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--► <br /> � � I <br /> . . ._ . _... � ., " .. � . . <br /> 22. SECURITY INTEREST UNOER THE UNIFOFiM COMMERCIAL CODE. Thls Daed ot Trust shell bo ccroslcbrod and hn eHoctivo an �(Inancln <br /> &tatoriwnt nnd'e Oxtura flling pursuant ta tho provlslons of iho Unifo►m Commordel Cqdo(ae adoptod In iho stalo whoro iho roal proparty Is locatod� . <br /> Covoring flkturoa,chaltols,and nrticlos oi porsonal praporty now ownod or horoallor nuachad to or to bo usod In connoctlon with iho Proparty Iopothor with <br /> •any and all roplacortronte ihoroot ar.d additlone thereto(tho'Chattels'),and�rentor horoby grants Londc3r n socuriiy Intorost In such Chanols. fio dohtor Is <br /> tho Cirantor descrlbed abovo. Thle Deed of Trust wlll be oifective ae a Iinancing stntement i�led es a fiuturo Oling with rocpact to all(ixtures Includod withln(� „ <br /> ealdpremisos end la to be(ilod tor reoord In the roul esiate records of each county where any part of eald promisea(Induding sald fixturos�Is eltuated. Thle� <br /> i Deed of Trust chall also be o(tecihre es a financing statemont covaring any otherpromisos and may bn filod In any olhor eppropriate lling or rocording <br /> i offiee. A carbon,photogrephlo or other reproductlon of thla Doad oi Truet or of any flnanGng stetoment releting to thls Oood of Trust shall bo sufficlent ee e � <br /> � Mandng statemont for any of the purposes refertod to In thla Paragreph. The cecured patty le Ihe Lendnr deacribed ctbovo. Upon dorn�nd Cirentor shall , '�-- <br /> mako,execute end deliver such socuriry agroomento(as such tertn Is defined In sald Unlform Comrwrdal Codo) na Lender at any tlmo may do¢m M °�� <br /> necossary or proper or raquirod to grnnl�o Lender a perfocted security interest In tho Chatlels,and upon�rantor's(alluro to do so,Lond�r Is authorizod to _ <br /> 1 slgn any auch agreement as iho agent of Cirantor. �rentor hereby authorizes Londer to flle financing statomenta(as such term Is defined in anld Unlform� <br /> Corrmerclal Codo)with respecl to tho Chattels,et anr timn,withoul tho slgneture oi(3rantor. �rantor wlll,howover,at any time upon requeat of Lendor, � <br /> slgn euch finandng staterrqnis. �rentor wlli pay all fll,ng foes tor the flling ot such Mancing staternems and for tho retiling ihoreof at the times roqulred,In ."--- ,. <br /> tho opinlon af Lender,by sald UNform Comrrx�rdal Code. H iho Ilen ot this Deed of Trust be subJacl to any securiry agreement covering tho Chatleis,thfln� ' , q '`:�� <br /> mrr <br /> � In iho overn of eny defauh under ihls Deed of Trust,ell the dgM,titie and Interest of arantor In snd to eny end ell of ihe Chattels Is hereby asslgned to ,; -u 4 <br /> i Londer,together with the benetB of any deposBs or payments now or hereaher mado thereof by Orantar or the predecessara or suaessors In tltle of r ;Y;-;;�,-- <br /> ' Orantor In thu Properry. ,�f�`�° <br /> ; �i <br /> I 23. REIMBURSEMENT OF AMQUNT8 EXPENDED BY L�NDER. Lender,at Lender's option,may expend funds pnGuding attomoys'teos and legal _`_ _ _ <br /> � expenses)to pertortn eny act requlred to be taken by Orentor or to exercise any right or remedy of Lender under this Deed of Trust. Upon demand.Cirantor <br /> � shall immedlately relmburse Lender for all such amounis expended by Lendar topether with Interost iher�on at ihe lower of ihe hlghest rate doscribed In any ,��� <br /> � Obligatlon or iho hlghest rate ellowed by law from the dato of payrrbnt untll ihe date of relmbursomont. These sums sh a l l b e Inc lu d e d In t he d e fln i t lon o f <br /> I Qbligatlons horeln and shall bo securad by the benofldal