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201108345 <br /> sati5faction, provided that such inspection eha1] be underCaken promptlq. Lc�ider ma�y pay for the reppire <br /> and resta�ation in a single disbm�sement or in a eorics of progress p�ymenCa ae tl�e work ie completed. <br /> Unless an agrccmcnt is made in wciting� or Applioable Law reqnires interest to be paid on�such <br /> Miscellaneous Proceede, Lcnder s1�a11 not Ue reqtiired to pay Borrower auy interest or earnings on such <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds. If Che resloration or repair is not economically feasible or Iender's securiLy would <br /> be lessened, ihe Miscellaneous Proceeds shall bc applied to the sums securcd by this Security Inadvmenf, <br /> wheUier or not then due, wifh flie excess, if eny, paid to Borrower. Such Misoellancrouti Proceeds shall be <br /> applied 'ni Hie order pirovidcd Por iu SecCion 2. <br /> In the evenl of a total taking, destruction, or losa in value of thc Property, tlie Miscellai2eoue Prooeeds shall <br /> be applieci to the atm�a sernired'by tl�is Socurity Iusttument, whether or not fhen due, with the exoess, if ang, <br /> pvd to Borrower. <br /> In t1ia eventi of a partial teking�, destrucCion, or loes in value oP the ProperCy in which the fair inarket value aP <br /> Che Property immediately bafore the partial talting, destruction, or loss in velue is ec�ual to or greater than Yhe <br /> an7oimt�af t7ic sums securcd by tliis Security TnsttnmenC immediatc1y befora tlie partial Cnking, de,struction, or <br /> lose in valne, unless Borrower anci Lcnder oTherwiee agree in un�iCing, tho smns secured by this Security <br /> InstrLUnenC shnll be recluced hy Ehe ainoimt of the Miscella�ieous Proceeds u�u1tip1ied by the following <br /> fractron: (a)the toYal amomaC o�P tha suma secuxed iimnodiately befbre the partial falcii�g, dest�titction, or Ioss <br /> in vahie clivided by(b)thc fair madcet value of the Property iinmcdiately bef'ore the pertinl Caking, <br /> destructron, or loss in vnlne. Any Ualance s1�a11 Ue paid Co Borrower. <br /> In the event of n par�ial laking, dcetruction, or loss in vatlue oF Che Property in which the fair inarket val�ic of <br /> the Proparty immediately bafor e fhe partial ta]<ing, destiucCion, or loss in va1Lie is less(Yuw flie ainoiuit oP thc <br /> snms seew•ed'nnmediately before the pnrLinl t�aking deshuction, or loss in value, unl�ys Borrowex and <br /> Lcnder otherwise agree in wrlting, the Miscelleneous Procceds s1�a11 Ue applied to the sum8 sooured Uy thia <br /> Seourity Inekn�ment whether m�not tlie smns nre then due. <br /> Pf thc Proporty is abandoned Uy Borrower, or i£, efter noCice by Lender tio $orrower that Che Opposing Party <br /> (as defined in Che nexC sentcncc) offcrs to inake a�i awerd to settle a olaim for damagas, Borrower fails fo <br /> respond to Lender within 30 days �fter lhc datc the notice ia given, Lender is autl�c�rized to colle�t aud apply <br /> tho M'rscellaneons Proceede either to restoration or repair of the I'roperty or to the sums securcd lry this <br /> Security InsVument, whether or not 11ien d�ic. "Opposing Pu�Cy" means fhe Chird}jarty tlu�t owes Borrower <br /> Nliscelluaeoue Proceeds or theparty ag�inst whom Borrower has a right of acYion in regaed to Mincellaneous <br /> Procccds. <br /> Horrower sha11 be in default if any action or�n•oceeding, whct1,c� civil or critninal, is begun ChaC, m Lcnder's <br /> judgment, could result in forfeihue of tihe Property or other maferial impaument of Lender's interest in 11io <br /> Property or rights under this Seoiuiry Inst.rument. Borrower can ctire such a dcf��ilt and, i1'acceleration hes <br /> occurred, reinstate aa provided iri SecGon 19, l�y causing the action or pxoceeding to be dismiyscd with a. <br /> nding tl�at, in Lei�der's,jLUlgtneut, precludes Porfeiture of Lh�Properry or other maCerial impflinnenl o£ <br /> Lender's inf��es�in the PinperCy ne rtghts nnder this Secmity Instxnment. 'I'hc proceeds ot'auy a�wazd or <br /> claim for darnages that are atU ibutnble Co Che impairment oE Lender's interesC in Chc Property are 1�ereUy <br /> �assi�,nied and sl�all Ue paid to Lander. <br /> All Miscellaneous Prooeads tl�a�t are not applieci to restoration or repair of the Property shall be appli�ed in the <br /> ordor provided fm�in Sectioil2. � <br /> 2372D3 <br /> NFf3RASKA-Single Fumily-Fennla PA ne/Freddie h7ac UNIFOHM INST2UM ENT Form 302)0 1707 <br /> V M P O V M pa9e f 0�of 1�'% <br /> Woqers Kluwef Floonciul Servloos <br />