. �� .
<br /> 13. LENDER'S RI�FIT TO COMNIEf�CE OA D@FEND LEDAL ACT10N9.�Orantor shall Imnediatolyprovlde Londar wlth writton notico of any actual or ' �
<br /> throafunod actl6n,suH,or othor prooeedinp sNocting Iho PropeAy. Cirantor hereby appalnt�Londer es Ils attomeyIn•fact to wrmbnco,Intorvono In,and
<br /> dalond cuCh ncitona,suile,or alhor legal proeciodlnfls and to compromiso or setlto nny dalm or conirovorsy porialnlnp thoreto. Londor shuil not bn Ilablo to
<br /> t3rantor lor any nctlon,crror,misteko,ortVsatnn or dolay portalnlnp lo tho acllona dor,cribod In Ihlc paragraph or any damagoa rosultinfl ihorotrom. Nothing
<br /> coninlnod horoln wlll provont Londar Irom teking tho actlono descrlbod In thls ptuagraph In Ita own nume.
<br /> t�l. IND�MNIFtCATiON. Lcmder ehell not assume or be rosponsible lor ihe partorrr�nco ol sny o}Qrentor s obligatlons wBh racpoct to iho Proparty under� ,,
<br /> nny dreumstoneea. Qrentor ehall Irm�odletefy provlde Lendar wllh wrltten notice ot and Indertnity and hold Lender and its sharoholdors,directors,officoro,'� q:'
<br /> � employees end ogente h¢r�ess tran All clalms,damages.Ilabllitles(Including attomeys'foos end lopal oxpeneos),causos of actlon,actlons,sulta and � :
<br /> i mher legal proceedings wm�lativey'Clalms')pertalning to tho Property(InGuding,bul not umited to,thase Involving Hezardous Matnrtals). Qrnntor,upon . ,,`�_�
<br /> � I tho roquest ol Londor,s�all hlro logal oounsel to dolond Lander hom auch Clelms,and�y iha ettomeys'feos,legal expenses end other wsis In;;urred In --_
<br /> � bllgatlo�n to Indemnlfy Lender undenhie�paregraph shalsurvlve the errt�natlont�rolea or Ioreclosulre oh'Is Deed ot 7ruat. at ar�ntor'6 cost. Qrentor'e � ____
<br /> ' 1a. TAXEB AND ASSHSSMENTS.Grnntor shall pay all taxes and aesessmeme rola�np to Propeny when due and Irrmedietoly provido Lender evidence� ,ti'-`�
<br /> 01 payment of seme. Upon the roquest of Lender,Qrantor shall deposit wlth I.onder each momh one•nvelflh(�/�2)of Ihe ostimated annual Insurance � ..•
<br /> premlum,taxos anJ assessments p�rtalnlng to the Property. So Iong ae there Is na default,ihese amounts shall be appllod to the payment of taxes, �,--,
<br /> pay enntaxtes8or algalns t o eObltgaUO s.�Any funds eapplled�may,at I.endors opilonnbe applledlneevers�a or�der�of the duet�date�hoPeoyi the lunds so hald to [i.,-_--
<br /> io
<br /> �._
<br /> � 1E. INSPECTION OF PROPERTY,BOOK9,RECORDS AND REPORTS. Cirantor shall allow Lender or Its egerrts to examino and Inspect the Property _ -_
<br /> end exruNno,Inspect end make coples ol Cirantor's books and records penelning to Ihe Properry from tlme to tlme. Cirantor shall provldo eny asslstence -
<br /> requirod by Lender tor these purposes- AI�af 1ho slgnatures and Informatlon contalned In Orentor's books end records shall be genulne,truo,accurate and �_•
<br /> complete In all respecis. C3remor shall note the existenco of Lender's beneflclal interest in Its books and records portalning to ihe Property. Add!tlonally, ��_ -
<br /> Orentor shall rapOrt,In e form satislactory to Lender,such Intortnatlon as Lender may re uest regard�ng(irentor's flnanclal condhion or thb Property. The
<br /> ' infortnation tumiished by C3►ann or�to I.ender shellCba t et axu�ratedend complelte In ail respect�s,rend slgned by aran or�lf Lender8oqu sts�y�signato. All `
<br /> t
<br /> 17. 6STOPPEL CER5iF1�AYE9,�thin ten(t0)deys after any roquost by Lendsr,arantor shall delivar to Lendor,or any Intended trensferea of Lender's
<br /> � rlgMs with respect to the Obllgatians. a ElBnud and acknowledgecl statoment spedrylng (a)the outstanding baianco on the Obligetlons;end(b)whether
<br /> (3rantor possesses any dalrro,delensea,set-otta or caunterdaims with respect to the Obligatlons and,If so,ihe naturo of such dalms,detenses,set-oHs or
<br /> countordalms. Cirantor witl be conduslvely bound by any represontatlon that Lender rmy make to the Intended transieree wlth respect to these matters In
<br /> the event ihat arentor lails to provlde the requested statomant In a timely manner.
