<br />(1) E�ecutin� Gove�xunent Vouck�exs. To e�ecute vouck�ezs in my bek�a�f for any and all
<br />a��owances, com�ensat�oz� and reix�burseme�fis pz payable to nrae by the
<br />Govemx�xent of the Uzxited States oz any agezacy or departnnezat thereof.
<br />(m)Deposa �nP 1vXoz�ev and Othex Propertv. To deposit az� z�ay attomey's oz my nazz�e, or
<br />jointly iza both our na�xzes, in any baxilcing instituti�z�, funds az pzo�erty, ax�,d to withdzaw
<br />any part or a11 o�my de�osits at az�.y time znade by me iz� nay behalf.
<br />(z�) �tecovez�u�� Possessioz� of Property. To eject, remove az re�.eve tenaz�ts or other pezsons
<br />fro�m, and recovez pvssessioz� of any �roperty, reaX, personal ox zx�ixed in w��c� I now az
<br />hez�ea�er may ha�e an intezest.
<br />(o) Liti�ation. To iuzstitute, maintazz�, defend, cozz�promise, arbitrate ox othezwise dispose o�,
<br />any at�d a�� actions, suits, a#tachments oz other Zega� proceediz�gs �ar or agazzzst me,
<br />(p) Tax Retuzzzs. To prepaze and execu�e any tax z-eturns, including, but �ot limited to,
<br />Fede�al income ta� returns, State incorne tax returrzs, Soeial Secutzty tax z ar�d
<br />Fedeza� and State zza.f atad estamated returns; to execute az�.y claims fox zefund,
<br />protests, applications fox abatemez�t, petitions to tk�e United States Boazd of Tax .A,ppeals
<br />or any otk�ez Board oz Court, Fedezal oz State, consents and waivers to detezzninatiom and
<br />assessmez�t of taxes and consents a.zad waivezs agreein� to a later detetminatioz� and
<br />assessment of ta�;es than is prov�ded by statute of lirrzitatxons; to recexve and ex�dorse and
<br />collect any checks ir� settlernent o� az�y refuz�d o� taxes; ta examine aud to rec�uest and
<br />xecezve copies of any tax zetuz�s, re�orts azid othez i�a�ozmation &ozz� the Unzted Stat�s
<br />Treasury Department oz any othex ta�i.xag authoxzty, �'ederal oz State, in coxznection wit�
<br />any o� t.�e foregoing matters.
<br />(c� Autom�obiles. To execute and deaivez to tk�e pxoper �ersoz�s and authozity any and all
<br />docunaez�ts, instrumez�ts and papezs necessary to effect proper reg�stration of any
<br />automobile i� which Z z�ow or zz�ay �,ereaftez bave an i.z�terest, or t�e sale thereo� and
<br />trans�er a� legal title t�ereto as requized by law, and to co��ect and rece�pt for all znonies
<br />pazd in consideXation of such sale aad t�azzsfer.
<br />3. Iv,tISG�LLANEQUS
<br />aut�oz�ty:
<br />(a) In tk�e event any agazzt named �exeiz� should be of the opazaion at at�y time tkaat she or k�e
<br />does z�ot k�ave the expertise tQ zzxauage all or any �art o� my assets, Z grant to said Agent
<br />the ri�t a:;�d power to delegate tlae x,�anage�ez�t powers k�ezeinab�ve granted aver all vx
<br />any part of my assets to any �erson(s) or £�zzxz�(s), and to enter into any management oz
<br />agen.cy agz�eements wi.th said pezson(s) or .fzzm,(s), pertaiz�,xng thereto, with tt�e rieht on tk�e
<br />" part o� tk�e A�es�t nazz�,ed hezezz� to revo�:e a.zid cancel any suckZ a�reemex�t at any tizzae
<br />ugon ninety (90) days' wz�tteu notice to said pexson(s) or fizzza(s).
<br />(b) I gzant full auad absolute authority to tlae Agez�t z�ar�ned here�z�, on a noncumulatxve, yearly
<br />basxs, to make gifts to my cb�ildren, i.z� tzust or attaezcvise, as well as to t�cir spouses, and
<br />X gzant to tk�e Agez�t named �,erein t�e �o�lowing addztional powezs of
<br />-�-
<br />a,� of d5
<br />