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. ,. <.��. <br /> �- „....• <br /> '. __....______'. . . . . . . :M=_ <br /> . _ - � ;� '�"11.. <br /> C t rITLE ING n '� . �J� <br /> a� <br /> �� 'p �Ux i 7?_ss �� `^ - <br /> �3T RAUI� 4AN 55�+� � � � -�.l � -�-r� � <br /> � � � „ <br /> . .i ,, , �- z. � <br /> . � • � � � � �� <br /> .. �i �7 --� r*i <br /> , �� � � � �� !a „ <br /> � ? . , <br /> � � �� � <br /> ') � 'n � � N <br /> J '� � - f+1 <br /> ' � � l7 !`-� � �. �L7 Q 0 . :��� <br /> . :� ; •t r .a� n <br /> `� � �� •� � � r 3... � r <br /> �... � U F-+ cn � � - <br /> 1'�"' C ' �'` '—' v o� � ., ±_;`� <br /> � c� --- ,._:, <br /> r� C!1 N F--� � .`*^_ <br /> ... � fn 0 ..l� <br /> -u .e ..�...... <br /> `� � ;;.�� <br /> �D�@RASKA 4190080805639a38 '��=-,-_..:_' _ <br /> DEED OFTRUST gaa��csso6 � _-_ - <br /> 80RROWEB <br /> RitANTOR ^� `� � - <br /> AOHIN R. H�ADER, <br /> RoeIN R. W�RDBA and pgB{U B. AutDEA, �'- - - <br /> HOBHaNU I�NONITE �•f��a�r---�.. <br /> DESRA 8. FW�D� <br /> ADDRE&4 AODqES3 I _. <br /> aos3 aaa�ooa na I - <br /> . � �pp� IiREEN[i00D DR pp�tD IeL11N0 NE 688033117 - <br /> ' 6AAND I6LAHD NE 688037117 <br /> „ ,� pEMFlDAlI0tIp0. TH.EPMON@NO. IGfliif10A71QllN0. <br /> � ���� 505641945 �05641949 „�� <br /> ______- - <br /> TRUSTEC•: lIRBT H71271f aP 80IITA DAIWTa. N7� <br /> ^� �3�3 17Tt[ aV6 er raxav NU 58303 <br /> - — in cui�o��rai�ar a!ths!^e-^•^!^�har uedit aaammodatlon herelnafter apedfled end any futuro advances or future Obllgatlons,as defined hereln,which <br /> may herolnafter be acfvanrad or Ineurted end tfie trust herelnatter mentioned eno oii�ri yr+a3 srs��W'urws 'L-"•"•`-�'�"'Q��`-'n,tha recelpt end 6ulfldenCy of whlCh <br /> are here N TRUST W�I�TBHdP01NERrOF SALE forlhe�beneflt�endt se�gty of�r�r's s eanlc t eoce'DakoVCS SlNationa'/11�■0 lOt1oA)N6 6t1C0@SS0►5 6IIf� <br /> 95U�QfIS, <br /> ('lender"), the i"�. <br /> , beneflctary under thls Deed of TrusL wder end aubJect to the terms����^��ule A whlch Is'attachedtto ihls Deed of Trust and Ncorporeted he eln <br /> � and hrture ostate,right,t81e cind Interest In end to ihe real propeAy Indudin without Ilmitailon ell machinery. <br /> n <br /> u by thls feferonce,togethet With ail presem and tuture improvemenis end flxtures;�I tanglde personel prope <br /> oquipment,buliding materia�s�end 9°°ds of every nature(exduding consurt�a�8ocds) now or hereaRer located on or used In connecllon wlth the real <br /> +� property,whether or not effixed to Ihe land; prlvlleges.hereriitemente,end eppuAan oce�n�d eroa(te rsusce�l�ble ot�ransfer�omethJie Pro�perty to other <br /> r whether preNously or su6sequently vansferred to lho Property irom other resl properry <br /> , f real property;leasos,Ilcenses end oo have and tothold thelPropertyd�d�tthe�righ e herelby�granted forlt euse d ben ni ofLender�Is so�ssors end <br /> ,� propartyr(currulativaly'Propettyr')' <br /> assigns,untli payment In iull of ell Ob�gstlons secured heroby. <br />- . � �i, Moreover,in tunher eansiderattcn,Crentor does,tor Qrantor and Qrentor's hairs,rapresentatNes end asslgns,hereby expressly warrant,eovenent,and _ <br /> �. agree wilh Lendor and Truateo and tlwir succossoro end ansigns as follows: _ <br /> �, �, pguppq�pNg, 1'hls Deed of Trust shall secure the payrnom end Pedom�ence of all present and(uture Indebtednoss,Ilabllities,obllpations and <br />� ' �k k <br /> covenants of Borrower or Qrantor(wmulatNely'Ohllgationa')to Lender pursuent to: F. <br /> (a)thls Deed af Tnrst end ihe follawing promissory notea end other egreemente: - <br /> ' � NO'tRt 7MA��7t�iTY 1.OAI1 _ <br /> Pp�Af.JU�NlUNT� ALA€�.L��1TAA1F NUMSER <br /> ` � G11F�lT Li1H7 — _ <br /> �- � I s� <br /> 16,500.00 02/05/97 02/05/02 4190080805639330 _ <br /> _. : �� � �,t : �:�..�.-.�. <br /> (b)nll ather presont a ture, tlen egreemenis w t n r t at re er cpec y to t s o o rust e �r sxecu or •wme or dlff _��.�, _,� <br /> �eer,sE.�_r,�_�. <br /> . purposNthanthstotryoing�; .