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201108345 <br /> continue Co pay to Lcnder the amounC of tlie aeparately designated payments thak were dtie whcn tlia <br /> insurauce covernge ce�sed Co Uc in offect. Lender will accept, use and retain tliese payments as a <br /> non-refundable loss reaerve in lieu of M�rtgage Uisurazice. Such loas reserve shall be non-ref'undable, <br /> nc,tw'rthstanding the faoC that the Lonn is ulCimatcly paid in fixll, and Lender shall not be required to pay <br /> Bori�owor any interest or ea�'nings on such loss reserve. Lender oaai no longer requiro loFS resorve payinents <br /> if Mortgnge visurance coverage(in the amount and for the porio�i that Lender requires)providcd Uy an <br /> insurer selecYed by Lender again Uccomes availaUle, is oUtained, and Lender requires septuately desigvated <br /> payutents toward the premiums for MorCgago Ir�ew�anca. PP Leuder requireci Mortbage Inswazice es a <br /> oondition of m�ilcing tlxe Loan and Borrower w�s required to make separAtely deai�ialed payments toward the <br /> premiums for Martgagc InsLU�ance, Rorrowar shall pay the prrnniums required to maintein IYfortgagc <br /> Instiiranoe in effect, ar to providc a non-rcfimdablo lose reserve, timCil Lendar's requiremeiit for MorCgage <br /> Insurance ends in acwrdance with auy wtitten agreemenC bctween Borrower nnd Lender providing for such <br /> Yermination or un�il termination is required by Applicabie Law. Not:hing in tlus Section 10 afl'ects <br /> Borrower's obligarion to pay inTCre,et at the rats provided in the Noee. <br /> Mortg�ge Inai�ranco rcimhutees Lendar(or any enrity thaf pti�rchas�s the NoYe) for certain losecs it may iuciu <br /> i4'Borrower does noi re�ay thc Loan ae agreed. Borrower is nok� party to the Mortgage Insurnnw. <br /> Martgage insiu�ers ev�luate tl�eir total risk on all such 'vlsiu�neo in force from time to tin�e, anci n�ay entor <br /> iuto agreements with other p�r6ic.a il�at 5hare or modify Yheir risk, or reduw losses. Theae agxeements are on <br /> ferm� and oonditions that are sa6efnctory to Che mortgage insmer 1nd the other party(or parties}tio these <br /> agreements. 17i�o abrcemeirts may reqtrire�the mortgage ivsurer to make payinents using any sotiirce of funde <br /> tha�ti tihe mortg�ge itisurer n��y l�avc available(wluch m�y include funde obtainEd from Mortgage uisurance <br /> �1"qi]11Ull1S�. <br /> As a restilt of Yhese agreeinenfs, Lendor, any pm•chaser of the Nnte, �vother insurer, any reinsuret, nny other <br /> entity, or any affiPia�tie of tuty a£the foregoivg, may receiva(clirectTy or inclirecHy) amouuts that darive ff•om <br /> (or nught Ue cl�aracterized as) z portion of Bormwer's payments for Mortgage Insurancc, in cxchauge for <br /> sharing or mociifying thc moitgnge insurer's riek, or reducing losacs. If snch agreement provides Chat zm <br /> affilia�te oF Leuder telees e sh�re of tlie insurer's rtsk in excl�ange for a ehace of the preinimns paicl to the <br /> u2surcr, thc arrangeuient is oPten termed "capCivo rcinsurance," Fw�Cher: <br /> (a) Any sncl� agreementy will not nffecC Clte amomtts t1iaC 13mruwer lt�is agreed to pay for NIortgage <br /> Insnrance, nr any otl�er Cenns of the La�u. Sneh agreements will nol:increase the nmom�t <br /> ftorruwer will owc for lalm�tgage In�arance, and they wfll not miCiYle Borrower to Any refm�d. <br /> (b) Any sueli n,grccmenYs will noC 1fPecC Che rigl�ts Borrowcr l�as-if any- with respect ko thc <br /> Morfgage I�is�u•v�ee tuidcr tlie IIomeo��ers Vrokection Act of 199$or any ol7�er law. Theee»ghte <br /> may inchide tl�e right to receive ecrEain disclosm•ea, Cn request n�d obYain cancellnCiou of the <br /> Nlortgage fiism�ance, to liave the MorEgage Inenrnuce Ieeminated antmnatically, and/or W receive <br /> x �•efimd oP an,y Mortgnge v�si�rauce premimne that were nnearned aC the time o1'simh <br /> cancella6on ur termin.ition. <br /> 11. Assignment of M iscellaneous Proceeds; ForFeiture. All Miscell�neous ProceeCls arc l,crcUy assigned to <br /> uid shall be paid Co I,ender. <br /> If the Pioper[y i�e dainagcd, snch Miscellaneous Proeeeds shall bc a�iplied to restocation or repair of tl�c <br /> Property, if the restorn[ion or repair is economically feasiUle nnd Lender'a security is not lessened. During <br /> such tel�air and resCoration p�riod, Lender shall hpve Uie righti to liold such Miscellaneous Proceeds until <br /> Lencier hns haid an oppoi�huuCy to inspect such Property tv enstu'e the work hes been comploted to Lander's <br /> 231203 <br /> NGORASICA-SIn91e Famlly-Fennle M ae7Fietl�le 41ac IINIFORId INSTRUM FNT Form 3029 1701 <br /> VM F OO . VM P6(NF,)(1106) <br /> Wolters I<luw er Flnanclal Services . Pane fl of 1] <br />
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