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� � . � 201108366 <br /> - L6AH #t 9$79965 <br /> amount of the sums secured immediately betore the partiaf taking,destructian,or(ass in vatue,unless <br /> Borrower and tender otherwise agree in writing,the Misceilaneous Proceeds sMaW be applied to the <br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are#hen due. <br /> I#the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,a#ternatice by Lenderto Barrower that the Opposing <br /> Party(as defined in the next sert#encer offers to make an award to settle a ciairrt#or damages,Borrower <br /> fails to respond to Lenderwit#�in 30 days atter thedate the notice is�iver�,Lender is autharized tocollect <br /> and apply#he Miscellaneous ProceecJs either to restoration or repair o#the Property or to tha sums <br /> secured by this Security lnstru[rtent,whether ar not then d�e_"Qppasir�g Party"mear�s the third party <br /> that orves Borrower Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party against v�rhom BacEOVt�er has a right af action <br /> in regard to Miscellanenus Proceeds. <br /> Borrourer shall be in defauit if any action or proceeding,uuhethar civil or criminal,is begun that,in <br /> Lender's judgment,could result in forteiture ot the Property or other materiai impairment af{_ender's <br /> interest in fhe PrQperty or rights under this Securiiy lnstrument.Hocrowcer can cure auch a default and; <br /> i#acceleraYion has occurred,reins#ate as pra�ided in Section 1-9,by causing the aetion or proceeding <br /> to be dismissed wi##a ruling that,in Lender's jud�ment,precludes#orfeiture o#t#�e Property or other <br /> materiai impairment of Lender's interest in ihe Property or rigkjts under this Securify Instrument.The <br /> proceeds o#any award ar claim far damages that areattributahle#otheimpairment of Ler�der's ir�terest <br /> ir�the Property are herQby assigned and shalt he paid to Lender. <br /> All Miscelianeous Proceeds that are not applied#o restora#iort or repair of the�roperty shall be <br /> applied irt the order provided for in Seetion 2. <br /> 12.Borreswer Not Released�Forbeararsc�By Eender Rtot a Wainer.Extension of t{te time for <br /> paymen#or mod#ication of arnortiza#ian of the sums s�ured hy this Seeurity Irjstrument granted by <br /> Lerrcter to Borrower or any Saccessor in tnterest of BorrowershaH�ot operate to reiease#he liabiti3y o# <br /> Borrower or any Successors in !n#erest of Borrawer. Lender shall r�ot!�e required to commence <br /> praceedings against any Successrn irt Ittterest of Barrower or to:re#use in extend time#ar paymen4 or <br /> othervuise mod'+tyamortiiatianza#thesumssecured by this Seeurity�r�s#rument#�y reasons�f anydemand <br /> made by the ariginal Borrower or aray Successors ir�Jnter�st o#Borrower.Ar�y#orbearance by Lender <br /> in exercising any right or remedy i�ctuding,withaui limiYation,Lender's acceptance of payme►zts from <br /> third persons,enti6es or Successors in tnterest of Borro�vver or i�ar�ounts less than t�e amount#hen <br /> due,shaU not be a waiver of or preclude thQ exercise nf any right or remedy. <br /> 13.JointandSeveratLiabiUfy,Co-slgners;SuccessorsandAsslgnsBound.Borrov�rer�ovenants <br /> and agrees that Borrower's ok�ligafions arad lixbitity shall he jointar�d seueral.However�any BorrQwer <br /> who co-signs this Security lnstrument buf does nat execute;he Note(a"co-sig�er"�;�a}is co-signing <br /> #his Security ins#rumer�#anly to tnortgage,grant and c�nvey#hs co-signer's in#erest in the Property <br /> vnder ihe terms of this Securty Jnstrument;{b)is not personaUq obligated to pay the sums secured by <br /> this Securi�sj ins#rument;and{c}agrees that Lender arTd.any other Borrower can agree ta extend, <br /> modity,forbear ar make any accammodations with regard to the terms nf this Sec�trity tnstrument or <br /> the Note witHc�ut the co-signer's cansent. <br /> Subject to#he provisions o#Section #8, a►�y Successor in trsterest of Sorrower who assumes <br /> BoTrower's obligatfons underthis Security instrument inwr'rting,and is approved by Lender,shafl obtain <br /> aIP of Borrower's rights and benefits underthis Security Instrument.Borrower shaiFnaf be refeasecf from <br /> Bo�rower's obligat+ons arjd iiability t�nder Fhis Secitrity fnstrumen#t�less Lenderagr�es to such release <br /> in wri#ing.The covenartts and agreerrren#s of#his Securiiy 4ris#rument shatl#�ind(excepi as provided in <br /> Sectinn 20)and benefit the suceessors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 14. Laan Charges.Lender may eltarge Borrower#ees for ssrvices per�ormed in connectiar�nrith <br /> Sorrower's default,#or the purpose of}�rotecting Lender's interest ir�fhe Propertjr ar�d rights�nder this <br /> Securify Instn�menf,including,bt�inof 9imited#o,a�torr�eys'fees,property inspection anduaivationfees. <br /> In regard to any fees,the abse�ce of e�cpress author'Ry in U�is Security Ir�sirumen#to charge a <br /> specitic#ee to BorFOwer shall not bs eonstrued as aprohibition on the charging M such fee.Lertder rttay <br /> nof charge fees tha3 arQ expeessly prohibited by fhis Security lnsi�ument or by Applicable law. <br /> tf the L.oan is subject to a!aw which sets maximum loan charges,and that Jaw is�inailyinterpreted so <br /> that the interesi or other loan charges collected or fo be collected in connection with the Loar�exeeed the <br /> permitted limits,then:(aj any s�ch ban charge shall be reduced by the amoun#necessary tQ reduce the <br /> el�afge to ihe permit#ed�t»it;and.N3 a�y swms already colieeted trom Borrower wMich exceeded permdted <br /> Nmits wiA be reiunded to Borrower.Lender may choose#o make ihis r�(und by reducing�eprincipal rnn+ed <br /> +��der the Note or by making a diFect payrnent to Borrwnreo.If a retund reduces prMCipal,theredttc�on wiA <br /> be treated as a partial prepayment uviFhou�any prepayment ehaege(wheiher or not a prepayment charge <br /> is prnvided for under tMe#�otey.Borrawer's accepfiarac�of any such refund made by efirect payment to <br /> Sorrower wiN r,emstituTe a waiver af any right af action Borrawer might have arising out�f such ouercharge. <br /> 15. Notfces.AR no#ices given by Soerower or Lender in conrteetiort with this Securi}y trtstr�ment must <br /> tre in writing.Rny notice to Borrower irt conrtectiott with this Securii�irtstrument sk�all be deemed fo have <br /> beer�given to Borrower v,rhera mafled by firs#class trjait arwhen actuaHy delivered#a Borrrnnrer's notice <br /> addr�s rf se�i by r3ther means.iVotice to any orte Bornower sha11 ew�stitube�otice ta a8 Barrowers vnless <br /> Applicable Law expressly requires othennEise.The noEiee�ress shalE be ihe PKOpetty AddFess uFlless <br /> Borrower has designatect a subs#itute notice address by�aotice ta Lender.Borrower shaN promptly notify <br /> iaixiais� �J fY��, <br /> /—r.— <br /> NEBRASKd�irrgle Fami4y-Fannfe MaelFreddia Mao t�PHFlDRA41NS7RLINENF fonn 30281 JDi <br /> �nline Documents,lnc. P9�e 8 Of 11 NEEQEED 1 t OB <br />