. , � +
<br /> • � I blo laws and re ulatlons, Including,without iimitatlon,the Amer.cans with Olsabllitlos Ac6 42 U.S.C.Soctlon 12101 ot soy. (and all J �
<br /> � (c),All eppl qa 9
<br /> � �rogulatipns promulgatod iherounder)and ell zoning end bullding laws and regulatlons relating to ihe PropeAy by�rtua ot any fodoral,state or munlclpal
<br /> . authority wlth jurisdictlon ovor iho Propeny,presuntly era and shall be obsurved and complled wlth In ell n�alerial respects,and all rights,Ilconsos.
<br /> •purmits,and ccartilicatoe of occupancy(InGuding Iwt not Ilmitod to zoning varlanccs,spoclel oxcoptlons lor nonconlorminfl usos,and Ilnal lnepoction �
<br /> approvals),whether tomporery or pom�anonL whlch aro malerlul to the uso end occupancy of ihe Properly,Rfosontly aro and shell bo obtalnod, � � -
<br /> � proservod and,whore nocc�ssary,ronowod; _
<br /> (d) �rentor has ihe right and le duly aulhorized to oxecute and perform its Obllgations under ihls Deod ol Trusi and Iheso ectlons do not nnd shall not I
<br /> contlict with iha provlslons of any statNe,regulatlon,ordinance,rule of law,cantract or oihor agroement which may bo binding on Qrantor at any timo; �
<br /> (e) No acllon or praceeding Is or shall bc�pending or threatened which mlght matorialiy affect ihe Prapeny;and _
<br /> (1) �rantor has not vlolatod and shall not Nolate eny statute,regulatbn,ardinance,rule of law,contre t or other egroement(Including,but not Ilmited to,� �
<br /> ihoso govurn(ng Hezardous Matoriala)whlch mlAht materfally affoct ihe Proparty or Lendor's righto or Interosl In tho Property pursuant to thls Ueed of�
<br /> Trust. �
<br /> Z PRIOR DHEDS OF TRUST. Qrantor represents end wartanta that thera are no prior deeds of trust aftecting anY Pan of the Property except as set lonh�► t�-r��==
<br /> or deeds o(irust thon ����---_
<br /> on Schedule B attached to thls Dood of Truat,whlch C3rentor agrees lo pay and portortn In a timely manner. II Ihere are any pd ,•-�_
<br /> drentor agreea to pay aIi ertwunts owed,and portortn all obllgatlons required,under such deeds of trust and ihe indobtedneas sscured ihuroby and turthor r. .,
<br /> �.
<br /> agrees that a dofauit under any prior deed of trust shall be a default under thls Deed of Trust and shall eniltle Lender to all dghts end romedios containod :y�„_'-!`�_�='_
<br /> horeln or In the Obiigatians to whleh Lender would be entitied!n the event of eny other default. .`i='�-`
<br /> ,. � '�at:
<br /> 4. TRANSFERS OF THE PROPER�'Y OR BENEFICIAL INTEREST8 IN dRANTORS OR BORROWERS. In tho event of a sale,conveyance,lease, �_��-_
<br /> contract for deod or iransler to any person ot all or eny parl of the real properly�scrlbed In Schadu�loo A,or eny hterest�ereln,or of a�nne shl ,�tru t�or
<br /> Interost In Bortowor or Qrontor pf Bor►ower a Orantor Is not a nawralperson or rcons but Is a co ration,Ilrn�ed Ileblli companY.Pa __-_--
<br /> other legal emltY),Lender may�'�toror Bo owor s ihe ea e�ma l�e,shall f�umis�h a completees�atoment sottiC ng orth�all of its stockholderslame�mbers,or _ �------ -
<br /> payablo. At Lender's roquest, Y �
<br /> partnera,as sppropdate,and the extent of thelr rospectiva ownership irneresis. ''`-_
<br /> S,�.
