<br />2 U1�0837J
<br />to theu childrex�, zz� trust or othezwise, witk� ttae amourzt a�' gifts to eac� such �erson each
<br />yeaz not to e�ceed that azz�.aunt whic�. is excludable from the tota� amount of gafts made
<br />du�ing suck� year undez Section 2503(b) Inteno,a� Revenue C�de of 1986, as amended '� °�
<br />�iCOm time to time.
<br />(c) Y furtkzez authori�e azad em�oweX the Agen,t named hezei�,z�. to use ax�d apply so xz�uck� of the
<br />incame and priz�cipal of the assets compz�sia�.g my estate as may be necessary or desixable,
<br />ua, the sole discretioz� of said Agez�t, ;For my zx�aiz�tenance az�.d su�port. ,Any provis�on
<br />herein to the contrary z�otwithstaz�diz�g, the A.gez�t shail have z�o powez ox authority to use
<br />oz apply t�,e principal to discharge at�y le�al obl�gation tkzat tk�e agent ox az�� othec pez
<br />rnay k�ave to supp�rt me or arzy dependent oz beneficiary oz mine, except to the e�tez�t that
<br />theze are no assets reasozaab�y available to the �erson having the obligatian o� su�port to
<br />pay the same.
<br />(d) X£uzt�er autl�zozaze and ezx�.power my Agez�t to engage, em�loy ax�d disnaiss any agents,
<br />caezks, servatats, attorneys-at-aaw, accou�.taztts, investment advzsoxs, eustodians, or ot�er
<br />persons i�a azad about the performance af these presez�ts as my �1.gent sba�� think fit.
<br />Any decisio�,s made by the said Agez�t with respect to the znatters set �orth hezeuaabove in
<br />sectiozzs 3(b), 3(c), atad 3(d) slaal� be final, binding at�d canc�uszve u�ozz ai� of the
<br />bene�c�aries of xaay estate, and said A�ent sk�al� be released and dzsc�arged of azad �rom al�
<br />liabzlity �or az�y such decisioz�s fk�at she or k�e ma}� make i.z� good faatb� with respect thereta
<br />INTERPRETATION A.ND GOVERN7NG LAW; ?his x�.strume�at is to be canstrued and
<br />intezpzeted as a gez�ez�al durable power o� attorney. Tk�e enumezataon of specx�c �owez's
<br />kae�ein is not azztez�ded to, zzoz does it, 1'zzx�t oz restrict tlae genera� powers heze�z� granted ta zxiy
<br />Agent. This iz�stxument zs e�ecuted and de�ivered iz� the State o� Nebraska, az�d the Iaws of
<br />�e State o:f Nebraska sJ�a�� govern, a11 questioz�s as to the valid��t}r of thzs power auxd the
<br />constructioz� of its provisions. 'S'k�.is �nstrument zs intended to be effect�ve in all states of the
<br />United States and iz� a�� foreigca countries.
<br />5. �dDEMNZTY: I hezeby bind myse�� to indexxaz�.i�y my Agent and any successor who shall so
<br />act, agaiz�st any and all cla�ms, demands, losses, dazz�ages, actzons and causes of actioz�,
<br />iz�c�udin� e�pez�ses, costs ar�d reasonaU�e attorneys' fees which zz�y Agez�t at any tiiz�ae rnay
<br />sustain or incur xz� connectaoz� with carzyzx�g aut tb.e authority �xaz�.ted her ox bam in thzs power
<br />o� attorney.
<br />6. NQM�T,A.�'I01� OT GU�.DI.AN OR CONSERVATOR: In the evez�t court pzoceedir�gs aze -
<br />hexeafter eomzziez�ced to appoiz�f a guazdza�,, consezvator or otk�er fiduciary to take charge o�
<br />zzxy persoz�, ox to mana�e and consezve my property, I hereby nvz�ivaate and ap�oint xzxy
<br />Agent above-named, as zny guaxdia�, consez�ator, or othez fiduciary, to serve without bond
<br />unless oth,erwise requxred by a court of cotz�petent juxisdiction.
<br />7. REVOC,A.TZON; Th�s �eneral durable �owez o�' attomey z�c�ay be vo�untarily zevoked by me,
<br />by written �strumen,t si�ed by me and de�ivered to zx�y Agez�t. My guardian z�r�ay also
<br />revoke tk�us ivastrumen�t by written instzument si�ed by k�i,m or her az�d 8elivezed to my ,A.gent.
<br />-5-
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