2 �11�837�
<br />. (1.) To for�ive, xequest, dezxian,d, sue for, xecove�r, collect, race�ve and hold a1l sums of
<br />money, accouztts, aruau�txes, bec�uests, boz�ds, certificates of deposit, c�ecks, "" "
<br />commez'cia� pa�er, debts, deposits, devises, d'zvidends, dzafts, dues, insuzaz�ce,
<br />i�tezests, Iegacies, x�otes, �ension, pro�Zt sharing, ret�rennent, social secuzity, stock
<br />cextificates at�d other contractual benefits aiad proceeds, alI documents of title, a��
<br />property, rea� or �ersazza�, i,z�tangible oz taxagib�e, and pzoperty rights and deznands
<br />wk�atsoever, liquidated or ur�iquidated, now or hez owned by, ox due, owing,
<br />payable az belonging to, zx�e oz in which Z b.ave or may herea�ez acquire an intezest.
<br />(2) To have, use, and take ail Zawful meaz�s and equitable az�d legal remedies and
<br />proceedings �z� my name �oz t�e collectioz� axtd recovery tYzexe�f, and to adjust, sell,
<br />compromzse, axzd aaree for t�.e sa�ne, and to execute and delzver for me, on x�y behalf,
<br />axxd iz� zxzy name, a11 ezadoxsements, releases recei�ts, oz vtt�ex suff'tcient dise�:arges for
<br />the same.
<br />(b) Pz�o�pertY Mattez
<br />(X) To acquixa, puz exclaazzge a�d sel1, or � options to se��, mortgaga, pledge,
<br />Iease, sell az�d convey real oz personal pzoperty, tang�b�e oz intangible, az znterests
<br />thereiza, az� such terms azx8 conditions as zny Agent sha�� deem �ropaX, with fu��
<br />authority to sz�, endorse, e�ecute and delzvex any sales a�eement, deed, bzll of sale
<br />and all othez instruments oz documents gerta�ning ta the sale of any vf my real or .
<br />�ersonal pzopez and to ez�tez i.nto bonds, coz�tracts, mortgages and deeds connected
<br />thel'ew�th,
<br />(2) Ta sell, assi�, transfer, coz�vey, exchange, deed, mortgage, pledge, lease, let, �zcense.
<br />de�ise, remise, qu�tc�aim, bargai� ox otherwise dispose of any oz all, of my real estate,
<br />stocks, bQZads, evidences o;f iz�debtedness a�,d other secu�taes and otk�ez personal
<br />tangible azzd i�tangible oz zz�.z�ed pro�eriy, oz aziy custody, possession, izaterest or right
<br />therein at public or �z�vate sale, upon such terms, co�aszdexation, and coz�d�tions a� rx�y,
<br />said attomey shall deezxt advisable and to execute, ae�owledge az�d deliver such
<br />iz�stzuments and writx�gs of whatsoever kind azid z�ature as zzzay be necessaz
<br />convenient ox pzoper in the pzezxz.ises.
<br />(c) �a�za¢ement Powezs: To mai�taiz�, zepair, impzove, anvest, raaa.z�.age, insure, zez�t, lease, ,
<br />encumber, azad in any xn.auzxex deal wzth azxy real oz pezsonal pzopezty, tang�ble or
<br />iz�tax�gible, or atAy zz�terest therei�a t�,at I now owzx or may hezeafter acqui�z�e i� my na.u�e
<br />az�d for �my benefit, upozz such tez�ms azad conditioz�s as my Agezat shall deem pro�er;
<br />{d) Banl�-ina Powers: To znake, receive and endozse checks and drafts, deposzt and withdxaw
<br />funds, acquire and xedeez� certificates of deposit, zz� banks, savi.ngs and laax� associatiox�s,
<br />azad ot�,er institutioz�s, execute ar re�ease such deeds of trust oz other secuz�ty agreezx�ents
<br />as znay be necessary or propez ix�, the exezczse o�'the ri�k�ts at�d powexs hezein grarated;
<br />-2-
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