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<br /> � t8pu� Abov�Thb Unt tor R�oorElnp Dst��
<br /> � _
<br /> • FHA Cae�No. ���s`..�.
<br /> State of Ncbraske DEED OF 'i�"RUST 3a�-1848816 703
<br /> .. . , _
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUBT(•Security Inawm�nt")It mtCe on �ebruer�28fh . 9997
<br /> " (•Borrow�').
<br /> . rhe trustee�s COMRAHRCIAL.FEDERAL BANK A FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK 98 60 "M" ST ('Tmata�").
<br /> - rno benetbiary 1� UNITHD NEBRASKA BANK
<br /> �: whfch Ia orpant�d and wcktinp untMr th�kw� ol NEBFiASKA .and whoso a�fdress b
<br /> 700 N WEBB FiD GRAND ISUIND, NE 68Q03 ("�.endsr'1�
<br /> " Bortower owes Lender the prinalpal sum of �ix{y Two Tho,�,�nd Seven Hundred end 00/100
<br />_ oo.eu.�us.s 8?.700.00 L Tha debt fa �vldsiwW by BoROw.rs nou
<br />- dated the same date aa thb Securily Inslrumsnt('Not�'). whFch provld�a tor monthy ptymw►ts, wkh th�fuN debt, M not pald
<br />` earibr,due and payabte on Me►Ch 1. 2027 .Thb Securky inatrum�nt secur�a to l.�ndor. (�)th�nptym�nt
<br /> � •------ � --��^--•�--- -• •..- --•-•
<br /> �i oi ine dabi evidenceo oy in�i3oi�, witn niw�ai,ano ai re�nwaii,i�iw�aiuno w�w uwumua�w,w u� u� �iui�; lirj ii�i�rsynwi�i ui
<br /> ; � all other sums, wkh Interest, a�vanad undK perapnph E to prot�ot th� sacurky of thk 3aourky Instrummh md (o� th�
<br /> periormance of DoROwer'a covanants and aprownYnts und�r thia Sacurky Inatrument�nd tho Nota For thb purpo�, Borrovwr
<br /> ' . Irrevocaby grants end COnYey6 to Truste�, h truat, wRh power of aab, the foHowinp descrbed property bctt�d N
<br />�°''' • . � HALL County;N�bnskc
<br />�"' � NEBRASKA.
<br />;: .
<br /> ■,.�r.., . .� .
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<br /> _:�..,�:�^".
<br /> -.. ...'!:"r
<br /> --���y;r�`.+.,
<br /> -' �` � �� whbh has the addross of 2508 CONAMERGE GRAN�7 ISI AND =
<br /> ;��;�.��� letr«tl I�YI.
<br /> _"`'�� NE 8�a01 ('Propwty Addnss")7
<br /> .. ....��
<br /> =��=�� �e�.e.� (zip coa�� —
<br /> v����
<br /> - ,.;;�; TOQETHHR WRH aN the knprowmenri now a henaMr enated on th� prop�ty, �nd YN�s�ne�ttd, �ppurt�r►u�as, and _,
<br /> -.:�rti�s•��^ tbctures now or hereatter a part of the propsrty. AM rspYCarbnta and addRbns shaN be coverod by Ihis S�curky Inshum�nf. AI
<br /> �J`'�� o}the toregahp fs referred to b thfs 3�curity Instmmw�t ts tM "Property'. v
<br /> .. :�,� �
<br /> .- . � � � BORROVJER COVENANTS that Borrower ta I�wfufy ss(a�d of the astats huroby convsy�d u►d hna th� ripht to ynnt and =
<br /> � convey tho Property and tNat the Propwty b un�ncumbend, except for enaumbranas oi ncord. Borcow�► w�mnts md wYl
<br /> detend genoraly the tRle to tha Property taalnst aE ol4ims and damands,subpot to any encumbroncaa of rocord.
<br /> , THIS SECURIIY INSTRUMENT combinos unMOrm cownanta tor natbnal us� nnd non�unHorm cownants wkh Iimk�d
<br /> � varfatlons by Jurlsdlction to constkut��unlform seCUrity Instrument coverhQ resl property.
<br /> —, Bortowar and Lender oovenent�nd aqrN as falbwe:
<br /> l
<br /> 1. Payment ot Prfncipel, Interest end l.ate Charqe. Bonowor ahall pay when dus th� principat o},snd htM+b�t
<br /> , on, the debt evidenced by the Noto and kte aharpes due under th�Not�.
<br /> . .-__"_ _._._. I� ����Y.�.. I��...��� �� T`.�� ���.����_ ��J A�L�� /��.����� �' _ . .
<br /> ___ _.. _ _i..
<br /> - n -- -- - i. mv�n�n� ru�u�ena v� �awao� otwtota;o� OItY vutw v��awyew oortvwur en�� �aiuos n epvn moninry
<br /> payment, together wtth the prhoipet end Interest es set forth h the Note And any late eharpes,a sum tor(�) texes end specttl
<br /> � ' essessments levled or to be levied aqahot the Property, @) leesohold peymente or qround rente on the Property, ond (C)
<br /> premiums for Inourance requfred under Puapreph�.In any year h whbh the Lender rt�ust pay e mortpnp�hsunnCe prsmlum to
<br /> the Secrotary ct Houshg end Urban Oeaabpment('Secretary'), or In ony ye�r in whbh suoh premlum would havY bsM� requk�d
<br /> �� � '� H Lender stlu hetd the Security Instrument, eaCh monthy plyment shaN aho hoiuda skher: (q e sum for the ennual moRQaqe
<br /> Insurenco �remh,m to be pald by Lender to tha Secretery, or(II)a monthP�charpo Inetead of a mohflape hsumnce premium a
<br /> thls Scicurity Instrumont Is hekl by ths 3ecrotary, h e reasonabk amount to be determhetf by the Secrotnry. ExCept for the
<br /> monthly charpe by the Secretary, thess Heme are caHed 'Escrow Items' and the sums pald to Lender are culled "Escrow
<br /> _ Funds."
<br /> — Fae�a«+o�c�ee� p�o• � o�a
<br />—. �
<br /> � .,� �
<br />— j 97-�3 •S� i
<br />