<br /> 6. ASSI�NMENT OF RENTS. In consideratlon of ihe Obligatlons,whlch aro secured by thls Deod ot Trust,Orallor absolutely asslgns to Londor all ,,L�?!?���•�
<br /> Grantors estate, right, tltle, Irrterest, daien end demand now owned or horeefter acqulred in all oxisting and luture leases ot the Properry pneluding '":i:.�:
<br /> exlensions,renewals and subleases�,all agroementa for uso snd occupancy of the Propeny(all such leases and agresmenis whether written or oral,are .
<br /> hereaNar relerred to es ihe"Loasos�,and oll guarnntlos of leseees'psrfortnance under ihe Leases,togother whh ihe Immediate and contlnuing►Ight to
<br /> collect and recelve au of the rents,Incoms,recelpts,revenues,Issues,proflts end other Income of any nature now or hereafter duo((nciuding any Incoma a!
<br /> any nature coming due dudng any redamptlon perlod)under tha Leases or from or arising out cf lhe Proparty Ncluding minlmum rents,additlonai rents, _ _
<br /> , percentego renis, parldng or cortmon area malntenance contrlbutlons,ta�c and Insurance conidbutions,defldency renta,Ilquidated datnagos foliowing
<br /> defauB In any Leace,all proceeds payable under any pollcy of Insurance covering loss of rents rosultinp fram unte�ntYtaWl�caused by destructlon or
<br /> damago to ihe Property,aIl pracseds payade as e result of a lessee's exerclse ot an optlon to purchase the Pro ell ocaeds derived from ihe _
<br /> terminAtlon or rejecilon of any Lease In a ban!wptcy or other insolvency oceeding,and allproceeds from eny rights end clalms of any klnd whlch�rantor
<br /> a s gnrrom is subjeci to the dght�,powersand autho�ity gCivon totthe Lende��oec�oliea�and epplby tha R nts.8fii e�ssignment laerecorded In aaardan�with -
<br /> � epplicablo stete Iaw;the Ilen aeated by thla assignment Is Intended to bo spedfic,perfected,end choate upon Ihe recording of this Deed of Trust,all as _
<br /> provided by appllcaMe stato law es amended irom time to time. As long as ihere Is no default under the Obligatlons or thls Doed of T►ust,Londor grants
<br /> �� Q►amor a revocabie Iiconse to collect ell Rems from ihe lsasea when due end to use such proceeds In arantofs business operations. However,Lender °�,
<br /> may at any tima requlre�rantor to doposit ell Ronis Into an acwunt maimalned by�rantor or Lender at Londets Inctitution. Upon defauit In the payment ,..1�
<br /> • ' of,or In the perfom�nce of,eny of the Obligatlons,lender may et its aptlon take possesslon of ihe Property and have,hold,manage,leaso and operate the
<br /> • PropeAy on terms end tor a perlad of tlme that Lender deoms proper. Lender may proceed to oollect and receire all Renta from ihe property,and Lender _
<br /> shall have full power to make aileratlons,renovations,repaire or replacemenis to iha Property as Londer i nay deem{xoper. Lender may apply e��Rents In
<br /> Lenders sole Wsaeuon to payrt�am oi ihe uoiipuiions or io ii�n jxiy��ard�i it�o:,Ooi:.f S:ith W9a:�:!cns.'etr�v^_!!^n",renatra end redecements and any Y.
<br /> expenses Inddent to teking and retainlng poasesslon of the Proporty periodically and the management and operetbn of the Properry. lender may keep the f.+
<br /> Property properly Insured and rrey diacherge any teues,charges,clalms,ns.sessmenta end other Ilons whlch rnr aarue. The oxpense and cost of these °
<br /> ' actlons may be aald from the Renta reooived,and any unpaid emounts shall be added to the principal of ihe ObIIgallons. These amounts,togethor with __.
<br /> � other costs,shall Yecome part of the Obligatbns secured by this Deed of Tnist.
