� , , � � . � 201108366
<br /> LdAN �s 9879965
<br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence,join,or be joined to any judicial ac6an{as either an
<br /> individual litigant or the member afi a class)tfiat arises from the other party's actions pursuant to this
<br /> Securiiy instrumentm that aileges thatthe other partyhas breached any provision of,or any duly owed
<br /> by reasan af,this Securi#y Instrument,unti!such Borrower or Lender has notified the other party(vuith
<br /> such notice given in compliarrce with ihe requirements of Section t5}of such alleged breach and
<br /> aiforded the otMer party hereto a reasonable period after the giving oi such nafice to take corrective
<br /> aciion.l#Appiicabls Law provides a fime period which mast elapse before certain aciion can be taken,
<br /> that time period will he deemed ta be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of
<br /> acceleratiorf and opportuniry to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and tk�e natace of
<br /> acceleration giuen to Borrower pursuani to Section 18 shall be daemed to satis�fy ihe r�otice and
<br /> opportunity to take corrective action provisions of this Section 20.
<br /> 27.Hazardous Substances.As used in this Section 21: (a}"Hazardaus 8ubstances"are those
<br /> sul�stances deflned as tct�ac or hazardous substance�,pnllufants,orwastes by Environmenta4 Law and
<br /> #he#aAowing substances: gasolina,kerosene, othar#Iammable or toxic petroleurr�products, toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicitles, volatile solvsn#s, maferials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioactive materials;(b}"EnviroRmen#a!Law"means#edera!laws and laws af the jurisdictior�where
<br /> the Properly is locatecf that refate to hea+th, safety or ertv�ronmental protection; (c) °Environmental
<br /> Cleanup"includesany response action,remedial action,orremoval action,as defined in Environmen#al
<br /> Law;and (d) an °Environmenta!Condition" means a condition that oan cause, cantr�bute to, or
<br /> othenuise trigger art Environmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower shalF not cause or perm'tt the presersce, use, disposat, storage, or retease af any
<br /> Hazardoas 8ubstanoes,vr threaten to relsase any Hazardous Substa�ces,on or in the Property.
<br /> Sorrowersha�l not do,nor altow ar�yone etse to do,anything affecting tMe Pr4perty{a}that is in violation
<br /> of any Environmental l.aw, (b)which sreates an Environmental Condition,or[c)wrhich,due to the
<br /> presence,t�se,or release of a Hazardous Substanee,creates a condition tha4adversely affects tteevalue
<br /> of fhe Property.The preceding 4wa sen#ences shaH nat apply to th�presence,use,or starage an#he
<br /> Properly of small qwantifies of tfazardous Subs#a�ees tha#are generally recognized to be appropriate
<br /> to normal residential uses and to main2enance o#the Aroperty jineluding,buE not limited to,hazardous
<br /> subsEa�ces in consumer praducts).
<br /> BorrDwer shall prompUy giue Lender written notice of(a�any investigation,elaim,demand,lawsuit
<br /> or other action by any governmentai or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and
<br /> any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law o#which Barrower l�as acYual knouvJedge,(b)any
<br /> Enviro�tmental Cortdition,ineluding but�ot limited to,any spilGng,I�king,discharge,release or tktreat
<br /> of re}ease of any Hazardous Subs#ance,and(c}any cohditron r.a�sed by the presence,use or release
<br /> of a liazardous Substance which adversefy a#tects it�e vaJue af the Praperiy.If 8orrower I�rns,or is
<br /> notffied by a�y governmental or regulatory authority,or any private party,tha#any remo�al or other
<br /> remediatio�pf any Hazardous Substanee affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shaN promptly
<br /> take afl necessary�emedial actions in accardan�e v�th Environmental Law.Nat#�ing herein shall create
<br /> any obfigatio►t on Lender fior an�nvironmentaf Clear�up.
<br /> NON-IFNiFORM GOVENANTS.Borrower and Lenderfiarther covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 22.Acceterattort; Remedtes. Lender sheff give nottae ta Borrower prior#o acceleratfon
<br /> foflowing Borrower's breach of anp covPnant or agreeme�tt in this Security Ir�strurr�rrt(k�ut not
<br /> prior to acceleratlon under Sectton 18 untess Appllc�ble Law provides ot#�erwfsej.The notice
<br /> shall speclfy:(a)the defautt;(b)fhe actlon requi�ed to cure the de#ault;�c)a date,not fess thart
<br /> 3a days from the date the no�tce is gFvert tcs Borrower,by whlch tbe de#anlE must be c�red;and
<br /> {d}fhai taNure to eure the defauft an or betore#he date speclHed Jn#he natice raay result in
<br /> acceieraiion of the sums secur�d by this SecuHty lnstrument and sale of the Properiy.T#�natice
<br /> shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleratlon and the right tQ bring a
<br /> court act[o+� to assert ths non-exlstence of a defaul# ar any other dafense o#Borrowe�to
<br /> accaleration and sale.It t#�e default Is not aured on o�before the date specltled in tl�e notice,
<br /> Lender at lts opflon may requlre lmmedlate payment In tull of all suros secured by this SacuNty
<br /> Instrument withou#turther demand and may[nveka#6e power of s�le end any other remedtes
<br /> parmiiied k�y Applicable Lauv.L�tdershalt be e�titled to cMleet atl e�cpenseslncurred in pwcsuRng
<br /> the remedies provided tn thls SQCtion 22,insluding,twt not�#miterJ#o,rea�nabls attorneys'fees
<br /> and costs of titls svidenee.
<br /> If the power of sale 9s invoked,Trustee shall record a no4ice of defautt in eaeh courrtjr in whickf
<br /> aey part of fhe Properly#s loeate�!and shatl maN eopias o€sueh rwtiee[n the manr�er preseHbed by
<br /> Appllcable taw to Sorrower and to the other persons prescHbed by Appticabla taw.After the Ume
<br /> requFred byRpplicable iaw,Trustee s1�I give pubtic rmtk:e of sale to the persons and In tFw manner
<br /> prsscribed byAppficable Law.Trustee,wPthotrtdemand onBortower,shatF seHiitePropetiy at Ewbfie
<br /> auctton to�te hfghest bfdder at the ttme and pFace and under the terFns deslgnated#n the notice of
<br /> sale In ane ormore para�als and in any order Trustee determines.Trustss may postpone saie af ail
<br /> or any parcal of the Proporty by Pubtic announeement at the tl�and place of arry prevlousFy
<br /> �heduled sale.Lender or its designee may purchase the Prtsperty at any sale.
<br /> Initials:���
<br /> NEBRASISA--Single Family—Fannio Mae(FredtlieMac UNIFOHM INS7RUMEN7 form3028 7/07
<br /> Ontine DocumeMs,lnc. PAge 10 Of 11 NEEDEED i 108
<br />