •��—'�- <br />_ �� �"`— <br /> : � aotion to protect end proserw auoh vacuit or�bandon�d Prop�Ay. Bortow�r ehnC abo b�In dstauR N Barow�r,duriny th�Iou► _,:_-__- - � <br /> , � epplfcatlon process, yave metorlaly hfa�or h�ccunte htortn�tbn pr etatements to Lender(or taNed to provide Lsnd�r wkh�ny �'�,�.--=_--- <br /> material hiormatbn) tn connectbn wkh th� b�n evidenced by the Note, Inaludhp,but not Iimked to,reprosentttbna oonc�minp �� ��` <br /> , � ,.,�: •.� <br /> � BoROwers oCCUpanoy of the Property ee a prksap�l resldenee. If thla Security Instrument b on i leesohold, Borrow�r eh4a .��• ,r <br /> + �q, .. <br /> comply w(th the provisbns of the Iense.It Bortower 6cquires fee tR�e to the Property, the Ieesehoid flnd tee tkb shaN not be ` 4', ra•• iq *•- <br /> " ener ed unbss Lendsr n rees to the h writln �����-���� ���t; <br /> 9 0 me+0er 0• .: .:1�'����*'°'�y��;: <br /> , 6. COItdCm11At1011. The procoods o}eny eward or o1aYn for damayos, diroot or conaaquentlal, h oanneatbn wkh any � ' <br /> , condemnatlon or other takinp ot eny pflrt ot fhe Property, or for conveyonce In piece af a0ndemnetbn, are hereby aasipnsd utd ° � �" <br /> shall be pald to Lender to the extent of the(utl amount of the Indebtedness that remehs unpakl under the Not� and lhls <br /> Security Instrument. Lendet ahall apply such procoeds to the reductbn of the Indebtedness under tNe Note and thNs 5ecuriry � <br />— Instrument, first ro any dalhquent amounts applfed In the order provlded in Parepreph 3, and thsn to prepayment ot prinolpai. <br /> �' , Any appifcatlon of the proceeds to the pnc�lpd sh�q not extsnd or poatpona the due date af the monthy paymonte,wh�h are , <br /> relerced to In Peregreph 2, or ehonpe tho amount of euoh paymer►ts.My excese proeeeds over en Qmaunt requksd to pay aN <br /> • ) outstanding hdebtadness under the Not�end this Securfty Inetrumer►t shall 1»p�ld to the entky bpuNy entkted theroto. : � <br /> _ � 7. Charges to Borrower and ProtecUon of Lender's Riqhte in the Property. BoROwer shatl pay all <br /> _._:__.._._—� <br /> govammo�tal or mun�Cipal charqes, fines and impoaRbns that nre not Included In Parapr�ph 2. Bv�rtower shaA pay theso - <br /> � obllgatlons on timo dkeCtry to the entity whbh Is owed the payment. It t811urs to pay would ativers�ly aNeCt Lender6 ht�ast h <br /> � the Property,upon Lende�'s request Bortower ahall prompty(umish to Lender receipts evidenciny theae peymenta. <br /> If Borrower lalls to make those payments or the payments requked by Paraqraph 2, or fails to pwform any other covenonts <br /> � and sgreements conteined h thls Seau�ity Inawment, or then b� byal proceedNp that may alpnMfcantly tBaot Lendefs riphts h <br /> the Property(such as a proceedinp In hankn�ptcy,for condemnetbn or to eniorce laws qr repulatbne), then Lender may do and <br /> - � � pay wnetever Is necessery to protect the value ai the Property end Lenders rqhts In the Property,hcludhp payment of texes, <br /> � hazctrd Insurnnce and othor kems mentbnod in Pareqraph 2. <br /> � <br /> _ I <br /> IF6l1S.LM0(0/90) P�p�t of 6 .. <br /> � <br />__.i ' • <br /> 4L0 � <br />:�'- .__ . ..__. . <br /> a. __—__ __.. <br />