Interest granted heroln. If tho 0611gatlone erepaId aftor ttie beginning of publlcation of notica of <br /> � sale,as horeln providad,or in Ihe event Lsnder shall,at Its sole optlon,pem9t(3rrmntor to pay eny parl of tho Obllgatlons eftor the beglnning of publication of <br /> notice of salo,as hereln providad,ihen,Orantor shall pay on demand all expen&es Incurred by 1ha Trustee and Lender In connectlon with sald pubilcatlon, . <br /> Including reasonable attomeys'fees to ihe attomeys fw ihe Trustoe end for the Lender,and a reasonaWe fee to the Trustee,and thia Deed of Trust shall be --- <br /> _,.. <br /> �' securiry for all such expenses and fees. �" <br /> 24. APPUCATION OF PAYMENTS. The Trustee shall a�pIy theproceeds of the irustee's sate,flrst,to the eosts and expenses of exerdsing ihe powor of ,.-'� <br /> sala and of ihe sele,induding thepayment ot the Trustea's�tees actually Incurted not to exceed ihe emount whlch may be provlded for tn the Deed of�rust, <br /> ' s�econd,to paymont of ihe obtigat(on secured by tho Dood of Trust,thfrd,to tha payment of Junlor deeds of trust,mortgagas or other Ilenholders,end tfie <br /> balanca,It any,to the person or persona legally entltind thareto. <br /> 2G. POWER OF AITORNEY. Qrentor herebya�paInts Lender ae its ettameyin-fact to endorso arantors name on all Instruments and other documents <br /> portelning to the Obllgations or Deed of Trust. In addition,Londer shail bn errtftied,but not requUed,rope rfortn any acllon or oxecute any document __ <br /> " required to be taknn or executed by Qrentor under ihls Deed of T►ust. Lender'sperforn�ance ot such acilon or execution of such documents shell not <br /> relfeve(irantor from any Obligatlon or cure any default under this Dead of Trust. AIt powers of ettomey desalbed In this Qeed of Trusi ere eoupled with an _ <br /> Intereat and ero I►revocable. - <br /> �' 28. liUBROfIATICIN OF LENDER. Lsnder chall be subrogated to the rights of ihe holder oi any previous Ilen,security Interest or eneumbranee <br /> diseherged wRh funds edvanced by Lender regardless of whether thesa Ilens,secu�iry Interests or other encumbrances have bean released of record. <br /> _�. 27. COLLECTION C09Y3. To tho extent�armitted b�law,�rantor agrees to pay Lender's reasanable fees and cosis,Induding,but not Ilmlted to,fees .`,, <br /> --:.-�--- - -- ni�u w52o u=aii1'viiioj�o 8fi�CIi6T ayo�o(�rMaw'rg;.���I�.u���i:�oS��^�i;����5��:P::L :^��.�f2'..'�:.S�:E„::'�`.ELhE!L`! su�h Qi!�mQy nr arwnt la an �_=� . . <br /> 'y��� e�oy�e of Lender,which aro incurtad by Lc3nder in collecting any emount due or entordng eny rlaht or romedy under lhls Deed of Trust,whe�t ier or not <br /> sulf Is bro�ght,Including,hut not Ilmtted to,ali fees and costs Incurrod on appeal,In bankruptcy,end(or post•Judgmant collectlon ectlons. ��: <br /> . 28. PARTIAL RELFASE. Lender may release fta Interest in apo nlon of the Properry by exewting end reoordlng one or more Penial Oeeda of <br /> Remnveyanw wiihout aNxting Ne Interest In the remalning portlon ot the Property. Nothing hereln chalt 6e doemed to obllgete Lender to release any of Its <br /> :. Interest In the Proporty(except as requlred under Peregr�38 or as may 6e othervvise requlred by law),nor shall Lender be obligated to rolease any part <br /> of the Property It Qrantor Is in dofault under ihis Deed of 7rust. The Ilen and sew�Interest aeated by iha Deed of Trust romaln In eftect wfth respect to <br /> �� ' that ponlon of lhe property,as deflnsd In the Oeed of Trust,that is not the subjoct ot thla or eny Panlal Daed oi Reconveyence <br /> � : 20. MODIFICA710N AND WAIV�R. The modiflcation or welvor