<br /> 8. LEASHS AND OTHER Af3REEMENT3.drentor shall not take or fall to teke any actlon whlch may cause or pamit the terrNnatlon or the wlthholding of
<br /> any payment In connoction wkh eny Lease or other agreement('AgreemenY)portelning to the Properly. In additlon,Orantor,without Lunder's prlor written
<br /> � consent,shall not:(a)collect any monles payabie under any Agreemam more than one month In advenoe:(b)modify eny Agreement;(a)asslgn or ellow a
<br /> Ilen, security Interest or other encumtxance to be placod upon�rentor's rlghta,title and Intorest in end to eny Agrasment or the amounta payabie
<br /> � theroundsr;or(d)temiinate or cancal any Agreem3nt exoept for the non yment of eny sum or other matedal t�rreach by the other partyr therela. If Cirentor
<br /> ' '� recelves at any tlme eny written communieation asserting a default by�►antor under an Agroement or purpordnA to terminate or eaneel any Agreemem,
<br /> �rantor shallpromptiy fonvard e copy of such cormunlcatlon(end eny subsequent comnrnicatlons relating thereto)to Lender. All such Agn3emants and
<br /> �. the smourrts d ue to Orantor thereunder ere hereby assigned to Lender as additional security far the Obllgatlons.
<br /> ri' '
<br /> i� 7. COLLEC710N OF INDEBTECNESS FROM THIRD PARTY. Lender shall be entitled to noti(y or requlre f3rantor to noti(y eny.ihird party(Induding,but ,
<br /> ,.; not Iimited to,lessees,Ilconseee,govemmental authorktes and Insurance companles)to pay Lender any Indebtedneas or ob�igauon owing to Cirantor wfth F.,
<br /> respecl to the Property(u�mulatively'Indebtedness") wt�ether or not e defaufl exists under this Deod of Trust. Grantor ehall dillgently collect the _ _
<br /> Indebtednesa owinp to�rentor from these thlyd parties untll ihe glving of such notiflcatlon. In the event that Orentor possessc�s or racelvos possesslon of _
<br /> s
<br /> eny Instruments or other remfttencea wlth reapect to the indebtedness following the glving of such notlflcatton ar if ihe Ins►ruments�r other remittences �
<br /> constitute tha prepayment of eny Indebtednaas or ihe payment of any Insurence or condermatlon procoeds,Cirentor shail hold such instrumems end other
<br /> remittances In irust of r Lendar apart tran Its othor properry,endorse ihe Instrumerns end other remitlancea to lender,end Immedlately provide Lender wNh
<br /> ` possos�lon of th�Instrumsnis end other remittancea. Lendc�r ehall bo ontitlod,bu1 not required,to coileet(by legal proe�edings or otherwise),extend tho _
<br /> , � d - --_ --- --- - _-
<br /> Nrt�e tor payment,oorr;xomiEe.oxchanpo or roloa,o any o�ligor or collateral,or othonvlse settle any of the Indebledt�ea9 whether or not an ovont ot tl5fault
<br /> exlste under thle Agreement, Lender ahall not be Iiable to(3rantor for eny action,error,rtVsteke,omission or deiaype nalning to the actlons described In thls
<br /> ` paregraph or eny damages reauhing therefram. NotwHhstandnp ihe foregoing, nothing hereln shell cause Lender to be doemod a
<br /> moAgagea•Io-poasesslon. <- ----
<br /> e. USE AND MAINTENANCE OF PR7PERTY. �rentor shell take all acttons and mako any repairs neoded k ma�ntaln iho Property In good conGtlon. ''�'��P
<br /> � Grentor shall not comm8 or penNt eny waste to be committed wflh respect to the Properry. Cirantor shail use the Property solely In compilanco whh �� ,•`•.;,;.��,,■:
<br /> applicable law end Insurence polidea. Grantor shell not malce any eitorations, edditlons or Improvemenis to�ho Properry without Lender'e prlor written "�r
<br /> consent. Without limlting the toregoing,ali eltoratlons,additlons end Improvements made to lho Property shall he sub�ect to tho bonofldal Irrterest belanging -
<br /> to Lender,shall not be removed without Lencler's prior writlen consent,and shall be made at�rentor�8 60I8 BX(�81�59. ' r+�
<br /> ,-
<br /> 9. LO33 OR DAMAGE.C3rantor shall boar the entire risk of any losa,thefl,destrucllon or damage(cumulativey'Loss or Damage')to the Rroperty or eny • '
<br /> portlon theroof from any caune whatsoever. In lhe event of eny Loss or Damage,(3rentor shall,at tho optlon al Lender,repalr tho attectod Propeny to Its
<br /> prevlous conditlon or pay or cause to be pald to Lendar the deaease In the falr market value of the attoctod Property. ,
<br /> 10. INBURANGE. The Properry wlll be kept Insured tor its tull Insuroble velua(repIacemont cost)agalnst all hezards Including losa or damage caused by , ��
<br /> flood,oarthquake,tomado and fire,theft or other casualty to ihe axtenl roqulred by lsnder. Qrentor may oblaln Insurence on ihe Property from such ,
<br /> compan o as are eaepteblo to Londor In hs solo disaotlon. Tho Insurance polldes shall requlre tho Insurence wmpany to Provlde Lender with at least
<br /> �� days'v�ritten notice bolore such polldes ere attered or cencotled in eny manner. Tho Insuance pollclas shall nart�e Lendor as a loss
<br /> pyee�aprovfd-e ihat no ect or omlaslan of C3rantor or eny otherperson shell atfact the right of Londer to be pald the Insurence proceeds pertalning to tho .