<br /> ., i
<br /> • 18. DEFAULT. Ciramor sh�l bo In delauft undor this Dead of Trust and the Trustee'e power shell became operative In the event that Orentor,Borrower or
<br /> any puarentor ot the Obllgatlons:
<br /> � � (e) falls to pay eny Obligattonb Lendar when dua;
<br /> �,� (h) i�lls to pertorm any Obilgatton or breaches any warranty or wvenenl to Lender contelned In ihls Dead of Trust or any other present or future
<br /> - egreertnnT
<br /> • + (c) deotroys,losea or damagee the Property In eny materlal respect or sub�cts the Properry to selzure,conOscation,or condermation;
<br /> p `, (d) seeks to revoke,tarminateor�thorwise IiMt Its Ilablliry under any guarenty to Lende►;
<br /> 8 (e) dies,becomas leg�ly inoanpetont,Is dissolved or teminated,becomes inadvem,makes en essignment br the 6eneflt of creditors,felis to pay
<br /> ____,-____ -._ .±oMo as thny F�ncome due,fllee a aetition unde�tho(ederal banlwptcy laws,hasen Invotuntary petition in bankruptcy Oled In which C3rerrtor,Borrower
<br /> or eny guarentor Is nemed,or has propeAy taken under eny writ or proceas ot court;
<br /> (Q aliows goods to be used,Vencpnrted or s2ared on the Property,ihe possessbn,transporl�ition,or use of whlctL Is Alogal;
<br /> _ (g) allows uny party othar than Grantor or Borrower to essurne ot undeneke eny Obligailon withart the wrinen consent of Lender;or
<br /> (h) causes Lender to deam Nself Incecure due to a signiflcant dedlne In the value of the Properly:or If Lender,In good faflh,for eny reason,belleves
<br /> � that the prospect of paymerri a porlomv.�nce Is Impairad.
<br /> ' emedies wi houFl notNce E d5tnandlaxceLpt asr requlred by Iaw)h under thls Dead of Tmst,Lender shall 6e entflled to exordse one or more of the following
<br /> � � (a) to dodare the ObllgatlonsNrnediately due and payablo In lull;
<br /> (b) to colloct the autsterding Obllgationa with or wlihout resoning to judidal process:
<br /> (o) to requlre Cirsntor to deWer and meke available to Lender eny porsonal propertyr or Chattels const(tuting the Proparty at a place reasonably
<br /> convenlern to arantor and Londer;
<br /> (d) to enter upon and teke possesslon of the Properry without applying tor or obtalning the appotrrcment of a recelver end,at Lender's optlon,to
<br /> • appolnt a reoelver without 6ond,without flrst ixinglnp sult on tho Oblipations and wilhout olherwlse meeting eny statutory oonditlons regarding
<br /> • ' ' receivere,H being irtte�ded thet Lorxler ehell have ihis contraqual right to eppoim n reoeivsr;
<br /> • '� (e) to employ a menaging agaR of the PropeAy end let the same,either In Truetee's own na�ne,in the name of Lender or In the name of Grnntor,end
<br /> recehre the rents,Incomes,lawes end proflts of the Property and epply tho same,aftor payment of all necessery cherges and expenses,on accoum of
<br /> , the Obllsatlons; __
<br />_. •:� (� to pay any sums In eny fam or m2nnee deomed expedient by Lender to protect the secudty of thla Doad oi Trust or to cure any default other than =
<br /> � payment of Interest or princtpal on the Obllgatlons; •
<br /> __.__ (g) to foredos3lhls D!�!d of Tnist J�idlcleliy or nnnj�uNdaliy end ta diract ths eale ot the property through oxordso ot tho powor of scJo as roforoncod In �--- -
<br /> � ,�, pareg�aph 20 hereof In eacordance wlih eppllcable law; �_-- _
<br /> - � (h)to cet�off�rentor's Obitqalions aga!nst any emounts owed arentor by lsnder Induding,but not Ilmited to, monias,Instrument6, and deposit __
<br /> y- �� accounta meintelned wilh Lender ar any cuRemly exlaling or fulure aHiilate ot Lender;end �j
<br /> r� ��. (q to exerdse ali other dghts availabie to Lendor under any other wdtten agreemoM or eppllcable law. �..
