<br /> tlll instu'ance polioies required by I,ender aud renewals of suoh policios s1�a11 Ue subJect to Lender's flght to
<br /> disapprove such policies, ehall inclndc n stanclazd morCgago olause, acid�hall name Lender as mortgagee
<br /> encUor as au additional loss payee. Lender shall have flie righti to hold the�olicies and renewal certificnCes. If
<br /> Lender reqiurc�, Rotrower shall promptly give to Lendcr all receipts of paid prenvunis and renewal notiees.
<br /> If'Bon•ower obtaine any form of insurauce coverage, not plherwise required by Lender, for datnage to, or
<br /> destructiion of, the Pxoperty, such policy shall inolude a etandard n�orCgage clause and sl�all nnme Lenelcr as
<br /> mortgagcc aocUor as au additional loss payco.
<br /> In thc cvent o£loes, Borrower ahall giva prompt notice to 11ie insurance carricr and Lender. Lender may
<br /> make�rooP of loes if not made�romptly Uy Borrower. Tlnless Lender and Borrower otl�crwise agree in
<br /> writing, any insuxanceprocccds, whetl�er or not the underlying insuranca was requu•ect by Le�idor, shall be
<br /> applicd to r�t��oration or repair of the Propec6y, if the restoraUOn or repnfr ie econoinically feasible and
<br /> Lender'F secur'r,ty is not lassened. Dt�ring auoh repair and reetoraUon period, Lender shall]iave tlie right to
<br /> hold auch ivauranco proceeds wrtil Lencler has had en opportuuity to inspeot such Property fo enstiue tlie
<br /> woriz has been oompletcd to I.ender's satisfaction, provided that s�ich inspection shall be undertalmn
<br /> proitiptly. Lender may disbnrse procoods for the repairs and restoracion in a single paymant or in a series of
<br /> progress��aymc�its as t'he work is completed. Unless an agreeinent is mnde in wriCing or Applicabla Law
<br /> raquires intereat to bc paid on such insurance proceeds, Lcndcr shall not be required to pay B�rxower any
<br /> interest or earnings on snoh procecds. T�'ees Eor public adjusters, or otlicr third paa'ties, retained by Borrowcr
<br /> shall not Ue paid out o£the insarance�rocceds and sh211 Ue tiia sole obligalion of Borrower. If'(1ie restoration
<br /> or repair ia nod cconomically feasible or Lender's secnrity�vould be lessened, the insuravice prooeeds sha11 be
<br /> applied to the snma securcd by thia Security Inattvment, whether or not then due, with the exoess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrower. Such insurance prooeeds sl�all Ue applied in the order provided for iu Sectiari 2.
<br /> If Borrower abandor�s che Propcnty, l;ender may File, negotiate and ecttle auy auailabla ineuranoe clnim and
<br /> rclated matters, I£Borrower does not respond within 30 daya to a notice fi-om Lcn�der tl�at Uie ivstu�wce
<br /> carrier has ofFered to setitle a claim, then Lender v�ay negotiate ancl settle the olaim. 'Tho 30-day period will
<br /> bogin when lhe noticc is giveu. In eiUiar event, ar if Lencler acquires the Proparty under Seotion 22 or
<br /> otherwise, Boirower hereby nssigns to l.ender (a} Borrower's xights eo any iilsurance proceeds in an an�ount
<br /> noC Co oxcced the amouaitis tiuipeid under lhe Notc or{his Sectiu'ity IneY�•ument, and(b)any other of
<br /> Borrower's righl�s (otl�cr than the right to auy refuncl of miearned preminms paid by Borrawe��)uuder all
<br /> insurance policies covering the ProperCy, ineofar as such rSghts are apWlicable to lhe coot�a�e of the
<br /> Property. Lender rnay ttse the iiism ance proceeda eiH�er Co rcpair or restiore the Property or ko pay amouuts
<br /> unpaid under Ehe NoCe or tihis Sectiuity Histrument, whether or noC tl�c�� due.
<br /> 8. OCGUpancy. Bo�rowcr shall occnpy, asYablish, nud use ChaPropc�ty ae Borrower's pxinoipel reside��ce
<br /> wiChin 60 dnys after the exeoutinn of this Seca�iY�y Instrument and shall oontinne to occupy the Propex[y as
<br /> Borrowcr's priiicipal residence far nt leasC one year aftar tha date of ocoupancy, euflcss Le��der otherwise
<br /> 2grees in writing, wliic1i couseut shall not be iimeasonably witl�he7d, or unlaes exYennnting circumstances
<br /> exist which Tre beyond Borrower'a control,
<br /> 7. Preservation, Mafntenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrowar shall not des�roy,
<br /> ciamage or impair tlie Property,allow Clie P�roperty to detiertorake or comnut wasfo on the Property. Whether
<br /> or noC Borrowcr is residing in the Property, Bor�•o�ver sl�all maintain tlie Propetty in order lo prcvent flie
<br /> Property fi�om deCerioratii�g c�r decrensing iu value due to its cond'+tion. Onlese it is deteiv�inedpursuant to
<br /> Sectton 5 that repeir or resCoration is not econonilcally fe�sible, Borruwcr sl�nll prompCly repair the PinperCy
<br /> if damaged ta avoid furYher detexioralion or damage. If instuance or condeuuialion proceeds are paid iu
<br /> cormecCion with dama�*e to, or tl�e taking of, Che Property, Rorrowes•shall be respoiLSible for repairin�;or
<br /> restoring the Property�nly if i,ender has relensed proceeds Por such purposes. Lender inny dishursc proceeds
<br /> 231203
<br /> NEBRA8KA-Single fam Ily-Fannle M aelFretlUie M ec UNIFORM INBTRUM ENT Porm 3028 1 f07
<br /> VM P Q VM P6�NF)(1'1051
<br /> 1'Jolters ICluwer Financial Servlces Page Y oi 17
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