of eny of(3rantor's Odigatlons or lender's d ts under this Deed of Trust must be <br /> � �� • contelned In a writing slgned by Lender. Lender may pertortn eny ot Borrower'e or Cirsntor'e Obligatlons,dolay or�I to exerclse eny of Ite rlghts a acapt <br /> � payrt�enis(rom�rantor or an�one other than OreMor wflhout causing a welver of thase Ot�ligatbns a riahis. A wahrer on one oocaslon shall not constituto <br /> • . n waNer on any other oxas un. t3rentors Obllgationa under this Deed of Trust shall not ba aNxted if-l.ender emends,compromises,exchanges,talis to - <br /> � exerdse,impelro or releaoes any of the Oblipatlons belonging to eny Cirentor,8ortower or third pariy or eny of Hs rtahta egalnst eny Girantor Bortower or _ <br /> ihird party or eny of the Property. Lender's failuro to Inslst upon sMct pertormance of any of the ObUpations shall notbe daemed e wafver end Lender shall = <br /> �i, • have iFw rlght at eny tirr�thereafter to Inalat upon strict pettom�ence. � <br /> �_..� <br /> �. 90. 3UB871TUTE TRUSTEE;TRU�TEE UAQIUTY;COMPENSATION. in csse of ths death,tnehlltty rofusal to act or ebsence of the T►ustee hom the E <br /> . .. � ; state where the real property IS located w In case the holder of ihe Obllgationa shall dealre for eny reeson to removo the Trustee or any substituto trusteo as �'._` <br /> �. trustee hereunder end fo eppolnt a new trustee In hle plaoe and etead,the holder of the Obllpations Is horeby grented fuil powor to eppoint In wrfting a <br /> � substitute trustee for saki Trustee,and the aubstitute truatee shall,wheneppointed,beoome succossa to NI dghts of Trustee hereunder end the same shall <br /> becarna vested In hlm tor ihe purposes and obJects ot this Deed of Trust wRh ell the powor,dutles end oblipatlone hereln conferred on the Truetee. Truatee " <br /> ; i�,�, ahall not be Iisb{e for eny error of iudarnent or act done by Tnistee,or be otherwise reaponelble a acoounteble under any dreumstancea wh¢t¢oevar. —_ --- <br /> Trustoe shall not be porconally Ilablo fn casa of ontry by It or anyane acting by virlue of the powere hereln�ranted It upon the Deed of Trust for debta � <br />-, -� conuacied or Ilablitty or dan�ogey fncurted(n the mana�emeni or operetion of said prenisna. Trustve shail have the ripM to relv on anv Inshum,nt, -_ ___ <br /> document a s� ature authorizin or support�n an actfon taken orproposea to oe telcen uy it hereunuer or believeo ny It�n�ood taith to begenuln�. <br /> Tructoe shell bee rrtitled to relm6uraement Tor e�cpenses Inwrred by It In the pertom�ance of Its dutles hereunder and to ressonabTo compensation tor such <br /> _ ,� of its services hereunder eo ahall bo rendered. Granta wlll,from time to tlme,pay campensation due Truatoe hsreunder and relmburse Trustee for and - <br /> . eave and hoid it hamdess irom end agslnst any and ell loss,cost,Ilabllity,dartiepo end expenso whatsoever Incurted by It in ihe pertortnance of its dutlea. <br /> , All moneys reoolved by Trustee chell,untp used or applled ea herelnprovidod,be held In trust tor thetwrposes tor which they were received,but need not rT�`.•�'Q.�:N�; <br /> be sagregated In eny manner hom any other mcneys(oxcept to ihe extent requlred by law)end Trustee chall be under no Ilnbllity lor Interost on any _ j��-- - <br /> moneys race(ved by ft hereunder. �,�F � <br /> `��''�h��--� <br /> - ��-�x�tv►��-f�='�.