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201108345 <br /> for the iepairs and rescorntion in a singlo p�yment.or in a series of progress pti}nnents ps the woiic is <br /> coinpleted. If Yhe insuiance or oonde�nnaCion��rocceds arc not sufficienti to repair or restoxe the Pro��er�y, <br /> Borrower is uot relieved af Borrower's obligaCion fov thc completion o£such repnir ar restorAfion. <br /> Lender or its ngeut mny make reasonablc c��iries upon and ins�ections of the Properry. IP iu l�as reasonrxblc <br /> cause, Lendar may inspect the interior oP Che improvements on the Property. Lender sfiall give Borrowcr <br /> notico at tho tiine of or prior tio such an interior inspection specifying nuch reason�ble causa. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loan Appliea4ion. Borirower shall be in dePnulC if, duri�,g the Loui Ap��licaCiou process, <br /> Borrower or anypersons c�r cntities actin�;at the direction of'Borrower ot with Borrowc�'s lrnowledge or <br /> eonsenP gaue materially false, misleacling, or inaccw�ate information or sYatemente to Lender(or£ailed ta <br /> providc Lcndor with material infarma�tion) in connection w-ith the'Loau. Nlatcrial representations uiclude, but <br /> �re not limited to, reproeontatious co»cenung L�ormwer's oocupancy of the Property ae Brnrowe�•'s principal <br /> residence, <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights UncJer this Security Instrument. If(a) <br /> Bocrowee fails to perform Hie covenanfs and agrcements contained in this Security Inst�•umenC, (b) tl�ore is a <br /> 1eba1 proceeding fhak inight signifieantly afEeot Lender's inCerest in the Property�id/or rights tmder Clus <br /> Sectu'ity Iustnm�cnt(snch as o proceecling ui Uanlauptcy, probnte, for oonde�nnatron or forfeihue, Ior <br /> enforcement oP a lien which may attain priority over tlus Security Inst�vment ar to enforce laws or <br /> regulations), or (c) Borrower has abandoned Che ProperLy, thcn I,ender i�iay do and pay for whatever is <br /> rcasonabla ot appropriate Co proteot Lender's interest iu the Pro�er�y �md rights nnder this Security <br /> Insh�im2ent, inoluding protecting and/or assessing the velue of the Property, and secnring and/or repairing <br /> the Propexty. Lender's acCions can includo, but eu�e not limit�ed to: (a)paying�ny stims secured by a licn <br /> which lu�s priority over ttris Seci�rily Instrument; (b) appcaring in cow�t; and(c)paying reaeonable aftorneys' <br /> fees to protect ifs interest in the Property aud/or righYS uuder Sl�is Security fnsh•wnent, including its secured <br /> positioi7 in a baula'uptoy proceeding. Secw'ing tl�e Property inoludes, bu4 i�not limited to, enteriug tha <br /> Praperty fo make rcpairs, chanbe]ocks, replace or board up doors tuid windowe, drain water from pipes, <br /> aliminnte building or other oodaviolafions or de��gcr�jus condilious, and haua utilities turned on or oPP. <br /> A1tl�ough Lender inay take action ttnder thie Sectioii 9, Lender does no4 havc t� dn so and is noti under any <br /> duty or obligalion tio do sa lt is agreed th¢t Lender uiours no liability for not tt�king �ny or all actiions <br /> autF�orized tmder Uvs Section 9. <br /> Any amounEti disburhed by I,e�ider underthis Seclion 9 shall l�ecrnne additional debt of Borrowcr secm�ed by <br /> this Seonxity Inefi'unlent. Thesc amo�mts sha11 bear intere,9t at the NoYs rate t'rom the date of disburscment <br /> and stiall be payahle, with enoh inEetesC, upon votioo fi'om Le�ider to Borrower requesting�payment, <br /> Sf this Seenrity InsfnimenC ie on a lcaschold, lion�o��er sl�all com�ly wiUi all Yhe pro�viaions of the lease. Il' <br /> Borrower acquirea Pee tiCle to the Property, the leasehold and El�c fcc tit1e shall not merge Luiless Lender <br /> agreu5 to the ruerger in wriling. <br /> 10. M ortgage InsuPallce. IP Lendor rcq�iired Mortgage Insuranca as a eondition of making the Lo�n, Borrowec <br /> shall pay tha premiuuis eec�uired to maintnin the Mortg2ge Insurance in effect. lf, fbr any reason, Yhe <br /> Mortgage lnsurance cover�ge required by Lender ceasea fo Ue flunilal�le from �he mortgago insurer thai <br /> previousl5r providod eiwh insivance and Rorrower was required Co make separntely designatied payments <br /> toward the premi�rn�s for MorCgage Ii�euranco, $oProwcr el�eil1 pay Che pramiuins iequired to obtnin coverage <br /> substantially equivalent to the Mortgage Inaur�nce previously in offect, af a eost substantially equivalent ko <br /> t1�e cwt to,13orrower oP the MorEgaga Hisarance previously in efPeah, fi om an altci7�atc mortguge ivsurar <br /> selected Uy Lcndcr. [f suUstantially equivalenC Mortgage Insuruicu coverage ie not available, Bon�ower yhall <br /> ea�zoa <br /> NEBRA�SKA-Single Family-Fennie fdae/Freddle A7ec UNIFORA7 INSI RUtdENT Form 30L8 1/07 <br /> Vh1P O VMPB(NC)(11�5) <br /> Wniters I(luwer Finanr,lal5crvlcea Pagc 0 oF 17 <br />