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� ._.__...t:....__.,.,,... . . � . �. . _ " . . <br /> � � 97'.� �.4i4�'7 . -..y::_ <br /> My nmounte dlsbursed by UndN undbr thb Parl�yraph shall beCOme an addkbnal do6t of Bonower and be seoured by <br /> ►his Socurity Inotrumon6 Tho9e Bmounl8 chall bear hterest trom the date of disbursoment nt the Note rate, and et the optlon of <br /> Londor, aholl bo Immodlatoly due and pnyabW. <br /> I Borrowar ahull promptry dlsohar0l any ilen whfah hae prbrlty over thls SeCUrity Inslrument unlesa Bonowor. (e)sgrees In <br /> I writing to tho pnyment of th�obllpttbn t�ourod by ths Ilan h a manner accoptabie to L.ender;(b) contests In qood fatlh the i{Bn <br /> by, or dofonda aflnlnat �nlorosmer►t ol th• Il�n h, kpal proceedlnpe whbh h the Lenderb opinbn operete to prevent the <br /> lenforcoment of the Ilun; ot(a) ��OUr41 from th� h0lder of the Ilen an aflreement aetlsfaclory to Lender subardinethg the Iien to <br /> � thls Socurity InetrumenL if LMder d�tKmin��Ih�l�ny p�rt o}the Proporty Is subJoct tp e Iien whbh may ettnin prbriry over thls <br /> j Security Inntrument, Lend�r mry pNO Botroww �not�Ca fdsntllyiny tha lan,Borcowcr uhau sntury tho I!sn or tako ono or moro of _ <br /> J the nctlons aet IoAh ebov�wkhin 10 d�ys ol th�pNlnq o}not�e. <br /> .+ 8. FQEB.londer mey ootl�ol fut Rnd ohuqa �uthori=ed by the Secretary. �' _ <br /> � � 8. Orounda for Aao�t�r�tlon �f D�bL - <br /> (e) Defeult. Lse�dN mty, �xc�pt�s Ifmk�d by rspu�tbna issued by the Secretary h the case of payment defaufts, `' <br /> requlre Immedlat� p�ym�nt In NN of�N �um� s�oursd by this Security Instrument M, <br /> (q Bonowsr d�lwk�by (�9h�t0 pay h fuN�ny monthy payment requlred by this Security Inatrument prbr to or on • -- <br /> � the due dsts of th�ntxt monthry p�ym�nt,or '"°��•: <br /> (Iq Borrower defwMe by f�Nh�,for�p�rbd of thYty daya,ta parform any other obupatbns con4ainod h lhls Seaurfry o:� -° <br /> rir- <br /> If18tNrt1801. ' = <br /> (b) Sete Without Credit App►ov�l. l�nd�r shall, H psRnitted by applbable law (Inotudhp seatbn 341(d) ot the <br /> Oam•St Oermaln Depoakory InttRutbn4 Aot of 1982, 12 U.B.C. 1701 j3(d)) and wkh the prbr approval of the Secretary, <br /> ruquVo Immedlste peym!nt !n NII pl Rtl the e�►ms R�uuud by thls S�curky Instrument it ;°-_. <br /> (I) All or paR of th� Prop�rty, or � b�nNblat htsraat In �trust owning all or part of the Property,Is aoid or �'�„'�i <br /> otherwise tranelwred(othlr thtn by dwlt�or duC�nt), �nd "�d��� <br /> (II)The PropeRy is not oCOUpNd by th� puroh�ItK ar pnnte�as hls or her princpai r6sldence,or the purahaset cr '`'" <br /> grantee do�s to ocoupy th� PropMy, but hh or hN cndk h�s not been epproved In acoordana wkh the <br /> requkemente o1 lh�Seopt�ry. ___. <br /> '� (C) NO WIlIV��. If otaumnanca ocaur th�t waub p�rmR L�ntlw to nqulre Immedtate payment In fu0. but Lender <br /> � does not requka suoh p�ym�nls, LmdM do��nol w�k� k� rpht�wkh raspoct to aubsequont evants. s <br /> (d) Regulettona of HUD Seeretery. in mmy olroumsunc�s repulatbns b6ued by the Secreta�y wu irnn <br /> '� Lender'e rlphte, In th� c�s� of peym�nt dN�uki, to r�quk� knmldkt� payment In fu� and (onobss M not paW. Thla - <br /> � Security Instrument doea not�uthort��calK�tbn or lonob�ur�N not permkted by �epuiatbns of the SecreUry. ti <br />__ (e) CNortaeae Not Insurod. BOrtOwM �prNt thtt N thh &CUrNy Indtru►r�wit and the Hote are not detlrmh�tl to r� <br /> be ellglbie (or InsunnCS under th�N�tbntl Houslnp Aat wMhln ly►Ot dly�(90) hom the d8te henof. Lend�r ° <br /> may, at Rs optbn rpuk�knrtwdiat�paym�nt In fuM o1 dl �um� t1CUr�d by thta SecurRy InsWment. A wrkten s4atoment - <br /> o}any authorlied�pMit Ot th�SAOrKary dlt�d�ubuquMd to 1� 0} dAya�gd� irom the data hereof, deCihk►p <br /> to Insure thb Sscurky Initrum�nt md lh� Not�, �haq b� dMn'Md conoluslw proot ol suoh helipbllky.PlotwRhatandhp �• <br /> the foreyotnp, this optbn m�y not bY �xlrofs�d by L�nd�r wh�n tho unavaN�bN�y of hsurancs b solely due to Lendsre __ <br /> fatlure