<br /> Ioss or damage at thQ Property. In tho evont(3ra�itor feils to eoqulre or malnteln Insurence,Lendor(after providng notloe as may be roqulred by law)may
<br /> In hs dlsaotlon procure epproprIate Insurenoe coverage upon tho Property er:d the insurence cost shall be en advance paYeblo and bearing Interest as
<br /> descrlbad In Paregraph 23 and secured hereby. Cirsntor shall(umish Lender with evidenco of Insurancc�Indicatlng the requlred coverege. LOnder may act
<br /> as attomoyIn•fact lor Grentor in maldng and settling clalms under Insurance polides,cancelllng eny pollcy aendorsing Qrantor's name on any dreN or
<br /> __.__ __.. nogotlaMe Inntrument.drawn by eny Insuror_All such InsurancepoUdes,shall be Irrmediately assigned,�plodgedend�Ifv�rod^���o t of hoss.BEach �
<br /> _ ... _ . _.__i '
<br /> tor iho Gbliflatlon9. In tne evem o�ross,uranior snaii irrrT�ea�aie�y y�w�.m�w� ..����a����..��.�o.�.. ....�...-.------•-•---•- - - - • �'=_——=_=��---
<br /> Insuranco campany is drected to mako payrrants diractly to Londar Inatead of to Lender and C3rentor. Lender shNl have the rlght,at Its sole option,to
<br /> apply such monfea towerd tho Obligations or toward the cost of rebullding and reatoring the Proporry. Any amounis may at Lender's optlon bo appliod In ,�
<br /> the Inven;e order ot tho duo dates thereof. •
<br /> 11. ZOPIINQ AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. Grantor shall not Initlate or consont to eny cheng�In tlio zoning provislons or privato covenanis aHecting the '.
<br /> use of the Properry wilhout Lender'c prior writtan consont. It Grantor'a ueo ot ihe Property 6ecomea a norxoniorming use under any zoning�ovision,
<br /> �rentor shell not cause or pormh such use to be discontlnued or abandoned wkhout tho prior wrRten eonsc3nt al Lander. Orantor will Immedlate y provide
<br /> 6
<br /> 1 Lender with wrlttan notice of any praposod changos to ihe zoning provislons or prlveto covenants a(fecting the Propeny.
<br /> I 12 CONDEMNATION. �rantor shell Immodiately provide Lender wfth wrfrion notice of any actual or throatoned condertnatlon or ominont domaln
<br /> procaoding portelning to the Properiy. All monlos payablo to arantor hom such condc�rtnatlon or teking ero heraby assigned to Lendor end shall be aaplled
<br /> � tirst to tho payment of Lendors attomoys'fuos,l0ga1 expenses and other coste(Induding appralsal fees)In annection�vith tho cnndormatlon or emfnent
<br /> domaln pr000edinps and then,at tha option of Londer,to iho payrrx3nt of tho Oblipations or the rastoration or repalr ol tho Properiy. .
<br /> � �I
<br /> NEOOiH Rev.t t94 Popo 2 d 8 _ ,
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<br />