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�Q��pg3 <br />,Aaay affidav�t executed by �rzzy ,A,gent statiz�g tl�at she or he does not have, at the time o� doing <br />any act �uxsuant to this power of attazz�ey, actual ,lao.owledge o�tk�e revocation oz terminatiaz� <br />of this powez of attorney, is, in the absezzce of fraud, cvzaclusive proo� of the non�revocation or <br />nontermiz�at�on of the power at that t�z�ze. <br />8. DEATH: N�y deatk� sk�a�l not reyoke or tema.iz�ate this agez�cy as to my�t or any ot�aer <br />person wk�o, without actual knowledge o�' my death, acts in goad �aith under tt�is �ower o� <br />attomey. A.ay actioz� so taken, uza�ess otherw�se iz�valid oz uneztforceable, s�a�l be bind'uag <br />upa� �ae and my �e�rs, devises, and persona� repzesentatives. <br />9_ SUBST`ZTU'�'E AGENT: Zf Lonnie Aale Davis ceases to act as z�y Agent due to deat�., <br />i�z�.capacity, ox reszgnation, Z appoint Bo�e �. Watkins, to serve as rz�y ,Agent. <br />X0. JOTN'T POWER: If Z z�ame two �ezsoz�s to serve as my Agent k�ezeunder, it is my intent �hat <br />the powez granted to t�e�a shall be a joint powez whach shal� aud must be exercised by them <br />togethez as tta.ey may froz�a time to ti.zz�.e act on my belaalf. No actzon or traz�saction requiz�ng <br />a signatuxe will b� e�fectxve or bindz�� wzthout bot� such �erso�s' si�atures affixed tp the <br />w�ittez�, instnimez�t(s) ze�lectiilg tk�e act�on or t�arzsaction. <br />�UR.THER, I do authorzze my afioresaid attorney to execute, acl,�owledge az�d de7iver azzy <br />inskruz�n,ent under se�1 or othervvise, and to do a.l� things necessary to caz�y out the intez�t �ereof, <br />kzezeby �raz�tiz�g unto my said attorney ful� power azad authority to act in a�ad cancerning the <br />premzses as fully and e�£ectually as Z may do if pez presez�t. <br />PROVZDED, howevez, that aIl busiuess transaeted h�reundez �or me oz £or my accoux�t shall be <br />transacted � m.y name, ax�.d that al� endoxsements ax�d instnzmez�ts executed by my said attozney <br />for the puzpose of cazzyi�.g out the fozegoing �Qwezs shall contai.z�: zzzy name, fol�owed by that of <br />my said attoa�z�ey and tk�e desi�atiox� "attorney-izi-fact". <br />My agent is azztat�ed to reasoz�able cos�paz�sation and z fox reasoz�ab�e ex�erases far <br />services xendered as agent undex this power o� at�orney, i� deszred. <br />'Z'O INDCJCE ANY T�T�tD PART'S�' 'Z'Q ACT HEREUND��t, � HER�BX AGREE TH.AT <br />ANY xHI�ttU PAR�'X �RECEAV�NG A DULX �XECU�'ED CO�'X OR F.A�CSIMILE <br />UF T�S INSTRUlV.[E�T MA.X .A.CT HE�tEUNDER, ,A.�iD T�`�' REVOC,ATTON <br />OR T��Z�1,t1TION �IEREOF S�,A.LL SE Z�IEFFEC�'�VE AS T4 SUC� THIRA <br />PARTX UNLESS ANA UNTX�, ,A,CTUA.� �IOTICE OR KNQWLEDGE O� SUC� <br />REV OCATION O� TERN�N A.TION S�.A.LL �A.'VE SEEN �tECEIV �A BY SUCH <br />THZRD �.A�TI', ANA X k'OR N.�XSE�F A,NA FOR MY FIE�t.5, EXECUTaRS, <br />LEGAL �tEPRESE�'ATIVES ,A�.ND ASSXGNS, HE�ZEBY AGREE TO �1DEMNZk'Y <br />A�D HOZ.,D �.A�RMLESS ,ANY SUC� THIRA k,A RTY F�tOM ANA .A,GAIlY5T ANX <br />.A.�'D ALZ. CLATMS 'THAT 1V.IA.X ARTSE �GAINS'�' SUCH THIRD P,A.RTY BX <br />REASON �k' SUC1T �'�Z�tD P.ARTX HAV�NG �LIED ON T�E PROV�S�ONS Ok' <br />��IIS INS�U�VIENT. <br />-G- <br />�7d. of a5_ <br />