to ramk�moAp�p� Intunnc�pnmqm to th�3�or�ry. = <br /> � <br /> ' 10. Relnstetement. BonowK ha a riphl to b�e nlntt�tsd N L�nd�r hts roqufnd Ynm�dkte payment in tuN bec�ua� of <br /> 8ortowers failuro to pay an �mount du� undM thr Not� or tnN 8�aurky Initrummt.fils rqht �pplies sven�ftsr lonobsun <br /> proceedhge are Inetkuted. To relnshl� th� 8�curky ln�buminf, Bortowu sh�N bndM„ a Ump sum tN nmounts nqulnd to <br /> brinp Borrower'b account curnnt InoNdhp, to th� �xtint Ih�y �n obllaalbn� of BarowK undK thls Sacurky InsWmw►t, _ <br /> loreobsure coate end reafon�bN �nd Cu�torrury �ttom�y'� hN �n0 �xp�mN propKy aseooiated wRh thr loreobauro '��` <br /> proceeding. Upon re�nstetement by BorrowM, thh 3�aurlty Inttnim�nl�nd lh�oblip�tbn�that R secures ehall romnfn h et(eot �s ,. <br /> H Lende► had not requlrod Immed�t�p4ymmt h fufl. How�vK, l�nd�r h not nqulr� to permk rehstatert►ent M: (t)Ler�der has <br /> eccepted retnstatement sfter th� camm�nc�t of fonobsun prc�cwdinps wkhin lwo years immedlatey precedinp the -_ <br /> � commencement of a current fonabsun proCMdinp, (A)nM�ut�rtnnt wiN pnoUd�lor�olotun on tlNterent yrounds In the future, -- <br /> ty�.; <br /> , - � or(t!!)ren5tatem°r.t wl!I�d�r!r�!y ett!of th.g.Muky a�Ihe 14r►a�e�etecf hy thta&raurNv Inatn�m;�t. '�, '--_ <br /> 11. Borrower Not Relea�ed; Forbe�renae �y L��d��Not• Walwr. ExlMtbn ot ths ttme ot payrtant ar '° � � <br /> . modM�ation of amortixatbn ot th� wms ��curod by thk S�curity Inttrummt pnnt�d by l.�nd�r to eny auccssaor In htersst o1 �'`� <br /> ���c <br /> Borrower ahall not opaato to roMaN th� �bllky of th�orphd BorrowM a BoROwu's luCCeltor In ht�nsG LendK thatl not bY �"�'�� <br /> requlred to commence procMdinys �pah�t�ny wcc�tsor In ht�n�i or ntun tu uct�nd tkrM for pay�rtNr►t or othe�wtse mod "'�'"''•�"°= <br /> � .�rj:��.i..� <br /> amortlmtion of the aums escured by thb Saeurlty In�trummt by r«uon of �ny d�rn�nd mscN by th� oriph4l Borrowsr or n��•.,. <br /> BoROwer'o auccessore In htoreat. My forbwnnc� by L�ndK fn �x�roNhp �ny rlpht or r�dy shaN not be a w�hrer o} or `' "• ����` <br /> :,. <br /> preclude the exerciso of any ripht or rem�►dy. ���'• � �` <br /> -t;... <br /> 12. Succeasore end Aeel�na Bouncl; Jolnt �nd S�v�rtl LI�bllity; Cn-slgner�. rne aownan�s and � � <br /> epreements of this Securky Inatruntent shall bind tnd b�nNk th� �ucastcrs �nd aui�nf of L1nd�r and Borrower, subJect to the . <br /> provlslons of Peragreph 9(b). Bonow�s oown�nts �nd �prMnknH thd b��oht tnd twsn� My Bortowor wh� co-sqns thls <br /> Seaurky Instn,ment but does not�x�cuts th� Not�: (�)k ao•tlpnhp tha 6lourNy In�Qrum�nt ony to mortpeps,prant onal convey <br /> that Borrower'o Interest In ths Prop�rty undsr th� t�rmi ol thN &wlurMy In�IrumMt; (b) Is not p�non�My obllp�ted to pay the <br /> sums secured by this Securky InstmmMt; and (o) �ptN� t��t L�nd�r md �ny oth�r BonowM rrwy �yn� to ext�nd, modiry, , <br /> torbear or meke any accommodntbne wRh rsptrd to th� tKm of tha 61outNy InNrum�nt or Ih� Not�wkhout that Bortow�e <br /> C�nsent. <br /> __._. _____ 13. Notices.Any notbe to 8orrawer provld�d for in thl� S�ourNy Inatrumml�htl b�pA�r►by d�!M�rinfl k or by malihp ft <br /> -- - — - <br /> by first clnss mnll unbss oppl�nble 4w nquins ua�ol�nothK mothod.Th�notk�eh1�b�OM�ot�d to lh�Property Addre88 or <br /> any other uddress Borcower despnelee by not�e to Lender,Any notb�to 4�ndsr�hal b• pN�n by firot oyse maY to Lendere <br /> address stated hereln ar eny addreas Lender deslpnetes by nolfc� to �orroww. My nalfCe provfd�d (or h Nls Securily <br /> Instrument shell be deemed t0 h6ve been flNen to 8ortower or L�nder whNt pkM�� p�OVId�G Ln Ihl� par�Qraph. <br /> 14. Governing Law; $eVQf'�bIIIL�I. Thls S�aurfly Inatrum�nl�h�u b� povlmed by F�dtt�l I�w �nd th�i�w of the <br /> Jurisd�tlon In whfch the Property 19 bCeted. In the ivYnt tho► ony prOVNbn Or CI�u01 Of lhll S�CUrMy In�trumYnt Or the NOte <br /> � F6E1�.LM0(9/80) P�pt 3 0l 6 <br /> � <br /> I <br /> � 150 <br /> . <br /> 1 <br /> ' - .�u:��c- ._ <br />