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. �o��.a83�� <br />(e) Business Inte�rests; To cos�duct or participate in any lawfu� business o� whatever natuxe <br />for me a�.d in my z�ame; to execute partners�zp agzeements a�z�::d amendmez�ts thereto; to : � <br />�mcor,porate, reoxganize, z�exge, cortsolidate, recapitalzze, seIl, Iiquidate or dissolve a�oty ' <br />business; to elect ox ezz�ploy o�cers, directors axxd agents; to caz�ry out the provisions of <br />axxy agxeemer�t ;Fox the sale of az�y business xz�terest or tkae stock therei�.; az�d Lo exerc�se <br />voting rig�ts w�th respect to stock, eathex in �ersoz� or by �roxy, an,d to exercise stock <br />optiorzs; <br />(� Safe D osit Boxes: �'o have access at any tzzz�e or times to azxy safe depos�t box rented <br />by me, v✓heresoevez located ar�d to remove a1] or �art of the contents tkzereof, aaad to <br />suzxez�der or re�inquish said sa£e deposit boa�, and any �z�st�tution in wh�ch any such safe <br />de�osit bo� znay be Xocated �k�all not �ncur any lzability to me oz zz�y estate as a zesnit of <br />pezx�aittin� .u�y to e�.ercise this powez; <br />(g) �'vwer to Hold Pz and Make Investxnezats: The power to ho�d or acquize any <br />pr4pez�ty, real oz peXSOnal, or secuz�t�es, regardless of whetb.ez such propez�ty or secuzXt�es <br />az�e a so-called "Z,egal" investrzaent, where suckz eourse is, i,z�, the said ,A�ez�t's opinaoz�, �ar . <br />my best interest; <br />(h) Power to L'ozzow: �'o borrow any sum or suzzzs of moz�ey on such tezzxxs (includzz�g the <br />�ower to bozz'ow agairzst t�e cash surrez�der value o� atxy life insuraz�ce policy issued on - <br />my li�e), and witk� suc� security, wk�e�Eher real oz personal pzoperty, as zny Agent rzaay <br />thinic fit, ao.d �or that purpQSe to execute aI1 pronussozy z�otes, boz�ds, znartgages, deeds of <br />tnzst, secuz�ty agreezxxents, and other izastnunents w�ich may be x�ecessary oz proper; <br />:(i) Diselaimer: To exercise or ze�ease pawezs of a�poiz�t�zzent in w�ole or in �art and to <br /> ox rezzounee in w�o�e or in �art az�y interest t�at I might ot,�,ezwise have as a joint <br />owner, bez�e�ezary, heiz or otherwise at�d in exezc�siz�g such disczetion, my ,Agent may <br />take into a�count such zx�atters as sha1� �clude but sk�ail not be lzzz�zted to az�y reduction xz� <br />estate oz izilleritance ta.�es on my astate, and tJ�e effect of suck� zenwnciat�oz� or discZaizxzer <br />upoza persons intez in rray estate and pezsoz�s who vc�ouad receive t�e renouzaced or <br />disclainraed pzoperty; <br />(j) �'ztzsts: To tratzs�ec, assigz� az�d convey any pzoperty oz a�nterest izz pzoperty, t�.e �egal or <br />ec�uitable t�t1e to which is iz� z�ty name, to an;y trust o£which Y azx� tb.e �rimazy beneficaaz <br />during zx�;y lzfetime and ux�der the tez�s of which Z e��ress�y k�ave the powez to amez�d oz <br />revoke sucb, tn.tst, az�d to e�.ercise az�� right o� withdrawa� of incozxze and/or pzzz�ci�al <br />whack� Z�,ay have puzsuant to the tenns atad conditions of such tzust, whethez� such trust <br />was czeated be�oze or after tlae executi:ox� af this power o� attort�ey; <br />(k) Powez to ChanQe Beneficiaz�es an Anv Zzzsuzance Policzes on zs�v Life: To ck�ange tt�,e <br />beneficiax�as oz�, any iz�suran,ce pol'zcies on my li�e; provided, kaowevez, that neit�Zez sueh <br />riDht az�d power, noz at�y other rzghts and powers, shall be exercisab�e with respect to any <br />�olicies of Iife insuz whicka zzzay at any tzxn� be owzaed by me oz� t�ie life o�my Age�at <br />hezei,�o� named. <br />-3- <br />,�11 df �'S <br />