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, • . � . 201108366 <br /> � LOAA #i 98794fi5 <br /> Lender of Borraver's change o4address.If Lender specifies a pracedc�retor reporting Barcower's change <br /> of address,then Borrower shail onfy report a change of address throughthat specified procedure.There <br /> may be only one desigraa#ed notice address under this Security Instrurnent at any one time.Any notice to <br /> Lender shatl be given by deliv�ing it or by mailirtg it by fust ck�ss rs�ait ta Lender's address staEed herein <br /> unless Lender has designated another address by notice to Borrower.Any notice ir�connection with this <br /> Security tnstrament shall not be deemed to have been given To Lender until actually received by Lender. <br /> If an�r notice required l�y fihis Secur+ty Instrumentis alsorequired underApplicabJe Law,iheApplicable Law <br /> requirement will satisiy the corresponding requireme�t u�der#his Security Instrument. <br /> 16.Governing Law; Severabtlity;Rules of Construction. This Security Instrument shall be <br /> governed by federal law and the Jaw of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located.All rights and <br /> obliga#ions contain2d in#his Security�nstrument are subject tQ any requtrements and limitations of <br /> Applicable Law.Applicahle Law might explicitlp or implicitly allov+c#ha parties#a agree 6y contraci or it <br /> might be silertt,but suct�silence sball not be construed as a prohibition against agre�ent by oontract. <br /> In theEVent that anyprovision or dauseof#his Sec�tcity Ir�steument or tha-Note con#liets with Applicable <br /> Law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions o##his Security Instrumenl ar the Notewhich can be <br /> given effeet wiihout the canNicti�g provision. <br /> As used in this Seeurity Insirumer�t: (a)words of ihe masculirte gender shatl mean and include <br /> corresponding neu��rwords or words ot the feminine gender;{bj words in the singular sha11�nean and <br /> include the ptural at�d vice vgrsa;ar3d{cj the word"may"gives sole discretion wit9�out any obligation <br /> to take any action. <br /> 17. Bovrower'sGopy.BarrowershalfbegivenonecopyofithelVoteandcsEthisSecurityfnstrument. <br /> 18.Transfer af the Rraperky ar a Benefrcial tntorest in 8orrow�r.As used in this Section i 8, <br /> °interest ittthe Property"m�atts anylegalor beneticial inierest in the Pf�perty,including,but not 1ir�Red <br /> to,those beneficisl interests transferced in a Isand#ordeed,r.aniracttardeed,i�taNmenEsales contract <br /> orescrow agreement,f#fe it�terttofwhieh isthe Vansferoftitleby Borrowerat afutaredateFaa purehaser. <br /> #ail or any part o#t#je Properly or any interest in 1Me Property is sold or iransfierred(orif Bo�rn�rer is not <br /> a nat�ral persor�and a beneficia}irtterest in Borrower is sold artransferred)withoui Lend�'s�riorwritten <br /> consent,Lender may require immedia#e payment in f�li o#aIl sums secured by 2his Secur'�ly Instrutnent. <br /> However,tkiis option shaA not be exerciseci by Lender�sueh exe€eise is prohibipeed bY�RA�cable{.a�rr. <br /> 1#Lensler exercises 3his opii�,Lender shall give$orrower notice�f acceleration.�e noiice shall <br /> provide a period of not less thari 3U days trom the dale the notice is given in accordance with Section <br /> 15 within�nrhich Borrower must pay allsums secured by ihis Security lnstru►nent.lf Borrower fai{s#o pay <br /> these sums prioF to the expi�ation of this period,LendeF inay invoke any rer�edies petmittec�by this <br /> Secutity�nstrument witfiot�t#urther notice or det�and on$orrawer. <br /> '19.Borrower's Righi#o Relnstate After Acceleration.If BOFPDW@f(TaBet5 C�d}f7 COIld1t16F1S, <br /> Borrower shait#�ave the right to have enforcement af this Secur'tiy Ins#rument diseoniinaed atariy time <br /> prior to the earliest of:(a)irve ciays befare saleof the PropecEy�eurs�ant tv any powef of sate corttained <br /> in this Securlty Iris#rument;(b)such oth2r p�ridd as Applicabie l.avv might specify#ortMe termin�tion <br /> ofi Borrower's righ#to reinstata;or{c)entry o#a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those <br /> conditions are tha4 Sorrower:(a) pays Lender atl sums which tMen woutd be due under this Securiry <br /> tnstrumentand the Nate as i�no accelerafian had occurred�(bj cures anydefauttofany othercavenants <br /> or agreements;(c)pays ali expe�es incurred in e�forcing this Security tnstrument,inctuding,but nat <br /> timi#ed to,eeasanabfe attomeys'fees,property inspection and valuation fees,and o�ter fees incurred <br /> #ar thepurpose o#protectittg Lender's it�terest in the Property andrights ur�der thisSecurity instrument; <br /> and(c#)takes such action as Lender�rray eeasorrably req�ire to assure that Lender's interest in the <br /> f'roperty and rights trnder this Seeurity fnstrtrmer�#,and$orrower's obtigation tv�ay the sums secured <br /> by this Security Ins#rument,shall continue unohar�ged. Lender may require#hat Sorrower pay such <br /> reinstatement sums and expenses in one flr mQre of thefollohring torms,as selec#ed by Lender:fa)cash; <br /> (b)money order;(c)certified check,bank check,treasurer's cheak or r.ashier's check,provided any <br /> such�heckis draw►��pon an ins#itu#ion whosedepositsare�rasured by�#QCieral�gency,insirlimentality <br /> or enti#y;or Sdj ElecVonic Funds Transfer.Upon reinstateman3 by Borrs3wer,this Security Instrument <br /> and obligations secured hereby shatlrer�ain ftallye#fect�veas ifno accelerationhad oceurred.However, <br /> this right to reinstate shall not apply i�the case of acceteration under Section 18. <br /> 20.Sale of No#e;Change of Loan Senricer;�lotiee of Grievanee.I'he Note or a partial ir�terESY <br /> in the Note{tagether with#his S�urity Insir�mentj can be sald one or more times�nrithout prior no6ce <br /> to Borrc�Nrer.A sale might resu�t in a change in 4hs entity(k�awn as the"Loan Servieer")ttsat collects <br /> Periodie Rayments due under#he No#e and t�is Seeurity fnstrumen#and perForms other mortgage ban <br /> servicing obligations Under the i�lote,this Security}rtstrument,and Applicable Law.There also might <br /> be one oT more changes o#the Loan Servicer wnrelated to a sale o#the Note.!#there is a change ofitfie <br /> Loan Servicer,8orrowerwill begiven written noiiceo#the ehangewhichwiilstate the name and address <br /> of the new Loarr Servicer;th�address tv whictt payments shoald be made anct any other inforrrratiort <br /> RESPA reqairas ir�connection with a notice o#trarrs#er ofse�vvicing.lfi the Note is sok!and#hereafterthe <br /> Loan is serviced by a Loan Ssnricer ather ihan ihe purchaser of the Note,the mortgage loan senricing <br /> olsligatior►s to Borrower wi{I remain wi�h the loan Serviceror be�ansferred taa succ2ssor Loan Servicer <br /> anc�are nof assumed by the NQte purehaser unless o#herwise provided by the Note prtrc�er. !r <br /> IAi.tlil.��:8:� ,(��� <br /> NEBRASIG4-Single Family-FannielAae/�rsddia Mas UNIFt>Fi�ll 1NSTRUMENT Porm SD28 a1D1 <br /> Online Documents,Jnc. 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