� <br /> 31. SUCCESSOqS AND ASSIQNS. This Daed of Trust shall be bind�ng upon end Inure to tho boneflt of Orentor and Lender and thelr respective ��-�";,��v,� , <br /> 611CCeS30�6,asslgne,trustees,roceivers,adminlatratore,personal reprosentativea,legatees end dovisees. � �ry��., <br /> :{- - <br /> 92 NOTICES. Except ee otherwlae roqulred by law,eny notice or othur communlcatlon 6o be provlded under this Deed of Trust ahall be In wdting and sent � �' . ' . <br /> to iha partfes et the addresses dosalbed In this Deed of Truat or such other addross as the pertiea ma dealgnato In writing from tlme to time. Any such . �;i � <br /> notice so given and sent by firat dass mall,postAge prepald,shall be doc►med givon iho earllor of three�3)days arior such notioe Ic sont or when recdivad � <br /> - by the person to whom such notice is baing given. , ' _ <br /> 39. 3EVERABIUTY. Whenovor possldo,each provislon of thfs Deed of Trust shall be Interpretad ao as to be e(ffcrotive end valld under appllcable state � <br /> law. If any ptovislon of tfds Oeed of Trust vlolatea the lew or Is unenforceaWe,the rost of tho Deed of Trust shell continue to be valid end entorceable. <br /> - 34. APFUCABLE LAW. Thls Deed of Trust shall be govemed by ihe laws of the ctate where tho real prnperty is located. Unlass appllcabie law provldes � ' �� <br /> - , othonvise.Cirentor consents to the Jurisdiction end venua ot any court selected by Lendor, in its sole dscretion,iocated In ihat state. ' <br /> - --`-' 3:f. MISGELLAr1E0US. c�rantor ana�enaor agroe tnet time�s ot ma easence. c�ramor waives presernmens,dertend ior paymsni,noiiw oi diunonor and <br /> � _— _ - <br /> protest exeept as requirad by law. All roferences to Qrentor In thls Deed of Truct shall Indude atlporaons slgning below. If thoro ts moro then ono Orantor, <br /> " ffielr Obllgatlona shall be bint end sevorel. This Deod ol Truat ropresenis the complete Integrated undorstending betweon Orantor and Londor portalning to <br /> ihe torms and condltlons horeoi. <br /> � 3E. NO THIRD PARTY RICiH73. No porson Is or shall be a thlyd pany bone8clary of anyprovislon of this Deed of Trust. All provlsions of ihls Deed of <br /> Trust In favor of Londar are Intendod sololy tor tho benoflt of Lender,and no ihird party shell re Qntitied to assume or oxpuct that Loncbr wfll not waivo or <br /> consent to tho rtbdlfieatlon of nny provlslon ot ihls Daed of 7rust.In Lander's solo disaetion. I <br /> � 37. PRE8ERVATION OF lJABIUTY AND PRIDRITY. Without eHecting the Ilabllity of Bortower (3rantor,or any guarantor oi ihe Obligations,or eny other , <br /> person(oxcopt e person expressly reteased In wrNing)lor tho payrrx�nt endpotformanca ol the bbllgations,end without affecting ihe rlghts oi Lnnder with <br /> rospect to ony Property not oxpressly roleased In writinp,and wBhout Impalring In eny way Ihe prioriry of ihls Doed ot Trust ovor tha Interost of eny person ' <br /> e ulred or flrst ovidenced by r000rding subsoguont to tfio rocording of thls Deed of Trust, Londer may,either beforo or aftor tha maturity of tho Oblipatlons, � <br /> en�without notleo or consant:roleaso ony porson lieble torpayment or pertormance of all or any pan oi ihe Obligat�ons;malw any egreement aitoring the <br /> to►ms of pa�ymsnt orperfortrenco of all or any part ot iho Obligallons;exerdse or reftaln trom exerdsing or w�lve eny rl M or remedy th3t Londer may havo <br /> under the oeed of Trust;axept additlonel security of eny kind for any of the Obilgallons;or releaso or othnnvise doa�with any real orporsonal proporty �� , <br /> �' securing the Oblipations. Any persan acqulring or r000rding ovicbnce of eny Imerost of any nature In ihe Propeny shall be deerrqd,by acqul►f g sucfi <br /> — Interost or rocording any ovldonce th�reof,to havo consontod to all or nny such actlona by Londer. �1 <br /> . I NEDOTDRev.tl9a PapoaNB , . <br /> - � � . _.. . _. _ _ � <br /> ; I <br />