���., r.�.�,",.:-`�� <br /> • . �a� any gueranry o f o W ige tl ons o i o t h e r p a r t l e a g l v o n t o L o n d o r now or hereaiter executod that refors to thls Dood of Trust; - �f�,�'���;�i�,S 1 <br /> (d) h rt u r o a d v a n c e s.w h o t h e r o d i g at o ry or o plionel,to the some extent es It mado cer►temporeneously wflh the executlon of this Deed of Trust,ma d e or '� � ::,.^,��•� <br /> extendsd on behalf of Grentor a Bartowar. drentor egroee that If ono o t t he O b l lga t(on s I s e I i n o o f c r e d i t,t h e I l o n o f t h l a D e e d a f T r u s t s h all canlinue . . <br /> •r, �-" '�� <br />� untll paymont In lull of all debt due under tho Ilne notwflhstending the fact that trom time to tlme(lwt botore torminatlon oi the Iine)no ba�enco maY be , .. <br /> eutstandng. At no Ume duNng the term of thls Deed of Trust or any osctenslon theroat shall the unpald and outstending securod pinelpal futuro • . : ":i. ' <br /> sdvences,not Indudng surrts edvanoecl bY t-ondor to protect the socur(ry of thls Ooed of Trust,sxceai the tollowing amount: fi_. t6-Foo.o0 <br /> This provislon shall not constitute an oMt4}atlon upon or commitmem of lsnder to rtako addBlonal edvances or loans to arsmor;end <br /> (e)ali emendrrr�nis,extsnslona,renewais,modiilcatlona,roplacements or subsiAutions to any of tho foregoing. <br /> Aa used In thla Paragraph �,Ihe tam�s arantor tind Borrower shall Indude end also maan eny drentor or Borrower if more then one. <br /> 2 REPREBENTA710N8,WARRANT�ES AND COVENANTS. Cirantor represents,warrents end covenants to Lender that: ., <br /> (a) (irentor has fee slmplo mzrkotablo title to the Property end sheli malntain tYa Propeny troe of eli Ilons,secuHty Interests,oncurnbrances and clalms <br /> � � except lor this Dued of Tmat end thosQ dosuibed in Schedule B,which Is aneched to thls Oood of Truat end Incorporatod hereln by roforonco,whlch <br /> �--- — �--�--'--.�..,.i....,e.,.,e.• <br /> '- --- �— ( � <br /> -.. QfFlntor9gfeeatopayana�reniWU.���o.......,.._..._.. .- .--_--- ---- <br /> b) Cire�rior Is In compllance in�I respeele with all appllcablo fedc�ral,state and local lawe and r ulationa,induaing,wrtnou�iirriiaiion,ii�o�a��a4���y 90 <br /> •Nazardous Matorlals' as dc�flned herain,and other environmontal matlers(iho"Environmontel Laws'),and neither the federal govemmont nor an <br /> d <br /> other govemmental a quasl gorernmentel en1Hy has filod a Ilen on the Properry,nor are thore any govommontal,�udidal or adminlsVative actlons wit <br /> respoct to onvlronmontal mattors pood�n9,or to ihe best ot the C3rantar's knowledfle,ihreatoned,whlch Involve lhe Proporty. Noither Cirantor nor,to <br />, the t�est of arentor's knowle�,any ot�ho' s��rtuduon dHazerdous(Ne eriale to lor fr mA tho6Pro d rty.d(3r�entotl hall not tommfl or porrnl such acl�lons <br /> hereln,In connectlon with ihe roperry Y <br /> • to be takon In tho future. The tartn'Hazarckus Mate t oleum�ll)fr�fabl or noniriabl asbu tos;(liqrpolychlorina ed 6lphonyl�s;(v)tho el suhs ances <br /> gc,vommentei authority induding,but not iimlted to,(I)po <br /> materlais or waetos do�lgnutad as e'hazerdoua substance'pursuant to Saction 311 of tho Cloan Wator Act or Ilsted pursuant to SQCtlon 307 of the <br /> _ pursuamtto Section�n�04 of th�Rosour�Consnrv tlon,and R�aocovary�Ad or anybame�ndme in s1eo�roplac�i�m°nt�to thatflstat o; end (vl? thoso . <br /> substances, matorfels or wasles da(inod as a'hazardous suhstance'pursaent to Section t01 of the Comprohonslvo 5nvirwimentel Rosponso, <br /> Compensallon end Llablliry Au,or any arnendmonte ar replaeoments to that otetute or eny othor simllar stato or fodorel statute,rulo,rogulatlon or <br /> rosultaln contemin t o�ttho Pro e r1y whhHezerdous Ma erlals or�t xi�substencos�of tho Proporty to a tenant or subtonant whoso operatlons rt►ay <br /> — 1 g � , <br /> � ��.�d _ <br /> NEDOT RW.11196 ' <br /> � � __ <br /> _. <br />