<br /> Lender'o dpMs ere cumulalNe ond rnay be exerdaed together,ceparately,and In any ader. In ihe event that Lender Institutes en actbn seeldng thn _ _^:_
<br /> - recovery ot eny of the Property DY way of a projudgrnent remedy in en action agalnst CirerAor,Qrantor walves the posting of any 6ond which rtight __�Y_
<br />- � othenvl3e be req�+ired. Londer a Lender's desi ee ma purchaao tho Property at eny sale. Proceeds of any Truotee e salo hereunder shall be upplled �
<br /> -- « OrsL to lhe a�sts and expenses ol exercising�hepower of eale end of the sale,Induding tho payment of tho Trustee's(eas actually Ineurted end not to ,t=�a,T.�
<br /> ' excaed the amount which rrey be provided tor in thls Doed of Trust,second,to payment of ihu Obllgatlona secured horeby,thlyd,to the paymam of funlor
<br /> t+ inest deeds,mortgagea,or other knholdsrs,end the balence,If any,to the pereon orpersona legally eniftled thereto. Theproperty or any part ihereoi may ,���s:�""-����
<br /> be sold In one percel,or in such�ceis,manner or order as Londor In its sole diacre9on may elect,end one or moro exordsos oi tho powor herein grented ?" .�sa:
<br /> a shall not extingulsh or oxhaust thepower uniess the entlre properry Is soid or the obligations are pald In tull. '-�"`��-
<br /> '�_:1=.
<br /> 20. TRUSTEE'S E3(ERC19E OPPDWER OF SALE QN DEFAULT: If Lender elscte to soll Grantor's Interest In the Proporty by oxerclse of the power of ' '
<br /> ' . selo horeln contelned,Lender she�notity T►ustee In iho mannor then requlred by law. .
<br /> Upon rocelpt of such notice of Lender end at ihe direction of Lander,Truatee sheli cause to be recorded,publishod and cklivered a�ch noticc�s of default
<br /> and noticoa ot sele ae may ihon be required by law end by this Deed of Tn�st. Trustoe shall,only at ihe diractlon oi Lender and wNhout dertnnd on(3rantor,
<br /> aRer such time aa may thon be�equlrod by taw and afler recordatlon of such notice of defauft and attar notice of salo having been glven ae roqulred by Iaw,
<br /> sell the Property at lhe time end placa of sale Ilxod by It In auch notioe of sale,eUher as whote or in separete lots or parcels or items as Lender shall deam •
<br /> exp�dient,and In Euch ordur es tt rtay dotermine,at puhlic auctlon to the hlghest bldder for cash in lawtul monoy of the UnRed StatespayaNe at the llme of ,�
<br />-- sale,or as otherwise may ihon be requlrecl by law. Trusteo chall deifver to such purchaser or purchasers theroof Its good end suffident deed or deeds
<br /> ----' convovinfl ihe property so sold,drt wilhout any covonant or wertenty,oxprosa or kr�lled. Tha�reeltels In�uch doed o�f�y�rt�tth s�o�p}T 8ma�a rr�v
<br /> __._ ..
<br /> � COIICIUBNB�tlOT 0�1h81RlthlUlft@b3t�18f00i. iUIYpe ISOfI.induany.vrmiw�uunnw��,..�o..��... .�..............�..�.,.._s r•-••---'---" --.. • .- _.__.-.
<br /> In tho manner provided by Iaw postpone sale of all or any portlon ol tho Property.
<br /> ' 21. REDUE9T FOR NOTICE3:Orantor requ�6on soi tonh hore�n atl I�ho fsame timo end in iho gs� �manner�e ulred est hougrh a selparato roquo t
<br /> ►vho Is a party Rereto at tho address of such �
<br /> thoroof had been flled by each such porson.
<br /> �
<br /> ( � aape3dG —� _ ,
<br /> NEDOTC Rev.396
<br /> � ;
<br /> _ . _ �.__._.� -- �- --- -
<br />