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�0110837f <br />GE�TERAL UU1tABLE �OWER Uk' .A�.TTORNIE�X <br />�'�E POWERS XOU GRANT BELOW ARE E�FEC�'ZVE <br />EVEN IF YO�C1 BECOME DISABLED OR INCO�ETENT <br />CA�JTION: THIS IS A,N Z�PORTA,N�' AOCUMENT. ZT GIVES ��E PERSON W.�UM <br />X4i1 DESIGNA.�E (YOUR "A.GENT") SXtOAD POWExtS TO HANAX�E YOUR <br />PROPERxI' AURING 'SIOUR LIFETZN.[E, WHIC� M,A.Y INCLUDE POWERS TO <br />N�ORTGA�GE, SELL, OR OTHER'WISE DISPOSE C?k' ANY REA.L O�t PERSO�T,A�L <br />PROPE�:ZZ�'X WIT�0Y7� ,ADVANCE NOTICE TO XOU OR A.��'�4V�I, SY XQU. <br />THESE POWER.S WILL ��ST EVEN ��' XOU BECO�VI.E DISASLEA OR <br />�NCOMPETENT. T�iIS DOCUME�T' DOES NOT AUT�IOR�ZE ANY�NE TO MA.1� <br />MEDICA.L Olt OTHE� �EALTH CARE DECISI01�1S FOR YOU. XOU MA'SI <br />E�CUTE A SEPA.�2..A.TE D4CUMENT �'OR TIiAT PU�tPOSE. �F TI�RE kS <br />A,NI''�HING A$OUT T�iIS FORNX '�'Td,AT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND, XOU <br />SHOULD ASI� A, LA;WYER TO E�PLAIN IT TO XOU. <br />I�OW�V BY ALL PE�tSONS PRESEN�, �'H,AT: <br />I, Benjamiz� Roderick Davis, "k'rincipal", e�ecute fihis Durab�e Power o�A.ttozney and do hezeby <br />zn,ake, constitute arzd appoint: Lozu�.ze Dale Davis, "Agent" or "Attorney-in-Fact", as my <br />attoz�ey-izz-�act T4 A,C�' ZN It�X NA.ME, PLACE ANA S�'EAD in any way which I myse�� <br />could do as if. � weze personally pz�esez�t and to tk�e e�;tent �hat X am pernutted by law to act <br />througka aza agent, pursuant to tk�e followzng pzovisions: <br />�_ EFFECTNBN�SS OF POWER OF ATTORNE�.': This instzuzz�ez�t is to be co�strued an.d <br />interpreted as a?eneraZ duz power of at�orney effec�zve irnmediate�y. This �owez of <br />attoz�n,ey sha11 not be af�ect�d by disability, incompeteracy, or incapa�xty of the Pri.z�cipaL <br />2. GT.ZANT OF �'OWERS: I grant to zzzy Agent ful� power and authoz�zati�n to do everything <br />�,ecessary i�o e�ezcisi.z�g any of tk�e powers herein gz'anted by tbas power of attozxxey as fu��y as <br />I might or could do if pezsonala� presen�fi_ My agent sha�� have full powez of substztut�on ar <br />xevocation. I hereby ratx�y and coz�fizzz�. all that my .A.�ez�t lawfully does or causes to be done <br />by vixtue of this �ower of attorraey am�d the powezs k�erein graxzted. My Agent s�.all have the <br />�awez to exercise ox pex�ozm any act, powez, duty, �zgk�t ox obligabion whatsoevez that I now <br />have o� znay hereiz�aftex acquire, zelat��,g to any pezsoz�, matter, tzax�.saction o� pxoperty, rea� <br />vx personal, tazz�ble or intaz�.gible, now owx�ed or hereaftez acc�uired by me, includxug, <br />witl�out 1�itation, tZae �'ol�owin� spec�fica�ly enumexated �o�tuers <br />(a) �'owers of Collect�oza az�d Pavment: <br />-1- <br />l9 0�.�5 <br />