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201108345 <br /> required Uy RESPA, and Borruwor shall pay to Lender the an�ount uocessary to niake up the defioiency in <br /> aocord�nca with I2�SPA, but in no morc than 12 inonthly paymenta. <br /> Upon paymenY in full of a11 aums eccured by this Security InatrumenC, Londer shall prompYly refund Co <br /> 13orrower ang Funda held by Zender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower ahall pay a11 taxes, assassments, ohaxges, frnes, and impositions ntEriUutaUlo to <br /> El�e I?roperty whioh oan attanr priorily ovc��thia Security Instrument, leneehold payinents or ground rents on <br /> the Properfy, if any, and Cominunity Asaooi�tioi�llucs, Faes, a�id Assessmaula, if xny. 'Co Uie extent that <br /> these item�are L+serc�w Iticn��a, Borrower st�all pay them in th�manner provided in Section 3. <br /> Borrower sh�ll promptly�dischaa�ge uiy lien which hes priority over t1�is Security Tnshmnent unlass <br /> Bon�ower: (a) agrees In txn�iting to the payn�enC of the obligation secw•ed 6y Che]icn in a maimes� acoeptable <br /> to Lender, hut only so long as Borrower is perfornvng such dgree�nent; (U) ooutesta hlie]ien in good faitih by, <br /> or defends agninet enfurccmcnt of the liefi in, legal prooeedings which in Lender's opinion operate Co prevent <br /> the euforoement af the Iien while those proceedings are pending, but only uritil such proceedings are <br /> conchtded; or (c) secures fiom the liolder of tUe liev an agreement eatisfaotory Eo Lender suUordinatin�the <br /> licn {o fliis SecuriCy SnstrtunenY. Sf Lender deuormines that airy parC of flie Property is subjwt to s lie�i whioh <br /> can 1Ltain piiority ovar fhis SecuriCy Insa�ument, Lender n�ay give Rorrower a noYice idenCifying flie]ien, <br /> Within 10 days ot'fhe datc on which that notice is given, Borrower el�all satisfy the lien or t�ke one or morc <br /> of 11ie actions set forth nbove in fliis Section 4. <br /> Iznder may require Borrower fo pay a ono-fiiue cl�arge for a real estiate tax verifiottrion and/or reporting <br /> acrvicc tiieed by Lender in conuection with this Lo�n. <br /> 5. Property InsUranee. Borrower shnll keep fhe iuiprovcnnents now existing or herenfter erecCed�n tha <br /> Property insured against loss Uy fire, hnzards inoluded wiChiu tUc tcnn "extendad coverage," nnd any other <br /> hazards inohtciiiig, Uuf vot lin�ited to, earUiqualces and floods, for��luch Lender requires insurenee. This <br /> instteance shall be mainteined 'ni Chc amounts�including deductil�le levela) and for the pe�iods that Lcneler <br /> roquires. What Lender requires pursuanC CQ hhe prcccdir�b sentences cau chtuige during the Cerm �f Yhe Loan. <br /> The insurzmco carrier providiug tl�e iusurance shnll Ue chose��Uy Borrower suUjeet to Lander's righC to <br /> disapprove Borrower'e choicc, wl�ich right sha11 uot be exercised unreaaoiiahly. Londer may requira <br /> Borrower Co pay, in connection with tl�is Loan, ctither: (a)�a on�time oharge for flood zono dotcrinhiation, <br /> cerCific�tion and tracking seivicos, or (U) a one-time oharge for flood zone deYcrn�ination and certification <br /> services �ud subsequent chargea each [iuie reni�ppings�or similar chtmg�es occur wl�iich reaeon�bly might <br /> aPfecL such dctermination or certification. Borrower shall also bc responsible 'Por flie p�}nnant of any fccs <br /> imposed by Ch�P'ec{er�l Emorgenoy MauageinenY Agency in coimec6ion with the review oF auy flood zone <br /> detennination resulting fi•am an ol�jection Uy Rorrower. <br /> If Borrower fails to maintain any of the coverages described nhove, Lender may oUtain insuranee cover�ge, <br /> at Lender's option and Borrower's expense. Lendor is under no obligation to purchase any particulea type or <br /> atnount of coverage. T(ierefore, such coverage ahall cover Lende��, Unt miglrt or might nof proCect Borrower, <br /> Borrower's eqidty in lhe Propc�'ty, or the coutents of Yhe Property, againeY any risl<, haz��d or liability and <br /> inight provide greater or]esser coverage than was previously iii effect. Borrower ackunwledges fhat the cost <br /> of tihc insuraaoe coverage so obPained might aigni��icantly oxcccd t1�e cost oP insurnnoe that Borrower conld <br /> have obtained. Ai�y amountA disbw�sed by Lendor under ttris SeoCion 5 rl�all becoine additioi5al debt of <br /> Borrower aecured by this Security I�ietrume��t. These nmouuts sha11 benr inCerest at tho Note rate&om the <br /> dxte of clisUtu'aement uid shatll Ue pnynble, wiCl�sucl� ii�terest, upon uoCice fi�om Lender Co BorroWer <br /> reqticsting pa�nent. <br /> zs�zaa <br /> NEBR0.51(A-Single Fam Ily-Fannlo M aelFreddlo M oo UNIFORM INSTRUM FN'I' Form 3020 1/01 <br /> VM P O� VM P6(NE)(7 7 O51 <br /> W oltere Kluw er Flnanolal 3ervloes. Page e of 7 7 <br />
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